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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. We are definitely fucked... in the long run. The question is how far away is the long run? Could be as short as 2029 with the encounter of an especially pesky asteroid. Of course one of millions of stars in the neighborhood could go postal, I mean supenova, at any time and toast all of us. Or closer to home, the East Coast gets inundated by a huge Tsunami eminating from the Azores as the west side of one of the islands slides into the ocean. There are a great many disasters waiting to happen that will not destroy the earth but will fuck it up pretty badly and those clinging to its surface. One of the great benefits of cable TV is the Discovery Chanel, which has devoted unending resources to inform us about all the ways our doom might occur and even what the planet might look like after that doom. The chicken littles had it right all along... the sky is falling. The world will end. The only uncertainties are how and when. The only sure things: death and taxes. Then as Lucky pointed out, the near term disaster that might fall upon us if the Hockey Mom is left to nest on the football. Those Russians better look out! It's a good thing that Mother Nature ingrained in us a healthy instinct for distraction. Jayme and WC are two distractions that come to mind in the last couple of days. Full speed ahead on the distractions. http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php?...rt_id=208090003 http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php?...rt_id=108040030
  2. I'm becoming doubtful that this election will turn on policies or truthful facts that form the body of legitimate political differences. If this week is any barometer, only personalities and emotions seem to count. Policy differences have been reduced to untruthful or half truthful slogans or sound bytes. Less important that what is said seems to be who is saying it. This week it ain't even the economy, stupid! Fortuantely the spineless MSM finally seems to be waking up to the silliness, lies and halftruths that has passed for political discourse the last ten days. Hopefully the electorate will sober up and approach this critical election with the serious deliberation it is due. Else we may be in for a very scary four years. A few weeks ago I went on a rant why I can no longer support the tarnished McCain who abandoned the Straight Talk Express and decent honorable politics in favor of Rovian lies and deceit. Andrew Sullivan makes the argument in his own prescient way: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_...ns-integri.html McCain's Integrity 10 Sep 2008 01:40 pm For me, this surreal moment - like the entire surrealism of the past ten days - is not really about Sarah Palin or Barack Obama or pigs or fish or lipstick. It's about John McCain. The one thing I always thought I knew about him is that he is a decent and honest person. When he knows, as every sane person must, that Obama did not in any conceivable sense mean that Sarah Palin is a pig, what did he do? Did he come out and say so and end this charade? Or did he acquiesce in and thereby enable the mindless Rovianism that is now the core feature of his campaign? So far, he has let us all down. My guess is he will continue to do so. And that decision, for my part, ends whatever respect I once had for him. On core moral issues, where this man knew what the right thing was, and had to pick between good and evil, he chose evil. When he knew that George W. Bush's war in Iraq was a fiasco and catastrophe, and before Donald Rumsfeld quit, McCain endorsed George W. Bush against his fellow Vietnam vet, John Kerry in 2004. By that decision, McCain lost any credibility that he can ever put country first. He put party first and his own career first ahead of what he knew was best for the country. And when the Senate and House voted overwhelmingly to condemn and end the torture regime of Bush and Cheney in 2006, McCain again had a clear choice between good and evil, and chose evil. He capitulated and enshrined torture as the policy of the United States, by allowing the CIA to use techniques as bad as and worse than the torture inflicted on him in Vietnam. He gave the war criminals in the White House retroactive immunity against the prosecution they so richly deserve. The enormity of this moral betrayal, this betrayal of his country's honor, has yet to sink in. But for my part, it now makes much more sense. He is not the man I thought he was. And when he had the chance to engage in a real and substantive debate against the most talented politician of the next generation in a fall campaign where vital issues are at stake, what did McCain do? He began his general campaign with a series of grotesque, trivial and absurd MTV-style attacks on Obama's virtues and implied disgusting things about his opponent's patriotism. And then, because he could see he was going to lose, ten days ago, he threw caution to the wind and with no vetting whatsoever, picked a woman who, by her decision to endure her own eight-month pregnancy of a Down Syndrome child in public, that he was going to reignite the culture war as a last stand against Obama. That's all that is happening right now: a massive bump in the enthusiasm of the Christianist base. This is pure Rove. Yes, McCain made a decision that revealed many appalling things about him. In the end, his final concern is not national security. No one who cares about national security would pick as vice-president someone who knows nothing about it as his replacement. No one who cares about this country's safety would gamble the security of the world on a total unknown because she polled well with the Christianist base. No person who truly believed that the surge was integral to this country's national security would pick as his veep candidate a woman who, so far as we can tell anything, opposed it at the time. McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not have the character to be president of the United States. And that is why it is more important than ever to ensure that Barack Obama is the next president. The alternative is now unthinkable. And McCain - no one else - has proved it.
