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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. That shows you how out of touch these people really are, how religio-centric they are and the weight they place on real patriotism.
  2. Oz, does this mean that photos uploaded but not showing before are fixed or only new photos going forward??
  3. Not sure if the basic s/w permits. Will check. For now just send PM to me and i will edit for you. TY If this is not a current feature that we can turn on then it will have to wait until the dust settles down before we consider a change.
  4. I'm not well suited to make this assessment for most of these men although all are very fit. Of the group the only one I feel really comfortable beyond any doubt with being in the all-time greatest list is Bruce Lee -- maybe the greatest drug-free, all around physical athlete, pound for pound. Some of the others may belong too, I'm just not up enough on their qualifications versus other greats.
  5. How about I give you the five newest people everday. That will get old fast. We are in the eye candy business as well as the profile listing business. And thanks for your patience, it is comforting. Anyone who has built software knows there is a shake out period to identify and smooth out remaining issues. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. I worked in software development for 35 years. There comes a point when you can continue to stroke and refine a design package by kicking the tires in the lab all you want but the best shakeout is obtained when you put it on the road. That is where the software 'design' turns into a fully functional package. You have been critical of the new development from day one. That is fine. We appreciate constructive feedback, even if a little acerbic in tone. But you have made a habit of chiming in with pissy comments that no longer serve a constructive purpose. If you do not like the new system or can't abide a break in period then take a hike. Oz would never be so blunt. For better or worse I'm a little more like Uncle Joe, I call a spade a spade and an asshole an asshole. Please do not let this go over your head. Have a nice day. One final sentiment. You have been shown the door under several previous screen names in the past. Take the hint.
  6. I think Oz and the software team has done a wonderful job with the new site. It looks great and it is so much faster than the old site and that goes for the admin software you guys never see. In addition to speed there are some new conveniences useful for day to day site management and maintenance, including selection of our Featured Persons. Congrats to Oz and the S/W Team.
  7. Alive and well, stuck in the bowels of the Politics Forum. Will reemerge if and when Obama wins, else I'm being sent to Devil's Island buy the new regime.
  8. That this country is so totally fucked up is verified by this election. That this race could be soooo close is proof positive that this country is full of harsh (extreme) ideologues and a multitude of everyday functioning idiots. There is one other class to include as well: those who expect they can rake in significant personal gain with a Romney administration -- the One Percent. For any self-respecting person to accept/overlook the blatant lies and obvious smoke and mirrors Romney peddles doesn't care about a President with ethics and integrity and ANY believably legitimate concrete plans and doesn't place much value in the truth. Which begs the question: How can they believe anything this guy says and bet their future on it. If this guy wins there are going to be a lot more people in for a rude awakening than just Dems. Tune in next time and I'll tell you what I really think.
  9. MSGuy, You're much better looking than you sound!!
  10. I appreciate your point and it needs to be played upon. But deciding to shoot yourself in the foot because you don't want to look to be too far ahead -- well, that is just stoooopid because you are now limping to the finish line.
  11. Put simply, I have been livid with rage since Obama failed to come off of the starting blocks in the first debate. Too enraged to piss and moan publicly about it to anyone -- until now. The kind of seething rage that words are incapable of communicating alone without the addition of physical violence on objects. I said that this race was over barring a catastrophe. That it was Obama's too lose. Well, he made a grand attempt to accomplish that feat. For the life of me I cannot understand it or the man but it his a hallmark of his campaign and management styles. He would manage to let Hillary back in the primary when he had here on the ropes, time and time again. He let the Health Care debate languish and hang on interminably, all the while allowing the GOP to beat the drums of their message in the country side. He fiddle-farted waiting for bipartisan support while Kennedy died, losing the Senate majority. To the positive he plays a long game and manages to pull rabbits out at the end. However, is this game long enough to get to the rabbit? His entire presidential career has been marked by either the inability or unwillingness to invoke a killer instinct. He could have put Romney away in that debate and ensured a confident Senate majority and a realistic, if long, shot at taking back the House. Those gains come with coat tails. That comes with a strong candidate that puts his opponent away when the opportunity arises. Not taking anything away from Romney. He performed well and did what he needed to do. He was bound to rise in the polls just by sharing the stage and he did much more than that. However, his 'victory' was accentuated by a listless, less engaged Obama, standing there staring at the floor. The visual was devastating. IMO Obama had the arguments, but then I agree with him. Romney was still selling soap with vague promises of a better tomorrow -talking fast in the style of a used car salesman. But in contrast even that looked good. Boiling it down the the visuals sent to the nation the messages: Romney really wanted to be President, Obama was making himself available for a second term. Whether the damage is permanent is arguable. I think it is. Obama may still win. Probably will still win, unless he has a second fail. It is certainly possible. I'm not headily confident by any means. But even if he does win his margin will be less, affecting down ticket races here and there across the country. When you need every Senator and House member you can get, margins matter. That is permanent damage if you count permanent in two and six year cycles. I'm still pissed but I can talk about it now anyway without breaking my computer.
  12. November 7th Though their agendas are hidden, both Romney and Obama have plans to dramatically remake the size and character of American government. Very, very quickly. By Jonathan Chait Published Oct 14, 2012 Read the entire article here: http://nymag.com/new...-plans-2012-10/ A VERY informative read on what might be expected after the election. Highly recommended.
