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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Vancouver is a wonderful destination. I've had some great times and guys there. Just cannot say enough good.
  2. I thought that was intentional.
  3. I've yet to have need of a hashtag in this lifetime. I see none in the near future either.
  4. This is not your mama's HuffPost anymore. The Huffington Post displays vintage uncensored male photographic erotica. What will moma say when she sees this!! See it here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/24/bob-mizer-moca_n_3975777.html
  5. Oz, THanks for sharing your experiences and photos with us. I know this is as close as I will ever get so I am extremely appreiciative of you bringing the experience to me. That food looks fantastic. Wish I could sample that. Your hotel was fantastic for the price you paid. Sorry the humidity was so high. The photos are an awesome display of the scenery, the ruins, the city, the temple, the markets and the people. Thanks again.
  6. Hito, that's the way it is suppose to work -- always blame it on a drag queen.
  7. Yes, that is the one.
  8. The blond reminds me of that blond Brazilian sinsation that was so popular about ten years ago, especially when he started out. Goregous guy who had em lined up in the lobby or so it seemed. People just coudn't get enough wherever he went. Unforntuately for me, one of those that got away.
  9. Perfectly understandable. That's why I never told anyone that Queen Elizabeth blew me at The Vault the last time she visited NYC in July 2010.
  10. I see absolutely no reason to draw the conclusion that this is Bradley Cooper. The only thing this person has in common with BC is a nice dick and there are no shortage of them in LA or the world for that matter. Without something more definitive... anything..., file this under 'Queens A Buzzing'. Makes for a nice fantasy though. Especially in view of the fact that this happened in a bed and not a restroom stall where accidental encounters can happen. That means it was premeditated, because you just don't accidentally find yourself in someone's bed or them in yours.
  11. What doesn't, at least in the European versions if you go by photos that circulate. LV City Mothers tend to look down on vices unless they are high stakes or come with one arm. That's the impression I've formed over the years from never-ending strip club woes and recurring undercover escort busts. So who knows how far they will get there?
  12. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Always good to hear news about Rome.
  13. If walls could talk...
  14. Epi, Always great reading about your travel and experiences. Congratulations on a great trip and wishing you safe travel back home.
  15. I suspect it has to do with phytonutrient in the skins, much like grapes and red wine made red by the dark grape skins. White wines can be made from red grapes if the skins are immediatetly removed -- sometimes appearing with a 'blush'. Also, juicing increases the concentration of sugars taken in as the fruit pulp/fiber is jettisoned. As an aside, I suspect black currants and elderberries are also very beneficial. I've seen studies indicating that but do not recall details at this moment. The dark skin berries seem to be gangbusters in the antioxidant, anticancer, anti-whatever environment. Maybe if I eat enough they will turn my septic system into a pool of rose water? I know, I know, I really need to eat roses for that.
  16. If I didn't know it before then this thread confirms without doubt that this really is a gay site.
  17. Does it glow in the dark?
  18. My thoughts too. A concrete sign of hope but little more than that yet.
  19. NCBored, I was really disappointed rather than offended and edited my post to reflect that. As you have elaborated, yes I see what you are talking about. Each of us is responsible for our own behavior. Sometimes people go overboard and share their opinions in a manner that some find offensive. If that is all they have to offer the community it is better for them to move on. On the otherhand. we have good contibutors who sometimes manage to offend others some of the time. How to manage a diverse community of contributors and readers and where to draw lines is not an easy task. We publish policies to establish hard bounds on behavior. These are easy to determine, IMO anyway -- stalking, agendas, personal information violations. The softer issues of what consitutes offensive behavior depends on the eye of the beholder as to how often, how egregious and what offensiveness warrants the death penalty. Different people have different tolerances. We as admins err in the direction of inclusivity because we feel that makes a richer more interactive community, as long as we have primarliy positive or neutral contributors. We cannot manage the community for the most sensitive only. People have to make their own decisions and manage their own interactions. That is why we have the IGNORE BUTTON. It is a very useful tool. Each member has the capability to tailor the community participants to their individual personality and temperment -- exactly what some often ask the admins to do. What better way to empower individual members to shape the community they want to participant in? That should be able to make everyone happy. A final thought. We certainly do not need a break from you. Please reconsider. You raised a good point once I was able to see and appreciate your perspective. It gave me an opportunity to inform others, who have grown weary of some exchanges, how to shape the community to their tastes and sensitivities. We want this community to be what everyone would like it to be. Admin tries to keep capitol offenders out. Members have to choose their neighbors they wish to interact just as in our home neighborhoods.
