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Just to be clear i wasn't referring to anyone's particular post when i wrote the above! I was replying to MY thoughts on the subject! I have come to realize that what if someone else ovetpays it doesnt effect me. For a number of years a older friend used to always pay 50%+ more then me and bring Nike shoes back for the guys. One night several of them were sitting at my table and were laughing about him and they said to me me "why is he so crazy that he overpays and brings presents back?" I was surprised by their reaction but they thought he was being crazy for doing it! They sure were not going to say no to him but they had a lower opinion of him as opposed to a higher opinion since he paid them more! And paying more does Not get you better sex with them! That is much more contingent on how you talk/treat them and being respectful! Just my 2 cents!
I will talk about paying the guys one last time! It seems this topic comes up every year. I do not pay rates higher then the norm! Anymore then i would pay L.A. Housing rates in say... Des Moines Iowa because i feel guilty that housing is so much cheaper there! One of the reasons i pay the going rate and not the "i feel guilty rate is 1) i had been told this in every sauna i have been in, in Brazil by the locals "Do Not overpay! It will wreck it for us!" Remember the locals are the majority of the business! If they stop going there, there will not be any saunas left for us to visit! I pay $100.R a session in a sauna. i know a couple guys very well who i have been seeing down there for a number of years who are true professionals! They work 5 sometimes 6 days a week at the saunas usually for more then the mandatory 3 hours!(all the saunas have work rules that if the guy wants to work there he has to stay a minimum of 3 hours from the time he arrives!) both these guys drive newer cars and live in nice condos, and make a better living then their peers! And they unlike their non sauna friends, are not working 8 hours a day but working in a air conditioned place in a towel for Two to 3 Hours at a time! The majority of the guys do it for a short period of time before the move on to "regular" employment! There are at least 10 of those guys i have known, who i see there on a social basis, and go to dinner with their wives who are now over 30! Having worked in the sauna is no big secret they are not embarassed or ashamed and usually their GFs or wives know about their employment there! Sex and sex workers do not have the social stigma in Brazil that it does in Western Civilization! I really don't care if foreigners want to pay more to make themselves feel better,. If they are happy giving away their money great! Just dont tell me what i should be paying and i won't tell you! :-)
One person's huge is another person's average! But if you are talking 8" to 9" I am sure you will find it at the saunas! This is no way a scientific study but it seems that the "leaner" or twinks will often have the bigger dicks! here are 2 from Meo Mundo
If you have a iphone get the app ISpeak Portuguese easy to use and you can have a conversation with the guy you want in a noisy sauna! Top or Bttm? Do you kiss Do you suck?How much to have you go to a room? TIP #1 - never accept the first offer they throw at you! They can pick out the newbies and the price will go up to double or triple what they normally charge! As far as finding big dicks... this is Brazil!!
It has been there for the 16 years that i have been going there! I have never used it but am told by friends who can't take guys back to their hotel it is a good, close, convienent alternative!
for the first 5 or 6 years of going to PA I would stay at either the Mercure Manhatten or the Mercure Beverly Hills, they are between 4 and 6 blocks from the Sheraton and are very adequate. Since I am only there for 2 or 3 nights and am only at the hotel to sleep they are fine, but the Sheraton has the best beds/rooms imho in PA, but their prices vary wildly depending on what business conference they are hosting since they have the 3rd and 4th floor conference areas and are attached to the mall. If they are $145./US night I will stay there, but many times they were asking $325.U.S. That is when I found the Quality, king size beds, good location, and usually around $80.US/ night.
The last 2 - 3 years i have stayed at the Quality Hotel, which is Diagonally across the park from the Sheraton!
JunNJ,. Probably my best experience in Brazil(we are talking over 1,000 here) was a non programma guy who the manager at Mezziniu knew the guy, and he needed to make some money that weekend! It was great! Thst was 3 years ago, he has now graduated from law school and is doing really well and yes we still see each other and stay in contact! So definitely go for it! This guy came to my hotel every visit as he didnt work the sauna.
One thing that really bugs me is guys who ask multiple questions on here before a trip and promise they will report on their experiences and they never do!! ...and they do it multiple times! One guy has met me in LA for dinner to ask questions, met me in Rio for dinner same thing, after multiple trips! Never writes after the trip onky before to get alI the info he can! I finally wised Up and blocked him! But i see he has asked about Thailand and then never wrote anything, has asked about Prague, same result! and now asked about Israel! He obviosly has the time to ask many questions but never has the time to help others! Ok that's my rant for the day! :-)
Yes that is Junior, he is from Porto Alegre and is competitive body builder. He no longer works in the saunas but in the past could be found at Mezziniu occasionally and Lagoa, That photo is from the winter before last and I think a "benefactor" took him for a month's trip to Europe!
She goes skiing in Europe on her vacations!
