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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. For those that remember the good old days and want to take a trip back... http://www.calamusbooks.com/newsletters/8/8/ SLAVA MOGUTIN's new book is NYC GO-GO. Mogutin was born in Siberia. A queer activist in the late years of the now-defunct Soviet Union, SM was tossed out of the workers' former paradise. He was granted political asylum in the USA. His career is distinctive. His poetry and his photography have brought him great renown. NYC GO-GO is his collection of photos from the downtown scene in New York, featuring young men performing in the erotic industry, stripping, dancing and behaving with all too much irrational exuberance. This is perfect material for Mogutin, and he documents this scene with affection and sensitivity. It's not always pretty, but, of course, it's not supposed to be. Thus his subject. NYC GO-GO includes an essay by BRUCE BENDERSON. This is a hardcover from PowerHouse Books, $35.00
  2. Hmmm... a year or two. We'll have to call you Carioca Oz. I hope the $ is raised out of the toilet for your sake as well as other US expats. That probably depends on the outcome of the election as I suspect four more years of Bush economics won't change much for the better.
  3. Nor Romania I suspect, or Serbia, Croatia... Something about that part of the world that seems just a little tight-assed about diversity things.
  4. Where was your camera phone!!??!!??
  5. How long is long term? That bring up a question. Does BZ still have the 180 day visa stay limit? For the idly courious.
  6. I agree with all that plus she is a fucking fruit cake too and not in a gay way. I'm continually amazed at all the fucked up ideas and attitudes that people have. Personally, I think it is the chemicals in our environment and our ancestor's environment too. Either that or someone is truly fucking with us. Unlike Natural Laws like gravity which always knows where down is, people are all over the fucking place without rational rhyme or reason. So it seems to me.
  7. I started musing about this in another thread and thought it interesting enough by itself to seek the views of others. Your opinion (and mine) on the most gay friendly place in: the US, (South Beach) North America, (Montreal) Europe, (Amsterdam) Latin America, (Rio?) Asia, (Pattaya) the World. (Thailand?)
  8. Did you mean: Blame Canada? If so then for what? The US does not corner the market on homophobes. Canada's heartland reflects much the same attitudes as the US heartland. Much like the US, Canada has large segments that are gay friendly or tolerant and large segments that are not. Canada's government is more Gay friendly that the US gov't, at least until the Conservatives take full control soon. The Canadian Supreme Court has been a moderating influence as well. I feel more confortable escorting a hot hunk around in Montreal than I do in NY, Boston, DC... My take is that South Beach and WeHo are probably the most gay friendly locations in the US. I blame Canada for having the water or some other hidden factors that produce really hot guys all over the place up there, for historically lower escort rates not to mention the best male strip clubs in North America and maybe the world. I have to leave the Thailand assessment to Oz a true expert on that.
  9. Recently received: I wrote an extensive review of the time that I spent with xxx on mm/dd/yy/. I wrote this two days ago. Why is it taking a while to be printed here? Thanks, yyyy. I'm not quite sure how to respond to this. Maybe a 'Breaking News' column for escort reviews?
  10. Let's keep in mind that screen size and screen resolution while related, are not the same. The question seems to be preferred screen resolution. However, we should remember that increased resolution means more pixels which means more data to download which means more time to download. Double the resolution and quadruple the data to download. Everything has a price.
  11. That was so funny but then all Fey had to do was put on the face and voice. Not taking anything away from Fey. She had it nailed. Just that no real stretch was required to caricature the fatuous and vacuous nature of our potential Republican Vice President. It was given to her on a platter by Sara herself. Clearly McCain has demonstrated the depth of his 'Country First' principle. Either that or his mental processes at 72. He bears only the most superficial resemblance of McCain 2000. McCain is now stuck. Some conservative columnist are now grumbling he should replace her. But that will alienate the base who are in love with her, not to mention those females who are hell bent to have a female, apparently any female, VP. If he keeps her then he will have to weather the calls of conservatives who are too principled, in genuine fear of the potential necessity of succession, to go along with this charade. It turns out there are a few -- too few. George McGovern never recovered from the Eagleton fiasco. I doubt McCain could either if he tubed Palin.
  12. Just more of the 'New McCain' Straight Talk Express. I suspect Dave has a lot of legs left on this one. At least to carry him through the First Tuesday in November. A little bit of truthfulness by McCain would have saved tons of grief for himself but lying has become a little too easy for him.
  13. LOL.... Who is being snooty! Now you are reading things that aren't there. Nowhere did I argue overcrowding, just all sizes shapes and colors will eventually pass through. In reality that is a very limited number in the cosmic scale. Whatever happened to not participating in a thread if one deems it useless, irrelevant or uninformative. There just is no self discipline anymore. When visiting family do you bring a white glove?
  14. Build a sand box and they will come... all ages sizes shapes and colors. Same holds for mud puddles. Says something about the universe but not sure what.
  15. Ummm..... don't think it was before this. Not sure it will be in the future. But at this time and place it has ascended from the pimordial sludge for a moment of life.
