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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Can you keep your coloring inside the lines?!?!?!?! This is a first as I recall.
  2. Location, location, location... money, money,money. Get those right and you'll be muy occupado. I'm all set for #1 if you can tell me where he hangs and loan me a little mad money. I'll gladly pay you back on Tuesday.
  3. Me too, but it's not long until I forget about it.
  4. I have no knowledge of how Oz set that up so you'll have to wait for him to see this. Given his many distractions that may take a day of so.
  5. Ooops.... I thought that was one of the British Monarchy sites.
  6. TampaYankee

    Oh Boy

    I'd suggest better than you suggest. Sure it is a mixed bag. But while laws wont change hearts and minds it does change behavior. Changing behavior is training for changing ways and through that ideas. Maybe you cannot teach an old dog new tricks but without codifying change in behavior through law you cannot expect newer generations to pick up new ways. If behavior doesnt change then it is passed down and learned by the younger generation. That is always the way it has worked. You cannot seriously argue that the American Civil Rights situation would have gotten appreciably better on its own, without the civil rights laws of the 60's. If so then you live in a different world than I live in. Did CR laws change all the hearts and minds overnight? No. Some poeple will never change. However, things are better on many fronts, better than they would have been without the laws. While it would be nice for all to fully embrace each other it is sufficient on a practical daily basis that they only accept and tolerate each other, so everyone has similar opportunity and access to the benefits of living in society. I'll accept imperfect but practical improvements over waiting for nothing less than the achievement of perfect brotherly love.
  7. TampaYankee

    Oh Boy

    Laws cannot change hearts and minds as Lucky puts it, but they do offer redress when no other avenue exists. That's very important. Now the government and its constituent parties are chipping away at that.
  8. I login on the Home Page and never have a problem. It is lamentable that login capability has disappeared from the forum pages.
  9. Definitely Calvin Klein underware model calibre.
  10. TampaYankee

