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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Having grown up in Florida, I could see setting up home base at least half of the year in post-Castro Cuba with suitable evolution of the political climate, oh, and broadband. I've always had a fantasy of living the lifestyle of Papa Hemingway. Add to that those hot Cuban hunks and twinks (maybe they are already subsumed in his lifestyle), what's not to like other than the humidity.
  2. Chicken Little here... I believe this is the first step in the Cybersky falling First, goverment jawboning individual sites over internet content. More to come: Government jawboning internet providers over content transmission, Taxation of interent access, and Internet providers metering service to charge by downloading throughput (although cost of providing service is independent of throughput) Moves for all of these are presently afoot. There are always those who want to impose their restrictions on what adults can do. They have begun to achieve concrete gains eg. CL. Government will finally succumb to the urge to tap a major revenue source. Providers see a cash cow with very serious profits from charges based on metered usage. Add to that the arrival of ads inserted by the IPs popping up as part of the service. Imagine the interstate highway system where unapproved exits are blocked off, each entrance has a toll booth where you pay to enter and each approved exit has a toll booth that imposes a surcharge if you go too far or get there faster than the minimum speed limit permits. The amount you pay depends not only on how far you travel but also the speed with which you travel. Faster travellers will pay more, according to speed. Also, only approved food, fuel, and sundry items services will be accessible at pit stops along the way. Red meats, sugary drinks are prohibited as well as condoms, adult magazines and tabloids. Don't worry, plenty of copies of the Bible and Better Homes and Gardens available. Finally throw in bill board ads with sound effects peppered along the way to assualt your visual and aural senses. Hope I am wrong. I doubt it though. Enjoy your drive.;
  3. Niceties being, well what they are, yes, techincally he did resign but with that disbarment shotgun held to his brow. And that was ok.
  4. The Supreme Court couldn't contain his ego or interest, even if he had all nine seats. I don't say this disrespectfully. The Supreme Court is a cloistered environment, secretive with all the action behind the curtains. That just isn't Bill's element. He loves attention from, and interaction with the movers and shakers. This just doesn't comport with the most junior Justice on the SCOTUS. There is no doubt in my mind that he would decline if asked. There is also the problem that he was disbarred for perjury. I suspect that rises to the level of an automatic practical disqualification. The public hearings would be a circus. Too many other qualified people with much less baggage requiring significantly less expenditure of political capital and much greater chance of confirmation.
  5. Very PL affordable and convenient place to stay.
  6. Don't take it personally. It's just part of being a newbie client. Insecurity and uncertainty gives flight to sterotypes and paranoia. Just the act of going through with meeting a stranger for an intimate encounter is daunting to many of us. Uncertainty about who we are meeting, what is expected of the client, what should the client expect. Then there is the insecurity issue based on rare stories of reported past incidents. In anticipation of my first time, it crossed my mind more than once if I might be mugged or robbed. It motivated me go online to discover the original HooBoy review site. In fact this does essentially happen in some instances where the newbie gets ripped off by a scammer or worse an aggressive personality which has no intent to follow through on the agreement. Happens to experienced clients too. Fortunately, it is the exception rather than the rule. And to be fair the rare client does rip off the escort and more frequently wastes the escort's time with appointments never intended to be kept or no-showed because of a case of last minute cold feet. All part of the business. Don't take it personally.
  7. Couldn't happen to a busier guy. Congrats.
  8. The single biggest threat to the fisheries is the factory ship. They have huge capacity and high efficiency and devastating impact on a host of nontarget species as fallout to the process. Banning them would be the most effective single step to stem the problem IMO. Not sufficient by itself but a big step.
  9. Loss in innocence is the price that is exacted by discovery and adulation. Not everyone is content to simply celebrate discovery of uniqueness or rarity or anything that sets one apart of many. With adulation comes envy. Also, individualism is simultaneously celebrated and reviled for its noncomformity. It just goes with the species.
