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Everything posted by TampaYankee
But only until the imposture comes to the attention of moderators, right? After that it's a matter of site policy. I have to confess my mental acuity at this moment is such that this has gone over my head. I'm not sure what your point is. As an aside, I agree with others that you have made some very funny posts lately. Very enjoyable.
I assume you read my post announcing its return and took from it admonitions not to post on it. I think that interpretation is a bit of a stretch. It was not my intent to admonish anyone, only to point out that I didn't think there was much substance to the thread and that it probably had its run after the initial 'shock value'. I still do not think there is much to the thread, not nearly as much as some apparently. The addition of a troll post does not impress me as to substance or worthyness of much reaction. Some people blow farts just to get a reaction. We all have seen it numerous times in the past. I just don't place any value or real concern in it. Certainly not enough to give it enough respect as an offense to warrant taking the thread down. Now that could change here or in another thread in the future. I never say never. I do not want a forum that is always pulling threads because a of an occasional transgression with a mindless affront, or because a few get insulted. Forum particpation sometimes takes a thick skin. The best forums are centers of inclusion not rejection. Sometimes that requires we put on a thick skin. Sometimes it requires we ignore provocation and move on. Once you start throwing people out or pulling threads people will start demanding it in this case and that -- anytime someone gets the least offended. That pisses people off when threads get yanked and it pisses people off when requests to pull are denied. That is not the atmosphere we want. Again, I never say never but we are barely beyond two weeks into the August challenge with cries to pull threads or posts. Are we that fragile? I think not. All sorts of people are going to come, hopefully. Occasionally, we get a joker who will attempt to amuse himself at the expense of others. It only works if the 'others' buy into it. It was pretty clear from the beginning that this gentleman came under false pretense to stir controversy. Once you know his game why play along? Its worse than a cat chasing a laser pointer on a carpet. Nothing he has to say is going to offend me because I do not value his opinion. So let him mock all he wants; it won't affect me. I am confident in the value of the site and the forum and the members, escorts and reviewers who choose to particpate. It may not be for everyone but I don't really care about everyone. The site is for like-minded people.That is enough for me. Regarding Steven, I in no way took his post as a confession. Quite the contrary it seemed clear to me he was offering an observation on why the identity was false. FWIW
The thread is back up. I believe it has had it 15 minutes but if people are still interested then have at it. Keep in mind there is no reason to believe the OP is Daddy and no reason to take him to task in this thread. Anybody can claim to be any of us on any site where the right posting ID is open. I neither know what the OP's motive is nor do I care. He is welcome to make postive contibutions the same as anyone else and I hope he chooses that path. My interests lie with the all posters who wish to make positive interesting contributions. FWIW
America's Most Stressful Cities 2010 Francesca Levy, Forbes.com, Forbes.com Aug 17, 2010 1. Las Vegas, Nev. 2. Los Angeles, Calif. 3. Houston, Texas 4. Tampa, Fla. 5. Riverside, Calif. See the Yahoo article and the Forbes site for the reasons why and more cities, respectively. http://realestate.yahoo.com/promo/americas-most-stressful-cities-2010
Good chuckle. Thanks. Maybe you just inadvertently provided a spark to a fuse I've had hanging out of my pocket for some time. Anyway... it felt good to blow. I agree, the devil is often in the details. Especially when crafting Constitutional Ammendments in 15 minutes during the middle of the night.
I pulled this thread temporarily because of concern about the age of some of the twinks in photos. The thread will be reposted after we review the content and pull any content that causes us concern. We appreciate everyone's enthusiasm. However, we support the laws on child pornography and that law cites the age: under 18. We also do not wish to expose ourselves to legal action. Please use your best judgment about posting only 18+ . It is not always easy to tell. If it is questionable please err on the side of caution. Do not rely on site statements that all persons are 18 or older, especially for sites that post amateur photos/ self-photos. Thanks again for your enthusiasm and for your understanding. I hope to have this thread back up soon. TY Ok, guys. We're back minus some photos. As mentioned above use your best judgment in selecting what to post and on close calls please err on the side caution. Enjoy.
I am urging caution on member selection of photos. Some of these guy look a bit young for my comfort level. I have taken the liberty to remove some for now and may take another pass after more consideration. Please err on the side of over 18. If in doubt then take a pass. We do not need problems. Thanks.
A mind is a terrible thing to lose as I keep forgetting every day.
