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Everything posted by Keithambrose

  1. In one sense that's good news! I prefer vers, as I also like to swallow!
  2. I got a lot of good hits on Grindr. Very attractive guys.
  3. Yes, a bit like your impression of a restaurant, a lot depends on the weather, if outdoor, ambience, company, service etc
  4. Glad you recall it. When did V Club start, must be some time ago?
  5. True, but they cover pre existing cond. They are focusing on not getting their consent in advance. It was 3am in UK!
  6. Also 'Aqua Spa' behind Saint Louis Hospital, must have been there over 30 years. Closed some years ago. I had some good times, even a massage sometimes!
  7. I recall some stimulating massages over 30 years ago, even 3somes.
  8. Looks like the sale is of the business, not the freehold. I was told that the 'Owner' was a rather overweight farang? He would lessee, I imagine. I assume that freeholder is a Thai family?
  9. Any clues as to cause?
  10. I have found that a lot of non Thai boys do not speak Thai, but, as set out below, often speak good English. My last 2 encounters here, recently, were a Vietnamese boy, and Cambodian boy. Neither spoke Thai, but both spoke reasonable English.
  11. China is very sensitive to any discussion about the Uyghurs, since they deny any issues, so I suspect that they would take an interest. Although it may be a minor issue, the Chinese are known for their attention to detail!
  12. Good! Years ago there were quite a few gay websites, offering students, mainly, which I used. They seem to have disappeared.
  13. He said yes, but I still can't do it!
  14. I agree that different places appeal to different people. Chacun a son gout!
  15. Same in UK, unfortunately.
  16. Yes, I can. I have 12 month policy. However they normally fight like mad not to pay!
  17. Thanks. True, but it is soft, and goes down well. My issue is getting food into stomach, digestion ok!
  18. When I was last in Singapore, maybe 2 years ago, all the hotels policy, saying no visitors to your room, penalty a fine. Said to be a Singapore law.
  19. Doesn't watermelon have stomach issues?
  20. It's funny how Jupiter remains it's popularity among members depite reports like these. They wouldn't encourage me to go there!
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