  10. Let me provide a general response to your thoughts. You touch on some revelant concerns of Oz and myself. Oz is very convivial and likes convivial environments. He would like to see more engaged interaction in the forums, as I would. It is an empirical fact that these types of forums, here and elsewhere, attract less participation than in the past, independent of venue. Part of the reason for that, IMO, is the greater number of social network venues available today that didnt exist five to ten years ago. We were a much more closeted community then. It is my impression that during the hayday of Hooboy's board many, maybe even most, of the forum particpants were not really active clients, but gay and curious men looking for discussion about all sorts of topics including sexuality and escorts. Younger people (new blood) today are less closeted, if gay, and more accepting of gay lifetsyle among the straight today. Younger people are much more likely to gravitate to the new venues. It is also an empirical fact that car wrecks and brawls attract, at a minimum, a crowd of onlookers and rubberneckers, and sometimes secondary accidents or addtional brawlers depending on the metaphor. Conflict attracts attention. Conflict also drives people away. Eventually too much conflict even drives many of the onlookers away. That tension is the fundamental basis of this thread question. The questions are: How much conflict is too much? How to control crossing that line wherever it is drawn. Unlike adjusting the heat generated at a nuclear power plant pile by insertion and withdrawal of control rods, posters tend to resent control of themselves and some resent the failure to control others. Control rods don't have personalities and don't harbor resentments. That generates another level of conflict between the moderators and the primary actors and onlookers. Increasing conflict increases traffic. It also drives away contributors. What is the proper balance? How to successfully control the heat generation. Can it be done? I have no problem with a separate politics forum if it is truly separate. Unfortuntately, people don't leave the rancor and insults behind in the politics forum. They bring it with them to other forums. I appreciate your volunteering Oz for moderator of that forum. He is actually much better suited personalitywise for that. He is truly a nice guy and fun personality. He is unusually gracious even in tense interactions. He exercises discipline with a feather and humor. The Lord didn't see fit to imbue my personality with that style.
  11. Thanks for the link. A bit dated but then it's not exactly an open society which prompts the present curiosity. Not suprising to see that Fidel rebuffed Obama's overture and threw Raul under the bus regarding any broad opening of discussions. However, it firmly puts the ball in Cuba's court. The return serve awaits Fidel's passing.
  12. It was clear to me in the 2000 Primary that I couldnt support GW for President. I never voted for him.
  13. I'm comfortable with my past voting record. The only do-overs I'd like to have is my vote for Carter -- I had great hopes for him but he was a foreign policy presidential disaster. I also regret not voting for Gore had I known how disaterous GW would prove to be. Hindsight is what it is. As for being cured... I see little likelihood that the GOP can, in the near future, reform itself sufficiently in order to attract my vote. They are so out of touch with what appealed to me over the years and show no sign of returning and adapting to 21st Century realities and issues. I saw them as the party of financial restraint and responsibility and military preparedness that has become the party of unabashed greed, military excess and incompetence, and arbiters of the public morality. No thanks.
  14. We share the same experience and views and BTW I also was on the ARPANET way back in the olden days too.
  15. So you believe I moderate based on my personal beliefs? No doubt personal sensitivities shade my perceptions no matter how even handed I may strive to be. Obviously you see them. Maybe they are not as apparent to others. Those perceptions are also shaped by your sensitivities and their sensitivies. I think I know what a Regan conservative is/was. I actually have voted for Regan twice, Bush I twice, Dole, and Nixon(ugh#$%^). Regan conservatives were certainly a much broader group than the present day conservatives who like to wrap themselves in Regan's shroud. This is borne out by his majorities in contrast to the present day conservative minority.
  16. Oz and I have been discussing in background whether to permit Politics Threads in the Forum. He is in favor of permitting politics threads. I am not. He enjoys them, as I do (in an atmosphere of respect and civility). I suspect he believes that others also enjoy the discussions and the additional activity it brings to the boards. Oz believes that we can manage the 'behavorial issues'. I am strongly dubious. I've seen this tried several times before: here and elsewhere. I have never seen anything that gives me optimism about consistency of civility and respectful behavior over the long run. Invariably, some feel that moderation is unevenly applied by moderators. That is because the slippery slope phenomenon is involved. It is easy when stark examples of disrespect are exhibited. The problem is the case where an otherwise civil argument slips in a quick zinger or subtle put-down. Where to draw the line of unacceptability? It is a subjective call. Let one go by because of the overall value of the post and the subtlety of the cut and it invites a return shot. In no time someone gets called on it, always unfairly in the eyes of that poster and his supporters. I really do not want to have to edit posts with any frequency. It is a burden to attempt to be fair when it really can never be absolutely equal treatment. It often tends to be a case of gradualism when the weight of off-comments just accumulate to warrant an edit or deletion. They may not even be soley the remarks of a single contributor. Maybe it is more clear cut for Oz and he has more stomach for riding herd. I'll let him make that case. Even so, that won't address those who are turned off by strident political postings unless all messages are moderated prior to posting. I do not believe that anyone wants that. Not an option IMO. So, because the topic of permitting political posts is under discussion between Oz and myself, everyone with an opinion should post or email their feelings on the subject. Email to maleescortreview@gmail.com if you prefer not to post. I'm against it, Oz is for it. However we both agree that the site ought to provide what members want when practicable. So speak up and be counted.