Because it is policy not feelings. Objective dispassionate policy is supposed to keep us out of trouble that our feelings can get us into. I can understand policy. I also understand the urging of feelings. I cannot always make the choice or the right choice. For example, I think we should have intervened in Rwanda for humantiarian reasons. It might have been a mistake. I 'll never know. But it seemed right to at the time.At least that was my feelings. I believe that we must do a better job of comitting rationally to our military actions than we have in the past. In view of recent history with Iraq and Afghanistan, I believe that we need a Consititutional Ammendment that prohibits the engagement of military personnel for any hot engagement that lasts in excess of six months or commits more than 20,000 military personnel to a hot zone, without Congress declaring an Act of War by a two-thirds margin. The activation of a military draft would be automatically invoked with the Act of War declaration as part of the Constitutional Ammendment. Briefly, the reasons are there must truly be a lasting national commitment, it must be broadly supported by the country, not only by going shopping and voting, but by every family sharing equally the burden of the fight. I believe this would cause a more sober judgment before commitment and that we would not inordinately rely on the few to take the burden while the many remain relativley oblvious. What we are doing to our military is nothing short of criminal in the way we keeping recycling the few over and over to fight. I could go on with details about this but the original point is that we have tension between dispassionate policy and emotional feeling. Neither is always right. But if we do decide to commit to a large or extended hot action it must be broadly supported and the burden broadly shared to guarantee that the nation truly supports the action. This would be strongly opposed by those who see military action as a way to conduct foreign policy which has a strong community in our country.
You have voiced my thoughts exactly. First and foremost this is a local issue, not a national issue. A group wants to build a religious affiliated community center on property they aready own in which have some facilities presently operating, in the neighborhood near the WTC site, not on the site or across the street from the site. Unfortunately, this controversy is fanned by those who play the politics of division for cheap electoral advantage among the bases, the predjudiced because that is just the way they are, and the aggrieved because they havent yet been able to view the 9/11 event on an objective basis and may never be able to, which is understandable. It is just one more unpleasant taste of the times.
Ditto. Only relevant at the other site and among its members.
I suspected you were the type to eventually resort to posting poetry.
I like blue. I use it occasionally when making admin comments in reviews.
It seems the domain amateurgayteen.com where the photos reside is MIA. Sorry guys.
Well, I have to give it to both of you. I didn't much understand your post to which MsGuy took exception. I didn't understand the nature of his complaint either. I still don't. Nor do I need to understand either at this point. Do I guess correctly that this is an invitation to kiss and make up or just kiss and move on?
Why isnt this an Olympics gymnastic event? Probably because it takes balls of brass and a coccyx made of hard rubber to survive the competition.
Why does it matter? Confidences are meant to be kept, not compromised. When one gives informed opinion, they have made a judgment on the veracity of information on which their opinion is formed. If you doubt their judgment you'll probably doubt their sources too. Ultimately, there is only one objective, totally unsuspect source that meets everyone's smell test. He is not likely to address the issue in his own public venue which is the only venue for unquestioned authenticity of his statement. Thus, if you really need to know then you must wait for that announcement over there or email daddy yourself to inquire. I suspect wait time either way will be extended.
I am mystified by this whole post. I don't understand most of it. However, I do glean from your comment that you have some problem with our policies, or what you believe are our policies. I don't understand exactly what the problem is that you percieve, and I have no idea what solution you would like to propose or would like us to stumble across on our own. I'm in need of enlightenment. Full disclosure: I don't find the thread amusing, comical, or sad. I don't have much of an opinion about it other than it is a manifestation of someone's unhappyness at the time of posting. The person apologized to all for the tone and content and attributed it to a bad day. I've certainly had my share of those. The post stirred interest because of the implication of the poster's identity which he intended to fan for whatever reason. If I find the thread anything, I find it a little 'exercised', but nothing to write home about. I do not see a problem anywhere, thus my need for enlightenment.
100 years ago marriage was a survival mechanism. Often parents wanted kids out of the house or kids wanted to escape their parents. Marriage allowed a an independence to the young. There were no hostels or communes or walmarts or grocery stores... People had to work, they had to do for themselves or needed someone to do for them -- bringing home the bacon, making clothes, home medicine and remedies. With it came sex and children. Sometimes they came first. That dictated marriage too. There wasn't much in the way of child care or social services etc. Totally different world.
Thanks for thinking of us and bringing to everyone's attention. FYI, they already have the http:// part of the address in their url window thus only the www.maleescortreview.com/index.php is needed, or if you copy the complete URL: http://www.maleescortreview.com/index then the url window must be cleared prior to pasting, else the part http:// will be repeated. Why does something so trivial sound so confusing?
Oz, I have to correct you. This no longer a Pub but Lucky's Tea House of the August Moon. Below, one of the more august members of the Tea House who seems to have smuggled in some Saki to fortify his tea. It appears he is beyond chilling.
We used to have one: 'Laying on Hands'. It languished from disuse. We had complaints that there were too many dead or comatose forums. We responded to complaints and removed some. No one complained. Please post in the Buffet or under the appropriate Geograhic forum. If massage traffic picks up we could bring back the Massage forum.