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Everything posted by Milk78

  1. I am staying at Banyan Tree and they are saying that if you get a test with them before 6pm then the result will be through that night. After 6pm it will be the next morning. Whether this turns out to be true or not is another question..... I too am arriving late March but my flight lands at 5.15am so very much hope I will be done and released before the evening! I am going ahead and booking the tests in the next couple of days so I can get Thai pass sorted. I don't want to leave it last minute. It might mean I end up paying for something that I don't need but better safe than sorry.
  2. I am staying at the Banyan Tree in late March. Booked the room last July as the deal was incredible. I have recently been in touch to find out about the PCR tests and will, I am sure, book directly with them. Day 1 PCR - 3,500 bht Transfer to hotel in private hire taxi - 2,000 bht
  3. Banyan Tree have offered me car and test. 4-6 hours results back for Day 1 test. Does anybody know if I am allowed to bring a few lateral flow tests with me in my luggage? If so, I will order a few before I fly out and take them with me.
  4. Thanks @vinapu for you rich and through report! A really great and useful read. I am heading to BKK and then Chiang Mai at the end of March for a couple of weeks. any issues with joiners at Phor Liang Meun Teracotta Arts in Chiang Mai? I AirBnb last time i was in Chiang Mai but the hotels all have really good rates so might do that this time.
  5. Thanks, that's helpful.
  6. I have a trip booked at the end of March so plenty of time for things to change on the Test and Go front (both positively and negatively!) but could do with some advice on my travel planning. Any help gratefully received! I land in BKK on 28 March at about 2pm. My initial plan was to then hop on a flight to Chiang Mai and spend a week there before coming back to BKK for another week. The current Test and Go, if i have got it right, requires a PCR on Day 1 and 5. Do I have to take the Day 1 PCR in BKK, as that is the first point of entry, or can I get on the flight to Chiang Mai and take the tests there? If I have to take the Day 1 test in BKK are there hotels close to the airport that i can use so I don't have to spend all the time getting into BKK just to come straight back out to the airport again? Presumably it would be ok, if i have to stay in BKK for Day 1 test, to take Day 5 test in Chiang Mai? So take test, travel, take test in new location?
  7. Thanks for the report @vinapu! I am hoping to get back to BKK and Chiang Mai in March. My first trip to LOS was January 2020 - right before Covid hit properly. I was in Chiang Mai for Chinese New Year and it was just starting to become a major thing. I found the scene in Chiang Mai to be really poor but I did hook up with a local student. We had an amazing few days, he was not a money boy, we hooked up on an app and we are still in regular contact. When I am back in March (all fingers crossed) we will hook up again.....
  8. British Airways announced they were stopping their direct routes to Thailand again. Today there are reports in the Guardian that quarantine free travel is being considered. Not sure if they are quoting local media or whether they have their own sources.
  9. In case anyone is interested for future reference, I have had confirmed from the hotel that joiners are allowed at the Banyan Tree in Bangkok.
  10. Thanks for all the comments. I think I am going to Airbnb it in Chiang Mai. I met a local university student when i was there in January 2020 and plan to hook up with him again for the week. I am going to spend a week there and then back to down to Bangkok for another week. I have secured a great deal at the Banyan Tree at something like 35% of their usual price so hope it will be alright to have joiners there. I have taken advice previously given and booked the room for two adults. I might send them a separate enquiry about joiners. I can cancel up 24hrs before the first night with no penalty so nothing lost if they have an issue. I can just cancel and book somewhere else when i see a good deal. The deal i got was too good not to get onboard with.
  11. Thanks. Having a look at options the Airbnb scene there is better and cheaper than Bangkok so may very well do that and avoid the issue completely. There is a boy I met when I was there in early 2020, just before it got pandemic. He is local student I met from an app, not a bar boy. I am hoping we'll spend the week together.....
