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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. If I understand this video correctly Junior is going to have live sex shows at 8:00 pm at pointe on Wednesdays and ? , with no audience present and the will be available but not sure if it is free or charging for them but knowing Junior I am guessing there will be a charge! IMG_4285.MP4
  2. No they didn’t
  3. Thanks BB! Doing great but very bored! Best wishes and good health to everyone on the forum!
  4. I spoke with junior tonight, he is in his hometown Ceara in northern Brazil near Fortaleza, where is is renovating a club he owns there! It looks fairly large from the video he sent! He told me he is hoping to open Pointe202 April 30th. I think that’s a little ambitious!! Maybe a lot! I personally think Brazil is looking mid to late summer but I don’t know anything more then anyone else(unlike some who are a expert on whatever topic comes up! i hope he is right because i was supposed to be in Rio 2 weeks ago and Mexico in 2 weeks!
  5. Thanks!! My mistake!
  6. I
  7. Is it possible? Yes anything is possible! Is it probable? NO! It not going to happen if you are going to Brazil for a week or two once a year! If you are not going back at a minimum every 3 months or so for a couple weeks or living there, then you are just another lonely guy looking for love in the wrong place! i understand as guys hit their 40’s and 50’s feeling the need to be loved and/or someone special in his life! but the chances of that happening where one person is 25 yrs + older and is the one with the income/career and the other is attractive in his 20’s sauna guy...everyone understands the “dance” especially the sauna guys! this was told to me by a Brazilian Sauna owner on my 2nd trip to Rio in early 2002 “remember, once a sauna boy always a sauna boy! It makes no difference if they worked there a month or a year you will always represent a $$ figure to them! I have found out he was so right! Guy in professional and semi-professional positions ate looking for a way out of Brazil and a American or European or Australian is their idea of fast tracking their situation! I know 3 Americans over the years who thought their situation with their guy was different! They were all wrong! The same thing is going on right now with Venezuelan guys and wealthier Mexicans! Again I know of severaljust in the city of Mérida where I have a home! Go to Brazil enjoy the sex fall in lust but not in love! Btw the above happened to me as well, I had to learn the hard way! Brazil is a great little place and I have a lot of friends there and you’ve may find love there it just won’t be in the sauna! Good luck!
  8. 1) Many of the guys online also work at either 202 on Wednesday or 117 on Tuesday which are the busiest nights at each sauna and yes you will find the same type if not the exact person at the saunas! 2) No, I probably have spent in excess of 500 nights in Brazilian saunas and never had a problem. A few guys over the years said they had something taken but with cameras in all the locker rooms and the traffic in them I don’t think that should be a concern. If it is, keep your wallet and phone etc with you in a drawstring bag! 3) Either. Again no problem but I use Uber almost exclusively because of cost and convenience 4) Yes it is done, years ago before smart phones and when Corujinhas the infamous hustler restaurant was open it was common for the Americans to meet up after going to the saunas. 5) He hasn’t been involved in that or been to Brazil for a number of years!
  9. I just canceled my plans for the end of March and tentatively changing it to the first 12 days in May
  10. I respectfully disagree! the statement i made above was regarding anal sex not oral! i have had oral sex with well over a 1,000 Brazilians and never once did i wear a condom nor would i during oral! My point was once you have been with a guy more then once they let their guard down and frequently will offer bareback, at least that is my experience! before posters start saying “you risk getting any number of STDs/diseases” let me say that i have never had a STD or a Veneral Disease in my life! Have i been lucky? Is it worth the risk? In my opinion that is up to each poster to decide for himself!
  11. Unprotected sex in the saunas is not uncommon! i have been offered it on every trip multiple times for at least the last 5 years! so in the heat of passion think with your big head if you want to be safe!
  12. i get there the 24th for a week in Rio
  13. no not at all i am saying 4 restaurants on the block have closed and 2 condo buildings are going up so there is less light and traffic in the middle of the block. it is very safe to walk at night my apt kid within 2 blocks of there and i walked that street every night and are twice at Rayz in the corner and went to the gay bar ToNeAi twice!
