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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. I will take possession of the house in 30 days. The.process has been pretty easy so far. I have both a Mexican and American(living in Mexico) real estate agents working with a attorney in mexico. You have to put 10% down to start the process and the 90% balance at the closing! Then about another $10.000. - $12,000. In MexicanTax and "closing costs on top of the final purchase price. But not much red tape actually a lot less paperwork then buying a home in the U.S.
  2. I found a couple stills from his porn movies!
  3. About 10 maybe 12 years ago you could find the guy on the left and the one on the right working in the Rio saunas and the one on the left did a number of gay porn films! This photo was taken recently at LadiesClub a straight dance club that has about a 1/2 dozen male strippers performing. Over the years quite a few of the Point and 117 guys worked here! Ladies club has been open at least 12 years if not longer! If i can find one of the stills from his porn days i will post it! He was cute and was always muscular evev back then!
  4. I miss sunset in my bedroom in Rio too! LOL
  5. I honestly don't remember but there are a lot like this one on the internet. google "statue of christ in rio" images and there are hundreds there
  6. I guess I have been lucky....I have been coming 4 or 5 times a year since 2001 and never have SEEN or been a victim of a "grab and dash" or any other kind of assult! but have never walked the beach side at night time or gone to a ATM at night.
  7. I was surprised also! there are many 21 - 28 yr olds that are typical for that age group and then there is a whole nother level of gorgeus guys. I was fortunate to get to know this realtor who has introduced me to his friends who are early. 40's and who have BF's in the 21 - 25 yr range! Two of the guys that came last night are "print models" for fashion two of the other guys the venzuelean and Cuban are here semi permenently working at whatever they can make money at and with their looks they are doing well and have benefactors!
  8. I have met these guys thru floridarob who i knew and it turns out his friend's Boyfriends are quite the HO's! Lmao tonights party at the place i was renting turned out to be a lot of fun in the kitchen when we would go to mix drinks for the guests! With the "BF's" of the guys who came! Thats all i am saying! :-)
  9. Here is video that gives you a Idea of part of the house! It is over a 140 years old... on the outside and the inside is 3 years old IMG_5058.MOV
  10. I got down here yesterday and my realtor picked me up an we dropped off my stuff at the house I rented for the weekend and headed out to dinner where we were joined by 5 of his friends! 3 were very goodlooking and after dinner we headed to a gay club that combined drag queens and a stripper fashion show! As the drag queen did her number the guys would come out on the stage and do a catwalk in either different speedos or shirts and shorts. Several times during the 2 hour show they would take everything off and twirl their speedo around their dicks! we stayed until 2:15 am! today we looked at 3 more homes and i found one i really like, but more then i originally intended to spend. But it is beautiful and the american couple that own it have to move back to the states....so now the negotiating will start! tonight there is a party at my house for 12 guys! 6 are "new" friends and 6 i know including one other American who owns a bar and restaurant down here. For those that are interested Grindr is really active down here! 24/7. Lol
  11. To give perspective the statue is 105' tall
  12. Thank you for telling this! This has been the same since 2001 when i started going to Rio! NEVER walk on the beach side of the Blvd that separates Copa and Ipanema from the restaurants and condos on the opposite side of the Blvd at dusk or later! I have walked the commercial side opposite the beach at midnight or later 500 times and never had a problem but once my friend wanted to walk the beach side back and he got robbed! I wouldn't do it unless i was in a group of 4 or more!...which i always am now! :-)
  13. What you don't see in the video is the master suite on the second floor accessed by a starway by the pool and has a master bathroom with a tub for 4!! It must have been designed with me in mind! :-)
  14. Here is a youtube video of the house i am negotiating on in Mexico. But i am going back down this weekend to look at 7 more homes since i and the owner have not reached a agreement yet and i want a 2nd and 3rd choice! Btw the ceilings in all the historic homes are 18' tall. And the doorways are 12' and the colors are bright! Some of the homes are remodeled to look like a NYC or LA Modern Condo but i like and want the authentic and colorful Mexican cultural look! http://carolkirbywilliams.point2agent.com/Listing/VirtualTourSupersized.aspx?ListingId=184333518
