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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. "Hopefully that wont get me beat up Tomcal"" .... Well... no promises are implied, lol but one thing that i did early on is become friends with the owners of the saunas and their managers! This helped on two fronts, 1) the boys know i am close friends with Junior and Acir and the new guys always are watching and see them kiss me when i walk in! Same with Monique at 117 although she is seldom there anymore but her managers are effective suragates. 2) they will give me the inside scoop on the new guys! Telling me what they have either heard or done with them! Junior at Pointe is a Top and he always seems to get the hot ones on their first day! also the experienced boys fill the the new ones in on the cliets! Who are pricks who are good, who likes to do what and who pay well or can become a steady customer, etc
  2. I agree!! But foolhardy IMO, until someone has experience with the people, scene, and dangers(boa noite cinderilla) of the area they are in. It was probably my 20th or 25th trip there before i started looking beyond the saunas! But i am a slow learner!
  3. No, someone you meet on the street is different and they are not paying admission to the sauna or having to stay there a min of 3 hours, take the metro to get there, etc. i would not, IMHO, worry or attempt to pick up guys outside the sauna scene, until you have more experience in Brazil. I recounted back some years ago on here 2 acquaintances of mine from LA who did not take my advise in this regard and lets just say they did not have a good tine in Rio!
  4. In the sauna regardless of who you are, how goodlooking you are m, how young you are, if you go up with a "working boy" you are expected to pay him! I give them the $100. R after we are done. I do not tip but they know if they are good the chances are good they will make a lot more money in the following days/trips! Again this is after you have been to the saunas a few times! Remember the guys in the saunas talk more about us then we do about them! A lot more! :-)
  5. I go there to meet new guys and invite them back to the apartment in Ipanema, and cant remember ever having the offer turned down!
  6. Doesnt concern me i am not planning on getting anyone pregnant! Seriously you can always find something to worry about anywhere! Zika affecting gay males is near the bottom of my list of diseases to worry about at the present time.
  7. the answer is NO! I know what the going rate is and they know what it is! I wouldn't suggest this to a newbie, but it has been many years since I asked what they charge, and I can honestly say I have had a problem. the rate for saunas in Rio, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, is a $100R(U.S.29.23 at today's rate). Some may pay less, for me it is not worth discussing for what amounts to +$5.00/6.00
  8. There is a discount for cash vs. credit cards. the cheaper rooms are the ones past the pool on the main floor and there used to be a couple upstairs from the massage room, I prefer the ones with the bathrooms and showers insuite so I have never used them.
  9. Bobbalino he was definitely one of my all time favorites. He was in latinjocks a year or two after i met him, here is a pic from there!
  10. I agree with Lucky! However i have a a good friend(and bigger HO then me!) who prefers Fragata! There is a different look to the guys with Fragata having "every day looking" and "average build" guys predominating. Whereas, imho Lagoa has some stunners! Always
  11. LOL you know a friend of mine in Florida just asked the same question! Here is another guy i met on the street who was walking with his cousin who my friend knew. I was so taken with his amazing gren eyes that literally after "Hi" i asked if he wanted to go to my apartment and he shrugged his shoulders and saiid "yeah!" Btw what i didnt know is he was a MMA fighter( in the following 2 years I went to several of his professional fights! Great guy!
  12. This a pic of my Numero Uno Namarado in Brazil and he is picking up clothes at the cleaners and the clerk is pretty hot! 2nd pic i have shown before, i originally met him at standing on the corner waiting for the light to change and 15 mins later we were in my room!
  13. I have known of thefts from clients lockers not often but has happened all the saunas have cameras but.. particularly at 117 the towel boy is often in the back room or just standing there and can't see 1/2 the clients lockers! I prefer the saunas that jeep client and garotos lockers in seperate rooms and FORBID the boys from entering the ckients locker area! Like Mezziniu and Lagoa!
  14. After the 2nd or third year of going to Brazil i started wearing my clothes in the saunas primarily so i could keep my cash and most importantly my camera on me! I also like paying the guys in the room before we leave vs having to go to the locker room to get cash and taking money out in front of everyone.