  14. It seems this thread has wandered considerably from my post of “In Rio and São Paulo this week”! so i will stop posting about it now as it gets kind of disjointed, but if anyone has any questions feel free to message me!
  15. I am back in Calif. and thought i would give my thoughts and opinions on my latest visit specifically regarding the sauna scene! Rio - i went to pointe202 5 nights and club117 .twice. i did not go to a Lions Sauna for reasons previously given above! Pointe202 was good all the nights i went with a lot of new guys working there! majority were between 19 and 25, toned to muscular bodies with maybe a 1/2 dozen twinks, 15+ semi to muscular guys and the rest average to toned bodies! i met a 24 yr old from Bahia there who was amazing and i went with him 3 different nights in 3-ways! i also met a really cute, guy who there on his first night and kinda shy(not in bed) and he has been messaging me every day since, he is in their version of the ROTC program at the University!(and is definitely a keeper!) 117 was packed on Tuesday with over 50+ guys working! more then 1/2 are muscular and over 24 up to 40+ Years old. there are a number of average body/big dicked guys!, São Paulo- i was there 4 nights Friday thru Monday. Friday and Saturday nights Lagoa was very busy! The new location is a drastically different layout and the first night i got lost several times with the four floors and several sets of stairs but eventually it all came together for me! I didn’t see any guys i knew from previous visits but met several new guys one of whom i really fell for! Termas 555(formerly Fragata)is not opened yet but rumor is it will be in March!
  16. i have written about Porto Alegre many times, nothng has changed just look up in the archives
  17. i think i have tried to give honest reviews over the past19 years...BUT...we all have different / views /expectations. i think a lot of people in general like “what was and what replaces it is not as good” but i look at it this way, it is better then the alternative which is no sauna! No one could have a sauna as big as the old lagoa was because from a business standpoint the rent would be astronomical! I go to there place that has the hottest guys regardless if it has a big stage, large bar area, big drag queen shows, individual bathrooms, etc. but i know everyone has different hot button/ issues, and you have to discern what’s the reviewer is saying in relation to what you like and make a decision where you want to go! Over the years i have had the 3 main saunas in Rio change in my positioning of them(in 2008 -10 and again from 2014 to 2016 i seldom visited pointe! this trip i was there every night except Tuesday when i went to 117.
  18. i wouldn’t postpone it because it hasn’t opened yet! all 3 nights Lagoa was Packed when i was there! especially Friday and Saturday l! I found one of the most stunning guys i have ever met in Brazil there last Friday!
  19. Trizinko, i agree with you! at night the street is almost entirely black! At either end of the street you have Galindos chicken restaurant and at the other Rayz and most other businesses are closed except to are two high rise condo projects going up in the middle of the block(shades of NYC and the closing of the Gaiety Splash bar because the land they occupy is too expensive for 3 story buildings! i did not notice as few patrons as you did at Toneai! on the weekend it was fairly full but does not get busy until after 11:00pm. We were there in a rainy Wednesday night and it was pretty empty with about 15 -20 customers at midnight!
  20. there Is NO new Fragata...yet. the local guys tell me when they call the nunber listed they either get no answer or one of the workman answer! i heard everything from next lweekend to the end of April! most seem think late March! I asked Rudolfo and he just shrugged and said “no one seems to know!(not unlike when lagoa when it was under construction if you remember!
  21. I am going to skip over the last 2 days in Rio and jump to my arrival in São Paulo! i chechen into the hike i rent here and left for Lagoa! it was busy on all the floors it seemed! your first couple of times here i think most of us will need a GPS to navigate the various hallways/stairways to figure it out! al of the sudden i saw a stunning guy great body who looked like a italian movie star! it turns out he was the real cousin(as opposed to all the guys who say they are primos)of a guy who i have known for 4 years and whose apartment i have stayed in on several weekends!! i immediately got a suite and all i can say he is amazing and has stayed with me overnight the last 3 nights! this is one reason I love Brazil!
