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Everything posted by xpaulo

  1. In the early 2000s I'd watch the web cam shows from the William Higgins place in Prague. I chatted a lot with the guy who worked behind the scenes operating the gear and moderating. He invited me to come by when I visited Prague once, it was pretty cool. Most of the Czech guys were so hot. Although as the moderator pointed out, everybody's ass looks the same in isolation from the rest of their body.
  2. I did hook up with a guy in Medellin from Chaturbate in January. It took a lot of arranging and was more expensive and he pushed for every dollar he could get. But he lived up to his end of the arrangement... and more. It was certainly a good time for me. And there were no messages afterwards trying to get more money for which I was grateful. A party with a group of guys like him would indeed be a lot of fun.
  3. There were all kinds of dire predictions about what would happen in Canada when pot was legalized. They were all ridiculous as many people had been smoking since the 1970s and charging for possession of small amounts was rare in many parts of the country. Nevertheless, a criminal record is a criminal record, legalization was long overdue.
  4. I was amazed, I met a series of Venezuelan guys in the coffee region of Colombia that were incredibly attractive, much more so than what I'm used to in Canada. It wasn't about looks. But the combination of their masculinity, their big dicks and most importantly their personalities was what impressed me so much.
  5. Nice reporting Connordrick. Enjoyed your accounts. I met a number of super hot Venezuelan guys in Colombia this winter. All with big dicks and I had several personal bests in how far those dicks went down. The most beautiful escort I was ever with was a Venezuelan guy in Toronto. Not to put the Colombian guys down. I love them too and they're a lot of fun.
  6. Thanks for that. I noticed in Colombia this winter the hotels photocopied the ID page and the date stamp page. I don't recall ever seeing the date stamp page photocopied in other countries. But I'm not particularly well travelled so it could be done lots of places.
  7. In Canada a young right wing white man who murdered three police officers hoping to spur a rebellion against Canada's "oppressive government" and a young white Quebec City man with "far-right, white nationalist, and anti-Muslim views" murdered six people in a mosque, were classed as criminal extremists by police. Two Muslim men who separately murdered two soldiers were classed as terrorists. All four seemed to be motivated by erratic behaviour mixed with "seething anger" and extreme beliefs, but government officials only seemed interested in labeling the Muslims as terrorists. They also used the murders of the solders "to expedite plans to boost security forces' surveillance, detention, and arrest powers."
  8. Abortion rights and same sex marriage are firmly planted in Canadian society and overall support remains high. The Catholic Church remains firmly against. It wasn't that many years ago that a girl in our local Catholic high school had a slur scratched in to the door of her school locker. She had no support from the school administration and when she asked the principal if the slur could be painted over, he told her, sorry, the policy was that locker painting was only done during the summer holiday.. still months away. This is the way he treated a LBGTQ teenage girl. It was part of a scheme by the local bishop to weed out LBGTQ students, staff and any sympathizers. The education department soon found a pointless desk job for the principal, but the Church promoted the bishop to a much bigger diocese. As for the locker, other students covered it with heart cut-outs and messages of support.
  9. I agree, although university admission requirements seem to be higher. The current problems aren't new. A university friend with an education degree, quit teaching as a career after just one year on the job because not offending the parents was the school's priority over learning and bad behaviour by some students. That was in 1983.
  10. I did a lot of walking up and down steep hills before my trip and it really made a difference. Especially on a coffee farm I visited. I found the downtown centre of Manizales, near Pereira, had a lot more character. But the people in both cities were wonderful, as they were in most places in Colombia I went to. Bogota was the only city where it was like most big cities in the world.
  11. Some acquaintances were in Salento last month and extended their stay they liked it so much.
  12. During the ten days, you could head into the coffee growing region for a few days. The people are wonderful and the countryside is beautiful. The weather is also perfect for us Canadians, not too cool, not too hot.
  13. " team members shower together." A follow up that is I lived and worked in Germany for a period and there seemed to be a separation between attitudes about nudity for sexual and non-sexual purposes. I was at a hockey arena to do some interviews and was told to wait outside the locker room for the players to come out after they showered and changed. I noticed while I was waiting that the players wives and children were also in the locker room and saw the players walking naked to and from the showers. There also appeared to be group changing rooms for families at community sports facilities. In that context, nudity in art/sports is not a big deal. But my impression was nudity in tv and movies seemed to be similar to its treatment in Canada and the U.S.
  14. One part of recreational hockey (ice) culture I heard about recently on a podcast is some men's teams have a shower monitor whose job it is to make sure all of the team members shower together after the game, this would include teams right up to the Oldtimers leagues. Something about bonding and comradery I suppose.
  15. I was imagining trying that in suburban Toronto or Calgary. I think a lot of straight guys get erections during regular massages at a physio-therapist though. In my community they're all female. A co-worker told me his physio always leaves him lying on his stomach for a few minutes when the session ends just to avoid any awkwardness. I wonder if their files on male clients contains notes about the frequency of that.
