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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Sure. No doubt there is a selection effect at work here. My point is that it seems easier to find these superdicks without the need for a nationwide search.
  2. IMO, the Volt is a great car with poor timing. I would love to have one if... One thing I do not do is beta testing. I never buy the latest gadget or model of anything. I prefer to wait a year or two of public testing before I can decide on the efficacy and reliability of the item. This is new technology critically dependent on battery technology. They are expensive and the heart of the car. It needs to be road tested and time tested before I buy. Second, I cannot afford the price tag now that I have retired. Neither of these makes the car a failure as there are many who have to have the latest gadget and the deep pockets to buy it. It's lackluster performance is due to one simple fact IMO -- best summed up with Bear-Stearns and Lehmann. The Great Recession killed demand for this car. It would have been a screaming sales success with $5/gal gasoline. We were at that threshold when the crash occurred. China and India were gobbling up oil resources as fast as they could competing with the active economies in the U.S. and Western Europe for oil resources. The crash killed that demand. It will return and with it $5/ gal gas and more. People will be standing in line for this type of car. Hopefully the Volt will have moved the technology along when that happens.
  3. If Kinsey is to be believed with the modern day ubiquitous male nudity abounding on the internet, it looks like penis size may be growing, no pun intended. I believe he gave 5" - 5.5" as the average. While I suspect many still wield that stat, given the number of cocks that exceed that by a significant margin many a pigmy would be needed to hold to that average. Maybe it is something peculiar to the Italian water? I know that Quebec water is not so tainted.
  4. OMG, they are everywhere!!
  5. I already have. May I suggest donations be considered for Bachman's Dem opponent, Jim Graves. The race is tightening and I have to hope that an Obama surge will carry Graves over the line. I pasted a link for info and contributions. http://www.huffingto..._n_1889957.html https://secure.actbl...,1000&amount=25 Also worthy of consideration are NH Dem candidates for the House: Carol Shea-Porter and Annie Kuster, both in a good position to unseat GOP incumbents. The GOP pacs are spending to hold these seats and the Dems need some cash. Lots of Medicare seniors give Obama a good chance to carry NH. If these women stay close to their opponents then I believe the Obama coat tails and Medicare will do the rest. Shea-Porter was unseated in 2010 in the Tea Party/anti Health Care wave and Kuster lost a close race. http://www.sheaporter.com/ http://kusterforcongress.com/ I have had enough of the Tea Party crazies so I'm contributing to selected close races around country where I believe there is a good chance to unseat them -- Senate and House. I'd like to help defeat Steve King/Iowa and a handful of GOP TX crazies but I just don't think there is a real chance to affect those outcomes.
  6. If you haven't noticed, the apertures are collocated next to each other, cheek-to-jowl some might say. Very easy to slip from one to the other without making a new approach.
  7. I failed this test miserably. Counting recognized names and faces and even possible vague recognition of faces, I don't even use all the fingers on one hand. Guess my head was elsewhere. Barry Watson would have been my kind of guy then, not so much now.
  8. What he 'meant' is open for intrepretation. Whether he was writing off the 47% in the election or as a concern central to his governing principles, you decide. I tend to give peoples actions more weight than I give their words -- written or spoken. Especially when those words are tailored to the audience so specifically as to say different things to different crowds or at different times. I have not read the Romney book but I did see him up close as a Governor and I'm generally familiar with his tenure at Bain. I believe him to be a caring compassionate deeply flawed man. Caring and compassionate on a personal level with those he comes into contact in everyday life, much of it insular as his is. Cold and calculating with regard to those far removed from his personal sphere. As a Mormon he is charitable and very open to helping his fellow man. As a business man he is Harry Lime incarnate who uses law rather than skirts it. Harry Lime was a central character in the 1949 move: The Third Man played by Orson Wells. He was a petty crook in post war Europe who stole and cut penicillin with water and sold in on the black market at the expense of many lives. When asked by Joseph Cotton why he did this, while they were sitting on top of a Ferris Wheel in an amusement park, Harry Lime said "to make money". When asked how he could harm so many people he remarked that the people below looked just like ants, worthy of no more concern. When Mitt sits high atop Bain he sees the employees of his companies as not ants, exactly, but as beans - worthy of no more concern. That us how one can put a company into bankruptcy after stripping it of tens and hundreds of milions of dollars in pension funds and walk way fat and happy -- time and again. If one doesn't think he'll bring this bean vision perspective to his Presidency should he win then people are ignoring his record of actions. Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, college loans, education support, etc. will be cut deeply if not eliminated, if he can get away with it. A GOP Congress would fall all over themselves to assist in the dismantling of The New Deal and The Great Society programs. All the while being a warm compassionate friend to all those in his circle at the West Wing and at his church.
  9. Outstanding! Thanks for taking the time to share Tomcal's adventures with us. Guaranteed to keep the burning desire for members to travel well stoked.
  10. TampaYankee

