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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. the person(s) running it are very experienced in operating saunas, much more then I or i venture to guess anyone on this board! 2) just like any city rent cost is a important (and a impediment) to where a sauna is, why there is a decreasing number of gay bars in Manhattan, LA, etc. Copa rents are very high, and When pointe’s lease is up and Lagoa’s in SP in less then 2 years you can say goodbye to them! This sauna has a 8 year lease! as far as dangerous if you are worried take a cab door to door like i do when i go to bar fama in SP. not being close to Copa or Ipanema is not even a consideration! Remember we Tourists are a small single digit % of any Brazilian sauna’s customers! as far as supporting 3 saunas, the market has done that for the last 11years with Pointe, 117 and MM! now with MM essentially dead, this sauna will put it back to 3 in Rio! as far as the new sauna in São Paulo goes, the building has been bought and is going through renovation now and a tentative date for opening is not available yet but a good guess would be after JUNE 15th
  2. 1) the location is closer to where the boys live then Copacabana and it’s a very safe area!! you are practically in the entrance of the airport! 2)there are guys that go to 117 who won’t go to Pointe and guys who go to pointe that won’t go to Meo Mundo, etc. and guys that go to all 3! having been going to the saunas for 17 years now i have seen the number 1,2 and 3 change many times! i have been there when there were 2 saunas and as many as 6! you just can’t predict
  3. nope those are details i never worry about. if i am in town i am going to the saunas, regardless if they have a promotion going on or not
  4. Gotti that was actually started at Meo Mundo and then 117 started but on the nights they did it they had Blue lights strung up so it was more limited viewing after a few months they found out that it didn’t change much or add revenue! the boys that run around naked or with their towel in hand did it naked whether it was no towel night or not! !
  5. it will be open 6 days a week(sundays closed)
  6. Meo Mundo will continue but it will be operated by Acir’s business partner and i think more as a bar, drag queen shows and the rent boys still there on a small scale! Whether it will suceed to me is doubtful. Acir will operate the new sauna as a sole owner.
  7. it varies from $50. to $1,000 depending on size, type and location. and decent is in the mind of the person, my decent you might think is crap and visa versa! I think you are overthinking this! find a type of apt you want 1 or 2 or 3 bedrooms :-) and a price you can afford in what ever area you want to be in!
  8. Here is the new logo photos
  9. if you read my report on it you will see Bar Fama doesn’t get going until after Midnight! so you can easily do both and have time for dinner in between! whether or not it is a busy night on the days you are there what difference does it make? it’s you only choice so go! it is better then sitting in your hotel room alone at a minimum you will have anywhere from 12 - 15 guys available even on the slowest night!
  10. i have become friends with the owner over the last 6 years and i have my own set of keys that way no one has to meet me at the apt when i arrive, i just arrange to meet up some time during my stay to pay
  11. You are right Sorry. it is about 3 blocks from CINELANDIA metro stop! thanks!!
  12. The games airlines play with the airfares always surprise me. Fares can go up or down on a moments notice. as a example I have learned in flying for business the last 25 years that you never make a reservation more then 3 months in advance and usually the sweet spot is around 6 to 8 weeks in advance. I made a reservation for my April trip the end of January and the cost for flying Calif. to Sao Paulo was $1825.00 What I do is put it on hold for 24 hrs.. which is free if you have gold/silver/plat. status with them. I then rebook every night first checking to see if prices have changed. Sp far I have changed the reserv. 4 times due to price drops but tonight I found that if I flew in to one city and out of another instead of a round trip it was cheaper. I booked flying into Belo Horzonte(where several guys I like a lot live) and returning via Sao Paulo. the price was $1100.r/t I now put that airfare on hold since most of the seats on that flight are open, it means prices could continue to drop.
  13. the address is: Av. Beira mar , 216. Centro, Rio
  14. A new Gay sauna is tentively scheduled to open in Rio in a week, Friday March 2, it was formally a straight sauna and was sold to Acir the Owner of Meo Mundo. the location is literally a block from the main terminal at Santos Dumont Airport (SDU) it is 3 blocks from the Candalareia stop on the metro, Here are some photos taken today! It has 2 bar areas 4 executive suites and 12 regular rooms which means they a total of 16 rooms more then any other sauna!