  17. I admit I had pause before posting. The fuzzy line where current events crosses over into politics is no doubt dependent on the the eye of the beholder. I'm particularly sensitive to partisan politics which stirs passions beyond civility that all too often turns into raucus food fights with name calling and insults being hurled back and forth. I like a thoughtful intellectual debate. I often learn facts or gain a new perspecitve on issues. However, a thoughtful thread cannot survive for long once strident personalities enter the give and take. I tried to avoid the introduction of partisan perspectives in discussing the facts that must be delt with to overcome the status quo on Cuba. I do subscribe to that notion myself but that was not my message or intent. Unfortunately, IMO it is impossible for a site like this to keep that train on the track. We did an acceptable job during the primaries and even during the general election too, though little was posted about the general election as I recall. My theory is that during the primaries most Dems spar with other Dems and the same among Republicans. Thus differences are less and in the end they must come together for political practicality. That leads to less stridency. I have to agree that ugly political threads detract from the site atmosphere. I have received similar expressions from other members. I do enjoy thoughtful exchanges, including politics. However, it seems that self-discipline and political discussions are like oil and water for some. Not everyone, but it only takes one or two to start the fire. Still there are some that like to observe, if not participate in, brawls with blood and guts. Timely that you mention this. Oz and I have been discussing this issue in background. He is in favor of permitting politics threads. He enjoys them, as I do. I suspect he believes that others also enjoy the discussions and activity it brings to the boards. Also, he believes that we can manage the 'behavorial issues'. I am strongly dubious. I've seen this tried several times before: here and elsewhere. I have never seen anything that gives me optimism about consistency of cvility and respectful behavior over the long run. Invariably, some feel that moderation is unevenly applied by moderators. That is because the slippery slope phenomenon is involved. It is easy when stark examples of disrespect are exhibited. The problem is the case where an otherwise civil argument slips in a quick zinger or subtle put-down. Where to draw the line of unacceptability? It is a subjective call. Let one go by because of the overall value of the post and it invites a return shot. In no time someone gets called on it, always unfairly in the eyes of that poster and his supporters. I really do not want to have to edit posts with any frequency. It is a burden to attempt to be fair when it really can never be absolutely equal treatment. It often tends to be a case of gradualism when the weight of off-comments just accumulate to warrant an edit or deletion. They may not even be soley the remarks of a single contributor. Maybe it is more clear cut for Oz and he has more stomach for riding herd. Even so, that won't address those such as yourself who are turned off by strident political postings unless all messages are moderated prior to posting. I do not believe that anyone wants that. So, because the topic of permitting political posts is under discussion between Oz and myself, everyone with an opinion should post or email their feelings on the subject. Email to maleescortreview@gmail.com if you prefer not to post. I'm against it, Oz is for it. However we both agree that the site ought to provide what members want when practicable. So speak up and be counted. I definitely am interested in the Cuba scene whether prostitution or the acceptance of gay life on the island. I suspect that many others are as well, the more so given present times. Please do share whatever you find. Note: To accumulate in one place all posted input to the question about political threads, I have created a new thread topic: Political Threads -- To Be or Not To Be, pinned at the top of the PUB Forum. Please post your opinion there or email to maleescortreview@gmail.com.
  18. Sure it could. If they free their political prisoners as categorized by the State Dept and institute true due process, and allow unencumbered freedom of the press then that would be a basic start at transforming the totlitarian regime. Not sure I see Fidel rolling all of those back in his lifetime. Not sure that anything short of that would cause a wide rollback of the economic boycott. I do suspect it will happen gradually -- tit for tat, with greater momentum after Fidel. That still leaves free elections, restoration of property rights and resolution of claims by the exiles to be resolved eventually. The big difference between China and Cuba: We don't have a significant political block of Chinese refugees in exile whose families lost members and property to the revolution. That changes the political quotient. That and the fact that American business stands much less to gain from opening the Cuban markets in comparison to Chinese markets. Personally, I hope it happens sooner rather than later as I think it is long overdue.