    Oh Boy

    There's been a whole lot of backsliding in civility and respect in this country among groups and even the goverment itself as you can see in the courts. Bush and now Obama, with Congress okaying, have abridged freedoms and right of citizens and aliens alike. They have coerced corporations to aid and abett them and then when these corporations were called by litigants, Congress passed ex post facto laws to let those corporations of the hook, presumably because they did it as a result of coercion by the Administration. Yes, it is shocking to see this court decision but no more shocking that all the other wholesale instances of abandoned rights and freedoms. Don't get me wrong, there have always been groups who wanted to divide peoples and deny rights and freedoms to some. What has changed is that these causes have been taken up by our Goverment and Political Parties and they choose to act against the people at large as well as defined groups for poltical reasons or perceived threats to our society. It seems those threats are succeeding if the purpose is to bring our society down from the perch that our forefathers placed it on.
  11. Truly, your posts brighten my day. Thanks.
  12. Maybe you should be asking what is the philosophical implication of all of this to me?. I admit I liked a single universe much better. I understood that. It was an easy extension of the intuitive 'world view'. I'm in it, I know more or less where I am located realitve to everything else, ignoring the stick concept of warped time-space of course. Now with this plethora of universes in the multiverse, where do I fit? Am I even unique? Where is my universe located relative to all other universes? Does any of that matter. If laws of physics are not generally immutable, but only immutable in this universe, what does that say about how things really work, in general, i.e. in other unverses? It was a blow when the Earth was no longer the Center of the universe. It was a blow when the Solar Sytem was discovered to be only a mediocre run-of-the-mill star with a collection of orbiting junk around it, that is replicated probably millions, maybe billions of times in our galaxy. Our galaxy, a decent but not unusal example of billions of those. Now, our Universe? Where does it stop? What does this say about our uniqueness as a species. Are we special or just one example of an infinity of forced accidents by different laws of physics? Is travel between universes possible? How can that be if the laws of physics differ in each? If it is then what does that say about our concept of 'Universe'? I admit I do not understand any of the implications other than to note, if true, we likely have no special standing in the mulitverse. That does not mean life is not worth living or celebrating or revering; just that we are pretty much in it for ourselves while we enjoy life and passing it on. It will only last a brief instant in the scale of multiversal time. But who knows, it probably occurs in some form or other created and dashed in instants in the mulitverse like neverending popcorn kernals popping -- just part of the random background noise of physics and chemistry. Or maybe to the contrary, those laws of physics that give rise to life may be the rare random event that proves the exception. Can we ever know? My head is starting to hurt. Yes, I preferred the single universe. It felt so much more homey. Or is that homier?
  13. Welcome Whipped Guy. Pull up a chair and join in or sit back and watch for a while as suits your fancy. This thread is the first I have heard of your issues regarding sign in. Please let me or Oz know about your experience so that corrective action can be taken if needed. Pardon us, but we just went through a forum software upgrade and still have a few bugs to workout between the old and new stuff. We are happy to recieve feedback about the experience and try to use it to make the experience better. Again, welcome.
  14. Of course if he were, then he wouldn't. The real scourge and evil that much religion has practiced is laid to the co-opting of God to sanction the evil views of human individuals, whether for power, influence, fortune or their own warped hang-ups. Part of the pathology of human beings who are capable of man things for both good and ill.
  15. Seems like a lot of grimacing going on. How much fun can that be?
  16. They are in Berlin now. You mentioned that you have never been and that Labory Day means time to travel to Europe. Seems like all the planets are aaligned for you.
  17. I think it would be terrible to be the photographer. Working with a boner would be terrible. Working without one... worse.
  18. He'll do!!. In my youth, possible as much as five times in one night. Ah, that was then, unfortunately, this is now.
  19. On this Labor Day I look backward to a very fond memory of a great experience. Eleven years ago this weekend I ventured to NYC to do my first ever overnight with a stunningly hot Aussie escort that also saw a three way hour or so with his boyfriend too. It included a viewing of the musical Jekyll and Hyde with Hasselhoff, both men on my arms. A lovely night at the theatre and otherwise.
  20. It's food for the soul -- no more, nothing less. It's what separates homo sapiens from all other creatures that inhabit this planet. Just as Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Michaelangelo's David, or Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Mozart's Requiem, or understanding the dusty ancient bone fragments culled together to inspire the notion of a prehuman called Lucy and what she means to our understanding of who we are and from where we came; these all inspire to lift us above the plane of practicality. So does searching for an understanding of our place in the universe... or universes. This human nature to ponder beauty and rhythm and color and abstract notions of the universe feeds our soul not our stomach. Fortuantely for homo sapiens, life is so much more than basic sustenance, even though our gardens must grow vegetables as well as flowers.
  21. I definitely must have this for my meat and potatoes dish. I love meat and potatoes -- addicted. When I'm really up for a bit lighter fare that is finger lickin' good. (almost any time of day) Did I mention that I love sushi?? Twice a week minimum, night or day. That's my food pyramid for a balanced diet.
  22. It seems the older I get the more universes multiply. Fortunately for all, my remaining years are counted among the finite. The more universes that appear, the more my head hurts. My head hurt even when there was only one universe. Was it in steady-state or expanding? Simple enough question but rooted in the mathematics of tensor analysis and definitve observations yet to be achieved. And then there were those pesky Quasars, unimaginable points of unbelievably high energy loitering at the edge of the observed universe. On top of that they were receeding at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light. What's up with that? What we knew best was that we knew little. That made my head hurt too. Now we have Hawking emerging from the Brief History of Time to shed light where only the darkest of shadows existed in my youth. He and his coauthor seem to have the uncanny knack to describe the unimaginable in a straightforward conversational manner. Somehow I think when I actually try to ponder what they tell me, my head will start to hurt. Maybe in our universe we are destined to repeat states over and over? Call me lucky ( )that in my waning years I may be standing on the veranda of ultimate enlightenment as revealed by Messrs. Hawking and Mlowdinow. Whether ultimtely valid or not, I expect their explanation to be a smashing good read for someone of my ilk. I look forward to it, but I will have my aspirin handy.
  23. Sounds like you guys got a thing going. Maybe you can getta room and work it out? I don't want to be a third leg on a pogo stick.
  24. To set the time zone go to your user settings and scroll through the time zone list to select yours. See attachment to find your settings.
  25. Shirley, you jest. May I call you Shirley? Any customized features implemented always comes back to bite you in the ass tenfold at upgrade time unless the software company has adopted that upgrade in the base software. Then it is no longer customization but base product. I doubt that will happen as they have hundreds or more customers to support and probably a long list of features to add eventually. Maybe for money, but it is still unlikely go into the base system. So next upgrade would be more customization money. That defeats the purpose of buying off-the-shelf software. Maybe there are admin settings that influence the inteface of these features. I don't know but maybe Oz could have the programmers check. That is feasible. Basic site requirements already dictate some customization unfortunately. It causes extra cost, time and debug for upgrades not to mention user consternation at upgrade time. Addtional customization causes more of the same. Maybe there are admin settings that affect the user interface with these features. That would be feasible. Maybe Oz can have the programmers check.
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