  15. that is so true! I have been staying at the same apt. in Ipanema for the past 6 years and about 3 years ago a guy from the forum who i didn’t know, i told about where i stay and why and he asked me for the contact info and i gave it to him because he said he was going the next month and I wasn’t so i give it to him! turns out he wasn’t going when he said and ended up booking it for the same week i wanted it! so i don’t give any info re the apt.to anyone anymore.
  16. Gotti, i do not remember what neighborhood he lived in. He had a 2 year old daughter, and lived with the mother
  17. Here is another video made a couple years ago, both of these guys were a lot of fun, Jacksin passed away last year, at 24 of a brain aneurysm, he was a really nice guy with beautiful green eyes, I had been with him a number of times during the past 5 years prior to his death. The other guy is a wild man in bed first met him around 2011 0r 12, they both made a number of films. https://www.xvideos.com/video22690443/1079
  18. I think this video was made around 2006, all of these guys were working in the saunas of Rio then and 5 of them I have been with. The first guy pictured in the start of the video as well as the next two were all nice guys, the first one went on to being Calvin Klein's BF for about a year and he got him a visa when it was impossible to get them, he went to Miami and NYC with him and became fluent in English. Allison one of the two guys in the opening scene still looks exactly the same I originally met him in 2002 and ran into him last trip, He has to be around 34 now and still looks the same! https://www.xvideos.com/video26911353/suruba#_tabFavs
  19. Yes! any drugstore in Rio has it
  20. Tomcal


  21. i would say don’t bother, it hasn’t been busy or popular since 2001 when i started going to Rio! It was or is a local hangout for some older(like snow white hair)guys and maybe one or two hustlers that can’t compete with the guys who work the sauna! imho
  22. Numazu1, i think this was the most detailed report i have ever read on here! i am impressed because my short term memory is shot! Example, when i was in São Paulo last month on my first night in Brazil i went to Lagoa with Acir the owner of Meo Mundo and three days later he was showing some photos and i said “Who’s that?” He looks at me incredulously and says”he was the first man guy you did at Lagoa last Friday!”. i go “What? i don’t know him!” he starts laughing and then says “you said how much fun he was described his dick in depth!”!! LOL So again Congrats on a great report!
  23. if you walk through the bar area to the back to the left side of the stage through 2 doors you are in outdoor smoking patio, where a majority of the guys hang out, not because they are smokers but because it is not freezing cold like the bar/stage area is, and the music column is way down compared to the main room!! it is not really a outdoor area, it is like a big tent with walls on 3 sides and enclosed by canvas on the 4th side with several big fans and opening to the outside air at the top edges.
  24. It still does! Wikipedia: The first Japanese immigrants arrived in Brazil in 1908. Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside Japan. According to the IBGE, as of 2009 there were approximately 1.6 million people of Japanese descent in Brazil,
  25. Tarts NO! the daily rate includes sex! it’s the same as if you asked him to stay overnight in rio except you are doing it for 7+ nights! Again it’s about setting or in this case not setting expectations! I don’t claim to be a expert or have all the answers but i have been doing this in Rio for a number of years with 4 guys there and now 3 times in Mexico and the guys and me have been happy! do not tell them about the “bonus” if the sex is great.. see how they act, and before they leave give them their bonus! i actually had one guy tell me two days after i left that i didn’t give him anything extra over the agreed daily rate but the other guys got theirs!? i told him “every night they went to dinner with me and we all slept together, but 2 of the nights you left to go to the “Week” and to another club which is fine but i am not paying for you having fun w/o me! he understood and the last trip he was much more “attentive”! the guys for the most part are pretty business savvy! especially the ones over 22-23. also this last trip another guy messaged me and said he had left before i got up and said can you send me the money or if that difficult you can pay me next time you are here! that’s the kind of relationships of trust you can develop with regulars.
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