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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. >When you guys swap out DCForums with the new software >will all the posts be lost? No posts will be lost. One of our requirements in evalutating alternatives is that current DCforums posts can can be ported to the new software. >Also, will everyone need to register once again? No. Our philosophy from day one has been one registration/login for the entire site, including forums. Those already registered will remain registered unless they had forfited forum privileges previously.
  2. There are always the few that will pay just about anything for something they want. What motivates them? Who knows, a name, a persona, a fantasy... Most probably find it wasn't worth it. Some are content to have accomplished a dream or live a fantasy. I suspect few repeat. Reminds me of the 80s Bob and Ray commerical for the IBM Proprinter. One interviews the other about the printer he has for sale. The interviewer asks 'Isn't the price tag of a milliion dollars a little steep? The entrepreneur replies "yes, but I only have to sell one."
  3. Silver Dollar and KYTOP are strong contributors along with StuCotts. They and several other repeat contributorsare all greatly appreciated as are first timers wishing to share relevant information with our members.
  4. Not to worry, we are not going anywhere. Just changing servers. Once we get these moves behind us we continue moving ahead and implementing new things.
  5. Very good point about taxes. Tax day always offeres a deturrent to disposable income activites.
  6. Good point about the higher fee impact on hiring. I'm sure there is some impact. Also thanks for sharing our view about posting substantive content reviews. One of my peeves in the past was waiting to open a review which then said nothing. Another was finding the review to be a couple of years old only after I opened it.
  7. All issues have been placed on hold for the server move. it has required quite a bit of prep time. The move is scheduled for tomorrow. I apologize for the frustration. We share it. Oz has other sites that are moving too, in short order, so I don't expect a return to normal tech support until all moves are competed. Ultimately we hope to provide more reliable service and a more secure server environment. Thanks for your patience. TY
  8. Sites like this are always driven by contributors. When contributions fall off so do postings. For the record, the last review in the queue was declined for questionable origin. I'd rather post no review rather than one strongly suspected of being bogus. It seems that fewer clients are moved to post reviews today than they were in the past. Legitmate newbies have always been reluctant to submit that first review. However, I often see postings by long-time experienced reviewers who admit they saw an escort but didn't write a review. Is it possible that legitmate review sites are filling more of a voyeur function and less of an information exchange function these days?
  9. >I noticed while reviewing escort profiles that many have not >logged in to MER in excess of 3 months. It doesn't help the >site to have a lot of abandoned profiles. > Some escorts do not login yet remain active with active contact data. Happens all the time. I wish they would update their files but some have been offering the same thing for years. Others retire without any notice although many, maybe most?, contact us. >Maybe an email verification can be set to go out to each >escort every 90 days of no activity and when they verify that >they're still active it will automatically update the last >activity date on their profile. From my primitive knowledge of >coding it seems as if a script can be written without too much >problem. > I had hoped to have this implemented for our start up. It didn't make it. I had hoped to have Premium Services ready for start up. That didnt happen either. There are other items on the list. I hope to have all of these things added eventually. First we have a server to move followed by updating the forum software, followed by...
  10. > However, in this instance, I >submit it is a distinction without a difference. From a regulaltory point of view it is a big difference IMO. I suspect the players would think so too. As for: the public spoke and they listened, well I am dubious of that proposition. I suspect the threats of the vocal minority carried more sway than sheer numbers would support. Just my conjecture.
