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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Just to be clear, JKane's post addressed issues of US and California drug enforcement policy, not any allegations about an indivdual. Any mention of an individual was only to identify the source of the quote off which is post was spun. The issues he raises are independent of any personality or allegations which are irrelevant to the discussion. We are not going to engage in speculation about individuals or allegations. As with any other news story we will follow the case as it is reliably reported.
  2. It's pretty simple really. Our drug enforcement policy has traditionally been based on ideology more, and science and medicine not so much. True there are scientific and medical reasons at the root for some of the policy behind restricting harder drugs. Whether the methods to inhibit use of those drugs are effective is another matter entirely. History would dictate that those methods haven't been effective and maybe have been counterproductive if not downright harmful. Softer drugs such as marijuana, mescaline, and mushrooms have been conflated with the harder drugs on the grounds that they are stepping stones to the harder drugs. In fact, this philosophy has probably contributed to most crossover that probably was never there naturally. When society declares certain products and nonviolent activities to be criminal in nature, it causes otherwise noncriminal inviduals to consort with criminals that engage in multiple illegal activities On a level playing field there is no more reason to suspect that marijuana users would consort with criminals than there is for alcohol users or cigarette smokers to consort with criminals. The fact is the law has pushed these people into consorting and financially supporting criminals. The same was true during Prohibition. As for marijuana, the roots of anti-marijuana laws go back to the 1920s where such laws were drafted in the Southwest as a means to repress the Hispanic community which had some traditional culture of smoking marijuana. It was a mechanism to marginalize the community by painting them as drug addicts and thieves. Those laws eventually made their way to Washington where they became nationalized. Similar arguments can be made about other drug laws and black community. That is not to say that there was not reason to curb drug use, only that it became a mechanism to marginalize minorites as much as a mechanism to manage public health, maybe more so considering how effective our anti-drug policies have been. One of the biggest mistakes in our drug policy has been to criminalize use. It has led us to imprisoning more of our citizens that in any other country in the World, on a per capita basis. It has overwhelmed our courts, needlessly ruined lives, not only directly but indirectly as well, busted state budgets for prison housing, led to severe prison overcrowding causing courts to declare many institutions of meting out cruel and inhumane punishment, ordering inmates to be set free. Worst of all, it has subjected nonviolent persons and petty criminals to extended association with hardened criminals before being let back into society -- certainly not the kind of edcuation these people should have been exposed to. What amazes me most though is that anyone could objectively view the so called War on Drugs and conclude that we should continue to do the same thing. It's proof that some people may be educated but do not learn.
  3. Drooling on my keyboard. Brzil is truly Hunk Heaven.
  4. A terrific manhunk! Thanks.
  5. I've got the hots for the middle picture, guy on the right; and in the third pic, the guy kneeling although I prefer some hair on his head.
  6. I believe I have some vague recall that mixing GHB with alcohol is strongly contraindicated because it can possibly cause that unfortunate side effect that marcanthony mentioned. That is why it is such a bad party drug.
  7. Don't know what you saw but I don't put much stock in comments by anonymous pseudonyms on anonymous sites. Even court documents don't always tell the whole truth else trials would be unnecessary as would be the presumption of innocence. I'm content to let Scott have his say before I speculate about his future.
  8. GHB first came on the scene as a black market bodybuilding supplement used in conjunction with steroids. It moved into the P&P scene as it has similar effects to rohypnol. For more... http://www.k-state.edu/media/webzine/Didyouhearyes/GHBfacts.html Gamma hydroxybutyrate -- GHB Gamma hydroxybutyrate -- GHB -- is a powerful, rapidly acting central nervous system depressant. It was first synthesized in the 1920s and was under development as an anesthetic agent in the 1960s. GHB is produced naturally by the body in small amounts but its physiological function is unclear. GHB was sold in health food stores as a performance-enhancing additive in bodybuilding formulas until the Food and Drug Administration banned it in 1990. It is currently marketed in some European countries as an adjunct to anesthesia. GHB is abused for its ability to produce euphoric and hallucinogenic states and for its alleged function as a growth hormone that releases agents to stimulate muscle growth. GHB became a Schedule I Controlled Substance in March 2000. In the United States, GHB is produced in clandestine laboratories with no guarantee of quality or purity, making its effects less predictable and more difficult to diagnose. GHB can be manufactured with inexpensive ingredients and using recipes on the Internet. Gamma butyrolactone -- GBL -- and 1,4-butanediol are analogs of GHB that can be substituted for it. Once ingested, these analogs convert to GHB and produce identical effects. GBL, an industrial solvent, is used as an immediate precursor in the clandestine production of GHB. The FDA has issued warnings for both GBL and 1,4-butanediol, stating that the drugs have a potential for abuse and are a public