  15. Ax, reading anything in Daddy's reviews is IMHO, a complete utter waste of time! the adjectives--"minimal" "useless" and "really dated" come to mind immediately! You are the most active person in their Brazil threads and you haven't been to Brazil in a number of years and the last time you were there as I remember you didn't get to the saunas...? There are a couple of private forums that have only known members on them that offer current update info.. but for 99% of the gay guys going to Brazil this has the most up to date and current info! Even information that is 1 year old is outdated as the scene changes regularly! saunas, bars open and close, the best nights to go changes every 6 months or so(as someone who has been there every 3 months for 16 years I know this for a FACT!) I would be very very skeptical of someone's advise on traveling to "gay" Brazil if they hadn't been there in the preceding 12 months and more likely that past 6 months! Think of NYC, the bars I went to from 2000 - 2013 are no longer there like Splash Bar New York which was the biggest but like many couldn't keep up with the rising rents and conversion to high end retail and condos! My point being things change constantly so the ask here before you go, if you have questions! Caveat-- I posted extensively from 2001 to about 2006 on that site and myself along with 4 other Brazilian affectionados all left about the same time...over the years less and less got posted in their Latin America forum! and from what I can tell it's usually newer guys that will ask the same question here and over there, and Axiom will respond that they should check out this site or that one(which they already have)!
  16. Sorry I meant to say Buenos Aires is more European...
  17. My experiences are well documented on here! :-)
  18. Here is a house i looked at but decided on a different one , but gives you a good idea of the historic homes for sale down there.
  19. Depends on what your primary goal is? Cheapest place to go or easist accessible sex? Or sightseeing and things to do other then sex? For example Argentina is a large city more European then a lot of cities in Europe! Very goodlooking guys but not a sauna scene like Brazil. Probably need a little more info from you and remember all of us are biased based on our likes/wants/needs so take everything you hear with that in mind, i am sure you will have a good time with whatever place you pick!
  20. There is a daily direct flight from LAX to GRU that gets you in around 7:00 in the morning on AA and you can get a flight on GOL or TAM to Rio for less then $60. I did it last trip . This upcoming trip i am staying the first day and night in SP and catching a flight into SDU the next day at noon.
  21. Tom, that actually sounds pretty reasonable compared to most places on the coastal US. About 2% of what that equivilent would cost in Ca.! I am talking in Mexico about houses on the Water! Nothing between your front door and the water except sand! Property taxes are very minimal about $200. - $300. US a year on a $250,000. Utilities about $300. - $500. A year with the bulk of that going to A/C during the hot summer months(i won't be there then and the house will be closed uo so i expect to stay on the lower end!
  22. Sure! For around $200,000 -$240,000.US u can get 2000 sq ft with a pool, 3 bed/3 bath in the historic section all updated, i.e. Stainless steel appliances, nice bathrooms. If you are a beach person, 20 minutes from centro you can buy a single family home on the beach for $300,000.+. You can easily live on $1500./mo US if you are relying just on SS
  23. I am heading back t o Merida Mexico next weekend, this wasn't planned but my relator called and said 3 houses that he thinks I would like came on the market and I should see them ASAP as he didn't think they would last long. I said that the airfares were reasonable but this being the high season there wasn't anyplace to rent for the weekend in the location I wanted! He said "no problem you can stay at my place in the guest house!" I should explain that this was the 2nd realtor I was dealing with on my last trip there as they do not have MLS in Mexico and each realty firm has their own listings, you need to work with several agents to see everything that is available. When I met him at first I did not know he was gay! In the course of the day I realized it so the last night I was there we had a party and invited him and he brought over 3 very good looking guys! A Cuban, a Venezuelan and a Mexican! Two of them were really stunning! He is a lean nice looking guy about early to mid 40's and very successful. At the party that night I showed him photos of Brazil...well actually I showed him photos of the guys in Brazil! He said " I have to plan a trip there with you! He says "I will pick you up at the airport and we will go drop off your luggage and then we will go out to find some hot guys and on Saturday we will go look at houses!" This guy understands customer service! :-)
  24. The "Brothers" mountain in the background.
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