  16. Captain Morgan's?
  17. TampaYankee

    Burn Notice

    Love the show for all the reasons you give. My only disappointment is the extended hiatus practice. It does make for worthwhile summer TV entertainment.
  18. For those considering... Special Offer from Hotel Omni Mont-Royal: $92 -- Montreal 4-Diamond Hotel at 50% OFF* Montréal, Québec Top 20 deal - sells out quickly! Travel dates: November-December; +$20 Oct. 8-31 http://hotels.travelzoo.com/lodging-hotels...ium=email_top20 This is a good Priceline-equivalent-deal for this hotel. Great hotel.
  19. ... then get him all wet again. BigK, Sorry to hear that you are participating in that ordeal. I can only begin to imagine your discomfort from my experience of simply being without power for 60 hours due to a beautfiul ice storm with unpleasant aftermath. Luckily, we had plenty of ice and snow to eat but no water for amenities or heat for that matter. We had to make sure that the yellow snow was limited to the backyard. I hope things improve for you but I'm reading that it may be a couple of more weeks before provisions will be available everywhere. Hope that is a big overstatement.
  20. Speaks more to the horniness of the beholder than the hotness of the pics. no?
  21. I believe US law permits prosecution of any US citizen or resident alien for having sex with anyone under eighteen anywhere in the world, local laws notwithstanding.
  22. China is a waking giant for sure as is India. Russia, I'm not so sure about. I've heard knowledgable people describe Russia as a Third World Country sitting on an ocean of oil and natural gas. Oh yeah, with nukes. Still cannot feed itself or manufacture for its own needs. Shrinking population. Corruption seems endemic even on a personal level. If this is true then Russia presents little eoconomic threat. What they do have is a choke hold on Euro energy needs. That is one more reason to pursue alternative energy sources.
  23. I dont know what you guys are on but I have some of whatever it is. "All joking aside, I think that whomever is the next president they'll put Bill Clinton up for the spot. " All joking aside, that is one of the funniest propositions of a political nature that I have heard. Zero probability of that happening or of Bill accepting. If only we were within wagering distance. "I don't mean to overstate the obvious. But, there is no chance that McCain will appoint an Alito type if there is a strong majority of democrats in Congress." It is far from obvious to me and I think to many who follow these things. Certainly the above article is not so complacent. For those willing to take that bet they are going all in on just a hunch because as the article states, the next adminstration will set the temperment of the court for maybe the next 30-40 years without ANY recourse by the people, the Congress, or future Presidents. The only way to remove an appointment is through death, voluntary retirement, or being found in bed with a dead girl or live boy. The last two aren't a sure bet as that probably requires an act of impeachment which would likely depend on the party in control of the Senate. Big stakes for a woulda or shoulda. I tend to take people at their word when the say they are going to do something, Clintons excepted. All one has to do is listen to McCain talk about judicial appointments. He is very clear if you understand the lingo. Strict constructionists that would have no problem overturning Roe. That means no Right of Privacy. No less than that! Not to mention a lot more Scalia and Alito leaning decisions on a host of issues over forseeable future. As recently as last week on the View he made it perfectly clear. And that should not be dismissed as campaign rhetoric for two reasons IMO. First, I think he honestly believes in that position and second, for him to do otherwise would totally annihilate his conservative base support. That would weaken his congressional backing and jeopardize any hope of him reliably governing by veto. And there is no way that he and the Democratic majority will be sleeping in the same bed consistently. Thus the veto is an important tool to his presidency. In Supreme Court nomimations the President always has the high ground. That is because the Senate is put in an obstructionist role. That can play only so long until the pressures mount. For a variety of reasons Senators are more sensitive to giving under pressure than the President in this arena. In the end, the President will get more his way than the Dem Senate. And we will live with it. So whatever you guys are smoking or drinking please pass some, um alot, my way. I'll need a shitload of it if this election presents me with a lip-stick-smacking-pit-bull-hockey-mom-Cheney-in-drag a heartbeat away from Methusala-Mac-I-dont-know-much-about-the-economy...-dont know much-about-diplomacy...-but-what-I-know-is-true...-integrity-for-loosers-makes-me-blue-while-the-lies-give-me-wings-to-fly-and-I-promise-that-might-makes-right...what-a-wonderful-world-I-will-make. How fucking sad should that come to pass. Ummm..... I think I used up all of my hyphens. Does anyone know if you can you get more at Staples?
  24. “John McCain’s appointment of the next justice could be the most significant appointment in half a century,†said David Cole, a law professor at Georgetown University, noting that the trend has been toward appointing younger justices who could be on the court for 30 or 40 years. “We would have a solid far-right conservative block for the next several decades. That cannot be undone by a subsequent election if people decide that the court is far to the right of them. There’s nothing we can do as citizens.†Already, as Geoffrey Stone, a University of Chicago law professor, has observed, “The current makeup of the Supreme Court renders it the most conservative group of justices in living memory.†Read the entire article here: http://www.washingtonindependent.com/5745/...e-supreme-court
  25. Pretty scary. Looks like they are casting some spice to the remake of 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane'. To be fair, I look much better in my high school graduation photos.
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