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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Even so, it seems the prime audience is over there, no? If the purpose is to provoke thought about the site management it seems most relevant to the site participants. Not to turn his into an unending dialog.
  2. On my browser, the last three pics, from gaytrixgallery.com, do not show. Here are the direct links. Click on them to see images. http://www.gaytrixgallery.com/gallery/albums/060410gg/m/tumblr_l236v2NAZ61qb2x4qo1_1280.jpg http://www.gaytrixgallery.com/gallery/albums/060410gg/k/powerboys_sensualwriter_com_0770.jpg . . . http://www.gaytrixgallery.com/gallery/albums/060410gg/f/aaa%20%283%29.jpg
  3. It seems to me that this question is better posed over there, no?
  4. The GOP reached out to embrace the Tea Party in the summer of Health Care reform and as the 'Party Of No' on anything to help the country weather the Economic collpase during the Obama adminstration. Their last supportive action on a major legislative bill as a party was Bush's TARP, highly fractured as that was. During the last two years what little that was accomplished in the Senate on major bills counted on the lone rogue GOP senator, maybe two. That does NOT put the lie to the 'Party of No' label. Now that embrace of the radical right Tea Partiers has resulted in the GOP establishment being eaten alive. No better deserved justice for the crass GOP Establihsment hypocrits that put their short term party goals above the needs of the country the last two years. Several of their immediate goals (establishment candidates) now lay in shambles. That establishment now feels their chances to take over the Senate are imperiled by Angle/NV and O'Connel/DE. Let's hope so for the good of the country. But if they somehow manage to do it anyway, it is likely to be far worse for the GOP Senate and House leadership. Watching the Dems in both houses get their acts together the last two years will be nothing compared to the GOP leaderships trying to lead their caucuses, that is if they survive the wave of new members. I'm sure the first targets for them will be that leadership. Maybe it has finally dawned on the GOP esblishment that they really do work for Fox News and had better not cross them. Yes, poetic justice surely. Now we wait to see if the country as a whole will follow the Tea Partiers down the rabbit hole. I have serious doubt that the electorate at large has any sense of consequence of action. They are very good at knowing what they are unhappy with, not so much at analyzing the impact of alternatives.
  5. If you have the time on your hands...
  6. I don't spend all of my time trapsing all over the world romancing twinks. That leaves me more time to post. That leaves me all my time to post.
  7. Our popularity seems to go up during or after a meltdown over there. Seems we are good enough as an alternative under those circumstances. Go figure.
  8. TampaYankee

    Richie Fine

    He's weathered the years mighty fine.
  9. I'm of the same general view. Importing their drama over here is unnecessary and dampens the atmosphere. It's one thing to share that an eruption is going on over there, another to replay it here. Why do so when it is so easy to see it in action over there. I know that one reason for bringing it here is that people are allowed to post views here that may not be permitted there. I am sympathetic to that and do not want to suppress anyone that really feels they need to express themselves. On the other hand, we don't need to carry on a full-blown hashing out of their drama here. It's a fine line to walk. I know. We also need that devlish icon that I used so frequently back in the HooBoy days. Unfortunately, I suck as an artist.
  10. So it is. No wonder I never saw it. My eyes tend to wander towards hot flesh leaving me oblivious to colder surroundings.
  11. The written post is frought with potential for misinterpretation. Best to just step over or around quesitonable spots in the sidewalk when sensitive history is a fact.
  12. Lucky's comment was unnecessary and now this response closes the exchange.
  13. Gingrich is a pathetic character running desperately to try to get in the front of the parade of an oppostional segment of the GOP. The party regulars disavow him knowing he is an unstable time bomb that can go off at any time. The family conservatives want nothing to do with him and his many wives, present and past. He is talking to the fringe in the hopes they will listen and embrace. They listen but see the fossil of the past failed establishment. Yep, he is pretty pathetic, but he is making a living doing what he does and maybe that is enough for him.
  14. Well, I have no knowledge of either your 'baggage' or the specifics behind the raison d'etre for this thread. I am aware of the general issue with 'management philosophy' at the other site. So I figure it is the latest incarnation of more of the same. No need for more info on my part, as I have no interest in the day-to-day drama over there. So again, welcome to a fresh start.
  15. Why would you assume that? We welcome all who come with comity. I dont know anything about you so you start from scratch. If there is baggage from another site then that is best left there for all concerned. Some people like the opportunity for a fresh start.
  16. Huh? "community" button . What's that?
  17. TampaYankee

    Richie Fine

    It's amazing how cash can enhance one's own sexual attractiveness. I discovered several years ago that Benjamins are better than Lancome and pheromones. As for you, you can charm most twinks out of their Calvins. Any Benjamins are just your way of expressing that you had a good time.
  18. Not really plausible. The SCOTUS either acts or defers to the President. I doubt the conservative Justices desire to do the latter. The President is left with a very real dilemma. He has one law to enforce in the 9th District and a diametrically opposed law elsewhere. That is really implausible as military personnel are moved around at least every three years. Thus if the SCOTUS fails to act then the President will have to apply the lower court ruling military wide. This may motivate the Senate to act more expeditiously that it might otherwise. It also muddies the repeal law under consideration in that it contains a caveat that the military hierarchy must find DADT acceptable for the law to take effect. The lower court ruling gives no leeway at all. That may pressure the hierarchy to go along if they believe it is going to happen with or without their assent.
  19. It was not the head that was the focus of my attention. Yeah, I know... I suffer from arrested development, but I'm happy nevertheless.
  20. I hope so too. It really has been a novice-friendly domain name/hosting service. I wonder why they didn't consider the IPO route, although I prefer privately owned corportaions myself?
  21. I doubt it. We are so deep in bed with the Saudi's that we are not free to act with common sense and compassion. I'd send him to the Canadians which have plenty of both and don't need the Saudi's for political support.
  22. The best Vegas act for my money on the present TV show comptetion. This is the best field of talent I have ever seen on a TV show. So many worthy contestants. Too bad there can be only one winner. This show put Idol to shame IMO.
  23. TampaYankee


    As a kid I was a big baseball fan and a player too -- Little League and Babe Ruth League. I was a fierce Yankees fan... fierce. Never missed a game on TV. My sun rose and set on Mantle, Berra, Maris, Elston Howard, Whitey Ford... Casey Stengal, Ralph Houk... the list goes on and on. I had respect for other teams and their players too. The Dodgers with Drysdale, Koufax, Maury Wills..., the White Sox... The teams were the players and the players were the teams, stable year after year, more or less. Then Free Agency came to the game. It never was the same for me again. How can you give your heart to to a team and players when they become just expensive chess pieces on the board that get moved to different boards every new season. Where is the loyalty? It took the emotional attachment out of it, for me. I know Free Agency was good for the players but it was bad for me.
  24. I just love rocky sea coasts.
  25. Wow!! He classifies as a minor god... well, maybe not so minor. Almost Micaelangelo's David come to life.
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