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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. The list is older then most the guys reading this! 1/2 are closed and except for one, not really suited for foreigners but for young locals ....and La Cava!! Seriously ??? It waa old and nasty the one time i went in 2002 and the few customers in there were older them MY Grandfather! (And i an no spring chicken!) and i have never met a sauna guy that has ever gone there! The problem with "RE" Publishing lists is they can and often are out of date and contain erronious information! Especially when it comes to Gay bars and meeting places! At the best The above site is seriously out of date! At the worse the person hasnt visited most of the places he is talking about!
  2. I only dated two gogo boys in Brazil, both have done porn so I am putting their photos up here. they both charged the going rate for overnights. I went with these guys from about 2005 to 2007 or so. Both were great and the one is in a totally different occupation now and the other is still stripping/gogo in mostly straight clubs.
  3. Where i am in mexico it is $25 and that's all night! Saturday night my friend and i invited two guys over off of grindr and they got to the house about 7:00 and left the next morning at 7:30. We had drinks around the pool laughed and taked and had a great social night and finally wandered into ge bedrooms around 1:00 when they left one guy didnt want anything and the other one asked for $500 pesos if that was ok he said! I called the other one back and gave him $500. Pesos too! Sunday they both called back to want to know when we could meet up again. Both were 21 yrs old
  4. I did OZ and am not sorry at all ... but I am Sorry guys for not responding sooner, I need to head out of the Latin American forum more often! I just got back from spending 8 days down there and going back in 2 weeks for 10 days! I have found the Mexican people to be extremely friendly and none seem to hold " trump" against us! Actually they don't even bring up his name! I just got invited to be in the wedding party for my realtor(gay) who is marrying a 25 yr old. Venezuelan guy in August! but I only think he invited me because another common friend told him that I would be bringing several Brazilians to the wedding! (not true! I am only bringing one!...well maybe 2)
  5. I was introduced to it about 12 years ago in Rio by a guy who liked to bttm but didnt do it often! His pic i can put on here since this came off a porn site!
  6. Axiom i know who you are referring to and that is about the farthest from true love as you could get!! The american has no money left and the bf made fun of him to everyone when he wasnt around! But he did get all his objectives reached! He got to travel Europe, get his college paid for and get married so that he will get his spouses gov't pension when he dies! Meanwhile the older american spouse has no savings left and lives on his govt pension of under $4,000/ mo! And the condo he had in Rio was sold many years ago as he needed the money which is now gone! I will say it one more time Big dicked Brazilians DO NOT fall in love with guys who are 35 years older then them, Much less unattractive and out of shape! They are only there for the $$$! Every time! I could list 6 different Americans i know, just change the names who fell in the same situations! I understand it, they want to be "loved so badly" they believe against any reality that the much younger Brazilian loves them! Keep reality in check and dont fall for the fantasy! Because that is what it is! I told one guy this "if he really is in love with you then tell him that you lost all your money in the stock market but at least you still have each other!"" And watch how fast his ass is out the door!
  7. I was essentially attempting to depict to readers here (most of whom are non-contributory) SOME of what they might expect to access in a club/sauna here. Up until about 2 yrs ago maybe a little less, i posted pics of almost every guy i met on my trips to Brazil, then as they say "someone screwed it up for everyone" by taking the guy that i gave him the contact for, to the apartment i gave him the contact for and showing him this site with the photos of him! Which implicitly told him dont ever do! He had some idea that it wold be good to get the "boys" to participate! I told him the vast majority do not stay in this business for longer then a year usually less and would have no interest and would be upset if their photos were shown even thou this is a private gotum! I was right! Now the only photos i put on here are those that the guys already have in the public web like latinjocks or bangbang boys! I understand all well Bobbolino's point! Also i tried to show the readers what to expect as i know the difference between what i find attractive and what they do are vastly different! I will take a great face/average body over a great body/avrage face every time! We all are different so if someone says "i went to the sauna and there were xx number of hot guys" it doesnt mean much unless i know what his idea of hot is compared to mine! Thats why i use to include photos! anyhow thanks for trying bobbalino! You one of about 10 active posters and it is appreciated!
  8. Junior publishes about a dozen selfies a day! Lol here is one from yesterday with his latest BF and a couple more that look like the last 100 he has posted! He is in his Mid 40's and is a grandfather! Looks pretty good!
  9. Mikey, the airlines have complex algorithims to determine pricing and it definitely is different if your starting point is the ending point for going the opposite way! For example right now coach fare for me to bring guys from Rio or Sao Paulo to Mexico is around $700. US. But for me to fly there is $1,700. Or about twice what it was my last 1/2 dozen trips and its not high season!
