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Everything posted by Milk78

  1. Yeah i know, I'm a sucker for these things....well, you know what i mean.
  2. Off to Lucky Boys tonight as long as i survive Chatuchak this morning!
  3. You are absolutely right - she does! I had not thought of that but now you mention it. I don't mind the price really. It is no more than going to see a show at home, at there is just as much to look at here!
  4. (Very early) Morning everyone, I finally made it to BKK arriving yesterday. It is a trip that has been a long time in the making and that i have look forward to for months now. I posted before Christmas thanking everyone who contributes to this forum - I wish that i have found it sooner. The info that people have posted here has been a fantastic help in preparing me for all the joys of Patpong and the boy bars. I was going to save up a few nights and post a review then, but fierce jetlag, combined with a bit of a cold that i developed the day before i left (thanks office colleagues that passed that on), I find myself up at 4.30am, so I thought i may as well make a start! I arrived into BKK at a very civilised time yesterday morning. The plane touched down at 9.45am after an 11 hour flight from London. I had upgraded to Premium Economy and was glad for every penny extra that had cost. Although the cold i am nursing really hit my sleep on the flight and i didn't feel too out of it on arrival. One of the advantages of Premium Economy is that you are sandwiched between First and Business which means that you are one of the first to get off the plane. I got my skates on and sped through to immigration ahead of most of the crowd and was through passport control pretty quickly and without any drama. When i left the UK it was cold and damp, maxing out at about 10 degrees C - arriving in BKK and it being 30/31 even at that early time was bit of a shock to the system - i had hoped that it would shock my cold into pissing off and leaving me alone, but no luck. Thanks to a recommendation i had seen on here somewhere, I had already pre-booked a transfer with SP Limousine and they were ready and waiting for me. I am sure it was significantly more costly than some of the other options that I could have gone for, but at 950bht straight to my hotel seemed like a price well worth paying and I was glad that I had spent the time and money setting up before I arrived; it took a load of stress out of the arrival process and delivered me to the Ascott hotel pain free. I had also pre-ordered my Thai SIM card and had that delivered to me in the UK before i left, so once in the car, I sorted my phone out and got online. Surprisingly, it was all really easy - no glitches, muddles, or stress arriving which is just what I needed after a couple of really hard months at work. I fired up Grindr on the journey over to the hotel and connected with a cute Thai guy. He was angling for lunchtime meet up. He was a top only which was fine. I am very Vers so depending on my overall mood will top or bottom. He had sent over pics and looked smooth, slim and big dicked - perfect! I met him in the lobby of the hotel; it is a good job he spotted me first as i would NEVER have recognised him from the pics he sent over! They must have been taken at least 10 years ago if not more. No problems at all in meeting him the lobby and going up to my room with him. When he arrived he also offered me a massage for an extra tip and I was very happy to go with it. 11 hours is a long time on a flight so was ready for some extra relaxation. He cost an initial 1,000bht for the meeting. I was glad, that even though the pics were really old, his dick measured up. The massage was ok, nothing to get excited about, but it was a welcome addition. He did however fuck really well! He knew how to use his sizable tool and was really just what I was looking for. He was a nice guy and gave him 1,500bht. I went for a (very) short walk around the block by the hotel and picked up a few bits at the 7-11, and then needed to sleep for a bit. At about 9.30pm I got a Grab and headed out to see what action i could find. I thought rather than dive straight in and look for a boy to off, I would have a bit of a wander, get my bearings and just see the lie of the land. I wandered around the Patapong night market for a bit, grabbed myself a pad thai, and kept my eyes open looking for all the venues so frequently discussed on here. It was a bit surreal having read about all these places for a couple of months being in front of me all of a sudden! I was really thankful for all the tips and advice so generously handed out on these pages as it made the night much easier to navigate. \ I ended up in Fresh Boys and only because a cute guy grabbed my attention outside... I arrived about 20mins before the show kicked off so got to see about 40 boys on stage in their small pieces of underwear. I was pleased with my choice of venue. Some good looking twink boys. Some eye contact being made and smiles but as i said before, it was more about taking a look tonight. I was met by a couple of mamasans - a mid 50s guy who sat next to me and an older ladyboy who was lovely. I bought them both a drink and just sat back and enjoyed the display. There was lots of dick grabbing and rubbing on stage as the boys did their parade. There were a couple I wouldn't have minded having a go on but I was still holding out for tonight. Nice variety, all much more on the twink side of things which is good and what I like. One of the boys was alarmingly skinny though and really needs feeding! It was almost painful to watch him. Thinking back, I don't think I have seen any comment on here about the price of drinks. I was drinking beer but it seemed all the drinks were the same price - 400bht, which seemed rally steep to me? I had got quite a bit of attention and bought mamasans a drink. Other hosts kept coming up and also asking for a drink but at those prices I just said "not tonight". The guy mamasan (the owner?) stayed with me and was nice. Asking what I was looking for, mentioning that they have a room upstairs to use if i didn't want to take boy back to my hotel. I didn't ask how much that would be... I stayed for the first three or four parts of the show. It opened with a ladyboy lip syncing. She was good. She had a headdress on that Elton John would have been proud of. The second act was a guy jerking off over a magzine. Impressive sized dick although somehow not erotic in the slightest. The third act was actually a pretty well choreographed light bdsm scene. A ladyboy whipping a leathered up boy, slightly more muscular than the boys from the stage earlier. It seemed she was getting quite into and was throwing the boy around. She threw him into one of the pillars at one point with some force. The resulting thump against the pilar was loud and percussive - it got a few double takes from the resident boys; i think it was a bit harder than usual! The last act i stayed for was a couple of boys in speedos getting lathered up, but given they kept their speedos on for what seemed like an age, it really wasn't all that interesting so i chose that moment to head out. Got a Grab back to the hotel and went up to my room., No sooner had I got back in, a Croatian muscle boy messaged me on Grindr. He really isn't my usual type but faced with the prospect of a 6ft 4" slab of muscle in my room was appealing. He was a bottom sub so after arranging a quick visit to my room, had him on his knees swinging off the end of my dick. He loved being spanked, so found the complimentary slippers in my wardrobe and used one on him before having him put his head on the floor and arse in the air and fucking him. Unexpected, but free fun late on my first night! Going to head out to a market this morning before the heat really starts to climb. Given that i am awake at a stupid early time, I will probably need to sleep this afternoon before heading back out tonight. I think Lucky Boys might be on the plan for tonight.....
  5. Milk78

