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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. EXPAT, you are right on. Some cannot see the big pictiure or don't really care to. IMO there is a cult of personality dedicated to Hillary or Bust. They are perfectly willing to cede the courts, foreign policy blunders, taxes, health care, ..., you name it, to the higher cause of resurrecting Hillary in '12. There really is nothing else to explain it. Any Democrat progressive or liberal who really believes that what, under four more years of Bush/McCain policies, will happen to the Supreme Court or taxes or foreign adventurism or what won't happen to health care, alterntive energy programs, the middle class economy, etc... that all of that doesn't outweigh waiting four more years for Hillary proves my point. I think that will be a great mistake on their part. It also has the added benefit of punishing all those too stupid to see the rigtheouness of Hillary from the beginning and their failure to annoint her candidacy accordingly. I am an Independent and by nature a Jeffersonian democrat. Generally, I favor the rights of individuals over groups. Generally, I also believe that divided government does the least damange. The Bush Years highlight that in spades. I have come to support both a Democratic Congress and President this year primarily because I believe the damage done to the country under Bush single-party-government is severe enough and the threat to our individual freedoms threatening enough, and the potential for tipping the Supreme Court for a generation heinous enough to warrant immediate corrective or blocking measures. Corrective measures that won't be made by McCain/GOP administration. To fail to change the direction of the last eight years is to support continued travel down the wrong road and worse to cement so many of the policies and actions that I find abhorrent. The Supreme Court will be cooked for a generation with at least two and maybe more vacancies to be filled. More jobs exported, more oil imported, Big Oil fatter and fatter, alternative engergy still a cottage industry, deficits growing, beach front enclaves in Iran, the rich richer, the middle class poorer... What a lovely picture... the country will be so desperate in four years that they will have to overcome their abhorrence of Hillary won't they? Hmmmm.... is there a baby and bath water argument underlying that argument? Unfortunately, for me anyway, in four years the Dem Congress will have been feeding at the trough long enough that their taste for special interest money and support will have overtaken any real sense of outrage about the deeply flawed Republican policies of the past that they failed to overturn in the face of a Republican Adminstration. Of course they will attempt to use partisan poliltical advantage to cement their place at the trough -- they will be busy with their own catering to special interests and big business. The time for divided government most likely will have returned, for me anyway. Reclaiming the Supreme Court and lost freedoms will have to wait on a younger generation. The lives and monies spent in foolish foreign adventures will be gone. Alternative energy solutions will be four years further away -- maybe eight? The debt of our children will be higher. Why should I bother about that? I could go on... I have gone on. Enough.
  2. Not my first choice, Richardson was. However, very acceptable choice and a head above most others IMO. (Maybe we come from different planets? ) Bayh was at best a parochial choice with no guarantee of delivering IN -- a weak campaigner to boot. Same parochial choice with Kane, maybe with a better chance to bring VA along but with the added issue of being new on the scene sell. Hillary never a contender. The combined ticket would soar among the Democratic primary voters, at best, pulling maybe 35 to 40 million voters. Far short of the 80+ million needed to win. Hillary still has the highest negatives save Bush and Cheney of any politicos out there. I know her believers cannot see that but the pollsters do. As late as this week 49% would never vote for Hillary.
  3. I'll believe it when I see it.
  4. I am beside myself sitting here watching the Diving and Track reruns. Now these guys know how to dress for competition!!! What eye candy. The Americans are cute as can be... the Canadians, hot too. Did I mention the Chinese and Japanese divers? A big crop of twinks this year. Between them and the muscled track sprinters with the spandex outfits straining to contain their contents, I'm set for the next month. Let the games continue. Sorry I didn't post any photos by my eyes are glued to the bodies on the screen. Any contributions greatfully accepted. Oh... and sign me up for a long weekend the Bryan Clay the Decathalon US Gold Medal winner. I love a guy that does it all and so well.
  5. We'll see if Hallmark can take the heat, which is bound to come.
  6. I agree. There should have been no need for resignation as there should be no penalty for exercising our individual rights. Unfortunately, when individual actions reflect on a business or group, the ramifications take on a much larger importance. It is unfortunate but customers, present and prospective, don't always separate the actions of the person from the actions of the business. That is why the two U of Nebraska hottie wrestlers got dumped for their JO movies on Fratmen TV. Unfortunate for them, unfortunate for the school, but some U of N boosters and would be supporters as well as the self-appointed gad flies would not pass up this opportunity to make a mountain of that mole hill. Companies and universities cut their losses and move on.
  7. I don't follow the porn industry beyond what I stumble across by total accident or come across in a Yahoo group here or there, so what follows is only unimformed opinion and offered only for discussion. Regarding where porn is produced? It like the bank robber said when asked: why he robbed banks?, he replied: that is where the money is. The Big 4 US coastal metro areas are where the raw materials are found, whatever the HIV rates. I doubt we'll see much porn prouduced in Peoria no matter how healthy those corn fed studs are. As for Brazil, I don't see how HIV rates would differ enough, or if t hey did then make enough of a difference to matter, given that condom-based porn skirts the issue (no pun...) wherever the location and whatever the HIV stats. As for bareback porn, well... anyone working under the assumption he is engaged in anything safer than playing Russian Roulette on a repeated basis is truly an optimist at heart and naive or fully aware and ready for the risk, wherever the shoot takes place. I do suspect the that economic benefits of shooting exotic Brazilian porn by US producers have taken a dive with the US$ in the last few years. There also seems to be a lot of home grown vids flowing out of there too. All that being said, I'm in no position to contradict industry guys.