Let me start this by saying that I haven't hired escorts in SoCal since about 2004. Part of the reason is I had started going to Brazil 4 times a year in 2002, and I was dating on and off where I lived, so limited my hiring escorts to where I traveled for business, which fortunately for me was NYC, Miami, London and Honolulu with Prague and Barcelona thrown in a few times! I visited a city in Mexico where a friend of mine lived and he put a Grindr profile in Spanish for me on there because he said all the guys in town where on Grindr. It worked well but when I got back to the U.S. I forgot about it. In March I went to Brazil and then in April I was at home and saw the app and clicked on it! It was AMAZING! within about 10 minutes of getting on I had about 10 guys messaging me and my profile was still in Spanish but I used a dollar sign in place of One of the last S's in the profile. This is important because Grindr looks for profiles selling or buying sex and will make you make a new profile if they see it. but the one $ at the end of the profile doesn't seem to get their attention. Now here is where it is better to be outside a large city! I live in the OC where there is a Cal State campus near me as well as several other colleges and the guys responding were students, and definitely not professionals! I would ask them how much and they would say "i don't know, would $50. be too much?" They also wanted to see my photo, which I never had a professional escort ask for! But on Grindr you can keep you photos hidden and open them for each individual person. So the first 3 sessions with 3 different guys were $40. and $50 and $50. the next week I did two other guys and have to say after a little shyness on their parts, it was really fun! Two of the guys in particular I really liked so called them the following week(separately)and asked if they wanted to go out on a date? the first guy is 21 and the other Is 23. All of the guys I met except two lived at home with their families! So usually I picked them up a block down from their houses! But the first guy I asked out always had me pick him up in the driveway of his house! So as of this week I have been on 5 dates with the one and 6 with the other and they are really opposite type guys but I like them both....however, I told the one last night that we could see each other socially but no more dates! I have found out that while it is really fun to have sex with younger guys and I am going to keep on doing that and keep using Grindr, it is a whole nother thing to be dating them and you soon realize they are in a different area of their lives then you are with yours and I can only feign interest so long in what they find is exciting in their lives latest rave they are going to, or what their professor is saying or their fights with their parents, etc. When I talk to my friends that live within the limits of a big city they say that the prices asked are always in the $150-250 range. or higher. So being outside a large city but close to colleges is a definite advantage!
Since we brought up Monik the owner of Club117, she has been the owner of 117 for at least 16 years and maybe longer. She is obviously a astute business women, owning other businesses besides the sauna. She was young when she bought the sauna, as these photos are from this last year and I can tell you she looks just like her photos! She very seldom ventures back into 117 anymore, as she concentrates on her other businesses!
Thanks Lucky! I really do like PA! It is individual taste for sure, kinda like there are people who love/hate NYC or Chicago or SoCal(which i love). I also like hustler bars that still flourishes in PA! I think Mezziniu sauna is thr nicest in Brazil(although now that is 9 years old needs a makeover of paint, etc.). I would not advise anyone to go there Monday -Thursday! But i have gone to great rodeos there as it is the center of gaucho territory! And a day spent in Gramado a town 2 hrs north of PA in the hills and look like you have been transported to Switzerland due to the architecture, is well worth it! I will be back in October and i have enough contacts so that my days and nights will be busy even if the sauna is slow but it definitely is not Rio or Sao Paulo in terms of action!
Bobbalino, you are right! I was typing one thing and thinking about another! Pointe202 and Meo Mundo are both owned by Acyr and Jorge and 117 has been owned for over 16 years by Monik!
Sauna Planetario11 callled sauna P-11 is the best and only one i would recommend there. The website is www.planetario11.com.br is the website! Caveat- the owner is a friend of mine on FB The owner of Pointe202 and Club 117 vacations there 3 or 4 times a year as well
I logged in under tomcal and it let me in!
When I go in October it will be my first trip to P.A. since January. My trips in March and June I spent all my time Rio and S.P. and had 4 guys each trip that really get along well and they stayed at the apt the whole time. This trip they will be staying at the apt again, but the first weekend I am spending in Porto Alegre alone....or at least without them! I have friends there I want to see, but I am spending only 2 nights there, getting in on a Friday and leaving Sunday to get into Rio at Noon! I know the owners of both Mezziniu and BarMixx well, and part of the reason in going to meetup and see them...and of course the boys in the sauna and bar. Here are 2 photos I took at Mezziniu
I am going soon to make my 4th trip to Brazil this year in october! Imho, there has been some changes but overall things are the same as the last 15 years that i have been going here! The terrible economy in Brazil has slowed the saunas down as local customers who are 99% of their business have seen their incomes and/or jobs have been reduced or eliminated are going once a month instead of once a week! On the other hand for the customers it has brought out new guys looking to make money the saunas seem to each have one good night and the rest of the nights range from slow to almost empty with the exception of club 117 which has armt least 3 busier nights. Three guys who live in Sao Paul and work at Lagoa, told me 2 weeks ago they were going to Rio to work there for a month because Lagoa has been so slow, and these are 3 of the hotter(and usually busiest guys there)! Con't
Thanks Tassojunior! I have really liked a lot of guys and there were and sre quite a few that became regulars! But this guy is different. He is smart, raised in a middle class family, worked in a bank before changing careers! And is a big a HO as me! The last 4 trips we have stayed in the apt with 3 other guys that we both like! The only rule is at the end of the night or morning... We always sleep next to each other!
Guys, after a 6 month or so break from here I have decided to start posting again. I couldn't get tomcal back so now I am tomcall, First to clear up a misconception, when I stopped posting early this year, it was not because I was upset but rather 1) I had to force myself to get out of a rut of checking this site every day first thing in the morning so the first thing I did was take the link off my computer so I wouldn't be tempted! as I know I don't have strong will power! lol and 2) I also realized I posted a lot of repetitive information and felt I ran out of new things to "talk about"!(I also had brain surgery but that's a whole nother story!) Yesterday I took a look, saw some new names among forum members and also saw a post from several months ago and in it MsGuy mentioned how he missed my posts about Brazil as he lived vicariously thru them as he wouldn't be visiting Brazil. While there are a number of guys on the site I have met in person and several I consider good friends, there are a number of guys I have never had the privilege of meeting in person but thru the forum consider them friends! I am going back in October for my 4th trip this year and will write about those trips later. I also made a trip to Mexico and had a great time! reports will follow! I also against all sound reasoning and the arguments against it, which I have been the biggest proponent, have kinda fallen in love with a Brazilian! :-)