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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Ughhh.... This is the first feedback I have received about the preview screwing up review submittal. Sorry for the frustation and lost work for present and past efforts. Please DO NOT USE the preview process until it can be investigated and fixed. I will ask the programmers to deactivate in the interim. It is always good practice to prepare or copy volatile text 9 (i.e. reviews or any other text that evaporates after some process) in a text editor eg. MSWord, Notepad etc. I have suffered many losses over the years when not doing. It still bites me in the ass sometimes, even after learning the lesson the hard way so many times. Update: The problem does arise when an escort review is listed in a city not the home city of the escort. Review form asks if escort has profile and if so then a pop up box listing escorts in selected city appears. Since the escort not listed in travel city he cannot be found. Software presently requires selection of escort profile in order to proceed. (This requirement will be changed.) Changing the location causes all info in form to be dumped. I have asked for software change such that the escort profile selection in POP UP BOX is not necessary to submit the review. In the mean time please use home city for escort review and give appointment city in experience BOX OR list escort as having no profile to avoid POP UP BOX. The former solution is preferred but either will suffice in the interim. I will post update when permanent fix is completed and these workarounds are unnecessary.
  2. I have caught three or so episodes. Interesting enough and some good eye candy but I really dislike how reality shows are presented, esecially the fashion/model shows. Some hunky scenary. Cable, freed from the onerous FTC regulations, was supposed to be a bastion for adult TV. Not a plethora of porn channels but able to take a bared breast in a Vegas Revue or fanny cheeks climbing out of a competition pool on a sunny day. Yet the air brush seems to have become part of the everyday production tool set. Will we ever overcome the smothering puritanical yoke willed us by a small goup of colonials with reach far beyond their number. I find this especially disconcerting for the fashion/model reality TV genre. The whole purpose of these shows is to see how well-created design drapes a human body or vice versa. Yet we are presented with a fusillade of short duration of different near-instantaneous shots that are supposed to show the product without showing the goods. I'm sorry but it shows neither well as neither exists independent of the other. Like all of this genre it skates on a tease. Some tease is good but too much becomes frustrating and then boring. If it weren't for the minor conflict and personalities that go with a reality show i think boredom might set in earlier. I will continue to watch it when I catch it and nothing better is on. Sorry to go off on a rant slant.
  3. My only prediction is that Super Tuesday will come and go. The only ones who will actually win anything will be the radio and cable news pundits who get to refurbish their material with the latest exit polls in their continued attempts to make their views and comments seem prescient and influential in shaping the national psyche. No decision for dems. The Kibuki dance continues with attempts to win the expectation game since there will be little difference in delegate takes. I dislike disingenous spin or any spin for that matter -- called propaganda in days past. It will be interesting to see, if Hillary falls short of expectations, whether they can keep Bill from falling out of the 12 step program. Obama would have to be brain dead to enter into any ticket with Clinton. (I think he is not.) She offers him nothing as his VP since almost all of her supporters are very unlikely to vote Republican or sit out the election. Her negatives are legendary, again the potential to hurt more than help a ticket. As her VP he would spend four years, possibly eight years, heaven forbid, in the desert waiting for his turn, picking up Clinton tarnish all along the way, much as Gore did. Absent Obama as the top dem candidate many of his independent supporters might vote McCain given the opportunity. If this turns out not to be Obama's time he would be better served running for Illinois Governor rather than wandering the desert for four/eight years. The RRRR (republican radio rabid right) will shoot their last wad in an all out, last ditch effort to throw McCain under the bus. I admire their pluck in their willingness to give the WH to the other party along with both houses of the legislature rather than install a fiscal conservative as a road block to Spending and a bulwark of Defense. I guess even the chance of half a loaf is not to their taste. Desperate people take desperate measures hoping Hillary will surface to the top and then be brought down by her high negatives, even against flip-flop Mitt. Ummm... sort of expecting (praying?) the dems fall on Hillary's sword it seems.
  4. Me thinks perhaps that you are Peter Pan all grown up... my idea of him anyway. A bundle of joy and fun and lightheartedness never content to light in any one place for too long. In search of new faces, adventures and entanglements. Always generous and caring and blessed/cursed with unending wanderlust and that other lust too. Bon Voyage Oz. Have fun!
