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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. >How do I get beyond the first review. I've clicked every >icon on the page but still can't locate second and subsequent >reviews. Not addressed in FAQ. >Thanks I assume we are talking about the Home Page? http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php The newest reviews are located in the left hand column. The most recent review is TommyDeluca. Clicking on the thumb opens the page: http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php?...rt_id=206070002 The next most recent review is for thedanny. Clicking on the thumb on the Home Page opens: http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php?...rt_id=106040561 The third is for braedan: http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php?...rt_id=106060529 The list continues. I opened all of these pages while creating this post. I used Internet Explorer. Also at the top of the list is a link 'Escort Reviews' that takes you a World Map that starts the indexes for all reviews. There is an additional link at the top of the Home Page to get there also. If you are not getting these pages then i suggest you try: 1. Restart your browser. If you have had it in use for an extended period then the operating memory may be inadequate to execute the link commands. 2. Clear your browser's cache/temp files/ You may be seeing old stored pages on you computer. To clear cache for Explorer go to TOOLS/Internet Options/Temporary Files and select Clear. Also select SETTINGS and select the first option '... on every visit'. This guarantees that you always get a refreshed version of the page every visit. 3. Restart your computer and then your browser. This is a more robust cure for browser memory issues. Bottom line: It is working for me logged in as a regular member. I hope this helps.
  2. I have family coming over but will try to drop in if circumstances permit.
  3. Funny thing... when I hear that sung I hear a Maurice Chevalier accent.
  4. KYTOP, Thanks for favoring us with tails tales of your Thai Travel. Great read that brings your trip to life for us voyeurs. :9 BTW, although native born Canadians are great guys, be careful of those transplants. The water doesn't seem to to do what it does for the natives.
  5. >The Doorman was my first guy as a 50 year old. > Gosh was he a pig bottom, wore me out. Happy Birthday to me. :+ Yes, a very happy birthday to you, is sounds like. And many happy returns.
  6. >As far as facing old age, I just plan on running at it >straight on with as much strength and FUN as I can muster >until I can't run any longer. I think you have it exactly right. I certainly hope to go out on my own terms.
  7. >As I become older I wonder what will happen to me as a gay >man who most likely will be alone. I should stress, hopefully, >I have about 35 years before this time however it is a >concern. > This presumes that you...ummm, I mean that 'we' survive the great asteroid encounter of '29. Sorry to be such a bundle of sunshine. Seriously, it is a question that most gay men face. Mark poses a good point regarding how society and its cultrual institutions will have changed by then. And yes, there is a great encounter scheduled for '29 predicted to miss us by an astronomical hair.
  8. We apologize for a review database glitch during the past few days that kept members from submitting reviews successfully. It seems that the system took an extra long holiday weekend. The problem has been resolved. Thanks to the member who reported the problem and sent us a copy of the error message. TY
  9. Please see message 7 meant for you also. Thanks.
  10. Obvious to me that this is a personal exchange between the two of you. No need to play it out here. That is one of the two main reasons for email, the other being SPAM. Please take it off forum. Thanks.
  11. Interesting article. Thanks for bringiing it to our attention. I don't have a wealth of information on this. The one case I have personal knowedge of that stands out in my mind involves an escort I knew. He was the oldest of three brothers -- all gay, and he was a twin. His parents blamed him for all three being gay, as I recall, because as the oldes he presumably set the example. He was the oldest by five minutes! More of a statement on family experience that on roots of homosexuality. Interesting that all three turned out to be gay.
  12. Thanks for seconding the kind words regarding the site. Please refrain from baiting individuals. I prefer that their destiny be tied to their own initiatives. Thank you.