  20. HIV Vaccine: Western University Researchers Report Success In Trials The Huffington Post Canada | Posted: 09/04/2013 10:00 am EDT | Updated: 09/04/2013 11:12 am EDT A vaccine to prevent HIV has aced clinical testing, according to Canadian researchers. The team, from the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University, says the first phase of testing not only succeeded, but boosted the production of antibodies in patients it was tested on. SAV001, one of only a handful of HIV vaccines in the world, is based on a genetically-modified 'dead' version of the virus. “We infect the cells with a genetically modified HIV-1,” team leader Dr. Chil-Yong Kang told Ontario Business Report. “The infected cells produce lots of virus, which we collect, purify and inactivate so that the vaccine won’t cause AIDS in recipients, but will trigger immune responses.” U.S. clinical testing began in the in March 2012, looking at HIV-infected men and women between the ages of 18 and 50. Half the target group was administered a placebo, while the other group was given SAV001. The first phase of trials wrapped up last month, with researchers optimistic about the vaccine's future. Sumagen, the South Korean biotech firm sponsoring the vaccine, cited manufacturing, as well as USFDA requirements as hurdles in bringing the vaccine to market, but, if all goes well in trials, it could be commercially available in five years. “We are now prepared to take the next steps towards Phase II and Phase III clinical trials," CEO Jung-Gee Cho said in a press release. "We are opening the gate to pharmaceutical companies, government, and charity organization for collaboration to be one step closer to the first commercialized HIV vaccine.” See Huffpost article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/09/04/aids-hiv-vaccine-western-university_n_3865059.html
  21. NCBored, I'm disappointed by this comment and I believe it is uncalled for. There is no increaslingly negative tone here. For those mathematically literate that implies a montonically increasing function. For laymen it means going uphill constantly. I reject that. From time to time we have people who have differences. This appears to be such a case. It's a blip on the radar screen nothing more. It is not admin policy and Oz isn't going thru manopause. (Are you?) You two had a difference and, uncharacteristically, it got under his skin. I've certainly been known to get out of sorts on occasion -- maybe this is one. That does NOT mean the tone is becoming increaslingly negative here. Maybe he got under your skin too causing you to make what I consider a rash remark. I don't know. But what I do know is that almost everyone who comments on site atmosphere and admin and moderation style prefer this site's style over others. I'm sure that is not universal but that is what people who attend both sites express here. I appreciate your contributions, well all but this one. . I appreciate Oz's contributions, almost all anyway . On second thought, maybe I'm the cause of the increasingly negative tone? I probably wouldn't be sensitive to that. If so, that would take the wind out of my own sail wouldn't it? On a wider note on this thread, I would have accepted the Peter Hung review if it passed vetting. While content was minimal it was sufficient to indicate escort preformance specifics at a general level and client satisfaction. That is something one can hang his hat on in contrast to "He's wonderful, I had a great time and you will too." I do suspect the timing of this review was not coincidence. That site has been known in the past for a review queue backlog of weeks between submission and posting. I do not know if that is still the case but a one or two day turnaround for the average review does seem out of line at that site. I do not know who wrote this review. It would not be a stretch to conclude what some have in this thread. However, a clue to another potential author may be found in the client self description if it can be believed. If not why put it in?
  22. TampaYankee


    The right thing to do is to provide a stinging miliatry rebuke to the use of chemical warfare. The right thing to do is more than a symbolic lob of a few bombs. Let's hope that Obama does the right thing. Let's urge him to do so!
  23. Let's discuss the issues and not each other. No one else really cares what you think of each other. That is a private conversation best taken off-line. Thanks. Also, best to make clear distinction between that suspected and that which is proven fact, lest credibility suffer in the confusion. Just the better debate form.
  24. TampaYankee


    Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
  25. Sadly only a time machine would help me.
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