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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. I agree. But the result is not a game changer only a game extender. She knows she cannot win as thing now stand. Her hope is that Obama will self-destruct or step on a fatal land mine. She wants to keep the process going to keep that possibility open. The real significance of her win is not that it changes the inevitable math but that it adds a terribly needed jolt to her fund raising effort. Out of money and with major contributors tapped-out, she desperately needed an infusion of cash to stay the course, at least for the next two weeks. The win stirred her grass roots base to ante up. Without that Hill would have been relegated to campaigning from NYC, spending the next two weeks living on AM and late night TV shows, the View and Ellen, and cable news interviews -- maybe even FOX. Free exposure is the best friend of a cash strapped poltical candidate. Ironic that Hillary has become the candidate of Hope.
  2. I'm not the biggest fan of the Clintons as some may have guessed, but I do not believe they are racists, either of them. However, I do believe that they will do/say anything to win and that includes using innuedo, racial or otherwise, if they think it will benefit them. THey are exceedingly good at that and have a long history of getting away with it most of the time IMO. With them it is all about winning. Something to be admired on one level and despised on another. Just an opinion...
  3. Talvin has had many many positive reviews over the years. He has also received many positive remarks by clients on message boards over the years. He was also the first public profile escort to ask 300 to the best of my knowledge. His rate policy of quoting the same number in different local currencies has been controversial. I know he travels on business regularly to Europe as well as around the US. There must be sufficient interest at his quoted rate to keep him going back. FWIW
  4. ughhhh..... first complaint of this nature. Thanks for the feedback. I'm forwarding to tech support. TY
  5. Just my opinion but.... The race has been over since VA/MD primaries and the caucuses of that period -- 10 straight state wins. I think that it was clear at that time to objective vote counters. I think it is clear in retrospect to everyone. Obama's margin was just too great for her to overcome. It is folly to confuse remote possibility in theory with practical reality. There was no way she was going to get 65% margins consistently from there on out. It was unrealistic to think the she could get the rules changed in the middle of the contest to favor her. Objectively (IMO) her campaign was an utter failure -- based as it was on a wrap-up on Super Tuesday with no game plan after that. She spent weeks flat-footed watching the states fall one by one to Obama without effective response. She pulled out last minute Hail Mary's in TX and Ohio where the establishments were overwhelmingly behind her. Even then the TX victory was a defeat in the delegate count and not by an eeking margin either. (It is interesting the note that in virtually every state she won and many she didn't win, she had the establishment behind her. Makes one wonder how a first term Senator got so far. Certainly not because of the entrenched machines. How well could he do if the had those machines behind him? Interesting to ponder.) Hillary didn't give up when the handwriting was on the wall and I admire her perspicacity, though not her methods. She certainly hasn't failed forlack of tryinig. She hoped beyond hope that she could somehow alter the landscape to give her solid footing to actually compete for the Supers. I think she has accepted that she will not succeed in standing the primary on its head by getting the Supers to give it to her. Yet she will persist until the remaining undecided Supers number too few to make the math. She even may go to the convention for her own future purposes. Why does she persist? Well, I don't think she accepts loosing every easily -- that perspicacity thing again. Also, she did feel not only that she was inevitable but that it was her turn -- the party owed it to her. She also wants to preserve her reputation as an unyielding fighter. There is a future in her future too, even after this fiasco. Lastly, it's that future. I don't doubt for a minute that she (and Bill) would be exHillarated if Obama, having won the primary, loses the General. The Clintons have long demonstrated that they will try to distroy anyone that stands in the way of their objectives. They are making threats to the Supers now. If Obama were to prevail it would diminish greatly any future chance of The Presidency for her. Not only would she be 68 but Democrats don't have much of a record of holding the White House for three terms consecutively. Thus if it is not now then four years from now is her only likely opportunity. I'm confident that she thinks 8 years with her at the helm after 4 years of McCain would be vastly preferable to the Country and the Party than 8 years of Obama or anyone else for that matter. Such is the Clinton ego. She just doesnt want to telegraph that for obvious reasons. Who says Obama can't win? Nobody knows at this point. Too many imponderables between now and November. That is why they hold elections. General election polls mean NOTHING now. They never do this far out. Those of us who have been around for a while recall seeing one candidate or the other having 15 point leads in polls only to see it evaporate by election day and lose a not so close election. I think there is a potential that Obama wins by a landslide. He could also lose with a reasonable showing. One thing is sure. It won't be clear until not only the party candidates engage but also the broad electorate. That comes only after Labor Day. Until then (after the Prmary close-out) only polictical activists, junkies and cable news pundits give a rats ass about the back and forth. The polls ALWAYS close the last few weeks before election day. So it will be again. The bright side: either one will be a phenomenal impovement over the present occupant of the office. That doesn't necessarily say much even if it speaks volumes.
