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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Tis the season of Ebenezar's song or maybe a Brahman's brouge? BTW, the guy is hot!! The enlarged photos are compromised by the fog from the heat.
  2. Which Hambug guy?
  3. Please, just wait and see what actually materializes. Thanks. As for inactive profiles, please inform us with an email or post when you find a dead profile and we'll follow up. We need clients to help us keep up with those escorts who do not inform us of their retirement. Thanks.
  4. Well, that is true... but we gave the programmer in charge of the Upgrade his weekend off. Thus the rollback will occur on the 17th. This delay is costing us millions but what the hell!!
  5. There are many guys out there who take on escorting that are unsure if they are really suited for it, or if they are commited to it, or if the market is there. Many think "Let's try this and see how it works out." Not everyone has a credit card or the mind-set to sign up for recurring payments. Some like the escorting and succeed, others don't. However, it is a doorway for many unlikely guys to get their toes in the pool. Some gems are discovered this way and see they can make money. Others fall by the roadside. Bottom line: many escorts we attract are not the type to credit card up on a fancy. Some of the pros would but that would be at the expense of the many who wouldn't. Also as a business plan, it would be foolish for a new site to take on established pay sites in competing for the same listings from the same guys. We would have folded long ago with that business plan.
  6. flyguy, We are thankful that you find the site useful for what it was meant. That is good and satisfying feedback. I appreciate that movies neither interest you nor many others as well. That is an indivual choice. Neither Oz nor I have ever solicited anyone to subscribe to premium services. That is an indivual choice as well -- one that we will not push. It is not our desire to be a 'movie site'. That is why we don't require movie subscriptions for everyone or for anyone in order to gain admittance to the escort information and forums. However, the site must pay its way. We offer extras for those willing to pay for them. The fact that you got the extras for free for the last two years does not negate that they are extras. We were upfront about that from Day One. "I'm just a bit miffed that those who have really contributed will be those paying for the site. The escorts and the site owners profit by this site, not the clients. But it seems we are the ones now being asked to ante up" To date the only ones who have paid for this site are the owner/operators. There has been no profit. We are very appreciative of all of those who have supported the site with reviews and participation. That includes both clients and escorts. Those participating and contributing are fewer rather than greater in number. My take is that most traffic is that of voyeurs, and that the ones profiting to date are the escorts and clients. I think that has been good. Escorts by getting work and clients by seeking/acquiring escort ads that help them hire and reviews that hopefully save them money by spending their money wisely. If we were singling out clients to 'ante up' we would put the reviews under subscription. That information is the most highly leveraged to generate income. If we wanted to single out participants to ante up we would put forums under subscription. We have done neither and have no intention of doing so. There is significant site traffic that doesn't contribute, participate or hire. For those interested and willing to subscribe to the extras we are appreciative and it will permit us to continue to bring to you what this site is really meant for. I know we won't please all of the people. We may not please any of the people. But I would encourage a wait-and-see period until the deed is done so the complaints can be accurately focused. I also ask that after our small changes take effect you report back which other FREE single site offers you more breadth of quality content for FREE.
  7. flyguy, No, you haven't been singled out for special attention. This is yet another attempt to help pay the freight for the site servers. Just between you and me, I find entry thru the Splash Page very annoying. That is why, unless there is a specific reason to go thru the Splash Page, I enter thru the bookmarked Home Page: http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php I was worried the pop-up would annoy everyone. Now having seen it I'm a bit worried that visitors will be seduced away from us in favor of some very hot videos.
  8. I am not sure what all that was about but I think it boils down to: May your 12 days of Christmas be Merry with partridges, pears, doves, hens, rings... and your true love. May your lights be festive for all Eight Days of (Happy) Chanukha, and... May your festive fruits flourish thru all Seven Days of (Happy) Kwanzaa.
  9. Profile access to all visitors and to all members, regardless of login status, has been restored. TY
  10. Might you be Annie Lennox? No, nevermind. Rude of me to ask. No personal information please. It is not uncommon in a journey that arrival at the final desitination occurs only after a misstep or two along the way. So it is with us. This faux pas was part of some last minute software changes we are implmenting for the December 15th event. We listened to members and we responded to some suggestions. We are implementing some modifications to our Subscription Service regarding fixed length nonrecurring memberships and profile photos. We haven't changed our direction. We have modified some specifics. We do not expect to please everyone. We may not please anyone. Nevertheless, we listened and there will be a few more options. Mistakenly, our programmers set permssions to require membership and login to view profiles. This was a MISTAKE arising from confused communications between management and the tech team. As soon as I discovered this change I alerted our software team to return our software to the correct permissions. As of this post it still has not been properly reset. For that I apologize. Our tech team is several time zones distant so there is some lag in request/response time. It should be reset by tomorrow morning. Let me restate as clearly as I can... All visitors and all members (whether logged in or not) have access to all reviews, profiles and read access to the message boards. All logged in members have post access to the message boards unless that privilege has been revoked on an individual basis. These will NOT change and no Upgrade is required. I apologize for the inconvenience of making you register to view profiles. We get no benefit from that requirement business-wise or mission-wise. We remain dedicated to providing FREE useful information about escorts and escorting to all who visit regardless of visitor/membership status. I hope this clears up the situation. TY
  11. For your convenience we have have added a Recent Reviews link at the bottom of the Latest Reviews column on the Home Page. It is redundant with the misnamed 'Last Seven Days' link on the top level Reviews page. Enjoy.
  12. This is the fair comparison of our site as of December 15: The primary photo: not to mention our extras: Not to mention, that when known, we provide a link to another website containing photos. Each individual will have to decide what constitutes adequate visuals to gauge interest in an escort and which site has the edge on providing visuals. As a client I have my preference. This example applies to all visitors and FREE Members.
