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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. your fantasy with the help of photoshop and a nice anonymous dick. Enjoy.
  2. With drawn butter please.
  3. In this case he may have married an Indian, as in native american, although the could have had the indian heritage himself considering his early American heritage. Just know that he fell out of the clan and shows in Nashville 1850 census, later showing in Fulton. Also, one of his sons, my gr.grandfather was contacted by the Feds in the 1920s regarding availability of land on a OK Reservation if he wanted it.
  4. KY is littered with the remains of my ancestors, mostly Bourbon Co, going all the way back to 1705 when it was still part of Virginia. Some of them were land-wealthy having settled the area. My gr.gr.grandfather was a stone mason in Fulton -- not so wealthy. I suspect he may have been a black sheep.
  5. Pols and Big Business no doubt. That is the American Way. We have the best government that money can buy -- pick your party. The media? You given them too much credit. They spend most of their time chasing phantom scandals, teaparty antics and grizzly moms, and sex or blood anywhere they can find it. All of 'em want to be Woodward or Bernstein but rather than do the tedious and painstaking gumshoe work, they spend their time trying to trick principles into making public mistakes with the 'have you stopped beating your wife' questions or trying to set them up after putting words in the principle's mouths. The few outlets that have much of a news act cannot be everywhere all of the time. And they dilute their product too chasing the crazies on parade. Have you noticed the about-face by Fox on immigration? The movers and shakers of the Republican establishment i.e. big contributors and Chamber of Commerce let it be known to Roger Ailes that immigration reform must happen if there is to be a viable GOP in the future. He got onboard because he knows where is bread is buttered.
  6. Are you talking about the entire Yahoo or just the email pages? Every now and then, when download throughput is slow, I'm asked if I wish to revert to classic yahoo email (it loads faster). Also, on other rare occasions I have stumbled on a button to revert to classic yahoo. They try to hide it and they do a good job of it but I suspect it lurks somewhere if for no other reason than they probably keep it as a backup incase the new software ever shits the bed.
  7. Of course, demonstrations are always localized, or almost so. That was true in Egypt when they brought the government down. It is true at most G8 meetings. Yet they can have power effect as Egypt showed. Not saying anything that severe will happen in BZ. But these things often do seem to have effect as recent comments from the government at least pay lip service to. The question is: Why are these demonstrations happening now? It doesn't appear to be agenda-driven groups like eco-terrorists, or the political opposition as far as I can tell so far. It seems to be rooted in a poor domestic economy and govt resources going to so many extra governmental activities like the olympics and soccer world cup while domestic spending suffers. At least that has been my take from very limited exposure at a very far distance. If this is not the case then the questions remain: Why and Why now? And it is always true that events like these do make good headlines and that too puts the government under pressure. Take a look at the HUFFPO banner this am....
  8. Thanks for your reporting about that and all of your other contributions. It is invaluable to have eyes and ears on the ground in a favored destination like that. Never having been there myself and far removed from their news I had no ideas thing had turned so drastically from the Lula days. This shocked me too. I thought only Americans could take a robust deficit-free economy and turn it into a deficit choked stagnant economy while digging a debt hole half-way to China. I do not know how bad things actually are down there to make an accurate comparison but it is clear that they need to do something to straighten their affairs out.