  5. A few years back, I 'discovered' Ralph dancing at L'Adonis in MTL. I had taken a break from Taboo -- probably to replenish funds at a bank atm across from L'Adonis. The stage dance was followed by several dances in the back. He was just 18 and a skinny twink that was all dick with a cute bubble ass with a nice attitude. After several dances I repaired to Taboo and informed a friend of the find. I held the Taboo stage side table while the friend scouted the new talent. Many other dances with Ralph ensued that year on succeeding trips. I have never know Ralph to 'rent out'. Haven't seen him in a couple of years.
  6. Stumbled across this Columbian Agency. Mostly twinks it seems. http://escortsbogota.com/solochicos/
  7. STM, For the benefit of all readers, would you elaborate on this scam? Thanks.
  8. Good taste is easy. It is landing the difficult catches that I admire. Marc Anthony and Oz are the best of the best of anglers -- hands down. That is fact based on long term observations.
  9. Afew jocks/muscle now and then too maybe. Best to have a little something for everyone. Oz?
  10. Hmmm.... Going back from anywhere?
  11. Why is that?
  12. Is this humble opinion based on a test drive or is it a 'gedanken experiment' ?
  13. It is not the way it is suppose to be and it is not that way on my 15" laptop running XP Home.
  14. Townie, you do get around. You are our Hedda Hopper to the West Coast Porn/Escort 'Stars' .
  15. My take is much different. I thought Obama performed his best at any debate. Edwards' passion came through as did his strategy to take Hillary out of the race, the sooner the better. Richardson also did better than in prior outings. Unfortunately, too little much too late. Hillary did extremely poorly in the first half nearly loosing her stuff but coming back well after her likability question response. It was interesting to see Hillary's after-the-IA-caucus-speech group photo with so many faces from the past behind her on the stage. Looked like a Bill Clinton adminstration reunion photo. Many would love to see a return to that past. It seems many others want a change from the past. Paul is an interesting candidate. He does appeal to many younger people as well as many with the libertarian stripe. I like many of his positions but IMO he really is unelectable. I suspect that many Americans aren't knowledgable enough about American History and the underpinnings of our Founding Fathers view that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were meant to codify strong limitations on goverment power. Many that are knowledgable figure we have outgrown that clear delination of those limitations. I do think that Paul is the only candidate that could forge a strong bipartisan Congress bringing the establishment GOP and Dem members together to override his numerous vetos of legislation. Likewise many of his intiatives would be DOA at the captial. His priorities and theirs would not be found on the same planet for the most part IMO. He would be anathema to the establishment and special interests alike. His foreign policy would return to the Pacifism of the Past. That could not be thwarted by Congress as the President has absolute authority (save for Senate advise and consent of treaties) in foreign policy and as Commander-In-Chief. It would make for very interesting times. Truly the times would be a chaingin'. I'm of mixed mind about Paul. I think he would be good medicine in some ways... but maybe too much medicine for the patient's ultimate health. Nevertheless, I would be tempted.
  16. I figured if I had to ask what Priority Points are then I probably don't have any.
  17. How lucky you are to have 'known' Porn Legend Rick Donovan 'in the flesh'. The pics say it all even if they fall short of the real thing.
  18. For the visual types: His myspace page: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=196191339
  19. Asheville is abeautiful area. Always liked it. FL at 30 degrees is damned cold too -- the humidity makes the air cut right through one -- but it only lasts for a short time.
  20. Best wishes to you, Stef, and to all for a grand 2008. TY
  21. Thanks Lucky and Mark. And may your holidays be merry and funfilled. Wishing all in the MER Community a Merry Christmas and the happiest of Holidays this festive season. May Santa stuff your stocking or vice versa. ;
  22. I shall never forget your pickles... etched in the granite of my mind's eye!! I am scarred for life.
  23. Those are the guys I want on my side in a brawl. Pretty agressively too, I suspect. Especially when your mouth is full.
  24. No, a new table. Opening a whole room for two is reserved for the big tippers.
  25. Messrs. Smith and Cotts, Get a room, some doilies, glasses and elderberry wine!! This is a Pub full of Men's Men drinking top fermented ales, bottom fermented lagers and the occasional nector of a god. (Ozzzzz... we need a table in the corner for the Poets Society.)
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