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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. i found kind ot is best to set all expectations out before you go on the trip! i set a initial amount usually a daily rate i am going to pay and i gave them about 25% of the total amount on the first day so they have money to buy souvenirs or whatever! i pay all expenses, food, drinks, admissions, etc. (which is not much in Mexico!)and then usually i give about 20% more then i initially tell them at the end, and they are happy!
  2. one of the sauna guys i know told me yesterday that he went home last night at 8:00 pm because of the “problems” in both Copa and Ipanema because of Carnival and it was safer to stay home and watch Netflix!
  3. I am going off topic but the above phrase got me into a discussion the other night and there were 8 friends ranging in age from 32 to 56 so I asked them if they had heard it before and the 3 under 42 had not! so I asked if they heard "as the crow flies" and that expression did not have a age difference but a geographical one! I grew up in Minnesota and it was a common expression in the Midwest ( it means for example if someone is asking you " how far are you from LA I would say as the crow flies about 36 miles but by highway about 45 miles) none of the guys from the west coast had ever heard it before.
  4. i have been with a lot of Brazilians over the 17 years i have been going to Brazil and i honestly can say i have never been as excited or has the sex been as exciting as it has been with him!
  5. no u are not stubborn! you are right! i was just saying there are more “types” there then the stereotype short/brown type! One of the guys i see there is from a small village about 100 miles from the city and he is 6’1”, with green eyes and could be mistaken for Spanish or Italian! :-)
  6. Before i started going there i would have thought the same but i have met a lot of guys that are Mediterranean looking..i.e. Spanish, Italian and also Cuban and Venezuelan all in Mexico!
  7. i have to say that bringing a brazilian on my trips to mexico does really increase the fun! My friend would go on grindr at midnight and by 12:15 he would have around 30 - 40 guys wanting to meet up! We would inform them what we were looking for and i don’t remember anyone turning us down! :-)
  8. hopefully we will run into each other in april i am there from the 11th to 22nd
  9. Visas are not required for Brazilians entering Mexico! :-)
  10. Last year I bought a 2nd home in Mexico and on my first trip there took a guy from Sao Paulo that I really liked to Mexico with me, it was the first time in all these years that I took someone with me on a trip as I always like to have "choices" and did not want to be tied down to one guy. Saying that, I have to admit it was great having him there and we had a great time and did a number of 3 somes off of Grindr. My next 5 trips there I went alone as the scene in this city is very busy and there is no problem finding available guys! then my last trip the same guy from SP was there again and again we had a great 10 days. When I was in Rio a month ago I met a guy who just amazed me! I was with him one night and then the next day left for Porto Alegre and was supposed to spend the weekend there and then go to SP and fly home the next day. All I could do was think about this guy! He was more then amazing!! so I made last minute and expensive changes to my ticket and flew back to Rio on Sunday to spend one more night with this guy! and it was worth it!! I have been with 100's of guys in Brazil the last 17 years and have never felt or done something like this before! So yesterday I arranged for him to meet me in Mexico for 10 days in March! and then I am going back to Rio for 10 days in April. Taking a Brazilian to Mexico is like "taking coals to Newcastle" and I never anticipated doing this(although the Mexicans seem to really like the Brazilans) but it has been great and I am looking forward to the March trip more then I have any other trip in a long time!
  11. Usually they have to fulfill the following requirements, 1) have money in the bank, 2) be successfully employed or a student in good standing at a university 3) Be over 25 4) Own property there are exceptions but if a guy is under 30 and hasn't been employed fulltime(being a garoto doesn't count)the odds are very slim. I know of two(garotos) who have gotten visas in the last year but one was a architectural student and the other was a semi-pro soccer player so they got their visas. It also helps if they have traveled out of Brazil several times to other countries and returned on time to Brazil. Other So. American or Central American or European countries. The US looks at that closely because it shows they follow the rules and return to Brazil.
  12. No it has nothing to do with the city! i am saying ALL saunas have a minimum hour rule but the boys do not have to adhere to it if they pay the client admission price vs the boy admission! very few do or they will have the client who wants them to leave pay it! I thought what i wrote was very clear you are just trying to say i was wrong, and that rarely happens on here! :-)
  13. you will find whatever type you are looking for at Lagoa, bodybuilder- swimmer- lean muscled, etc. with a emphasis on more muscled types.
  14. the guys who go to the saunas are the ones that usually want to make money without all the competition that the 6:00 crowd brings. also one requirement all the saunas have is that there is a minimum number of hours the have to work! usually 3 - 3-1/2 hours(unless they have had 3 customers then they can leave when they are done with the third customer)
  15. Bubu Lounge R. dos Pinheiros, 791 , São Paulo
  16. my tastes have gone from twink to bodybuilder to guy next door types! right now i am into muscled 28 - 38 types about 60% of the time but that could change fast! :-)
  17. When I was there 3 weeks ago I stayed about 5 mins. Lagoa is the only place worth going to imho. there is going ton be a new sauna opening up in SP around May or June, the building has been bought and being remodeled now. It could be a good alternative to Lagoa which has less then 2 years left on its lease and then will either have to move or close
  18. guys tend to gravitate to a certain sauna and stay with one although there are some that will rotate on the busiest nights for each sauna. the new sauna will not be in the beach area(I think rents are too expensive, it will be in Centro about 5 mins from Meo Mundo. Usually saunas do not recruit, the guys that work there tell their friends relatives(I have done 3 sets of identical twins over the years as well as cousins and uncle nephew, only 2 years apart in age.) Photo below is the twins I originally met when they were 18 and long before they became body builders. the one on the right died a few years ago of a drug overdoze.
  19. I loved NYC in the 90's , Stellas, Cats, Gaeity, etc. I miss it!
  20. i have been going Brazil for 17 years, usually 4 or 5 times a year, so i have made a lot of friends who tell me what’s going on! after Carnival ends and if negotiations are successful then yes it may be open by the end of Feb. the official grand opening will be in April! When i go back.
  21. Gotti i agree, but more credit should be given to Monique’s managers! Monique is a absentee landlord(skiing in Europe and Chile and if she shows up at 117 three times a year that’s a lot for her) the fact that she owns the building, gives her a certain amount of flexibility the other sauna owners don’t possess! stay tuned as a new sauna may make its appearance after carnival!! Negotiations are going on now and if it goes through it will be the largest in terms of number of suites(20) all with showers and bathrooms!
  22. ok, 2 weeks ago Saturday night when i was there, when you get past the admission counter on your right you pass a large black curtain! if you open it up you are in a semi dark room where there are hustlers getting serviced! there was several large cardboard containers in one corner creating a semi private area if you needed it! there was NO railing and no hustlers standing around! the only ones in there were With customers! behind and to the left of the small stage is the bathrooom area where hustlers were either hanging out or walking in and out every few minutes looking for clients! The guy i went to the black curtained room i met in the bathroom and he took me to the black curtained room! So to reiterate there is no railing or elevated platform with hustlers hanging their dicks out(although given the decorating style of the place i am sure they could erect one quickly if they knew of the interest here! lol)
  23. it’s a disco/bar/dance club. you can look it up an they describe it! as far as you hiring them, that’s up to you!
  24. typically the week before carnival is good cause guys(especially from out of the area)need to make money to party, but from Sat thru Ash Wednesday it is pretty bleak at the saunas as well as the Thurs after.
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