  12. Does anyone know if there are any issues bringing joiners back to hotels in Chiang Mai?
  13. I need some help. What are the prices of Covid vaccines in Thailand? I am thinking about sending over the money to a boy I met when I was out there in January, 2020. He is a lovely student i met when i was in Chiang Mai and who i had a great few days with. He is not a money boy and i am confident that if i sent him the money he would spend it on a vaccine(s). But I have no idea of the cost or even if getting a vaccines is possible at the moment. He hasn't asked and i am sure he is not expecting the offer - he might not even accept, but i thought i would find out the details if i could before making the offer. Any help much appreciated!
  14. Apologies for being slightly off topic, but i am really interested in the financial arrangement you put in place for long(er) term hook ups. For those BFEs that last a few days or who you invite to travel with you - do you pay them every day? Work out a fee for the trip and pay half up front and half at the end? How do you go about negotiating that - do you get a discount on the off rate if for a longer period of time?
  15. The fact it has made the ok for Jon essential travel list means that travel insurance is not automatically invalidated.
  16. In classic UK government behaviour, there are two lists. Thailand has made the list which says it is ok for non-essential travel, but you will have to self isolate/ quarantine for 14 days on return to the UK. This will be in addition to any restrictions at the Thailand end if there are any?
  17. No Thailand but i see Vietnam made the list.
  18. I met a couple of guys on Grindr before finding the one i am with now - I saw him yesterday and he is coming over soon. We will probably have some fun then go for food. We are also planning on hooking up tomorrow.
  19. An easy but, on reflection, silly mistake to make. The girls should have been enough for me to realise i had got it wrong!!
  20. I thought i would put a new report on my Chiang Mai visit rather than add it to the end of my BKK report for clarity. After six days in BKK, I flew up to Chiang Mai last Thursday. Flew up with Bangkok Airways and despite nearly missing the flight (my own fault for not really allowing enough time for BKK traffic), the ride was smooth and efficient. One thing i did notice on the plane was the ration of westerners. At leat half the plane were westerners which surprised me a little. Yes, there are lots of Chinese in town, but proportionally I have seen far more westerners then in BKK. My expectations for boy action here were pretty low. Advice and observations from forum members on a previous post had suggested that the scene was not great - nor were they inaccurate. I arrived in time for Chinese New Year and there have been a number of street and market based celebrations. The apps (Grindr) seem well populated and I have had a number of connections. Such was the hit rate, I was in two minds as to whether i should even bother with Adam's Apple given the feedback from forum members and looking at recent reviews on Google and elsewhere. But, given the celebrations for New Year are in full swing and a quick look on Adam's Apple website announced their own New Year party at the club, I thought i would check it out - if it isn't busy for this, it never will be! Whilst it was certainly busy, the whole experience was... disappointing. I arrived at the club at about 9.45pm. I had hoped to give myself enough time to have a look at the boys and maybe make a selection before the show kicked off at 10.30pm. I was seated to the side of the stage on a bar stool it had a tall table and i settled in for a beer with a decent view of the stage. It was only a decent view of the stage as from that position there is a pillar slightly in the way which cuts off the view of a section of the performance area. My immediate concern was that if i did see a boy i liked the opportunity for me to call him over for a drink was limited - actually pretty non-existent. There are sofas in the central section but the majority of these seemed to be occupied with regulars. Then there was the boys themselves. About 15 to 20 boys. 6-7 on stage at any one time with little engagement or interaction with the audience, lots of joking around with each other, the others milling around with the regulars. They were all wearing white underwear and t-shirts. The t-shirts covered up the bodies which made it difficult to assess body type but they also had the effect of covering their packages so getting much of a sense of what was on offer was really hard. And given that i didn't really have the option of inviting one over for a drink there was little (zero) chance of offing any of them. The show was poor. It was busy though - 20-30 customers and the drinks were cheap by BKK standards at 250bht. I had a beer and stayed for a bit of the show before leaving. Grindr has worked out well for me though. I have met a young (19/20yr old) Thai student who loves middle age, overweight, white guys so I am perfect for him! With just a couple of days left here it has, unexpectedly, turned into a bit of a BFE which i am enjoying a great deal..... I like Chiang Mai a lot. I was thinking about cutting the trip short and getting an extra day back in BKK as i still have unfinished business there. Illness at the start of the trip meant i missed out on doing as much as i otherwise would have. But, given my new found play thing here i think i will see my original plans through and stay put. As many have said before, Chiang Mai is probably not the place for boys compared to BKK. I have done well on the apps and i have to say i am enjoying the (slightly) cleaner air up here. I have a last night in BKK on the 29th before heading back to the UK and am planning for a full night of action! I will just have to make sure I get back again soon so i can catch up on the things i missed - every cloud and all that......