  11. Thanks for the chuckle Townie.
  12. Just to be clear, this is not an instance about use or abuse of the public airways. Cable is privately owned and operated without any grant or 'public service' license from Uncle Sam to operate. All of us may own the airways but each cable company owns/licenses its programming and cable delivery grid. Cablecast is a private business transaction between providers and subscribers. Uncle Sam has no public service/standards say. Local communities do have some say to the extent outlined in license contracts. Usually limited to what channels will be carried, rate issues, municipal kickbacks, etc. Lord help us if every municipality had its own decency czar for cable. FWIW
  13. Time to close this thread before it becomes one of those 'open season' threads that prompted my actions and the generation of this thread. Thanks to all for the supportive comments. TY
  14. Oz, Clearly you get out more than I do. My picks: Priscilla was absolutely precious... but then I'm always a sucker for great music, even if there is great acting to go with it. The Birdcage was hilarious. Hank Azria stold the show and Nathan Lane more than carried his own weight, girdled and all. The Crying Game... a man driven to act against his nature and nurture in blood and lust. Marketed as a straight movie, it caused quite a stir at the time. Jaye Davidson also caused quite a stir as many were totally sucked into his 'act' until the meat fell. Later he cut a nice androgenous figure in Stargate before he fell off the edge of the Universe. A love tryst with the young James Spader would have rounded out nicely that Scifantasy. Hedwig and the Angry Inch... few movies move me so much as to cause me to buy a copy, no other has moved me to buy it immediately after seeing it. Great movie with multiple levels of messages -- more art that entertainment IMO. Didn't hurt that I saw it in Vancouver with one my fav escorts. The Rocky Horror Picture Show... Cult classic that trascended sexual... ummm, I mean transexual boundaries without a blink. The establishment was totally clueless as the children of the establishment participated in midnight celluloid origes around the country and Europe. Sedition doesn't get any sweeter or more sublime. Tootsie... acting tour de force for Dustin, so it seemed at the time. To Wong Foo... too many muscles. Didnt make the sale with me but those muscles in another setting, almost any other setting, would light my fire.
  15. Thanks to all for the words of support. Now, please let's don't start a mini-skirmish among those that share that supportive view. Let's keep tits and tats referring to body parts and arts.
  16. Yes, we know. An artifact of our recent server crash. We are taking steps to overcome and put a new face on the forum.
  17. >This thread is in no fashion, meant, nor intended to be, “an >open season moment” on Benjamin Nicholas. This is BS. It is meant to be nothing else. Nothing new, that I know of anyway, has transpired to warrant a reopening of the rehashing of the hashing of this escort and his past. Everything has been said, in some venue or other, by anyone that wanted to say it -- pro and con. If you are fixated with your musings of unanswered questions then write the principle directly for your answers. No one else can provide them. They can only participate in an 'open season' discussion which you say you do not want.
  18. Townie, Thanks for the great report about all the fun. You are establishing yourself as our roving correspondent to the action! }(
  19. >I just bet that the Let it Ride is right up your alley? >LOL Whose alley? Naw, not his game. He prefers to roll the dice in the hay, sheets, carpet,... Well, just like Cher sang: the beat list goes on.
  20. > There is a good chance of being >run down by a herd of buffalo, and THAT is serious business. > > Dick, I douldn't agree more. I was eye to eye on the open range with a great American Bison twenty years back... Well, twenty yards or so away -- it seemed eye to eye. I backed off and gave wide berth. Not only are they as big as a garage, they are not the cuddling type. I still recall the snorting and head shaking and rolling.
  21. We specify type and size requirements for escort photos. We accept whatever is uploaded or sent, if we can open it. We convert to an acceptable format is necessary. I try to resize oversized photos when I catch them. I don't always catch them before they are approved. When I come across them later I resize. Some slip through.
  22. I suspect North Dakota made the list only because of a suicide. I doubt they will be listed next year. Is there anyone left?
  23. Seems a bit off the beaten path, KYTOP. Not sure how wise to be a yankee in Cocaland. Now is the time for a Canadian passport.
  24. I never knew it was functional. We had problems with that early on and once we had the forums sort of stable we settled for what we had. We hope to have the forum fully straightened out soon.
  25. Thanks for the notice. No, it is not just you. I noticed a few days ago and referred to the programmers. I had not made the connection that it was limited the offshore escort profiles. I just knew that all but four were missing. We hope to have this fixed soon but we are still working on bigger server issues at the moment. Please bear with us and thanks for the notice and your patience. TY
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