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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. You can keep your clothes on or partial or in a towel! There is one Brazilian customer at Meo Mundo who has to be 325+ and he carries his towel and walks around naked, no one notices.
  2. Trimmed or partial or not trimmed your fine, but i don't think i have seen a un-trimmed working guy in several years in Rio! Either partial or totally smoothis what all the guys are. Yes the saunas have full bars! When you go to 117 walk through the first bar area where the stage is there is a door on the left hand side that will take you to the covered smoking area and another barback there and where a lot of the guys hand out! Marcello is the bartender there and makes great Caprihinas!
  3. Why are you being such a asshole? Or are you just another old bitter queen?
  4. I agree with points you make! The vast majority of the guys working in the saunas don't like working there! I realized this when i have the 4 guys staying at the apartment and when i went to the sauna they all say "we will stay here and meet you for dinner when you leave! There are 2 guys i see that only worked at the saunas for a couple weeks and hated it! They still see me they just dont like the Meat market the saunas are to them! But it is a necessity for most of them due to both the economic crisis and thevfact that Brazil has such a large % of their population struggling to get by! A good example is a guy i see in SP. he waa 20 yrs old working in a bank when one of his coworkers said "you want to make some easy money tonight?" This guy had been going to Lagoa to make money! So he went and within a month had quit his job at the bank and worked 3 night a week at Lagoa and made double in three nights for a couple hours what he made in a week working 7-1/2 hours a day at the bank!(he is VGL and does everything well) my uneducated guess is the saunas will last another 3-5 years the online sites have been around 10 years there but have not really affected sauna business...YET
  5. Don't forget who is paying! I decide! :-)
  6. Almost correct! I need the second bedroom after we All have had sex so everyone can sleep comfortably! There are 3 of them that are always there when i am and the 4th guy is rotated depending on who is new and if we all like him!
  7. Because i need the space!
  8. For the past 6 or 7 years I rent the entire apt i dont want a shared anything(unless its a 3way!). The apt is 2 bedrooms 2 baths and rents for a 140./nt and is directlt across the street from Metro/subway in Ipanema and 2 blocks from the gay beach! The best thing i ever did was give up staying at hotels on Rio!
  9. yes it goes back as a credit to the card that was used in purchasing it
  10. my favorite restaurant in Rio is the "Bar'd Hotel restaurant" in the Marina Suites Hotel in Leblon, just down the beach from Ipanema. it is on the second floor with great views of the beach which in Leblon is only about 20' wide. it is a very gay friendly local celebrity hangout(local newscasters and tv stars) Great food and drink and expensive but worth it. I have probably been there over 20 times! I only use Airbnb and have for the past 7 or 8 years! Much better for me then hotels which are more expensive and restrictive! Meo Mundo for twinks! you will find them at the other saunas but not in quanity!
  11. WOW! Bobbalino talk about the pot calling the kettle black! LOL over what is really a simple topic, "how much do you pay to sauna guys or overnights or whatever in Brazil. let me go back about 13 years ago after we had the first "Hooboy Party" at the Atlantico Hotel and had 25 Americans and 80 sauna boys come to it. It was held on the rooftop of the hotel and the members provided all the food and drinks for the guys! Later I heard about a guy who was really overpaying(in my mind) and over the following months continued. I commented about it, saying it would wreck the pricing for the rest of us! (I didn't realize I was such a drama queen then!) Guess what? it didn't! over the years as I have gotten older and less dogmatic about peoples beliefs/practices in relation to mine. I realize everything doesn't revolve around what I believe or think! the guys are a lot smarter then a lot of their customers think! and they talk and gossip about us clients then you would believe! they are happy to point out who overpays, who cums quickly, who is a dick in terms of personality and who the nice guys are...among other things. They know I have a friend that pays almost double what I do and thats' fine as long as they don't expect the same from me and so far none have! Now I never ask what anyone pays and don't care! I pay what I think is the right amount and don't worry about anyone else and again don't forget that a lot depends on your personality! I want to encourage everyone to post their experiences but Bobbalino with all due respect, your reads are tedious at best! I have yet to read a entire post of yours..i tend to skip over the parts where you try to impart your knowledge in less then common English wording! This is not a forum for a course in getting a graduate degree in English Lit! (I do have a grad degree so I kind of know what I am talking about). Write as if you are talking to a friend in your living room not as if you are lecturing! thanks
  12. Likeohmygod, I agree with you 100% and I have friends just like yours that overpay a lot! I may have stated this fact before, My good friend is a exec. with a large international Mktg corp and they did a survey of internet connectivity and % of the population using WiFi and internet usage and one of the highest % of use per population was in the Favelas of Rio! I believe this was limited to areas of population of 100,000+. these guys are very connected and know what is going on both in their community and region/world wide! they are all on WhatsApp and Instagramm(FB is for those over 30!) I just told a guy yesterday who I met some years ago and he sent me a message with the usual sob story and he needed $500.R, I told him it was nice to hear from him after all this time but unfortunately I am neither a Bank or a ATM! Again as I have said countless times to the guys in the saunas, "you don't give sex away for free and I don't give money away for free!* *they usually smile when I say this and walk away
  13. In 16 years of going to Brazil an average of 4 times a year, i would estimate less then 25 spoke any English at all and most of those were limited to 3 or 4 short sentences! That is out of a 1,000 guys roughly! It forced me to learn sone Portuguese, enough to get my requesrs understood. i can remember 3 decent English speakers snd they learned it to become more "employable" to the americans in the sauna and none of them were of the caliber i was interested in!
