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  1. xpaulo


    I am just finishing my first trip to Tunisia. I am very timid and had no sex. I made a big mistake in renting an Airbnb on the coast north of Sousse about a 20 minute drive. I spent one afternoon in Sousse, where I realized I'm not confident enough to find a guy. In the small shopping area along where I stayed a guy hanging around said sex twice to me, but I kept walking. He was out there the next day and approached me and said sex again. I looked around and shrugged like where and nodded at a little grocery store. I just shook my head. There was just something dodgy about him and I didn't trust him.
  2. I've been watching a lot of Nigerian porn and there's gay stuff. What's interesting to me is the amount of touching between men in the straight porn. From a guy in a threesome reaching over to put the other guy's dick back in the woman to full on sex. There's a lot of stroking the other guy's butt cheeks suggesting to me there's a lot more anal going on between Nigerian men than I would of thought. A mostly straight male escort told me once there's no difference fucking a girl's ass and a guy's ass. So much so he stopped anal with women because it reminded him too much of work. I should add though there seems to be less of the bi-ish stuff in the porn which is too bad.
  3. Some of the most beautiful men in the world, imo, along with Iran and Afghanistan. Why, oh why.
  4. I love it when the same word means quite different things in North American English and British English. Homely is one. I had no idea on a biking trip in Australia what a fanny is there and in the UK when I asked a middle aged British woman if she had found her fanny pack. Fortunately a bilingual Anglo speaker quickly intervened.
  5. I did three bookings there last month, everything went smoothly, rooms were comfortable and bright. Two of the bookings were with Faber (not sure of the spelling) I am a little in love. He's hot.
  6. Sick fuck Luka Magnotta
  7. That's the company my bank red flagged, not because there's a problem with the company,the bank just doesn't like customers doing it.
  8. I did once to Colombia from Canada,$100... but it was a hassle and I won't ever do it again. My bank red flags the money sending service and I got a call from the bank before they would release the money and a lecture about what a stupid thing it is to do.
  9. My Uber driver/guide took me to Santa Elena this week to see a flower farm. Unfortunately most of the flowers had been knocked down the day before by a hail storm. But the owner was a delight to meet. He's been carrying one of big flower saddles on his back in the annual parade for about 50 years I think. It's his life.
  10. xpaulo


    Also interesting in that I was born in Canada at a time when mothers were being told for sanitany reasons circumcision was better. So lots were cut at that time.
  11. xpaulo


    You know, for whatever reason that's something I almost never notice, or not to the extent that I would remember. It's interesting though.
  12. xpaulo


    Last year in Paris I booked a guy off Hunqz who looked a lot like what I think a Romanian gypsy looks like or should look like, and what I find attractive. Skinny as a rail and a huge dick. And turned out to be a little scary.
  13. Oh those Venezuelans!! Went by St Moritz in Bogota yesterday and there are two Venezuelan brothers working there. Wow, once I mentioned feet, they really started working me over with their feet, hands and cocks. Depending on your tastes they are really hot, really masculine. They were rough, but not too rough. It was heaven.
  14. I go to the Super A supermarket in my town usually about once a week, they have a great meat section with reasonable prices, but I have a sense this is not the same thing. 🤔
  15. The most terrifying words I've ever read. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
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