I used Siam Roads, Mac, plus driver. 6,000 Bt, but I paid for lunch, for the 3 of us. I agree it's an interesting site. I wanted to see some smaller temples, off the main drag, and at a couple, I was the only tourist!
My regulars also tell me that they are often pressurised by clients to take drugs. They arrive, usually to a new client, and are told they are expected to take cocaine, crystal meth etc.
PS. My regulars tell me that drug use, of all types, is indeed wide-spread in the gay world in London. Not just escorts, but also their clients. Perhaps nor surprising.
None of my friends, and I try to make sure that my regular escorts are drug free. You can't be certain, but you can ask! One of my long standing regulars was given a date rape drug at a party, unbeknown to him, rohypnol or similar, and it pushed him into psychosis, from which he has not fully recovered.