  3. Small, cheesey dicks and high taxes. So what's the attraction?
  4. It seems that the UK attracts many escorts from Brazil, East Europe and to a lesser extent China/Hong Kong. Is there a similar phenomenon for France? Maybe from former colonies? I've seen the odd black and North African in listings but I haven't noticed a particular trend similar to the UK? What is your view. What about the male population in general? Inquiring minds want to know.
  5. I'll wait for version 2. I hate to be a beta tester. When it comes to software, no matter what they say, it ain't ready for prime time until it has had a few laps around the track in prime time.
  6. There will be a convention. The rules are quite specific about nominating a candidate and putting that candidate on state ballots. It will not be postponed. Probably 15000 hotel rooms have been reserved not to mention a good fraction of that in flights. You do not reschedule an event of that magnitude by telling folks to come a week later. It steps on their production but given their own disillusionment about how poorly their show was likely to compare with the Dems they now have a distraction in the hurricane -- a silver lining of sorts. Speaking of a silver lining, Gustav is a blessing for them in that gives good cover for not having Bush and Cheney show up. That has been a dread that could not be avoided... until now. Now for Bush, the business of looking not to screw this hurricane up will take precedence over politics. How lucky they are in this respect.
  7. All things being equal, I prefer a foreskin over cut but I am pretty versatile. As for off odors, I'm usually at a venue that affords soap and water. Else one might consider a beer bath.
  8. Don't get me started on these self-important cable clowns... self-absorbed talking heads and pundits who never miss a chance at public masturbation of their egos, who deign to don the role of messenger to the masses lest the common folk be left confused and confounded by the candidates own words, who act like this is nothing more than a grand party where political tricks and mendacity constitute just good ole fun politics that should forge the leadership and policies of the nation for the next four years. They see no fault in the process as farce. To the contrary they are ready to pitch in with the farce. They are an embarassment to themselves and their networks without the perceptivness to sense it. I miss the professional reporters who try to keep their personal views out to the process and who are professional enough not to lower themselves to be used as props or foils in the farce. Those who report facts, not promulgate talking points and distortions under the guise of news. There are only a few left... too few. Please don't get me started.
  9. As mentioned in previous threads, improvements to the site will come in the next software build which is presently underway but unlikely to see the light of day for some months. As for login glitches... they seem erratic. Usually I can login from the forums but not always. Why? I havent the foggiest. If i have a problem usually login from the Home Page works. Is it a pain when it acts up? Yes it is. That is one reason for the rebuild. Here is rule of thumb for recovery when something with the browser doesnt work right, whether this site or elsewhere. Try the first and if that doesnt work then go to the next. 1. Clear the cache. 2. Clear the cookies. 3. Restart the browser. 4. Restart the computer. Problems can arise from site software, browser software, OS software, just using the computer too long without a restart. We won't mention viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, ... We look forward to a site rebuild that is cleaner, speedier, more user friendly. It will accommodate many of the suggestions made that are compatible with not modifying off-the-shelf software. Thanks for your perserverence.
  10. He must be trying to draw an inside straight. Stirring the passions of the hardcore base (inlcuding evangelicals) and hoping to draw disaffected women blind to the prochoice consequences. All the hoopla notwithstanding, I suspect the GOP establishment is popping antacids like tic tacs. It was really funny watching the surrogates, caught flat footed, trying to hype the choice and point up her superior credentials to be Commander-in-Chief. Sometimes these charades can be funny even if pathetic. (That goes for the Dems too. Both parties could do with a lot less surrogates to embarass themselves and the Party.)
