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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. I tried to make up for my delay in going to Brazil the first time in 2001 by going 4 or 5 times a year since 2001, so usually my longest time away is around 3 months, although after my January trip there, instead of going back to Brazil in March, i am going back to Mexico(but I am taking a Brazilerio with me!) :-)
  2. I went the first time in october of 2001 with a BF for a vacation. When i fiund the saunas i immediarely decided i needed to go back on my next vacation...w/o the BF! :-)
  3. 400r is a acceptable 24 hr rate. (($117.US)
  4. Short answer is No! I loved Corujinhas!! My friends and I in those days stayed in Copacabana a couole bocks from there and we took guys back every night! Now with 3 - 5 guys staying at apt in Ipanema i have bypassed the need for the hustler bars in Rio and the guys much prefer a regular restaurant to go to in the evenings!
  5. Sorry i can't help you i don't know him!
  6. The dollar is at 3.42 against the Reais today! :-)
  7. Bobbalino, i appreciate the advise you try and give on your posts but i find your posts difficult to understand the whole thing even after reading them or trying to several times! Now i admit i am not the smartest guy but i am fairly literate, and i kind of skim over your posts because they are difficult for a average guy like me to get all the fine points of your posts! Possibly English is not your first language? If not i apologize!
  8. The gay bar ToNemAi is on the "Gay" street R. Farme de Amoeda 2 blocks in from the beach in Ipanema! Itis the local gay bar with primarily a 25 - 40 age range, and popular on thurs thru Sunday nights, especially after 10:00 pm
  9. Most of the guys favor a non-escort scene once they leave "work" in the evenings! They may go to a club/bar venue but there is no hustler bars per sei in Rio(or most of the rest of the world)! Saying that you can get lucky at one of the gay bars like ToNemAi, where i have on 3 occassions picked up guys, but i was by myself and i am sure that is why i was noticed! Its my impression that even the gay sauna boys dont nexessarily hang around gay benues on their off times. I base this on my FB where about 80 or so of my "friends" are past or present sauna guys and where they post photos of where they were the previous night! Most times it is a party/Club/bar that you wouldn't classify as gay. I know the guys that i have stay at the apartment with me when i am there do not go with me to the saunas in the evening. but will meet me back at the apartment to go to dinner when i get back after 9:30 - 10:00 pm! They all seem to hate going there if they are not wotking and this is regardless whether we are talking Rio, Sao Paulo or Porto Alegre! But they will go to a gay bar OCCASIONALLY, but not every night! And these guys are gay!
  10. Msclelvr: They start out around the bar clothed and depending on the guy end up in various degrees of undress after 4 or 5 trips around the bar! Yes it is very safe! extremely safe! No problem walking around. But Uber is very popular there and extremely cheap! We left our money credit cards etc in the house!
  11. Summary of my week in Mexico. While I was monogamous with the guy from S.P. it didn't keep us from flirting and admiring what the city had to offer. On any night there are guys that can be picked up in the main square park in the center of town! and there were many that were eyeing up my Brazilian friend! Gay is accepted there, to the point that he was always holding my hand as we walked around town and I really didn't notice anyone bothering to stare(except at his great ass/body!) we felt as comfortable there as I do when I go out in Weho or Wilton Manors or Hell's Kitchen/Chelsea! We went to 3 gay club/bars, one was a really big club with Drag Queen Shows, one had anyone who wanted to earn tips to walk around the top of the oval bar, and about 16 guys did! there is a large outdoor patio where these guys go and you can talk and buy them a beer for a $1.00
  12. My last night here tonight! Spent part of the day here with a realtor am seriously considering buying a place here! The Sao Paulo guy and i have had a amaxing time together and when i come back down in a few moths he is coming with me again! But i will be back in Brazil in January! The cost of living here is amazingly low!
  13. I have been to brazil when the dollar was 1.00US to 4.00R and i have been there when it was $1.00US to $1.50R so it is still much better then it has been in 2009 - 2014. But no matter what it was it never kept me from going! :-) it just meant my brazilian trips were more expensive then other times!