  19. I suspect there is still a way to go puncuated by more small steps along the way. It really hinges on Fidel IMO and may take his passing before full normal relations are established. That is unless he forsakes 50 years of his policies. I don't see that happening while he lives. It would be great from a 'tourista' point of view but let's avoid the politcal pros and cons.
  20. I appreciate that the MN electorate must feel frustrated by this time. Whatever the motiviations involved, the process will come to an end and those in a position to influence most the final resolution path/timetable will have to stand in front of the MN electorate for ultimate judgment.
  21. I suspect that if the case is appealed to the SCOTUS ( odds against slightly IMO) they will have the good sense not to take it.
  22. Interesting how after the big name attys disappear for these retrials, these events fly under the radar in comparison to the first round.
  23. I can see why.
  24. Jack Wrangler, Gay Porn Idol, Dead At 62 Jennifer Peltz | April 8, 2009 AP http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/08/j...d_n_184763.html This undated photo from the 1970's provided by TLA Releasing shows actor Jack Wrangler who has died at the age of 62. Wrangler was a ruggedly handsome 1970s-era porn star whose openness about his homosexuality made him a symbol of self-confidence for many gay men. (AP Photo/TLA Releasing) NEW YORK — Jack Wrangler, a ruggedly handsome 1970s porn star whose openness about his homosexuality made him a symbol of self-confidence for many gay men, has died. He was 62. Wrangler died Tuesday in Manhattan from complications of lung disease, said Lewis Tice, director of publicity and marketing for TLA Releasing, a distributor of gay-themed independent films. His life of sometimes surprising turns _ he found decades-long love with big-band singer Margaret Whiting _ was chronicled in the documentary "Wrangler: Anatomy of an Icon," released last fall. "Jack Wrangler knew the power of image-making and inspired an entire generation to be comfortable in their own skin and to become the man of their dreams," said the film's director, Jeffrey Schwarz. Born John Stillman in Beverly Hills, Calif., the son of TV producer Robert Stillman, Wrangler got his start performing in the religiously themed 1950s NBC series "The Faith of Our Children." As a young man, he was bartending and go-go dancing in West Hollywood when a role in a San Francisco play sent his career hurtling in a new direction _ under a new last name, borrowed from the label on his plaid work shirt. His nude scene in the show led to modeling and a string of gay, and later straight, erotic films, where his steely blue eyes, muscled physique, and open-shirted swagger made him a star. "For me, I felt I needed some true grit in my life, y'know? I felt that I had this formal, white-handkerchief upbringing and that I was not going to survive in the world unless I got down and did something gritty," Wrangler, who appeared in such films as "A Night at the Adonis" and "The Devil in Miss Jones: Part II," told the Palm Beach Post newspaper in a 2005 interview. His resume grew to include more than 80 adult films, spurring a 1984 autobiography called "The Jack Wrangler Story: What's a Nice Boy Like You Doing?" and a one-man off-Broadway show. He met Whiting, a big-band era singer whose hits include "That Old Black Magic" and "Moonlight in Vermont," in the 1970s. Their romance turned tabloid heads: Whiting, who survives him, is 22 years his senior, and Wrangler continued to describe himself as gay. Nonetheless, Wrangler told the Chicago Tribune in 1985 that the two "see things the same way, comically, professionally and romantically." The pair eventually married. He got out of porn after meeting Whiting and turned his attention to theater and cabaret, crafting Whiting's cabaret acts and several shows around the legacy of songwriter Johnny Mercer, who had fostered her career. He was credited with conceiving "Dream," a 1997 Broadway revue of Mercer songs that featured Whiting. He also created and directed a show pairing Mercer songs with excerpts from "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," John Berendt's best-selling book about a murder in Mercer's hometown of Savannah, Ga. While recognition of his theater work seldom came without mention of his X-rated past, Wrangler told the Post he had no regrets. "I was never ashamed of anything I did," he said.
  25. I upgraded a few days after I became aware of it -- two or three weeks ago. I'm reluctant to be in the first wave to upgrade any software as I really don't like being a beta tester and that is what being first really means. However, I was so frustrated with Vista/IE7 which kept hanging on me, that I figured 8 couldn't be any worse. So far so good. I don't suffer the hanging problems that 7 gave me which is a major major relief. It took a little time to familiarize myself with new features. I'm still learning. But so far i'm quite happy with it and thankful that I dont have to suffer IE 7 anymore.
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