  21. BKK trip adventures continued - Whilst still in the grip of a cold, Monday was the first day that wasn't as bad as the day before; hopefully that means it is coming to an end..... Having a cold is pretty rubbish. It has certainly meant that i have not done many of the things that i had planned for my time in BKK. Breathing is not easy and the bad air has not made it any easier. I have still tried to get out and do a few things. It just means i will have to come back.... every cloud and all that! I had heard good things about Iconsiam and the idea of an air conditioned space to wander round was not unwelcome. It is a surreal place. A beautiful indoor floating market and little stalls selling all manner of food stuffs and just next door to it hyper modern glass showrooms for Maserati and Rolls Royce. I wandered back to my hotel and logged in to find a message from this site's @anddy with a lovely invitation to meet up for a drink. Despite my getting the wrong bar, Andy located me. It was really nice to chat to a forum member and hear about life, the scene, and what the future may hold in BKK. We ended up in Screw Boys so i could tick off another boy bar and compare to Lucky and Fresh Boys. We were a little late and walked straight into the fuck show, but that was close to finishing and almost by the time we had been seated and drinks arrived it was coming to a close. A short number by a lip sync lady boy followed and then the boys were back on stage for checking out. One boy immediately caught the attention of my companion and was soon to be brought over for a drink. I was finding it a little more difficult. I was really struggling to find something appealing. The selection on stage was somewhat limited. The table in front of ours were on to their second bottle of whiskey and drinking games. They had attracted 7 boys to their table and at one point as many as 11. After 10-15 mins some more boys did start filtering on to stage and I did in the end find a boy and called him over. And in that learnt a very valuable lesson - up close he looked completely different from when he was on stage. Up close he was really very cute and far more appealing. He said he was 23 and from Laos and had been working at the bar for 4 months. Up close and over drinks i noticed just how tiny he was. His hands delicate and half the size of mine. I was a little worried that i might break him.....Andy seemed to be getting on very nicely with his boy and we sat and watched a bit of the second round of acts on stage. I almost lost out on my boy as he had attracted the attention of someone else who was keen to off him so i had to make a decision and was glad that i took him back to my hotel. Back at the hotel and stripped i was struck even more about just how delicate and small my boy was. It was like everything was in miniature but perfectly formed - and so very cute. I was still worried he might break so spent quite some time testing that out! He had previously said that he did "everything" and whilst that was 98% true it didn't stop me having a great time. He took everything that was given and i was very pleased. Learning from mistakes of my earlier encounters, I remembered to get his Line and will try and hook up again with him before i leave if i can. He is travelling back to Laos on Wednesday so it might not happen. It was 2.30am when we parted so Tuesday was always going to be a quieter day for me. I wandered out in the morning. I had wanted to visit a local art gallery but it was closed so settled for breakfast at a cafe, wandered around a bit, picked up some street food (100% better than my previous experience!) and headed back to the hotel. The rest of the day was spent reading and chilling out with Netflix. Oh - and a Grindr hook up ;-) I have had sex at least once a day since my arrival so didn't want to let that record slip.....Quick meet but satisfying. So far on my trip i have been bottom, top, bottom, top, bottom, top which i think is a nice symmetry. I think i will get back in touch with my massage boy today and have him come over again on my last day in BKK. I head up to Chiang Mai tomorrow. Any recommendations? Are there any locations to off boys there? What are the prices like? PS - Big thanks @anddy. It was great to meet you and have some company for the evening. Thanks for taking the time to come out and meet me.
