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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. No harm at all if you are not the target. That is the way it is in blood sports. As I mentioned in the closed thread a final post will be forthcoming soon with the site view. Added in edit: That post has been made in the other thread.
  2. lookin, I'd like to meet with you to discuss my next stock picks. (Will have a closing comment on this thread shortly.)
  3. I owe you an apology, zipper. You are correct that I had left Corbin Fisher off the list. (I have remedied.) I am astonished that I did, as they are one of the few studios foremost in my mind. One of their models listed a profile at another escort listing site using the Corbin model name and photos, both of which belong to Corbin Fisher. CF sued both the model/escort and the listing site. I believe they were looking for $50K in damages. On the positive side your post brought this issue to light which was sorely neeeded. As an aside to address potential questoins, that a copyright notice is not affixed does not forsake copyright claim. The model/photographer/studio, depending on agreements between them, implicitly retain copyright without having to mark the property explicitly. They can move to enforce it at will. The fact that a notice was not affixed may prove a mitigating factor in determining damages depending on the individual facts of the case, or if a case is actually brought. However, that is a factor for the trial judge or jury, after lawyers have been assembled, or maybe just with lawyers. The fact that a studio affixes it's name to it is clear indication that it views the photo as its property and a marketable resource. It is likely to want to protect that property to maintain the studio's unique position. However, studios often enter into affiliate agreements that permit sites to use their property under strict conditions as a matter of advertising. It benefits both the sites and the studio. This is why you see well-know studio photos or clips at other sites.
  4. Any chance of adopting the blue text format permanently? I saw it last night at the top level and liked it.
  5. Thanks for chiming in. I take you at your word. This certainly wouldn't be in line your inclusive attitude and supportive effort for Lucky's August Challenge.
  6. Everyone a gem I would love to spend time with, with the possible exception of the last 'gem' that I recall, from a previous post, may have an attitude issue?
  7. I always use the instant-read meat thermometer to monitor the temp of the houseboy. Well I would if I had a houseboy who could cook... or not. I apologize to those who have noted a continuing theme in my posts. I tend to get into a rut.
  8. The view from my side of the bar: it's the posters. An informed and imformative, witty group who always amuse and entertain when they show up to the party. Some interesting quirky personalities in the bunch that is generally broad in depth and good natured. lookin, I'll see your love of erections and raise you some nice bubble asses. Pardon me, Aces for borrowing your vocab.
  9. Thanks for the input, we appreciate it. No decision has been made yet. Your point is well taken. I hope others chime in if they have a preference.
  10. How long an interval between browser openings? There is a time constant in the software that resets that cookie after that interval of inactivity, I believe. It is a security issue for us and also for you. Sounds like a bug... the fuck up and the blank screen, respectively. The location query is a feature Oz added to help locate local talent. Before issuing a bug hunting safari to tech support could you try clearing your browsers cache/temp files to see if that makes any difference in behavior. It would be helpful. Thanks.
  11. I believe this is in reference to threads in general, right?
  12. I love Madonna's 'Take A Bow'. The matador ain't bad either. Thanks for posting. , lurkerspeaks. On the topic, in addition to the increased posts, the overall quality of the post has been great IMO.
  13. Reverend Blue Jeans? http://www.zunerama.com/forum/index.php?topic=12471.0
  14. KBR Only Contractor Granted Legal Immunity From Harming Soldiers And Civilians: Army Secretary McHugh Marcus Baram Marcus@huffingtonpost.com Marcus@huffingtonpost.com | HuffPost Reporting A Pentagon deal to grant one of America's largest military contractors immunity from harming soldiers and civilians in Iraq was a unique arrangement, according to Army Secretary John McHugh. As previously reported in Huffington Post and the Oregonian, taxpayers may be on the hook to compensate more than 150 military veterans who claim that a Halliburton subsidiary knowingly exposed them to cancer-causing chemicals in Iraq. As part of a lawsuit filed by 26 Oregon National Guard soldiers who claim that they suffered health problems through exposure to hexvalent chromium while patrolling a water treatment plant near Basra in Iraq, it was revealed that contractor Kellogg Brown Root demanded and received legal immunity in return for taking over the $7 billion project in 2003. In the wake of the disclosure in early August, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) demanded some answers about the deal, including whether other military contractors have been granted similar immunity deals. On Tuesday, McHugh responded to Blumenauer, explaining that KBR has not asserted its claims under the contract's indemnification clause. And he added that no other Army contract with KBR, which most recently was awarded a $2.8 billion deal from the Pentagon, contains such a deal. McHugh added that "no other Army contracts awarded since 2001 to other companies for services provided in a contingency operation contain indemnification provisions." McHugh explained that the Army considers the use of such provisions "only in extraordinary circumstances involving unusually hazardous risks." And McHugh explained that "no congressional notification was provided in connection" with the indemnification provision. READ the letter from Army Secretary John McHugh: http://www.scribd.com/doc/36757346/AR-M550U-20100831-162827 See original post at: http: //www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/01/kbr-only-contractor-grant_n_702167.html
  15. I didn't know I shared a common language with my Spanish brothers.
  16. Had I only known. I'm not sure that Royal Flush would have been more flattering.
  17. I'm leaving ths one for Oz.
  18. I recommend for a balanced heathful diet and happy 'Chi' that you engage a houseboy accomplished in culinary skills centerd in fresh fruits and veggies, fish and poultry and the occasional red/pink ( ) meat to salve the savage senses. Now if I could only afford my own advice.
  19. He is has been on my mind of late as well. I always liked his posts... well, when he and Adam Smith aren't embraced in a passionate minuet. Also a great review writer -- informative and concise. You are never left in doubt as to what happened and how he felt about it.
  20. Calvin has the knack of always accessorizing so well.
  21. I'd prefer you send this one to my room. Should he be unavailable any of the others will do.
  22. Definitely made for the gay crowd. Seems KP is into twinks but then Russel Brand is a cubby twink. Won't make MTVs top ten. For that KP would need her bouncing boobs floating all over the screen but they are nowhere to be found here.
  23. I was pretty unimpressed when last season participants were announced. It turned out to be pretty good IMO, so I'll withhold judgment for now.
  24. The Photo Sharng post stays as long as we permit photo sharing. Consider it the price of admission. We may open a forum specfic to photo sharing. If so then it will be moved to that forum so it would be a blight only to those seeking the eye candy for which it sets the guidlines. Seems a fair price of admission. Lucky's Place... it may still have some benefit, regarding recent history, for those posters who may have been away for the month of August, but I'm not hard over on it. Let's see what others have to say.
  25. Brings to my mind that during the Viet Nam War Paris Peace Talks, one of the high level NV party functionaries felt it appropriate to berate and pulicly humiliate their Ambassador to France for growing flowers in the Embassy gardens rather than vegetables. He even may have been recalled as a result. Man does not live on bread alone... Catholic Church history recounts many more egregious actions toward man than building the Sistene Chapel. The same can be said for other relgions.
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