  13. Thanks for the kinds words. They are much appreciated. This site was designed from the ground up with the client perspective in mind. Valid informative reviews are worth their weight in gold to clients seeking escorts. We strive to weed out the self-reviews and information- free reviews that only provide chaff to obscure the useful reviews. Treasure hunts have their place but not on a user friendly site. We try to provide a platform that gives detailed information -- qualitative and quantitative. We also provide a little information about the reviewer and we make it easy to track their reviews. We didn't invent that concept (or the wheel) but it is of great value over the long run for assessing reviews and reviewers. The Escort Profile side of this site was also designed with the escort in mind. It is our perspective that what is good for clients is good for reputable escorts seeking clients. The purpose is to faciliate a match between compatible clients and escorts. We wanted to provide escorts with a platform to get their stats, preferences, rates, services, contact data and photos in front of site members and visitors. We ask for more information than most other sites. Informative data promotes efficient communication between escorts and clients. It helps focus on escorts of interest, minimizes time exchanging emails for info, and helps to focus emails or phone conversations to critical questions highlighted by the profile information. We desired a very visual site because the process of matching escorts with clients is inherently a very visual process, in part. Visuals are good for the clients and good for the escorts. We designed the site to present escorts to the client community. Providing featured persons, top ten profile hits of the day, and newest photos is our way of getting our listed escorts exposure and giving clients a dynamic environment to check out who is listed. We also wanted a level playing field -- fair to clients and escorts alike. We don't tolerate vendettas by members or escorts against other members or escorts. We do provide a forum for legitmate discussion of escort and client issues. We place all escorts on a level playing field. There will be no special influence granted to the few. We strive to see that everybody gets the same access and are treated fairly. We think that this is fair to all escorts and to the members. > >2. Escort Profiles. ... >I do have a suggestion and request because these >are my biggest trun-ons--getting rimmed, rimming and big loads >or frequent loads. Perhaps "Rimming", "Being >Rimmed" and "Cum Shots" could be added to the >"Fetish" list even if they may not be considered >"fetishes" in some people's view. It has been on my to-do list to add to the profiles: languages spoken, rimming and possibly one or two more items like 'recharge time'. }( I'll take your suggestions under consideration too. >I would like clarification on the "check who's >online" feature. It doesn't seem to work that well for me >or be in real time. It doesn't work at all!! I miss it and I know many others do as well. However, I have been loathe to seek a remedy for fear that the forum will come crashing down into a pile at our collective feet. We have had extensive problems integrating dcforum with the site software from the start. After much wailing, nashing of teeth, and flogging the slaves, we got something going that allowed people to reliably login. This software implementation is a house of cards. We are on the edge or scrapping this in favor of more reliable and maintainalbe message center software. We have resisted because of the wide familiarity and the threaded layout of dcforum. Thus I avoid any provocation at this point. >It would be nice to see an old friend >online and be able to instantly and privately message him. >Perhaps this can be done; I'm unsure. I welcome the opening of >a workable chat room. I especially like the idea of scheduled, >moderated chats from time to time. Perhaps an escort might be >willing to go on for an hour and see if it helps his business. >A well-known escort client and/or reviewer might also be a >good featured person. It would be interesting to ask questions >and hear some war stories. > We want to implement an 'Online Now' notice displayed on the escort profile page so that a client may message him to set up a one-on-one chat with that escort. We will also create a Chat Room Schedule forum, similar to the Travel forums, so that members can post a scheduled time for interested members to meet up. Hopefully escorts also will make use of it to chat with a room full of members. This will be a self-starting operation for those motivated to undertake it. If they receive positive response then maybe we can get a community up. >Thanks again to the owners, moderators and maintainers of this >site for doing an outstanding job thus far and providing this >excellent alternative to other escort sites. Over time, I >believe this site is likely to get better and better and grow >many times over in popularity. The membership count as of >today is already 4158 which shows this site has taken off very >nicely. > > We are dedicated to providing a qualitative ehnancement to online escort review and escort profile resources. We are in for the long haul and expect to take time to build. We didn't expect to burst into full bloom overnight. It takes time to build credibility and confidence and gather the resources that attract a loyal following. We have opted to avoid short cuts for short-term gain that would do nothing to enhance our credibility. Eventually, we will add commercial content to this site to support the site and provide some modest compensation for site personnel. That will not diminish our dedication to providing a valuable free online resource for the community. (Cue the Carpenters)... We've only just begun...