  22. Not my usual type though - he just happened to be there. What's a boy to do....
  23. Thought I would get back to it and updte on the weekend's adventures.... Got up and out on Saturday morning so i could get to Chatuchak early before the heat and the crowds really kicked in. Although some of the stalls are later opening, I was pleased that i got a good hour and a bit before it started to get really busy. Amazing place really. I do like my contemporary art and had heard that they were some good stalls there. I was sceptical when i heard it and even more so when i arrived. I couldn't imagine how the conditions would be anyway close to being suitable for displaying, but more importantly, preserving the work in such blistering heat and humidity. Of course, I hadn't reckoned on the little air conditioned units they had in the "art" section. Some really fantastic work. Some of it could easily find a home in the upmarket galleries back home. I picked up a really nice leather wallet of astonishing quality 1/3 of the price that it would have cost back home. I was doing really well until i all of a suddent found myself in the middle of the "animal" section. Just horrific. The puppy farming on display; tiny cages with little evidence of food or water anywhere in sight - huskie puppys with full on coats in 34 degree heat. Birds, fish, reptiles, and yet more puppies. Everywhere i turned just seemed to take me deeper into this animal hell. I couldn't get out fast enough. A different culture and attitude to animals but distressing even so. Market done and an afternoon nap, I headed out to make a visit to Lucky Boys. I stopped and grabbed a couple of chicken skewers but they turned out to be inedible. Cold in the middle and largely grisle. I took a couple of bites before spitting then out and dumping them. I really didn't fancy a dose of food poisioning! Lucky Boys - more polished and larger than Fresh Boys. Everything seemed a little bit more professional - the lights that bit more sophisticated, the boys a little bit more polished (?), the waiters a bit more busy. The boys on show looked great. A good range - young, smooth twinks, some muscle, some older. Aesthetically, they all looked great but something just didn't feel right to me. I was getting a lot of eye contact and gestures from number 80. He seemed really keen and would more often than not be my type but something didn't really work for me. I have been thinking about it a lot but still haven't been able to put my finger on it. I had a drink in there, settled up and moved on. I ended up back in Feesh Boys. Instantly recognized i was given a seat slap bang in the middle of the stage a row back. I had previously sat at the sitde on my last visit. I took a shine for a boy named something that sounded lile "Ow" although i am not sure if that was actually his name of whether i just misheard... He was 20 from Myanmar and very cute. When i went out i was thinking i would find myself a bottom, but my new companion was a top and i was happy with that. The older guy fromt he venue who had sat with me the previous night fetched him, i bought them both drinks, watched a bit of the show and off'd him. We headed back to my hotel (the Ascott), no issues at all taking him in, no ID checks or anything. He was not shy. Got straight to work and performed really well. I was certainly satisfied. Gave him his tip and a bit extra and he headed off. I forgot to get his Line which was silly of me as i would have had him again. Sunday I headeed out to Central Embassy. Before coming over a friend had mentioned the food hall so stopped in there for lunch. It was really, really good. Probably a lot more expensive then what i could have found elsewhere, but given the disaster of food the previous night, i was starving. I was not feeling on top form, the UK cold still lingering I decided to stay in. The effort of going out was just too much to think about. I had had loads of messages on Grindr from all manner of boys throught the day and agreed a late afternoon mssage in my room. A really nice 23 year old student who spoke fluent English. A bit of discussion and secured an appointment to include naked oil massage, getting rimmed and a blow job for 850bht which seemed a bit of a bargain. Well, his service was anything but cheap. He was excellent. I remembered to get his Line this time, although as i found him (or rather he found me) it was probably less important. I will almost certainly book him again on Tuesday. That's all for now. Am feeling pretty lethargic today. Last night as my first night with the jet lag truly conquered but i do not see a day of activity aahead of me. I might head out later and maybe check one of the other boy bars. I really shouldn't just keep going back to Fresh Boys variety being the spice and all that...
  24. Yes, I usually would have called it quits at that point, don't really know why i didn't; I had just got off the plane though and needed to get some action in. In the end i was pleased i didn't send him home. Whilst the massage was really nothing special, he had a big dick and fucked me good, which was just what i was looking for.
  25. That would usually be my preference as well, but when the opportunity presents itself who I am to turn it down....
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