health danger. Effects GHB is usually taken orally. It is sold as a light-colored powder that easily dissolves in liquids or as a pure liquid packaged in vials or small bottles. In liquid form, it is clear, odorless, tasteless, and almost undetectable when mixed in a drink. GHB is typically consumed by the capful or teaspoonful at a cost of $5 to $10 per dose. The average dose is 1 to 5 grams and takes effect in 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the dosage and purity of the drug. Its effects last from three to six hours. Consumption of less than 1 gram of GHB acts as a relaxant, causing a loss of muscle tone and reduced inhibitions. Consumption of 1 to 2 grams causes a strong feeling of relaxation and slows the heart rate and respiration. At this dosage level, GHB also interferes with blood circulation, motor coordination, and balance. In stronger doses, 2 to 4 grams, pronounced interference with motor and speech control occurs. A coma-like sleep may be induced, requiring intubation to wake the user. When mixed with alcohol, the depressant effects of GHB are enhanced. This can lead to respiratory depression, unconsciousness, coma, and overdose. Side effects associated with GHB may include nausea, vomiting, delusions, depression, vertigo, hallucinations, seizures, respiratory distress, loss of consciousness, slowed heart rate, lowered blood pressure, amnesia and coma. GHB can become addictive with sustained use. According to the Drug Abuse Warning Network, GHB emergency department mentions have increased from 56 in 1994 to 3,340 in 2001. GHB-related deaths have occurred in several Community Epidemiology Work Group sites. In 1999, there were three reported deaths involving GHB in Texas and two in Minnesota. Missouri has reported five GHB-related deaths and two near deaths in which GHB was used to facilitate rapes. In Florida, during 2000, GHB was detected in 23 deaths and identified as the cause of death in 6 cases. Since 1990, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has documented more than 15,600 overdoses and law enforcement encounters and 72 deaths relating to GHB. Also, more here... http://www.projectghb.org/what_is_ghb.htm
  9. Too bad. But then one out of three of us will get it, I believe. My father had it. The question is to treat or not. I lean toward treatment if under 70 when discovered.
  10. Of course not. The contest is not intended to skew reviews in any direction. All reviews will be subjected to the same vetting and acceptance procedure in place since site inception. It's possible I guess, as Oz's original post seems to anticipate a lottery. In a lottery the more tickets one holds the greater the chance to win. However, only one ticket is drawn to win. Anyone might hold that ticket. As this is Oz's vision, I will defer to him on the final contest design.
  11. In the first post I'm quite partial to #s 3 & 5. and in the second post to #2. #
  12. I believe a darker color is preferable over bold face. It would ease my read as well.
  13. Tomcal, I heartily second your sentiments. Early in my experiences I had some fun trips to New York and Montreal. I spent some great time with escorts and in strip clubs. However, after I met some posters on some of those trips, who soon became good friends, the experience rose to a whole new unbelieveably fun level. After that, we always scheduled trips to coincide whenever possible, which was often. It may be difficult for some to appreciate but it's like the fun went from a pleasurable two dimensional experience to a three dimensional blow out. I had some of the very best times of my adult life. Fun is so much more enjoyable when you share it with good friends that have the same interests.
  14. It's a little bit eerie, reading some of the post shut-down comments now and from previous episodes, that I get almost a sense of the rationalization, apologies, and acceptance characteristic of spousal abuse victims. FWIW
  15. Where do the get those wonderful abs.
  16. I disagree. The reason: I've seen all of this before... many times. The erratic behavior and treatment of posts, threads and members. The precipitious closing of the forum without warning. Many times. I have also seen most posters always return every time. There were reasons Oz, I and marcanthony and others left. It wasn't out of whim. For all of us, the reasons were rooted in the management style and operation of that site -- a style which hasn't changed nearly five years later. Nor should anybody have expected any different. I said at our site inauguration and many times since that " people get whatever they are willing to settle for". History has proven what was always obvious to me. So it will again.
  17. Welcome Alan. There is no problem with your discussion interests. Scott's case has become a legitimate discussion topic. That includes court actions, legal docs, media reports, and how the case may/does have spillover, if any, in the general porn and escort businesses. Like you, we have no interest in lending this forum for the indefinitely persistent trashing or support of Scott's character based on insider information. Information of that sort is properly presented in the review process where an issue is reported, the escort has an opportunity to respond and the process has definite closure. Once again, welcome.
  18. I think the real point here is that Tomcal must be real stunner to captivate such a hot twink. That in addition to routinely getting normally relucant BZ hunks to give up their ass to him.
  19. lurkerspeaks, Have i mentioned that you have a great ass?
  20. As is sometimes the case, the good old days are in the past. I love you New York, specifically Manhattan. I considered moving there not so many years ago. However, I recgnized that NYC is a nice place to live only if you have the money too afford a decent (not extravagant) lifestyle in the city. I didn't see making that cut that in my future. Taxes and the cost of living are just too steep for many.
