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Everything posted by Keithambrose

  1. Yes, it's interesting. I have wondered for some time who he really is. Some of his posts defy reason, are clearly inconsistent, etc. However some members say they have met him.
  2. I was in an earthquake in Lima, having a gin and tonic in the rooftop bar of my hotel! I retreated to underneath the door, as suggested by the waiters, rsj there, but glad to say my G&T remained intact. Odd feeling, sort of grinding motion, with the windows creaking.
  3. Glad to know that when my drink swayed, it was the wind, not excess of alcohol. My Office building in London did the same, the light fittings would perform a stately dance!
  4. Sausages not on view, regrettably.....
  5. Each to his own! When there is some wind, I get the impression that the building is swaying slightly, which is fun. I haven't eaten up there for a long time, so don't know about prices.
  6. Is it not the most expensive hotel in Bangkok?
  7. I wish, bit unlikely. Vested interests are too powerful.
  8. I agree. I tend to go there in the morning, and, in January, there were rarely any people swimming. I didn't see much eye candy. More at breakfast!
  9. It's a shame that the Skytrain doesn't run all night! Would be very useful.
  10. Yes, Bangkok is flat, but if you can find a pollution free day, the views are still spectacular. It's also fun having dinner there
  11. Indeed, in my experience, in Japan, nudity is usual. Apart from a small towel to put on your head...
  12. It's only going to get worse with the new Trump/Putin friendship feast! They will feel that they can do whatever they like.
  13. He lives in Siem Reap!
  14. This is a good example of people having different requirements. I think kissing is an integral part of the encounter, so I always check that it is on the agenda!
  15. It's interesting what fat fingers can produce!
  16. Undoubtedly!
  17. Nonsense, he's 25!
  18. Sounds good. I used to cum twice in a session, but that was 40 years ago! Now I need a day in between!
  19. Interesting, and quite difficult. On the other hand, contact may be fun. A video would be good.
  20. Agree with Le Meridien, even at 01.30am. I've had several boys wanting their picture taken against the view! Naked!
  21. Many fucks a day, the advantage of being a bottom!
  22. 'deprave', excellent Freudian slip!
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