  11. That's because you converse only with males 18-23 and you don't believe in beating around the bush... Well, acutally you do, I think.
  12. I think the top level gets more traffic than any forum as it is the entry hall to all forums. The only issue might be it getting lost in the clutter. If we trim back to three or four forums at most there should be little chance of that. And everyone but Magoo would see it. No? Also, unlike other posts, travel posts have short shelf life and need to be cleared without getting lost in the message stream. They also need to be easily located by shoppers. Segregating them facilitates those goals IMO.
  13. Is this McCain's Quayle moment? It will be interesting to see how comfortable people will be voting for a 72 year old with recurring skin cancer with, only a heart beat away to take over, a former part time mayor of a town of 6000 now serving for 18 months as Governor of a state with the population of the District of Columbia. She has all the right right-wing credentials save experience which McCain now has taken off the table as an issue. (They had to know they were doing that which makes this choice all the more interesting.) I'm sure the Republican establishment is flummoxed over this choice to say the least. What he gains in any disaffected female vote might be obtained at the risk of blue collar male support IMO. Not that they wouldn't vote for a ticket with a female VP, but Palin isn't Kay Bailey Hutchinson when it comes to experience. Given his circumstances it is not unthinkable that he might not be able to finish his term. It will be interesting to see how this will play with the Bradley Effect voters and those on the fence concerned about experience at the helm. I'm sure many GOP big wigs are shaking their head in wonderment with so many other GOP governors with tons of experience left in the wings. It is interesting to note how apparently insecure the McCain campaign is, as seen in the abandonment of principled practices and policies of the past such as straight talk and clean campaigning in favor of the ad hominem and distortion practices and policies used against him in that past. Policies that were an anathama to him in 2000. Now this. They have done a good job at neutralizing bumps by Obama. Negative campaigns almost always succeed at that. But they haven't been able to grow their own support over 5o% with those tactics. Is this a desperate attempt to break the 50% mark? Is it too desperate? Or is it McCain's high profile act to demonstrate his Maverick credentials? I'm curious if Obama's night tipped the scales to the Palin decision in desperation or was this a well and dispassionately thought-through decision. I suspect those big wigs would like to know that too. Of course she might be a fabulous campainer and sweep the country by storm. The next 63 days will tell.
  14. I believe that Business Class should remain at the top level. Who wants to advertise in the bowels of the NY Times except your local septic system pumper? That was NOT a play to the fetish crowd.
  15. What's his name?
  16. Yes, but a halter top of gold. I am so shallow.
  17. I share your dim view of the political party agendas. Obviously there are several levels to the agendas, not all of which are focused on pursuing the 'public' agenda. Such is the nature of politics and why politicians as a social class are held in such low repute. Why hasn't Kucinich gotten more done? He has failed consistently to implement his agenda. The reason is simple. He cannot do it by himself or with whatever support he has garnered. It's pretty clear that also holds for the present Dem congress. They fall short of the strength to over come Presidential vetos in the House and Senate parlimentary restrictions in addtion to vetos in the Senate. (I dont laud the Dem leadership in either house and believe that Senate Leader should be retired from that post in the new Congress. ) How would you propose the Dems stand up to Bush that would lead to success instead of public flame outs in defeat? I don't believe either Dem congressional leader is smart enough to out maneuver this Bush/GOP congress axis. I'm not sure there is anyone smart enough at this particular time. The Dems could have created a big public ruckus in their defeats. The lesson of the government shutdown in Clinton's admin shows that the pubic doesnt care for that even if ardent grass root supporters do. Usually it is better to keep your powder dry until the target is in reach. An alignment of the Congress and Executive Branch does just that. It was clear that the upcoming election would greatly strengthen the Democratic hold on government. After a couple of early failed attempts they pretty much decided to keep their powder dry until then. Now, when the Dems stand on the verge of gaining that alignment and the strength to put up or shut up, this is not the time to deny them. Not if one embraces their 'agenda'. If under their strengthened circumstance they don't produce then it is time to draft Ron Paul.