  13. Never tried any independents?
  14. Not to throw cold water on your warm appreciation of how far gay rights and acceptance has come or on the unfortunate fact that many 20-somethings do not appreciate that distance traveled but... Justice Scalia was commenting a few days back how he is an Originalist when it comes to interpreting the constitution. That is, he applies exactly what was written in the context of the time they were written and it is improper to interpret those words in any present day context. As two examples of many, he pointed out that it is a no-brainer that anti-sodomy laws are constitutional and that Roe v Wade is not. He seemed just itching to right many wrongs once a clear conservative court, free of swing votes, is at hand. Just to point out that rights that have been attained over the last four decades can disappear in one decade when six conservative old white men are sitting on the court -- maybe even five.
  15. If the GOP doesn't take the Senate (and I doubt they will) then they will have a soul searching next two years to determine the future of their party. The right wingers will triple down come hell or high water. They are true believers, as in fanatics, and honestly believe that the country wants to roll back Health Care, Medicare, Social Security, women's rights, and purge science from the classrooms and government policy making. The GOP establishment knows that isn't going to sell. They relearned what most of them already knew -- that people want their Medicare and Social Security left alone. Women want their rights and prerogatives left alone. The GOP has learned first hand that lying about 'killer modifications' dressing them up in sheeps clothing doesn't get past the smell test. The GOP 'establishment' will have to regain control of the party by whatever means they can or face extinction. They are bitter that the Tea Party wackos have cost them control of the Senate in 2010 and 2012, not to mention the Presidency in 2012. If the GOP wants to be a real contender then they have to swap out the far right wingers for moderates that can give the party appeal to the middle, seeking moderate candidates and funding them to the hilt. They will have the money. It will be interesting to see if money and strategy can take the Party back in the 2014 primaries. There is one other option. They can continue obstructionism until they loose all effectiveness as political instrument or run the country into the ditch literally and then preside over what remains at that time. That may satisfy their ideology but likely not their pocket books. The First Principle of Big Money is: Preserve Thyself.
  16. TampaYankee


    I suspect one couldn't make a proper determination without sitting on it first.
  17. TampaYankee


    Many of these movie moguls/studios bury their money for business profit sharing reasons. Who knows.
  18. Last Resort is definitely a movie or miniseries vehicle. Not sure how it will weather a full season. The comments I made about Revolution a while back were intended for this show. I was confused, sadly not for the first time. Elementary is two thumbs up for the stars and writing. Love the show. Sound was muddy and difficult to understand. Two thumbs down for tech aspect.
  19. Deja vus... all over again.
  20. Two points: 1. I believe you paint society with too broad a brush. 2. P.T. Barnum said it best...
  21. That is what the newspaper headlnes will read on the morning of November 7th. That is barring an unforseen catastrophe or external event imposing itself in the intervening days before the election. This cake is baked! Mitt Romney cannot win. Stick a fork in him, he's done. There is nothing he can do to change his fortunes. People know him and do not like him -- even the Republicans. Maybe, most of all, the Rebublicans. The people do not identify with him or his values. The 47% tape cooked his goose for once and for all. Everyone believes that we have a national election on November 6th to elect a President and Vice President. The media -- all of the media -- perpertuates this falsehood, probably because they seek to portray everything as a horse race or high school Senior Class Election. The truth is that we are a Federated Repubic consisting of fifty separate states mandated that each shall hold a presidential election every four years on the first Tuesday of November. Each state shall select Electors based on the outcome of each individual state election and send those electors to Washington to cast their state votes for President. Each state is alotted an elector for each congressional seat that state possesses. On this day Nate Greenberg of FiveThirtyEight.com predicts the Electoral College vote to be Obama 320 / Romney 218. That is a landslide no matter how you slice it. That ratio has held fixed more or less for a few weeks now. It is not likely to change barring outside influences. If all of this unfolds the GOP no doubt will deny that this is a landslide election. They believe in States-RIghts oriented viewpoints only when it suits them. I have felt the election was uncertain yet leaning for Obama since the conventions. Today, I woke up with no feelings of uncertainty. The cues I take for that determination do not come from the Obama camp. They come from the Romney camp flailing at every turn, grasping at straws and throwing obscure minutia against the walls to see if anything might stick. And from many others in the GOP, candidates and operatives, that are getting daylight between themselves and Romney. They don't want their race or reputation going down the drain with Romney. I'm confident that if the election were held to day Obama would win convincingly. I do not think Romney can affect the outcome. Neither does the GOP, behind closed doors. That leaves only unforseen external influences that could affect the outcome. That is how I see it today.
  22. Stay with a state chartered or regional bank and away from the big boys whose business model is to screw you. Check out any credit unions in your area too.
  23. A lot of work to compile and a nice detailed listing of the madness. Ought to be mandatory reading, and yes, the other side should compile its list too. We could do with less madness on both sides even if one side seems to be epidemic presently.
  24. Damn!! Another one. His voice was sweeter than wine. '(
  25. Two points: 1. Cannot fault GM for failing to predict a chaotic event. If we shot those who did that then government and Wall St would be ghost towns. As for the Fusion, wanted to buy one of those except for the same two points discussed above. I did get the standard model. Best car I have ever owned -- domestic or foreign.
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