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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. Gotti its not the customers deserting that didnt happen at the stellas, the gaeity or numbers its about the guys not coming!! Instead of paying a entrace fee plus the transportation cost of getting there and not getting a customer staying 3 hours(mandated by the sauna) and going home with nothing they can stay at home and not be out anything and wait for the phone or im to ring! Why do you think every hustler bar in the US doesnt exist anymore? It is not because of the moral police it is because of the INTERNET!
  2. I didnt see anyone that muscular, thats for sure but that is not normally my type! there maybe some i will due my due diligence this next trip! :-)
  3. I remember going in the 90's and early 2000's to The Gaiety and Stellas in NYC and to Numbers in LA, which had been operating for 25 years! And then all of the sudden they were gone! I too enjoy seeing whats available live before making a selection! Really miss those places! If you have the chance visit. Sauna in Brazil! You just never know...
  4. Someone asked me where in mexico? It is Merida, the capital of the state of Yucatan! It is not a resort city like Cancun or Porto Vallarta or Cabo! It is more laid back and traditional Mexico. I would not pick this over Brazil Or other cities we have discussed but if you have been to them several times then this is a fun diversion. Some of the guys in one of the local gay bars
  5. Salvador is where ihe owner of Meo Mundo goes frequently on vacation. The owner of P-II the sauna there is a great guy and that sauna is the one to go to! Great beaches
  6. Photos of the $79./nt. House
  7. Opps, the above should say $79./ a day!
  8. Well a first for me!! I am flying a Brazilian guy into Mexico to meet me for the week! Brazilians do not need a Visa to travel to Mexico. I got a entire house with pool for $79.00/ month. If we find someone(s) to join us at the hacienda all the better but if not we will be happy! He was at the apartment last week with the 3 other guys and is very easy to get along with, the other guys all liked him, and I had a great time with him. Probably one of the reasons I picked him was when I saw the Fireman's Calendar he just got photographed for and the pics were amazing!
  9. So, in "normal" English.... did you enjoy it? and would you make a returm trip or not?
  10. Sorry i was thinking ahead of my writing! It should have said "...switched from Hotels to Apartments."
  11. I have been multiple times to all the countries you mentioned except Morocco where i was only once! It really depends on your objectives for the 2 months! Portugal and Morocco would not be in my top 10 places for sex! But for sight seeing and tourism they are both good for varying reasons! Spain especially Barcelona is great for general tourism as well as opportunities for sex! If you have been waiting for a long time to visit Brazil i would do it now!! I do not think personally that the sauna scene will last more then a couple more years! If you think about it Sao Paulo is over 24 million people and yet only has 2 saunas still operating and both have slow nights...so i would push you to try Brazil!
  12. Correction - last sentence above should read "...it was the best choice i made"
  13. I am back from Brazil and recovered. A few thoughts, 1) well much is the same there are changes in the saunas! Only 117 seems to have more then one busy night. So for the umteenth time, since i know someone will ask here IMHO are the best nights! Meo Mundo - Monday nights. Pointe 202 - Weds. Nights,. Club 117 - sunday/ tuesday/ thursday. Friday and Saturdays can be up or down at any of them so i would definitely visit more then one on those nights if you don't find what you are looking for at the first place you visit! I had 2 guys from Sao Paulo and 1 from Belo Horzonte staying the week in Rio with me. Most nights they did not go to the sauna with me! I would go around 5:30 and come back around 8:30 or so and we would head out to dinner around 10:00. Usually we had two sauna guys from Rio join us who we all knew and who i consider friends! It has been over 6 years since i switched from Hotels to saunas during my stays in Rio(i still use hotels in SP and Porto Alegre) and it was the choice i made.
  14. I had no problems, one of the guys came with me in the afternoon and the front desk guy asked if he was registering and I said "no he is just coming up to the room while I change and make some calls and he says OK! he came down about 2 hours later. I also always book a double room, I just don't give them the second name! I have mentioned this in the past, when I bring someone back to the hotel, I hand them the key before we walk in so when we walk by the front desk, who were not on duty during the day when I arrived don't know that he isn't the registered room occupant and never look at them but talk in ENGLISH to the guy even if he doesn't understand you, it appears to the front desk that he speaks English even thou you are the one doing the talking! It has worked 100% of the time for me, and it seems the staff working the overnight shift don't think he is not the occupant of the room. One Caveat, make sure he's not wearing a wife beater t-shirt or something equally inappropriate, as that can set off red flags!
  15. Msclelovr, I stay at the Comfort Hotel in Ibirapuera It is about 10 minutes from Lagoa, nice neighborhood, within 2 to 3 blocks there are a number of nice restaurants, and the rooms are clean quiet and under $50./US a night. Address: Av. Sabiá, 825 - Indianópolis
  16. Both last night and tonight(Sat and Sun) are good at lagoa! Lots of guys here at 5:00!
  17. They get a set rate for the week! It varies depending on the guy but averages out to about $350R per 24 hours so roughly a little over $100./ a guy per day plus about i dont know how much in food as we usually eat at pretty decent restaurants for lunch and dinner! None of them drink alcohol so that helps!
  18. Last night after a week in Brazil i finally crashed! We went to a churascarria 1 block from the apartment and got back at 11:00 and the 4 of us went to bed! And i fell asleep right away. I didnt get up until 11:00 am and one of the guys was at the gym and one was out running and the third was here at the apt. Thus night was so/so at 117
  19. Oh him! No i have not seen him this trip! I had so many things going on i didnt contact him this trip!
  20. The lawyer!! Yes i talk to him every week. He pent about 3 months in China this year getting his mfg business set up! He is very driven and involved in so much he has hardly time to sleep! We were supposed to meetup last Sat. But it didnt work out!
  21. Grindr is Grindr! i am not aware of a grindr for escorts only!
  22. Hmmmm.... which one was he?? J/k
  23. Grinder is great! Have used it in porto alegre where it seems everyone is on it, very popular in SP and Rio! so is hornet used although i just use Grindr
  24. First I want to apologize for the misspellings in the previous posts I was typing the reports on my phone! Monday night was not great at MM as far as finding a guy(s) I like, but was fairly busy, I got back to the apartment and the 4 guys were there having been at the beach. Tuesday night I went to 117 and it was busy! Again I went alone as the guys did not want to go! I got back about 9:00 and we went out to eat and then went to ToNemAi but one of the guys who never drinks alcohol did there and everyone had at least 3 or 4(except me) and by time we got back around 1:00 everyone wanted to go to sleep! Today 3 of us are going hang gliding!
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