I went on a small sauna binge in mid January to mid Feb. I'm turning 66 this summer and not sure how long my health and available cash will last so decided to go for the sort of splurge I've always wanted to do at Thermas and Aquarius in Istanbul. Lots of hot men at Thermas, but somewhat unfortunately very few customers so I had to do a lot of fending guys off. But the solution was just to spend a lot of time in the massage rooms with different guys., They were all great, with not surprisingly one of the Venezuelan guys being my best time. I like guys that have, or can put on, a rough edge. I think it purely natural with him. Honourable mention to a gentle looking hot Colombian who turned into a beast when asked. One thing about Barcelona was the hotel rooms seemed very expensive and in the end I just got a room and a bathroom in an apartment a few blocks from Thermas. On the flight out of town, the woman sitting next to me said there was a really big tech convention in Barcelona that week. I was in Istanbul at the beginning and the end of my trip. Despite the shortcomings of the sauna, I love the Kurdish men there and they've become much more physically engaged in the activities I like. There's a guy I first met there about 10 years ago. At that time he was in the front lobby area in street clothes when I walked in and it was like love at first site. I wasn't sure if he was a masseur, but I stared at him and he nodded back. And he's been there every time since. I still get that rush the first time I see him. The icing on the cake was Marrakesh where an escort on Hunqz with his own apartment set me up with himself and two other guys. All sub Saharan (Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Senegal) and all so hot. That's been a fantasy for a long time and I was so happy that it came true. Of course the whole trip cost a lot of money, but the money in itself wasn't an issue and I did some of the things I've always wanted to do.