  14. The 50 year lease re-starts when you sell the property. for example the couple i am buying from have 43 years left on their lease but when i close it becomes a new 50 year lease.
  15. Yes like Brazil there is no such thing as title insurance in Mexico! The real estate salesman told me that is why there are a fair number of vacant houses in this city because in mexico if a couple have 5 kids and each of those kids have... lets say 4 kids each, all 20+ heirs have to sign off for it to have a clear title! He told me of one very diserable property in town which has 56 heirs and they can't find 8 of them so the house has sat vacant for 4 years! I bought my house from a American couple who totally rehabed it 6 years ago so the title was clean!
  16. Ferrar, the fideicomisso was not really a impediment after talking to both lawyers and Americans living there....the short version is it is a way for the banks to get around the law which had the original intent of keeping foreigners from buying land close to the border or coast to avoid another "Alamo"! You own the house but the bank keeps the deed and leases the land in 50 year increments to you. If you sell after 10 years the person gets a new 50 year lease not the remainder of your lease as some "experts" claim. They cannot sell your house and as evidenced by the number of Americans owning condos/houses in Cabo and Cancun and Playa del Carmen as just a few examples, it is safe. I have about 18 MD colleagues who have all had homes in Cabo San Lucas for 5 - 15 years with no problems and they all have fideicomissos.
  17. Demedici, check your inbox here, I sent you the contact info.
  18. All i will say is "its his money!" But the guys i take to Mexico from Brasil get their airfare paid(usually around $700. R/t from Brazil) and their meals/drinks while they are there! Thats it!! And i literally have a line of guys waiting to go! They love the idea of traveling to another country free and they dont even bring up being paid for their time! I think he must have brought that up and even then when in Brazil i pay $350R per 24 hrs for the guys! NOT $350. US! Thats just Crazy imho, but like i said it's his money! As far as the escort scene in PV, it is there but it changed in the last 10 years and also crime is up there! He would be safer doing Cabo or Cancun!
  19. Great and timely comments!
  20. I not only 110% agree with you i have been saying the same thing for years! I have a good friend, naive but good person who feels the need to not only overpaybut give gifts to even the guys he doesnt go with! One evening i was sitting with a group of them and i was surprised to hear them say "he is just a fool to give his money and gifts to us!" They did not appreciate his generosity but also did the bare minimum in the bedroom for the quickest time! Throwing money around in Brazil does not buy you respect!
  21. Hey Lurker, I have already brought one guy from S.P. last trip and there are several I am thinking about for the next trip! there is so much going on that this morning I cancelled my trip to Brazil this weekend and wont' be back until late may! so when I go back to Mexico in 4 weeks to close on the house I am think about bringing one or 2 of the guys from Rio the fares on Copa airlines from brazil to Mex are pretty reasonable.
  22. Strafe. I never was with the guy in the middle! Don't know who he is.
  23. Thanks Lurker! I have already brought one guy up from Sao Paulo and possibly bringing two up in May. Airfares from Brazil to Mexico are relatively cheaper in the May thru Sept season!
  24. Yup that what it means alright! :-). Isaac has been around a long time and knows how its done! I was only with him once about 11 years ago but he recently friended me on FB. Which makes me more then a little suspicious of his motives! But he gets a "A" for effort!
  25. Thank you Darkseraphim! One thing i should point out is only one of the guys has been "brown" so far! 4 have been european i.e. Spanish, italian and white mexicans and one was 3/4 mexican and 1/4 chinese and one white Cuban. But i am sure that these % will change as the numbers go up! :-)
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