  15. Bobblino, I knew there was direct airline service from Toronto, because the greatest number of foreigners here are Canadians from March to April. Almost every decent house is rented by Canadians from Oct. to April. If I get a house here, I will probably rent is out as well, because only intend to stay here a week a month during the winter months and not all during the summer. Merida has a modern international airport, small but nice. There are now direct flights on American thru Miami and starting in April thru DFW. I have been using United thru Houston, which is about a 1-1/2 hr flight
  16. The beaches are very nice about 20 mins from town. Homes on the beach can be had for $350,000.+. I am not really a beach person so i am looking at the downtown/centro area where most of the colonials are located for $100,000. Less and bigger sq ft. The beach is great for a few days/week but for me get pretty boring i prefer all the activity in town plus can walk to markets/restaurants! Bobbalino, since my mothers side were french canadians i spent summers from the time i was born until i was 18 in Kenora, Ont. at a fishing camp!( no running water, no electricity, outhouses!) so i like all the comforts of city living! :-)
  17. That is what is so nice about Merida! Low crime rate! Because it is on the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula it is a long way from the drug growing and shipping routes! All the expats i talked to said it is one of the major reasons they picked this city to live in! You can walk all around town at midnight and not feel nervous about your personal safety! Oh and the 2nd reason was the higher then normal % of gay guys! Lol
  18. Re: what we pay: I look at it this way, if i am not asking you to pay my bill then its none of your business what i pay! Iunderstand Beebies wanting to know but when i started coming to Rio 15 years ago we had to learn on our own and thats still not a bad idea! Everyone is different what they pay, and depending on your experience, and how easily you fall for the sob stories! It's amazing how many garotos grandmothers need heat surgery! Much greater then the national average by at least 10 fold!! LOL! Seriously i have foumd it is so individual! Do what you think is best not someone like me or anybody on here! I have A good friend who makes about 1/5 as much as myself and a couple of other close friends do, yet he pays T least 50% more! Why? 1) his personality doesn't give the boys the idea they will enjoy their time with him as much as with me or the other friends so they ask for more! I never ask a guy how much! I find someone i like i take them up to a room, after we are done i hand him the monney and turn to leave saying "if you would like something to drink i will be in the bar". I have NEVER had a guy come. asking after me asking for more! (caveat here, as badboy has said i am well known and the boys all talk! More then we do so they are probably aware what they are going to get paid!) But my friend on the other hand does this: he says to the boy "is $100r. Enough? What 20 year old is going to say yeah??!! They always go No it is $200. Or whatever the higher amount they are seaking is!
  19. The same thing happened to me on my week long trip to Mexico where i brought a guy along from Sao Paulo! I really like him a lot and he messages me every day and says all the right things! But i dont know if its a line or the truth! I tend to believe its a lone but... he didnt ask for any money for the week in Mexico! I paid only for the airfair($700.). He is planning everything for my trip in January to Brazil and will be coming to Maxico in March, although i really like him i am already getting a little restless! So we will see what happens!
  20. We usually go to one of the restaurants in Ipanema within 3 blocks or so of the apt.! But this area includes Farme de Amoedo the "gay" street! The restaurants around there are average for the most part not high end, none of the guys drink alcohol so i would estimate dinner for 5 of us averages around $100. - $125. Depending on where wd go! Usually one night a visit depending on which guys are with us i might do a Porcau or Fugo de Chau which is much more expensive but the last two trips i didnt although 3 of us did go Hang gliding which is not cheap but well worth it!!
  21. I pay $350. - $400.R for 24 hrs that includes whatever i want to do but as a rule includes going to a club, sex when we get back to the apt, dinner, usually we sleep thru breakfast and then we go to lunch and it is 90% me asking them to go as they are happy to stretch it to 48hrs or 72 hts for that rate, there is always 1 for sure and usually 2 that speak English and provide the necessary translation skills if neeeded!
  22. "I have to punctuate the account in order to go and have some private time with myself." I don't know what that means?
  23. Badboy, this is Merida about 100 miles west of Cancun! Capital of the state of Yucatan and 1 million people!
  24. Well i am heading back to Mexico the 12th of December! I am going back with the sole purpose of looking for a home to buy there! I won't live there full time but will be there frequently from October to April. The incredibally low cost of living, low crime rate, International Airport with frequent flights to the U.S., less then 2 hours away, and not but not least...a active gay life and a thriving expat American and Canadian community!
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