    I'm not gay

    Charlie, you are not alone. I share a similar 'diversity' of attributes even if individual specifics differ here and there. So have others I have met through these boards. All kinds make up a community. As for the American culture desire to put everything in a category, if not a box. Well, that goes with seeing EVERYTHING as a horse race of winners and losers and identifying who is 'number one' in some vacuous category or sense. Being number 2 just doesn't matter, even if in field of thousands. Who, other than a sports minutia nut, can name a number two in the Boston Marathon? Nobody cares in this culture.
  11. "Up front about it?" Honest? Hardly. This was a closed meeting with his biggest money supporters. It was NOT meant for public consumption. Everything that Romney says in public is general, not specific, and tailored to the audience which is in front ofhim. Your idea of 'up front and honest about it' doesn't jibe with my idea of up front and honest. Just sayin'. No matter how much lip stick one puts on a pig it cannot make it something it ain't. Some sales just cannot be made.
  12. It would appear, more accurately, this picture is worth $100 or maybe six.
  13. Premise looks like a great movie or miniseries. However, these types of intense, high energy, fast moving, plots do not lend themselves to a plodding weekly soap opera format IMO. I suspect this won't make it past 13 weeks if that.
  14. 12is12, Always appreciate feedback on travel excursions. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Happy Birthday and many happy returns, Oliver.
  16. LOL.... Rush is such an amusing figure of fun when he is not spewing hate and lies.
  17. I've been waiting of Bebe to drop this shoe. I knew it was coming. With Romney tanking now I guess he figured it was now or never. His opposition has openly accused him of open meddling in our election to influence the outcome. Back on this side of the pond, the Romney team shot itself in the foot rushing out a statement on Obama sympathizing with those who killed our Ambassador in Libya. Afterward, they went silent, now waiting for Mitt to walk it back this AM.
  18. TampaYankee


    No. However, I'm not up for reliving it through film or video or a big production but I think it worthy of recognizing and remembering those who died, those who helped the survivors and those who perpetrated the act.
  19. Well, they left out the most important piece of evidence bearing on the issue. The Bible passage in Leviticus did not burst into open flames. With all the bibles in this country the light would have been blinding. Another revelation of ignorant bigots to be what they are.
  20. I'm surprised and even a bit horrified that Germany with its history would step up to enforce state mandated edicts on the heart of the Jewish culture. They did this once not so long ago and got a real world-wide black eye for it. I'm surprised they are stepping up to try again. Personally, I favor not cutting male infants but it is central to some cultures and I favor not stepping on cultural identity, up to a point.
  21. Candy corn is just dandy corn. I love it. It is pure, inexpensive sweet tooth decadence.
  22. New Spin on Erectile Dysfunction Drugs: Spider Toxin Due to copyright restrictions see article at: http://news.yahoo.com/spin-erectile-dysfunction-drugs-spider-toxin-171122079.html
  23. As usual, you are not missing anything. The electoral college is the game lest we forget the Constitution and the 2000 Bush/Gore race. The news hypes the neck and neck race because the American culture sees everything as a simple horse race even if it is not. News is also more in the market of selling controversy than informing the public. It is all about ratings and circulation. If you haven't noticed, the entire media sphere has moved in the direction of tabloid journalism no matter what trappings they hang to obscure that fact. Murdoch has had a profound and deleterious effect on journalism. Bill Paley and Edward R Murrow wouldn't recognize the landscape these days beyond the superficial trappings.
  24. The Electoral College is definitely constitutional. The only way to make it not so is either through an amendment or by way of an eraser.
  25. I have no idea unless it is race. You don't have to be an overt racist to fear that you are becoming a minority and know there are racists out there of all stripes. I have no other rational reason if people understand, as I do, that this election is no less than a referendum on The New Deal and The Great Society. This country would be completely different without them. The fallout would be the decline of the middle class. That is a pretty stark choice.
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