  10. I think this has diverged from my original post of my trip to Mexico. so I am closing out of this topic.
  11. Many guys have asked about what the working guys here look like? The faces are like brazil or anywhere else and run the gamut! And the dicks...well here is a guy from last night from grindr, i promised him i wouldnt show his face but he is 22, nice toned body and cute! Oh and like everywhere else in the world, majority prefer Bottoming! But all will top if they are asked...so i am told probably similiar to all the muscle guys i have met in Rio, they say they are "solamente Achievo" but when the sauna door closes they go "ok i will be passive but don't tell my friends"! But their friends are all saying the same thing! lmao
  12. Rimbaud500, it was my pleasure answering your questions! When someone like yourself takes the time to say thank you, it makes it all worthwhile! Have a great time! I know you will!!
  13. I was invited to a gay "mayan" wedding on August 5th here, one of my realtors is marrying his 25 yr old Venzuelean BF! He is from a wealthy family so should be quite a event! The BF of one of the guys here told me his BF is going to the states that week so could he be my plus 1? This guy is very hot in bed so i said absolutely! I wasnt planning on coming back down until the end of September but can't pass this up!
  14. I forgot to add that the beach restaurant that was taken over by the grandson, when the existing owners were kicked out they stripped the place of all tables, booths, bar, etc and reopened a 1/2 block away 6 months later and the grandson ended up not keeping any of the existing business and went broke! The other restaurant is flourishing! Maybe there is Karma!! :-)
  15. I have a management company in Mexico that pays the local bills, water,electric, cleaning lady , pool boy, etc. and also rents the prooerty for me on AirBnB when i am not there! They are great, a American couple who own a realty company there for 7 years and manage approximately 50 homes for people like me.(and 4 rental properties they own. Last night i went to dinner with FloridaRob who was the one that got me inerested in coming here! When went to TGIF's which has to be the biggest one anywhere! 4 levels. Big screen TV's everywhere, i would bet it seated over 500 people and there was a 1/2 hour wait to get in! We were there with 4 other guys including one who 3 of us at the table had slept with and he's not a escort! Just a horny 25 yr old! :-)
  16. Today i bought sets of dishes, silverware, and other mundane but necessary stuff! Now i am sitting by the pool(by myself!) enjoying a drink! :-) Btw, the pool looks narrow but is 10' wide and 50' long!
  17. Ferrar, the house i bought was owned by American couple 'who had restored it. The title was clean but you are right there is no title insurance in Mexico so it is imperative you get a attorney who is well versed in title searches and thoroughly researches the propertie's archives. As happened to one very sucessful beach restaurant here which had bought a beachside building and over 5 years turned it into one of the most popular places, and then one day a guy showed up and said "i am a grandson and one of the heirs and you do not have my signature on the property deal so i am taking it back!" And he did! They lost tge place! So it is definitely a case of buyer bewear!
  18. Darkseraphim, i am Not Retired! :-)
  19. I am sure you could find some asking $1,000. In Mexico City! You asked what they were charging here and i told you!
  20. From Nothing to whatever you want to give them. Some just wanted to party and free drinks and pizza was sufficient, the "more experienced ones wanted $25. US. That was for about 6 hours. the next day my doorbell rang at noon and it was the cute 22yr old that took off with one of my realtors the previous night. He wanted to know if i wanted anymore fun?! Then at 2:30 in the afternoon the 25 yr old BF of one of the local guys showed up looking for fun! And this was only my second day in the house! :-)
  21. I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago for a week to close on my house there! I am going back this Friday to get some additional furniture and have solar installed! ( i like the pool to be warmer) i am really happy so far with the house there and with the selection of guys! Two weeks ago on Saturday i had my first party w/o the benefit of most of the furniture there! There were 15 of us, a mixture of guys 19 - 28 the boys(9) and 34 - to 55 the older group(6)! It was a lot of fun cant wait to do it again when the house is fully furnished! But that didnt slow things down! One of the guys took his clothes off early on and jumped in the pool and said "when does the orgy start?"
  22. Cardeal Arcoverde the large metro stop/station just before Siquiero Campos in Copacabana.
  23. The door is a glass door with no signage above it about 50' in from the corner! It is definitely open!(except on Sunday nights) mondays and Fridays are the best nights there! Reminds me of my first trip to Rio in 2001 before smart phones, GPS, etc. and my friend and I were trying to find Roger's Sauna and we missed it twice before finding it! All we had was a piece of paper with the address.
  24. I have on least 6 or 8 occasions hired 4 guys(me being the fifth) at Meo Mundo and found the bed big enough to fit us all, not all laying down at the same time but then that wouldn't be fun anyway! you might want to try to get one of the rooms with the "pommel horse" device..
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