  14. >Is that change still in the works? Yes it is. Not having it implemented I find to be a PITA, aka a big annoyance. However it is of low priority and has been deferred time and again (too often) in favor of more pressing issues such as: 1. Modification of escort email process to avoid cranks from harvesting our email addresses to send out crank/spam to our escorts. 2. Providing escort travel notices (in the works). 3. Providing periodic escort email address verification to ensure that we have live escort emails. (in the works) 4. Responding to immediate issues regarding getting reviews up and new escort profiles displayed. 5. Lots of other nits that come up that seem to take precedence. I'm not making excuses, just trying to give an idea of what is going on in the background. This is really a small change and it should get done. Let me see if I have any influence left with the techies. . If not, I've found that, >after logging on, you can click the back button on your >browser (twice, I think) to get back to where you were. > This is a good temp work around. >Speaking of more efficiency, though, I'd like to see the >elimination of the additional box that needs to be checked >when first entering the site. It should be just one click -- >either Agree or Disagree. > >Minor thing, but....... May I suggest bookmarknig the URL: http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php Gets your right through the velvet rope like a VIP.
  15. You are encouraged to review the the Message Center Policy. You are on the edge.
  16. > Is it not time to move on, Yes, it is time.
  17. >You know Conway, I'm doing my best to ignore you and abide by >the rules of this message center... And it is much appreciated. Thanks for keeping it on an appropriate level and not rising to provocative remarks. > We get it, you didn't like ES or the posters there, it's over, >move the fuck on. > >No one is asking or forcing you or anyone else to join BoN's >yahoo group... I agree with both sentiments.
  18. I have to agree with Barry and Mark... in reverse order... Holy shit, straycat... Damn you're good! :7 flguy, sorry for all the inconvenience but hey, we found our tech guru for the board: Straycat !!
  19. >As a senior in high school, I could buy a gallon of gas >($.30) and a pack of cigarettes ($.30) at the Clark gas >station and still have money for a McDonalds burger, fries and >coke with change. > > I conclude from your posting presence that you didn't smoke at the pump. :+
  20. Shows ok for me both as guest and logged in. Maybe clear your cache?
  21. I recall them all, even HOMOCO. I also recall Standard, Pure, and Sunoco. Cars wouldn't run on regular gas. That was for lawnmowers, oh and the chevette which sounded more like a washing machine.
  22. >Really, to celebrate the silencing of voices because you >disagree with what they have to say? Welcome to America circa >2006! > >Let's hope that this site, doesn't follow the sorry leads of >ES and Hooville! > > I asssure you that we won't go down either of those roads. Members are encouraged to engage in the exchange of views, ideas and differences of opinions. Members don't have to like each other or respect each other. But they do have to conduct themselves in a reasonably respectful manner on this board -- respectful to all of us. Sharp comment should be reserved for the issues, not the personalities. When someone is attacked it is because of his views. So attack the view-- the root cause. Rough 'n Tumble arguments regarding facts, assumptions, logic, conclusions, etc. are fair game. It is easier to name call than it is to attack a position. A device for lazy people. Eventually personal attacks result in a special on-going relationship between individuals that don't need an 'issue' to generate a 'scene'-- just the mere presence of each other. There goes the neighborhood. Relentless exchanges of vitriolic bitch slaps between members are not on our road map. Those who don't observe the rules of the road will be put off the bus along the way. Those who haven't read the Message Center Policy are encouraged to do so. The link is at the bottom of any site page.
  23. > >>What is the WPT? > >World Poker Tournament KYTOP... ... a high roller? :7
  24. Is it just me or is it the truth... It seems that more happened during the 60's than any other decade since. ... than all other decades since (almost). I have to confess that I lump the first few years of the 70's in with the 60's because Viet Nam was such an overshadowing event spanning the two decades. Maybe this seems true to me because it was such a ground-shifting event-rich decade that coincided with my 'Coming of Age'. Of course, this is only for those who remember the 60's from a height exceeding cabinet level. :+
  25. TampaYankee

    HD Radio

    Satellite radio, HD radio... What next? I think I will wait for the 3D version. :+
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