  6. Oz, Good to see you haven't lost your stamina after all that weight loss. Now I understand about that Muay Thai trainging... getting yourself into shape to to take on those hot Brazilian guys.
  7. Townie, I take it neither the Cubano or Brzilian were memorbable?
  8. That is correct knight911. A point of confusion we need to change in the software.
  9. copa, Thanks for the update on the Rio saunas. Many are interested in the scene. It fans the imagination and allure of Brazil for us. Can't wait to to read about your adventures in SP. TY
  10. I didnt want you to think that you were ignored. Not sure what there is to say though. It's one more example of the Clintons being the Clintons. The pattern is well established and has been for the better part of two decades. Some people cannot abide their tactics, some seem unconcerned or care less, and others approve wholeheartedly. Different strokes for different folks.
  11. I did my bitching about the dollar and the economy several months ago. To my utter astonishment it has failed to have any impact on the course of events. Now even the domestic goods are becoming less affordable! Checked your grocery store lately? It will get much worse before it gets better. It probably won't get any better. Foodstuff prices seldom come down unless there is a glut. Whoever the fucking fool was that sold all of us other fools on ethanol leads in the Idiot of the Century Award Contest. Even I could see back then that this would have a terribly adverse affect on the price of corn that would ripple through the entire food commodity base. Corn is a primary feed for beef, pork, and chicken. Producers are already cutting back on their beef herds in anticipation of the the diminshed comsumption that will come with higher prices next year. Ethanol was and remains a handout to big farming interests and worse, it does nothing substantial for the energy supply since is takes more energy to create it than it yields. Just another example that government exists for the benefit of big business and special interests. The only importance of grassroots Americans in the process is to pay the freight for delivering government largesse.
  12. I strongly doubt Adm. Fallon was naive about the potential impact of the article on his career. Apparently his reticence has been ongoing for some time. I'm pleased that he had the honor to make his differences public and take the fallout rather than go-along-to-get-along that many other military leaders engaged in in the run up to the Iraq War and the unmitigated disaster it became after victory was declared. Hats off to Adm. Fallon, and Gen. Shinseki who were prepared to pay the price for daring to speak truth to power, as they saw it.
  13. Sign me up for Another Christian and Danyel if they have any enthusiasm at all.
  14. It has been my observation that hiring slows after Christmas as our Tax Day approaches (Apr 15), after Christmas expenditures and anticipating a tax bill or waiting for a refund to pad the disposable income account. Hopefully others will chime in with their input. TY
  15. Sad if true. For many, yesterdays loves are todays old maids. And for those too young to know of yesterdays loves... well...
  16. I'll keep this brief and civil as I dislike uncivil political discourse here and elsewhere. I need to be able to respect the person that holds the office. To have that respect the person has to have integrity and principle that is constant, not a practioner situational ethics. I have been strongly disgusted with our Presidential leadership for 16 straight years. I hope not to see it extend to 20 years. Obama gives me hope. McCain would suffice if it were not for his climbing in bed with the Ultraconservative repubs who have transformed the GOP to the POG. On a less important note but personally critical to me, the thought of having to watch spinmeister Lannie Davis for four more years will drive me to blow my brains out.
  17. Re: Heaven http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/inde...6&hl=heaven
  18. That is not exactly the case. We do accept reviews for massage, travel companions, muscle worship/wrestling, etc. There need not be a sexual aspect. There is sufficent client interest in the community for reviews of these genres and we are happy to accommodate. We mark the reviews accordingly. What we do not accept as received are reviews that indicate one of these genres in passing and then imply that much more happened. In those cases I ask for some elaboration of the experience and reassess the review. If not forthcoming I determine if there is enough content about the massage or travel experience to warrant posting a review. If so then I reclassify the review as travel companion or muscle worhship etc. and post. That conveys useful information to those with such interests. The criterion is that the experience be revelant to community interests, that there be substantive content to the experience and substantive description of that content.
