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Everything posted by Keithambrose

  1. There's always the Vatican, if of a religious persuasion! May be sea view there from top of St Peters.
  2. Bolivia? San Marino, etc....
  3. The possibilities are endless!
  4. Or Trappist Daddy?
  5. I wondered too!
  6. I don't think he is serious in the least! He just likes stirring up debate!
  7. OK! Perhaps many aliases...
  8. So you do speak to others!
  9. How do you communicate with said Aussie, when you don't talk to anyone?
  10. Gives a new meaning to 'Eat Me'!
  11. And don't talk to other people! Could interesting. Sign language?
  12. They seek him here, the seek him there, that damned elusive Pimpernel....
  13. Also using the water from the rivers to grow cotton, I believe.
  14. Is dancing easier than walking?
  15. Well, he hasn't changed!
  16. I sometimes wonder if Olddaddy is a real person, or a construct. Has anyone met him?
  17. I though it was a seaside resort in Uzbekistan?
  18. Is that Olddaddy?
  19. Useful, Meridien is pretty close! ☺️
  20. Thanks, that certainly helps!
  21. Thanks!!
  22. I've not been, either, in over 40 trips!
  23. OK, thanks. Seems a bit of a sweat, as I don't have a Thai Bank account!
  24. OK. Will do! Is XBoys near Copa? I haven't sorted out the geography yet!
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