  14. Having had 3 Anerican friends buy homes there between 2006 and 2008, for me much easier and cheaper to rent umless youvare plannig to live there full time! I have developed a relationshipwith the guy i rent from which means i don't have to send a deposit or pay a refundable damage deposit! I have a set of keys to the apt/bldg fulltime and just transfer the amount of the rental the day i arrive! It works great for both of us!
  15. Lucky it appears we are talking about two different mayors! You are referring to the newly elected. I was talking about the mayor from 2009 to present although does not appear to be much difference in their religious views and "Evangelicals" make up 1/5 of the population of Brazil and growing! It is interesting in that i have approximately 80 former and present sauna guys as FB friends and almost all of them comment about thanking god or praying to him in their posts!
  16. I believe it was around 1973 but i cannot find the source so i could be wrong! But it has been a fucking long time! :-)
  17. The mayor who i believe has been in office since 2009 is not a threat to the gay life stlye..unless he needs a red herring to deflect from problems in his administration! He will have his hands full dealing with economic and crime issues to give much more then a quote occassionly re: gays and gay venues!
  18. This video was taken in Sao Paulo
  19. I am going back to Brazil mid january. The first weekend i will spend in Belo Horzonte / Minas Geras as about 25% of the sauna guys seem to come from there! There are several saunas there with the best being Olympus! Also one of the guys that stayed with me this last trip lives there and is going to show me around. Then off to Rio for 4 days and probably going to have the same guys stay with mrme as last time plus one new one. The last 3 days i will be in Sao Paulo with my Namorado! Lol
  20. This has verred off topic...but i don't mind going down memory lane! Lucky I remember the muscular Brazilian guy who had the complete anatomically correct Skeletal system tatooed on his backside from neck to heels! I went to with his cousin several times to their apartment in the first year ot two i went to the Gaiety in '96
  21. Gotti, don't know what year you started going there, but they definitely did have sex with clients between their sets(usually about 2-1/2 hours between their individual sets) in the dressing rooms behind the stage! this went on from at least '85 maybe earlier to the early 90's! it stopped sometime in the early mid 90's I believe! then the guys would take you back to their hotel rooms, fortunately they were a number of inexpensive hotels within a block or two of the theater. the first guy I went back to his apartment with from the Gaiety was a Brazilian who lived on 48th and 8th, so we would hurry the two blocks to his apt, which he shared with another Brazilian and an hour later we would be back at the theater! it was great!
  22. I just wanted to thank everyone who contributed to this discussion! while there were some differing and divergent viewpoints, everyone made their valid points and no one got upset or angry! unusual for internet/forums discussions! :-)
  23. Guys i really hope i am wrong but i dont think so! And the Brasilians who are in the business don't think so either! The lease on Pointe was terminated early because the new management could not turn a profit nor could the previous owner who now owns it again! Although both have the experience in running sucessful rentboy saunas in the past! What has changed? 10 years ago no one in Brazil had a smart phone now everybody over 14 has one! The city is over 9 million people and it apparently cannot support or keep 3 rentboy saunas busy most nights of the week! 11 years ago there were 6 rentboy saunas in Rio! Badboy your comment about Brasilian culture and gay saunas is true but not Rentboy saunas! Yes every city in Brazil has gay saunas but only 1 or 2 are rentboy saunas and none are full most nights of the week like they were 10 years ago! (Remember DeNile is a river in Egypt! :-)
  24. Cats and rounds were gone long before the gaeity and stellas! I started going to both in '96/97 and i think both were gone by then and the gaiety and stellas did not close until 2003/2004?
  25. Fortunately, Acyr one of the owners of Meo Mundo and until 2 weeks ago Point202 is on vacation in the U.S. and staying at my house this week in SoCal so i asked him about this last night. It's more complicated then we think but he said they have tried different "programs" with the guys to incentivize them to show up, to get them to be available to customers more nights, to give them discounted admission, etc., but for varying reasons the majority of these ideas fail. Sometimes the guys are their own worst enemy! An example: They trade keys so if one guy gets 2 customers one is recorded for him and the other for a friend so the friend gets a free admission or bonus. If admission is lowered to to $5.r or less he said then the type of guys coming in are not the type you would want either working at your place or in your bed!
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