  8. newsday.com: Where candidates stand on the issues ... Hillary Clinton: Opposes same-sex marriage, favors civil unions. Says it's a state issue. http://www.newsday.com/news/politics/chi-0...171367.htmlpage Is it a God thing? For the record, I knew exactly what I was getting and what I was not. I remain satisfied with my purchase. No buyer's remorse here. It is an interesting proposition that over 18 million people were idiots that allowed themselves to be duped over a six month active primary season while another 18 million had such clarity of vision in that loosing crusade. Several terms come to mind, hubris and condescension to name a few. I really havent seen a wave of buyers remorse in the nation, although a few intransigent hardcore members of the other political camp keep fanning the flames. If there was serious buyer's remorse we'd hear more than passing gas from those relatively few politicos unable to digest the results, and see a real coordinated grass roots/super delegate attempt to exchange the purchase at the convention. I just don't see it but we have ten days left. Who knows?
  9. Unfortunately for her, that realization came after it was too late for her to win. Not the best characteristic for a commander-in-chief IMO. It seems you are destined to be one unhappy camper come Nov. Is there no silver lining perceptable in a win for Obama? Supreme Court? Right to Privacy? Gays in the military? Energy policy? Tax policy? Foreign adventurism? Or might you prefer McCain's leanings on these? There are real differences in the balance. Is looking backward on what might have been so consuming that a choice about real alternatives for the future pale by comparison? Or is it that you fear a McCain victory is all but assured. Nothing I see at the moment confirms this. The American electorate can be fickle and short sighted. However, with so much current running against the Republicans and the present domestic conditions I think change will be a strong current to buck this go around unless... some outside occurence upsets the present landscape to refocus the electorate at the myopic level.
  10. The pussy rarely wins slugfests unless he is far superior in cunning and guile. So either we are faced with Obama, the superior puncher or the superior strategist and tactitian. I concede that Clinton is a hard puncher, much harder than I imagined in the beginning. Maybe in Obama we have a bit of Muhammad Ali, a brilliant strategist and tactician that out maneuvered his heavy footed opponent's hard punches until his strength was sapped, and the match had slipped away from them. Sounds pretty accurate to me. On what factual basis do you make this ad homiem charge? It seems that this charge could be made just as easily against any candidate's supporters with no real basis either. To what end?
  11. The rap put on him by the repubs, pushed by much of the press, is that he is an extreme leftist. The rap put on Hillary by the die hard lefty demos is that she is a centrist or worse. What one sees depends on where one stands when looking at it.
  12. If the article is accurate then a big reason and maybe THE reason she lost, her inability to effectively take hold and run the campaign and the people that make it up, would have made for a problematic presidency. Maybe the primary process does go along way to picking the best candidate in a practical sense.
  13. It's all part of the Human Condition. Once we set our position we sort the facts to fit that vision. Only after the facts become embarassingly contrary to our position do we realign that position or wish a pox on the whole scene. Just when that happens depends on the individual.
  14. Interesting. It has been reported more than a few times that head honcho repubs think McCain is running a lousy campaign against Obama. I guess there really is symmetry in the universe. I see the Dream Goes On... They only way to stop Obama now is to catch him in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy. PUMA is probably working on that one.
  15. Ain't gonna happen. If I was in Vegas with you I'd be happy to take your money. It ain't gonna be Kerry. Who is drinking the kool aide? What a great idea: Let's put last times looser on the ticket for that extra special kick that only a VP candidate can inject. Exactly what every campaign needs -- a shit load of balast. Everything I have seen indicates that the Obama campaign has been the best run operation, not perfect, but best run by far compared to anyone else of eithe party. That assessment seem to be shared generally by pundits of both sides. Does anyone really expect them to make a faux pas of this magnitude?
  16. I don't have much to say about Bush I other than I liked him generally and he was a great War President IMO. As for Regan's deficit, the best spent money in history IMO and helped by Tip O'Neil. Spent the USSR into oblivion. While Clinton deserves his share of the credit for a surplus, he had strong backing from a fresh influx of young conservative Republicans who, after wandering in the desert for 40 years, made a Contract with America that promised a cut in spending. They followed through, though not always in ways to my liking. Just goes to show you how feeding at the public trough long enough corrupts everyone.
  17. It's the accent. Those accented squeals and moans as he takes a big one, legs held high in the air. Well, that's one fantasy anyway.
  18. Did someone mention a Scotsman?
  19. Here are a couple of a more secular nature.
  20. I think speedos ought to be mandated for all swimming and diving competitions local, national, international. That includes the Olympics. !! Basic black or elegant white -- swimmers choice. Preferalby of ultra thin stretch material. After all they do want this to be a spectator sport, so let have some spectacle. Oh, if a sports rationale is needed, simple: competition comes down to the althlete with his physical prowess. No special equipment/suits, goggles excepted for physiological reasons. In fact, speedos are unnessary but hey, who said there cannot be compromise with the inhibited. ... longing for the good old days. The following evidence is submitted in support of my thesis:
  21. I'm drawn more to his religious side. This is what jock twinks grow up to be.
  22. What do those randy Spaniards do?
  23. Ughhhh..... I have never experienced that one. I'd be pissed too. Which browser?
  24. Well, there was those pesky arabs... and then the effects of all those warm Mediterrean oysters and muscles comsumed over millenia.
  25. It's that Spanish macho thing. They have it bad. Worse than an STD, it was transmitted widely in Latin America during colonization. But when you find a bottom, he's ususally a pig in heat. Or is that my fantasy. Surprised to hear that wilth all the Black and Rican total tops advertising. Maybe they only give it away?
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