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Everything posted by Keithambrose

  1. If so, they will miss him. He was very effective, and had been there a long time.
  2. I have never been good with names. In the old days when working cards were exchanged, and that made it easier. I meetings I'd put the cards in order, in front of me so I could remember who was who. Socially I remain poor at memory of names, so if in doubt, I say, 'I believe we met before'. If we have met fine, if not they are less likely to be upset! I loathe social media, and would hate to have my friends delineated by Instagram!
  3. It all depends if they look at it as they snatch it! Common is just to snatch it and disappear
  4. I used to use 'Stylist Tailor', down the street to the Shangri-la. 50 yards before the hotel. The hotel recommended them. They were good, but now, with so much discounting at home. It's cheaper to get good quality shirts, etc, in UK.
  5. But he was to be in Bangkok!
  6. Real money or card in other pocket. The small change or expired card can be handed over swiftly, the idea being that usually the mugger won't wait around. At least that's the idea! You need to remember which pocket is which! Difficult with a phone, but other members have referred to carrying a cheap local phone, leaving your main phone in the hotel.
  7. Perhaps they will take over the world, like Westworld...
  8. That's definitely common sense. Like dressing in old clothes, no fancy watch, some small denomination notes in one pocket, expired credit card, etc. I learnt that in NY in 1980!
  9. I wish you were right, but I fear that he did win the majority of votes, despite a clearly dishonest campaign. That says a lot about the American voter, the manipulation by social media, and the inability of the Democrats to put forward a coherent platform. The main casualty, I think, was truth, which no-one seems to consider relevant. Look at Matt Gaetz. Going the same way in UK, cf Boris Johnson.
  10. Yes, to first paragraph. Second paragraph is not a valid comparison. Although I have given up a newspaper for that reason. Third paragraph, OK. If all the articles were interesting, it wouldn't be so bad. I think most people would like to see articles that have some connections with gay life in-Thailand.
  11. Very sad that this was highlighted as an achievement.
  12. Presumably not enough bribes handed over.
  13. I know some members who have left the forum as a result.
  14. This was discussed at length recently.
  15. I struggle to see the relevance?
  16. He could buy Hotmale!
  17. Going to tell.....?
  18. I thought he was on his own?
  19. I assume that the offenders pay off the BIB?
  20. One should also remember that the UK pension is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, of all countries in Europe.
  21. Young saplings?
  22. I wonder in what way they were expected to intervene? Orgy?
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