  19. In some ways it is hard to believe it has been three years. Times passes so fast. A fitting time to remember HooBoy for his contributions, attitude and good humor. I recall HooBoy as the energizing core of a microcosm that brought gay men together in a community, the likes of which never existed before. For me his rememberance also brings forth memories of past posters and escorts, members of that community, who are no longer with us.
  20. Pretty good tea leaves reading, caeron. That pretty much sums it up. I'm not revealing any confidences here in that pj has posted his review experience, the escort, and his posting names. So here is my response to his review. chillmaster/pj/calimusic I would love to publish a review for Noah. However, we have been around this track before. A review contains more than a description of and testimonial for the escort. It is nice to know that you had a good time with Noah but without facts about the experience your peer clients are left in the dark about whether Noah will mean a good time for them. After all, the purpose of reviews is to share information among clients to determine which escorts are compatilble and provide good service. Please consider sharing the facts of your experience with your fellow clients. I'm sure they will be most appreciative and that it will be very good for Noah's business. No need to re-submit the review. Just send revised experience in reply to this email and I will add to your review. Thanks in advance. I look forward to your reply so that Noah's review can be scheduled for posting. Thanks again. TY I send out one or another variation of this response to submitted reviews that give little indication of the factual nature of the experience. Usually glowing accolades and testimonials are given. While testimonials about the escort and the 'great time had' without further explanation are nice, they are insufficient to give other prospective clients a good idea what they can expect and how the reviewer's ambiguous good time translates to their potential experience. Our review library is not intended to be a listing of 'great guys that are available'. Some may be satisfied with that. Many are not. We are not. Such announcements are welcome in The Buffet. The purpose of a review is to share INFORMATION about escorts among clients. This includes sharing experiences. We do not seek lurid details, just facts. The style of presentation is left to the reviewer. I never ask for style, only facts. Styles ranging from Grey's Anatomy to Masters and Johnson to The Story of O are acceptable. Their is no required length of description requested or even mentioned. A simple sentence or two may suffice, or the reviewer may write paragraphs -- his choice as long readers can conclude how the experience relates to their preferences. Not everyone is comfortable with writing a review that includes facts about an intimate experience. I faced that issue on my first review. In the end I decided that others had done me the favor by writing factual reviews about my first two hires. I'm not sure I would have followed through with those appointments without reviews. (That is how I discovered HooBoy's.) I wanted to provide some payback. Again, not everyone is comfortable with that. They are not comfortable writing a review. PJ puts forth that I have some agenda. It is true, I do. That agenda is to provide the client community a library of relevant useful information based on client experiences about escorts.The purpose is to facilitate matching good escorts with clients that share compatible interests. Nothing more. If I were doing this for my own personal prurient interest I'd tube all reviews about tops, all reviews about condom covered BJs and dry kisses and... Also, if I was looking to read porn, there are many more consistent quality sources available. I don't get a charge out of following up reviews by working with reviewers to share their experiences in a way that helps the community. It is work, not fun. But then running a good site is work. It is a lot easier to post whatver comes in but I dont think it is in the best interest of the community for us to store the chaff with the wheat. Others differ with that philosophy, content to let the readers sift through the chaff for the wheat. I stand ready to work with any reviewer who wishes to share his experience in a way helpful to his peers. That is my job and I take it seriously. Testimonials are welcome in The Buffet.