  9. Maybe true unless you have to negotiate money.
  10. Weirdest Laws in Thailand By Roger | August 25th, 2008 Some might argue that all laws are a little strange, but I think just about anyone would be hard-pressed to argue with these – they’re some of the weirdest laws in Thailand. Now, I should mention that I have no idea whether these laws are actually still on the books at the current time, or whether they’re really enforced even if they are… But they’re pretty amusing, and the fact that they were once laws at all makes them worth sharing, even if they’re not something you should worry about today! It’s illegal to step on any of the Thai currency. Just for a laugh, I’d like to see someone throw a handful of Thai coins onto the sidewalk during rush hour and see what happens. Do the locals scatter like pigeons in order to avoid stepping on the coinage, or do they dive to collect it before you can? It’s against the law to leave your house in Thailand if you’re not wearing underwear. Every mother who has ever admonished her child to not leave the house without clean underwear will at least be partially pleased by this law. If only there were some stipulation about the cleanliness of said underwear here, every mother would send her children to Thailand to have the rule ingrained in their heads. It’s illegal to drive a car in Thailand if you’re not wearing a shirt. So, the Thai courts obviously have a thing about how their citizens are clothed. First we have the no-leaving-the-house-without-underwear law, and now this one. I can see how at least with this law it’d be easy to see the violators. With the underwear one, I’m not sure I’d want that job. Underwear checker? Nah, I’ll pass. It’s against the law to throw used chewing gum onto the sidewalk in Thailand, and you’ll be fined $600 if you’re caught. If you don’t pay, you’ll be thrown in jail. I’m all for a government that actively discourages discarding gum on the sidewalks. I mean, who hasn’t had to scrape gum off at least one pair of shoes at least once in their lives? But getting fined $600 for doing it, and jailed if you don’t pay… Well, that seems a bit extreme even to me. So, folks, what this means is that if you’re going to Thailand, make sure you always wear underwear when you’re outside, dispose of used gum in the proper trash recepticle, keep your feet off the Thai money, and keep your shirt on whle you’re driving. See original article at: http://www.thailandlogue.com/weirdest-laws-in-thailand.html
  11. epi, thanks again for sharing your experiences. We do not get many reports on Rome/Italy. Thanks for adding to our knowledge base on that locale.
  12. pauleiro, Thanks for sharing the new boys bar and photos with us.
  13. Thanks for sharing your report. Great information very much appreciated.
  14. Epi, Thanks for sharing. Always glad to read your informative reports.
  15. Great post. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Cut the kid some slack... not everyone is a gifted public speaker. It is one thing to critique her performance on stage, another to draw conclusions about her mental acuity and schooling based on one single high profile performance on a very big stage with millions of viewers. Ms Palin has demonstrated her credentials over and over again on many different stages of different sizes.
  17. Amazing... convicted by what you don't say.
  18. Yes, I am. No I did not see that video. Amazing would be an understatement. That would be like trying to birth the QEII on three first-class stamps floating in a puddle. The C-17 is huge and Peter O'Knight is not. Wonder where that pilot is flying now and what?
  19. I wasn't on the site selection committee but I did hold one seat in the Junior High School at the time. However, I know the following facts. There was no high school in that part of town, the nearest being four or five miles away. Much of the land further away was already built up with housing and commercial properties, probably for the reason you suggest. Also, much of the new housing had been and was being built for base personnel, military and civilian support. Thus the availability of the land, the concentration of population in the area, the proximity away from the other school all contributed. As for the bitching, I suspect it is lot like Seattle, people bitch about the rain but it is part of every day life. BTW, only the teachers and students bitched. I suspect the parents were quite happy with a nearby school. It wasn't too intolerable in normal times. The base was nowhere as active as a commercial airport with flights landing or taking off every few minutes or less. The base did have training flights and patrol flights as well, not to mention some personnel traffic. So there was traffic but not airport traffic. But I mentioned the noise in connection with the Cuban Missile Crisis which was anything but normal. It was SAC HQ before Castro took Cuba and that was moved to Omaha. At that time there was nothing near it except for a small village of maybe a few hundred known as Port Tampa, later annexed by Tampa (as was my own neighborhood). They had the nearest school when I started school so I was bussed there until my neighborhood school opened. Part of its mission was to receive all the fuel for the base which was literally down at the south end of the village streets. I remember as a little kid seeing the massive tails of the B-47s lined up on the runway apron and was disappointed when they were replaced by the smaller tails on the B-52s. I did not appreciate the difference in capability of the two at the time. I attended the high school in the early Viet Nam era when it was a fighter base training pilots and keeping an eye on Castro.