  16. This anti-whatever it is seems to be happening in various countries including Canada where I live. But it hasn't taken hold here so far to the extent it has in the United States. I've also just started seeing stories about life expectancy in the U.S. dropping to where it was 20 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an indirect or direct link. A number of countries saw a slight drop at the height of the pandemic and have recovered from that, but not the U.S.. I looked at life expectancy in the U.S and Canada since the 60s. For decades Canada's was one to two years longer than the States. In 2022 Canada's was almost 6.5 years longer. I think diets and education are roughly even. The U.S. has a far higher average income and spends a lot more on health care. So what explains it? I think northern European countries do well in these rankings because the extremities of incomes are less, the richer people aren't as rich and the poorer people aren't as poor, or at least the gap is mitigated by the transfer of wealth through higher taxation and more government supports... ie income, housing, education, health, etc..
  17. Doctors in Canada can prescribe for a longer period in special circumstances, but actually getting the pills for six months might be a bigger challenge, especially through an insurance plan. I wonder if Thai pharmacies accept foreign prescriptions.
  18. The money isn't an issue with me either, it's still a lot less than home. I was just surprised at the difference. What I really liked in Colombia was the quality of the men compared to Canada. The guys in Colombia made a genuine effort to make sure I enjoyed myself compared to the indifference of a lot of the $300 CAD escorts at home. One guy was older and heavier than in his photo, but he was fun to be with and I really enjoyed myself so it was a good lesson for me.
  19. Latbear4blk.... the saunas I recently went to in Pereira and Manizales were charging 120,000 pesos ( about $25 US) for all sex, con leche, for an hour with very attractive big dicked tops in regular rooms with big beds. So it seems considerably less expensive than DR. Does that sound correct?
  20. I was there in December, 2021. I like the guys at Aquarius actually, but as others have pointed out there are no comfortable rooms to have sex in. ( I noticed in Colombia the saunas had a full size room and bed you could ask for and after the first time, I always did). Airbnb is the best choice in terms of having a visitor and some/lots of the guys at Aquarius would be up for that. Very few of the guys on Hunqz or Rentmen returned my messages or if they did it was just a hostile response wanting to know how I got their number. I did meet up with one, but it took a lot of messages and was totally worth it, he was wonderful. On previous visits, the sex was good with escorts, but lots of pressure for more money. One came, put his dick back in my mouth and came again in about five minutes. And then demanded a lot more money. He was rough and aggressive so I just paid. Never came close in any of the hammams. At one in a hotel there was only the masseur and some young male friends of his, they were probably drinking and were pretty goofy... prompting some pretty lurid fantasies on my part, but nothing. I've only tried to get for-pay guys. You might have better luck with regular guys in the gay venues such as they are. There are hot men there though, if you are happy just admiring. I've always stayed near the Aquarius and never saw what appeared to be a bad neighbourhood, there are old neighbourhoods that might look sketchy, but seemed to have younger, more affluent residents. I've seen stray dogs, but none were aggressive. I wouldn't try to pet one, though.
  21. I also enjoyed my first trip to BH, although tourist hotels were expensive then. I booked a room at a mid-range hotel, it was clean but very rundown and in a sketchy neighbourhood. After checking in I decided to use the wifi downstairs to find a different hotel and saw a group of police officers checking in, probably for a course or conference and decided it was probably safe there. I liked the pay for gay tops at the saunas because they were a kind of working class and tough. I chose BH as the best place to attend a World Cup game in 2014 and had a great time. It was Colombia's first WC match in about 20 years and a great place to see what wonderful people they generally are.
  22. Noticed the same in Colombia in January. Actually needed a mask to clear customs/immigration at the Bogota airport, fortunately I had some handy. Needed masks to go through most security at airports, then inconsistent after that. Some Latam flights had to wear a mask for the entire flight and others almost nobody wearing a mask. Most secure areas in airports people not wearing them. But like you saw people running to get masks so they could board their flight.
  23. Tourism pretty much shut down March, 2020. and really just started perking up late last year. So the impact would have been minimal.
  24. I understand why it pisses them off. A number of Colombians brought up the visa issue with me as they have to get a visa to visit Canada, (although I doubt many want to) and an added annoyance, Mexicans don't need to. But in the past I think the visa did deter Canadians from going. It wasn't a big deal, but still a hassle, the cost, sending off your passport, bank statements and work info. My employer got a call once to check. From another post I guess there's an online method now. Still, who does it hurt. The Canadian government doesn't care. Most Latin Americans do need a visa. I think Mexicans don't because Canada recognized the hypocrisy of saying, hey, us North Americans have to stick together, but we don't trust you enough to let you in our country.
  25. Just happened to me in Colombia, was having the most perfect holiday possible (so many big dicks on hot men) when I got salmonella and it wouldn't go away. Two weeks in hotel beds and another week at home. I finally got some antibiotic pills and it's cleared up.
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