  21. epigonos, I was tempted to respond to your post on hiring practices but as site admin I have had to abandon my client hat for the referee striped shirt. That hold for many topics that have come up. That and, in my past experiences, my posts tend to kill a thread faster than a whif of cyanide. TY
  22. havan, Please see the email I sent. THanks. TY
  23. The immigration problem is not rocket science. It is a simple though not easy problem to solve if there is a will to do it. So far there has not been that will. Business wants cheap labor. Political parties want new voters. Special interests want wishes and desires realized. The American people defeated this coalition only thru the strongest foot stomping seen in years, maybe ever, to their congressional representatives. The ordeal is not over and the interests will take another run. It remains to be seen if the American People will prevail in the next round. It may require that one House of Congress be able to sustain a veto. Not a sure thing. The simple solution: First, secure the borders and ports. Period. Second, stamp out illegal employment, instituting and enforcing severe penalties on employers. Third, use law enforcement to round up, arrest and deport the criminal elements estimated at two million illegals. Fourth, create a viable guest worker program that identifies and tracks workers, and limits the duration of employment. The guest workers will be recruited from their native country. Permit would be renewable but only from the home country. Families not permitted. Enforce labor laws to protect guest workers from unscrupulous employers. The rest will sort itself out in time. This won't be easy to actualize but it is simple plan. The problem is this does not satisfy Business, Special Interest Motives, or Political Party growth. The people have some power to defeat legislation. They have no power to submit legislation. Even less to enforce it should it pass. The outlook is for more of the same no matter how much dust is kicked up or how often a sow's ear is called a silk purse. The establishment has no real incentive to change anything. They prefer to embrace a new pool of cheap labor who are potential voters -- the more the merrier. I would like to be proven wrong.
  24. I really hesitate to enter into discussions of this political season. I have little to offer of positive note other than to say that I liked some positions of all candidates except Brownback. There is nothing about Sam that I liked. Everyone has/had certain pluses and also very significant negatives that, in almost all cases, outweigh the positives. There are so many important issues at this time in our history. Unfortunately, no candidate has my confidence to address all of the imporant issues as I see them. The candidates are so flawed that I am left to make my choice on intangibles and a single issue. Given the circumstance I'm left to vote knowing that there are times I seriously will be disappointed, should my candidate prevail. My disappointment will be even worse if my candidate doesn't prevail. This is a hell of a quandry to face. I am tired of the Bush Years, I am tired of the Clinton Years. I am tired of the Right Wing Idealogues. I am tired of the Left Wing Idealogues. Enough has been more than enough for me. I have had much too much of the polarization. I am aghast that so many Americans are eager to weave the disenfrachisement of many of our citizens into the constitutional fabric of our Nation. The last time this was done was the drafting of the Constitution when slaves were deemed to be three-fifths of a person, but only for the purpose of assessing vote and population counts. This was done as a compromise to permit the birth of a nation, not an insignificant cause. I see no similar pressing purpose today -- nothing comensurate with the birth of a nation -- that warrants creating a secondary citizen class in the Fabric of our Nation. The concept is an abomination to the American Ideal that All Men Are Created Equal. Admittedly our Nation from its inception, fell short of realizing that ideal. But our historical record has chronicled our advances in fits and starts to acheive that ideal. Not since our inception have we, as a nation, sought to retreat and declare that our nation should be founded on the recognition that many of our citizens are unworthy to enjoy the all rights and protections of the Law of the Land. I cannot abide anyone that would support that concept or that would appeal to those that support that concept or to anyone that would seek a Supreme Court predisposed to the idea that the Constitution does not guarantee Equal Rights Under the Law for all citizens. There are many serious problems we face: immigration, war on terror, health care, the economy... . I can see living with those problems. I prefer not to and hope I wont have to. However, I cannot see living in the US with a Constitution that disenfrachises a segment of its own citizens, or that is twisted to permit suspension of habius corpus, or unregulated searches and seizures under certain conditions that are determined by those agencies that conduct the searches and seizures. In short, that is the tyranny that our forefathers sought to free us from. I choose to vote for what I believe will be the best way to preserve our ideals and freedoms, and return to civility in our political dialog. Then maybe solutiions to the other problems will follow.
  25. Sorry again for your frustration but this time I have no help to offer. We must live in orthogonal universes. I NEVER have had a problem cutting from an outside application and pasting into MER. I simply use Cntl C (in Word in this case) and Cntl V (in MER window in this case) to do the surgery deed. I dont know nothin' about right clicks for cutting and pasting. I came of age in the land of One-Cick and I came to navigate with limitation but well enough in the land of Double-Click. If the latter permits right-click Copy and Paste it wouldn't be unbelievable that is may be context dependent. I leave that for someone that actually understands the Land of Double-Click.
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