  21. I've always wanted to visit Ozzieland. Haven't made it yet. Not sure about long term residence although I suspect it would be one of the easier cultural transitions. Thailand has obvious attraction not the least of which is the cost of living including very affordable medical and dental. On the downside is the climate. I have an aversion to heat and heavy humidity. I absolutely adore Canada and often think about relocating there. I'm put off by the winters though, except for Vancouver where the year round humity overly curls my locks. Other than that the West End is a lovely place. Montreal has a special place in my heart for the open acceptance they extend to the Gay community and to visitors as well. I am put off somewhat by total lack of command of the French language. While not essential, it does make a non-French-speaking resident first cousin to a duck with one broken wing. You can still swim around but you cannot soar without bound. All the other locales would make for an excellent visit but not so much as a retirement haven for me.
  22. Luv2play, I'm not sure when Scott will get to see the sentiments of support but they will be here waiting for his attention when he does have the opportunity. It's good to see particpating over here. You are always welcome to post anytime and particpate here whenever you feel inhibited in any way over at dadddys. I'm happy to read that your health crisis is well behind you. Congratulations and best wishes for continued sound health.
  23. Not an attack some much as an expose' of our policy and actions in this matter. I guess I misinterpreted your remarks in another post in the sister thread. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3984-scott-adler-arrested-on-drug-charges/ I thought your remark was to address specifically our position rather than your position. My mistake.
  24. First, I had no idea it was this particular event. The original post only mentioned a gathering in Palm Springs. Palm Springs has many boy-related gatherings, not all so cultural in nature. My response to Lurkerspeaks was made prior to his clarification of the event. I have done no such thing as to 'warn people'. I made a response to Lurkerspeaks predicated on his broadly stated desire not to be around people associated with drugs and on my understanding from others about the association of drugs and boy gatherings. That remark was predicated entirely on his concern, not mine, not peoples. [My concerns are less sensitive. I know some guys are not strangers to drugs. However, as long as they are clean and sober around me I am not concerned for me (although I am concerned for them more generally). I think such parties are fun as long as there is no obvious drug aspect. But I would be naive to think that everyone in attendance (most who I probably don't know) had never been associated with drugs and might not be on a law enforecement interest list]. My intent was to point out the implications of his concern and the logical conclusion for him with respect to his comfort, not for anyone else. If I'm ever in the neighborhood then count on me. I'd like to attend. Sorry, I haven't been able too as of yet. I never stated that all or most escorts are involved. Somewhere above I made that very explicit. I made the remark, based on what I have been told, that at any large gathering of porn/escort boys an association with drugs would not be surprising. Implicit in that is whether by one or a few or more in number. Lurkerspeaks expressed a definite desire not to be around anyone in that context. If you are in a position to go on record that this circumstance is the rare exception at these gatherings, and that rare case would be obvious to anyone in attendance then I'm sure that would put him at ease. I passed along what I have been given to understand by people I believe to be reliable sources. I made clear that my knowledge, by and large, was second hand. But I have attended a number of gathrings and been around enough to know others that attend many of these events and I know what they tell me. They have no reason to shade the truth as far as I can tell. Maybe you are especially diligent to attract the Boy Scout division of escort/porn boys. Why do you persist in asking me questions about which I have no definitive knowledge or any responsbility to answer?. Next, it will be: Does Charley Rangel have hemorrhoids and why is that? Finally, this is the second time in this thead I have been charged incorrectly with 'warning people' to swear off boy-related gatherings. the second time I have had to point out that my remarks that focused on Lurkerspeaks' concern are quite different from a general warning to all. It is frustrating when a post fails to receive the careful reading it deserves and whenvall succeeding exchanges that frame later discussion are overlooked or ignored. In this case it seems just be carelessness in following this thread: P.S. I dropped by the other site to see what response your expose' about me/MER garnered. It was MIA as far as I could tell. Perhaps not all of your posts are welcome over there? Did anyone have the opportunity to respond before the ax fell?
  25. As admin I don't have the latitude to be a frank as sometimes I might like. An admin's demeanor helps set the tone and atmosphere of the site. That doesn't mean I can't get frank if the occasion calls for it. Even so, I don't feel that I can bring the sharp knives out. Too unseemly. You have no idea. Whatever hints you have gleaned pales in comparison to the original events of years ago. Imagine the cyberspace version of Fight CLub. Over five years HooBoy's website had three full-blow melt downs and scores bloody skirmishes as well as very many great discussions as well. I doubt that I will ever see a site the likes of that again. The community just doesn't exist to support it, anywhere. Many of those encounters are chronicled in dusty archives that remain accessible today.
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