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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. This observation, equating public nudity with roof rot, mold and lead-based paints may do more to stamp out public nudity world-wide than any stroller mom bitching to her Supervisor. LOL
  2. There is something to be said for "No Shirts, No Shoes, No Service" Now we just have to add "No Pants" between Shoes and Service. As for beaches or sections in parks etc, let them all hang out if they wish. I will say that nudity does not show most people off in their best light... so to speak. If you've got it then flaunt it, if you don't then stow it.
  3. Sorry to see the Last Resort get the axe although I too worried how it could sustain suspense and tension without devolving into an insipid soap opera. I thought they managed fairly well so far but I suspect 13 episodes might be about the limit. I hope they can write a suitable ending to tie things up. Much less successful avoiding the slide into soap-opera-dom has been Revolution IMO. It has gotten really sidetracked into never ending minutia. During this last episode, I turned it off in mid-stride and pronounced 'enough'. I cancelled it without waiting for the network.
  4. The union decided to sacrifice that 18000 jobs rather than establish a precedent that might affect several other unionized companies. It's shit like this that gives unions a bad name.
  5. If they live through child birth then women mostly outlive men. Consider her at 70 to be on par with men in their early to mid sixties. The dumb GOP doesn't realize that when the go after cuts to medicare they are going after women again. They are the majority of recipients, outliving their male counterparts.
  6. Thanks for sharing that link. It puts in concrete terms much of the view I have come to about American Democracy having the best government that money can buy.
  7. Leopards don't change their spots even though they try as they lie. The only two times he's been honest and authentic in this election were in the two private meetings/call with donors. They say more about him than anyone else ever could. Mr 47% leaves as he entered. Good riddens!
  8. Fortunately we don't have to worry this for two years. I for one welcome a break from electoral politics. If she should run, I'd support her. She has earned my trust and support as Sec. of State.
  9. Everybody that doesn't wish to be embarrassed by association with America's biggest joke and clown should dump Donald. On the other hand, maybe they think a rank 'side show' would be beneficial to increased traffic. It is a trade to be evaluated: tarnished image for increased traffic. Macy's has slid in 'class' over the last couple of decades. Maybe this fits in.
  10. Oz actually comes from east of those plains, his shoes notwithstanding. Nevertheless, he grew up in the Bible Belt and knows first-hand that what I speak is not without merit. As another piece of evidence that many of our fundamentalists are not that different from those in the Middle East, consider what the GOP and it's base tried to do to women in this last election -- nothing short of preventing women from controlling their own lives, bodies and reproduction choices. Sure, their intolerance was embedded in western culture which doesn't have the same sharp edges as the east. But the spirit of subjugation was there just the same. The same certainly holds for homosexuals too. Such are the 'enlightened readers' of Leviticus.
  11. This smells like more right wing wacko conspiracy theory to me and doesn't seem to mesh with the details that have been reported to date. As for Plouffe and Axlerod turning in their beds every night worrying how to elect the next yet-to-be-determined Dem Presidential contender, well that seems a bit conspiratorial to me too. I suspect their campaigning days are over as they write their memoirs and play the Grand Poo-Bahs of the Dem Campaign establishment, dispensing strategy and tactics to younger turks who will take over the front lines. Each generation fights it's own war. After all, these men do deserve to have private lives too -- at least I suspect they think so.
  12. Reality check!! Try that in the Town Square of a small Kansas town. I pick on Kansas not because it is the only state, just a good example of the Heartland which tries to push Creationism in the schools as they push Science and inconvenient History out. You could name Texas or Nebraska or... I'm not indicting everyone in those states but there are plenty to hold blasphemy 'fire side chats' and elect politicians who attempt to act to remove 'undesirable influences' from the school curriculum.
  13. Some hair would help IMO. When I see a shaved white head I'm reminded of 'The Borg'. I've never had a fetish for mannequins or machines.
  14. As I reflect on it, a more accurate description of the 'cum rockets' would be 'cum ropes' rocketing into the wall.
  15. Only with college friends that, ironically, I didn't meet in school.
  16. I'm sure he will be welcomed back in a big way.
  17. Unfortunately, my entry for the best cum shot photo is emblazoned only in my mind's eye as I recall the cum rockets Alec Martinez sent splattering into a wall half way across the room. They were phenomenal. I'd never seen anything like it before or since in photo, video or real life. He must have been storing up a load over an extended interval. He was a fantastic kisser too!! He was my second hire ever and my second time with a man.
  18. Happy Birthday lurker.
  19. This really is an EC landslide. Even more deflating to the GOP is the failure to retake Senate and worse lose seats. Yet they keep the same leadership and promote failures higher. They are deaf, dumb and blind and can't play pinball, mean or otherwise. Tranlsation: no positive talents, only obstructionism.
  20. Used to but I'm past most cooking these days. Just do not have the legs for it.
  21. True, but it would have been greeted as one person's opinion about his persepctive. After the loss it takes on the perspective of a very rational explanation for what happened in fact -- what the right did to themselves and their own blindness to it. That doesn't change the message, only how it is greeted.
  22. It is fixed.
  23. An excellent analysis of how the GOP got itself to where it is. A highly recommended read. Enjoy... How Conservative Media Lost to the MSM and Failed the Rank and File By CONOR FRIEDERSDORF - Conor Friedersdorf is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs. He lives in Venice, California, and is the founding editor ofThe Best of Journalism, a newsletter devoted to exceptional nonfiction. See the article here: http://www.theatlant...nd-file/264855/
  24. TampaYankee

    Too much?

    Well, at least they are all smiling. (in the last photo anyway)
  25. Yeah, not enough!!
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