  20. He his a handsome hunk with a great Brit voice (out of character). Watching him workout in a video posted below, he is a bit too bulky for my tastes. I'll take him downsized 20 pounds. Happy all you guy like him cause that leaves me a better alternative I reveal below. I'll take Stephen Amell form Arrow. Just my type... well one of my types. Bon Appetit.
  21. This really needs a bright light shown on this and thorough investigation. We, The People, need to know exactly what is going on. Since all of this latest flap started and even more so with this revelation, I believe we need watchers to watch the watchers. What exactly are the Senators and Congressmen permitting??
  22. I'm sure that if I wait long enough the sky will start falling in my neighborhood too, so I'm frequently told anyway. There are real issues to worry about like the dimensions of the Patriot Act, getting committed to wars that Neocon militarist demand, creating jobs and yes, global warming to name just a few. I don't have the time or sufficiently muddled senses worry about a Kenyan-born President planting birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers on the day after his birth or that he spends most of the day praying eastward, or that his Black Panther supporters -- all two of them -- tried to intimidate voters at a single Philly precinct (must have been THE swing district of all swing districts) or that the Muslin Brotherhood has infiltrated the State Department with the help of Hillary -- all reported on extensively, over and over, by those same stalwart conservative media outlets referenced above. Wackos, wackos, wackos... or worse dishonest propaganda mouth pieces or charlatans out to fleece the not-to-acutely-minded out of their money. Now, the TSA is going to buy up all the guns and ammo. What a great idea for the hard-over gun haters, which is only a sliver of the American society by the way. Of course they have to overlook the fact that Congress holds the purse strings as well as statute authority and that Presidents come and go and with them the executive outlook on gun regulation and hoarding. What gets hoarded in one administration becomes a fire sale in the next. Meanwhile the gun industry gets rich as all out shit with the hoarding. You'll hear near no bitching from them.
  23. Unfortunately you have been misled according to my understanding of the facts. Looks like you are buying into the wingnut media stalwarts like World News Daily, Drudge, Fox, etc... Just another crackpot black helicopter or birther sky-is-falling conspiracy. Until Newtown Obama made NO moves against the arms industry or enhanced gun regulation much to the unhappiness of the left wing. As far as ammunition shortages, that has been the case for some months. That began with individuals continued hoarding of ammo and clips after the Newton massacre brought on talk of more arms regulation and Congress cranked up the wheels for reform. There were several mainstream news media outlets that reported on this over the last 3-4 months. The DHS is buying ammo, but the facts of the buy has been distorted and little of the buy has actually taken place yet. As for price increases, that goes with hoarding as does reduced availability. That is the market based economy at work. From: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/the-conspiracy-theory-about-obama-hoarding-ammo-is-causing-real-trouble The theory first began circulating last year, when the Infowars crowd noticed that the Department of Homeland Security had put in a procurement request for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition—a surprisingly large number of bullets, even by a normal person's estimation. DHS has tried to quell the rumor-mongering, assuring Congress that the bullets are primarily used for training purposes. A DHS spokesman told Republican House investigators last month that the department wasn't actually planning on buying all 1.6 billion bullets, and that the ammo would be spread over 70,000 agents over five years. In a letter to Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) last November, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said that DHS plans to buy around $37 million worth of ammo in 2013, which, based on past year’s expenses, would amount to around 100 million rounds. She also pointed out that the department has actually marginally decreased its ammunitions purchases over the last few years. Next I'm gonna read that Obama ordered the ATF to recruit the Newtown killer so he can get gun control passed. I guess dreaming up this stuff does keep the wackos from playing in the streets.
  24. I actually had troops on the streets in my home town and my high school was less than a mile from an Air Force base. We couldn't have lectures and discussion for all of the jet engine noise. It was all book work and written assignments those days.
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