  13. Lookin, we at MER try to stimulate both heads. And you are right: "cheap at twice the price!!"
  14. I learned a new word today. Lucky Me!! ... and I thought it involved some nasty act involving the thumbs. Lucky, for you posting will always be on the house.
  15. It struck my sense of humor. I would have thought a glancing strike at the least on yours.
  16. Possibly the thought of you holding Oz's hand got you all twitterpated and you started imagining grand visions?
  17. All of our preparation notwithstanding, we seem to have left out the biggest extra Gold benefit -- unlimited access to 64 AEBN movie categories of which 18 are purely Gay content. "But the real point of this post is that if you go and try to upgrade your membership there is no price quoted? " Good point about the prices. Prices are quoted through the Upgrade Button on your My Membership Page only for upgrades from your present level. If you are presently Silver then you will see the price for upgrade to Gold ($19.95/mo). Those with Free Membership will see upgrade prices for Gold and for Silver ($7.95/mo). This set-up is awkward and ought to be made more transparent. Thanks for pointing that out. "However, this site just hasn't really jumped up and gotten busy. But I guess there is no way for us to tell if thousands of guys are coming to the site but only a handful participate in the forums. " Initially, the intended use of subscription funds is to increase our advertising online and in print. IMO the best way to gauge our traffic is to view the hit counters on escort reviews and profiles. While some may try to influence the counters by multiple visits for specific reviews/profiles, sampling the hit counters across several profiles and reviews should give a fair indicator. IMO forum posts and forum views are, at best, weak indicators of site traffic. I felt that in the days of HooBoy as well as now. I suspect the stats today at Daddy's also bears out that many more guys are interested in reviews over discussions of varied topics. That seems even more true today as forum participation seems to have fallen way off at daddy's successor to HooBoy's Forum compared to the halcyon days of HooBoy. "I certainly hope this is the right decision and direction for you. ?" We do not expect everyone, even most, to subscribe to premium services. That is why we continue to provide all basic information content on a Free basis. We strive to provide useful information about escorts and escorting to the community. At the same time we need to support site operating expenses and if some are interested in supporting our efforts by subscribing to perks that interest them then that is much appreciated. There comes a time when everyone has to mature and make it on his own. That time has come for this site to do the same. If we provide a site with service that has support then we will make it. If there is insufficient interest then we are not filling a need with the present format. We shall test the proposition. I am optimsitic about the outcome. Personally, I am not sure what the community wants at this point. Several people were quite enthusiastic about an alternative site when we were in development. For some, their enthusiasm waned soon enough as measured by participation and contributions. Others elsewhere have complained about the time to post a review or why it wasn't posted at all, often without any explanation. Still others complain about the poor content quality of reviews elsewhere. Others have complained about treatment elsewhere on the forums. Yet it seems that most do not vote with their feet. Maybe they visit anonymously -- peer pressure at work? ) It seems they bear their disenchantments quietly. Some drop out altogether which is too bad. We have sought to provide an alternative that is a level playing ground for clients and escorts -- without favoritism. We have striven to publish only legtimate reviews and reviews that have factual content -- the good, the bad and the ugly -- not nonspecific testimonials. We publish reviews in a timely manner or explain to the reviewer why not. We treat our forum posters with respect. We have gained a solid , if small, base of support up to now. Yet many who seem disenchanted elsewhere seem not to have embraced our alternative. So I come full circle -- I am not sure what the community wants at this point. "Thanks for a great site but howmuch is it going to cost the users to enlarge pictures?" As mentioned above, the Silver Membership is $7.95/mo. One benefit I am pressing to add soon is X-rated escort photos. We do recieve such photos from some escorts. I have been reluctant to accept those for profiles because the site is potentially accessible by minors since our site is not behind an Adult Shield. I don't want members and visitors to have to subscribe to an Adult Shield in order to view and participate in the site. Adding the XXX-rated photos as an added perk for Silver Members provides the escorts the option to post XXX-rated photos and seems a fitting addition to the Silver Level. This is not an existing perk, only a statement of my desire to add it, so at this time no one should make a decision about subscribing based on this desire.
  18. Actually we were finished with that before the boys went to jail. That would have been an extreme fix to resort to. We didn't. The software was fixed to preclude stacking the deck. I assume that fix is still in place. we'll keep watch to see how it goes.
  19. Oz, I'm very sorry to hear this sad news. I have checked his site on a number of occasions. He seemed a pillar of the expat community with respect to information, advice and guidance. He will be missed by those who knew him and many who knew of him. The loss extends many who will never know of him but would have found his willingness to share information invaluable.
  20. With tattoos I fine less is more. IMO there are a few guys that can carry tattoos well and then sparingly. WRT genitals, I find it a big turn off, as well piercings. I'm looking to get next to some hot flesh of classic design and color, not some smooth Turkish rug look-alike. My taste leans to the unblemished human form as a mesure of perfection. Vanilla ice cream is also my favorite and chocolate too. No nuts, no fruit, no jimmys, no crunch. A taste for classic forms... one of my shortcomings.
  21. The second bashing post in this thread.
  22. That was the first and so far the only post in this thread into bashing.
  23. mbarz, It is good to hear from you. Welcome back.
  24. I think he has cut out his fair share of responsibility of his own volition. After all, he has been President for nearly seven years in charge of the Ship of State with hand-picked Treasury sectretarys and trade representatives; six of those years with a complicit Republican Congress. So any of this partisan smokescreen is just that. But I'm not interested in Bush Bashing here -- much too easy. We all have eyes and most of us lived throught it -- though not all, sadly. But I'm more interested in the economic fallout as the $US continues to descend. How far will it go? What might be hard consequences for Main St.? Is there a resistant floor beyond which it is likely to fall? If so why?
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