  18. Finally some solid common ground we share. I am not enamored with either party. However, I don't see any others on the horizion not to mention better ones. That is why I am an Independent. So I deal with what we have and hold my nose. I share your dislike of the Inheritance Tax, at least as presently constituted. I can see the expatriate tax and inheritance tax greatly gores your ox. I appreciate that would be a significant hit for you that wouldn't be easy to overlook. That is far a greater impact than haggling over a few percent at the margins. There is a long list of things I really dislike about the Dem policies, immigration being one of them. I also believe they are just as corrupt as the Repubs, in general -- in the pocket of special interests and big business in their own way. It's just that they have been out of office for a while and are less malignant at the moment because of that hiatus. However, after the last eight years I feel that we stand at a cross roads. I view single party Dem government at this particular time as I do a powerful drug used to fight a persistent infectious disease. The drug acutally works to kill both patient and disease. The calculation is made that the disease will be killled before the patient. As an example consider cancer chemotherapy. IMO we have some big problems to undo and others to block from happening. We need some strong medicine, maybe with some unpleasant side effects. I'm up for a four year dose for single-party Dem medicine. I understand that your personal circumstances may make the side effects more difficult to endure. We all have to vote our own interests. That is a motivation I can understand and embrace. More so than voting for personalities over policies. For me this is not an election between personalities but between big picture policies. I hope the Dem policies will kill the bugs left behind by the Repubs and block any new ones before the Dems seriously begin threaten the patient's long term health or abuse their power. It is inevitable that will happen. That is why elections every four years is theraputic. I may be an ardent supporter of the Repub candidate next time around if the GOP sheds its POG robes and they pick a decent candidate. Unlikely, but possible. In the past I have voted for more Repubs than Dems. Of course that was before the GOP developed some disturbing carcinomas.
  19. Townie, Thanks for the report. Much appreciated. What does this mean? Do they have an 'office' in the area? Are there any other base cities besides NYC? Miami maybe? Just curious if that means a permanent business office presence or what.
  20. I think that I and others have done an adequate job of laying out the differences between the Dem and Repub agendas and what lies in the balance. That trascends beyond the individual candidate personalities to the next government establishment that sets the agenda for the next four years. These are not just my views they happen to be Hillary's view as well as the views of the Democratic establishment, many of which were ardent Hillary supporters. I'm left to conclude that you really don't share the Democratic agenda. That's ok, neither does McCain or Bush, or Rove or many others. It's a free country. Vote your principles.
  21. Van submitted a new profile. The link was lost in the exchange. It seems the link was never made for Billy from what I can tell. Both have been corrected. Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated. TY
  22. Some of the swimmers are very hot but Phelps just doesn't move me. Some like tomaatoes, others like tomahtoes.
  23. Yummm.... I love Aussie (said in the tone of Cookie Monster ) What a doll. Sign me up!! Way back when... I drooled over Brendan/Sydney photos for the longest time. Read every review. He had one of the best ripped bods world wide. Eventually he made it to NYC on travel. I signed my ass up for my first overnight ever. Booked an hour too with his boyfriend as a third. Charming guys. Did Jekyll & Hyde on Broadway that evening -- a hunk on each arm. What a bod on Brendan!! Great ass and dick of steel. And his boyfriend had the hardest muscle ass I have ever encountered. Who ever knew that heaven was in NYC. Goes these days by Brendan Austen. Still escorting, does porn. http://www.brendanausten.com/gallery.html Just one of many fine memories recorded on HooBoys Reviews now lost to history. Here's a few present day pics. He has aged well over the last eight years.
  24. When is compromise not compromise? I don't know about you but I'd rather be on the offensive rather than the defensive. The President proposes. The Senate can only approve his nominees and no other. The people tend to view obstructionism in a dim light. While the Dem base will hang in with the Congress obstructing, most of the people won't and whoever prevails has to have the people in the middle. There will be compromise alright but on the President's terms. The first guy may go down but the second will go through and I guarantee he will not be to the Dems liking. Nevertheless, the President will be seen to have gone half way. If the Dems don't 'show compromise' the political fall out accrues to the Dem Congress. Yes, I'd rather be on offense over defense on the political football field. (That is the present problem for the Obama campaign. But that can change from week to week -- and it must.)
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