    BDSM Gear

    Thanks - arrive tomorrow. Will check it out.
  6. Thanks - too late for this trip sadly. I had done a bit of research but i booked before i found this forum! Oh well, I am sure i will work it out!
  7. Milk78

    BDSM Gear

    Thanks for the tip!
  8. Milk78

    BDSM Gear

    Thanks - will check it out when i arrive.
  9. Milk78

    BDSM Gear

    Is it me or is BDSM less prevalent in Thailand? I would have thought it would have more of a presence....
  10. Milk78

    BDSM Gear

    Great - thank you! Will check it out when i arrive.
  11. Milk78

    BDSM Gear

    Are they a physical shop or just online? I am looking on a phone but couldn't see anything that made it look like a physical place?
  12. Milk78

    BDSM Gear

    Does anyone know a place in Bangkok or Chiang Mai that sells fetish or bdsm gear? The kink scene seems surprisingly under represented in Thailand. Why is that?
  13. Yes! At that price, no problem!
  14. Firstly, thank you all for this forum! I stumbled across it whilst sat at home over the Christmas period and it has been really helpful - i wish i had seen it sooner! It has so much useful information for someone like myself who is off to Bangkok for the first time in just a couple of weeks. If i had seen the forum earlier i may have chosen differently! I am in the Ascott hotel and now think this might be a bit far away from the action - only a 20 min walk but probably too far for any boy i have off'd? What do you think? Was a little concerned to hear of the recent raids. I really don't fancy getting caught up in that! If there are any forum members about between the 17th and 30th January who want to meet up let me know. Would be nice to meet someone with the expert knowledge of the scene. I am really looking forward to it. I have six nights in Bangkok and then up to Chaing Mai for another six nights before heading back to the UK. Anyway - thanks for all your contributions to this forum!
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