  22. Before i give my report on last weekend, let me say that i have not been to Lions; this trip and don't intend to go! a couple of reasons. the "quality escorts only go there if they have a client that wants to meet them there. It appears that the American owner of it really likes drag queens to the point of there being up to six there some nights with their entourages. I am not a big drag queen fan i go for the Brazilian guys that are there, There also appears and iand I have been told at times a heavy drug presence and i don't want to be swept up in a Brazilian drug bust orchestrated by a jeaolous patron. It also appears to be 2nd and 3rd tier guys working there(street trade) with exceptions but it just isn't worth it for me. Also the place is so big you get lost in there especially when it is mostly empty. Saturday night and Sunday and Monday i went to Point, it was raining hard at times traffic was ground to a halt and there were a lot of new faces! i had a great time with a number of guys. Monday night was very busy but Saturday and Sunday were mocerateky busy but i knew alot of the guys there and met a 1/2 dozen new ones. Tuesday I went to 117 and while it was packed I really didn;t find anyone i felt i needed to go with. First let me explain that i had been with many of them already.....but that was 5 to 12 years ago(and in the case of 2 it was 15 years ago) and whioe their bodies look amazing the faces have not weathered the test of time as well as their bodies!) I was fun catching up with them! about 6:30 the guy i met from Bahia who had moved to Rio several weeks before showed up and i was much happier. He said "should we find a 3rd to go with us?" I said " lets obth look and see if we can find someone mutually agreeable and no sooner had the words left my mouth when this really cute short guy showed up.. i immediately went over to talk to hiim and it was his forst night and i was the first person to talk to him! I was mesmerized by his beautiful fface and equally gymmist build. he seemed very shy, but then my first night in a sauna i was too....maybe! lol He was passivo and a amazing kisser, so i asked him if he wanted to meet the next night and he said Yes! IF you are looking for older mucled types then 117 right now has a lock on that. There were also a number of average looking average body big dick guys there as well Wednesday night at Pointe was their big night! the place was packed with muscle guys, gymnist builds, toned guys, thin guys with giigantic dicks, twinks etc There truely was something for everyone.
  23. I arrived in Rio last Friday and after getting to the Apartment i decided i would go to Pointe and Copacabana from Ipanema as i didn't get a lot of sleep on the plane. When i got to Pointe i ran into my favorite massage guy, one of 3 Venzuelan messueses there. When we got up to the room he says to me do you want me to invite a new guy to join us? he is new but great body and dick and is a very nice guy(this became a reoccuring theme!). I said sure and about 2 minues later a 6'2" lean/toned guy with a great smile and huge dick showed up! He came in and kissed me and felt my ass, and i quickly said " I am a top only, it is him that we are going to fuck! a big smile and he said let's get going! We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot and were up there almost a hour. When I came back downstairs there was a guy standing near the tables opposite me where i was at the bar, He was naked and hard and holding his towel in his hand and swinging his impressive dick around! Normally i ignore these type of guys because if they are working that hard to impresss you they usually are not that good in bed! as i was talking to the guy sitting next to me this guy just kept up the show, and stayed hard without touching himself and so finally ii gave in and invited him over, he had just been in Rio a week and was from Bahia He was smart, articulate and a bit of a attitude that disappeared once we started talking. He showed me two professionally done tapes he had made a a singer on Youtube and it was obvious that they were professsionally recorded and directed with back up dancersl There was another guy who I have known for several years who i was going to a room with and i said to him "should we take him too?" and he nodded YES! I will admit i can be wrong this guy was amazing! one of the best i have been with in Brazil. He is 24, says he is Bi but they all do, all i know is that he is very good! ! After we came down i got a message that a guy i have known from Belo Horzonte had just gotten in on the bus and would meet me at the apartment at 9:30 so i left to go meet him. Friday night Pointe was pretty busy with at least a dozen new faces. that was my first night in Rio last Friday.
  24. not locally but when he goes to NYC a couple times a year he is!
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