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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. Axiom, there was a discussion previously on here about not giving out the name/address as I don't anymore because when you want it the person(s)you gave the info to have it reserved, happened to me 5mos. after I gave it out! I have been using the same apt. for 6 years now and it's great and a great location and price. I have used it so frequently that the owner has given me my own set of keys so don't have to wait for someone to check me it and I don't have to leave a deposit, so loyalty does pay!
  2. there is a really nice handsome black guy at 117 who was one of the first guys i went with on my first trip in Oct. of 2001!! He is still working there now after a few years hiatus in 2005 to 2008 when he was in europe and made some films for Kristen Bjorn. i would guess he was 23/4 when i met him so a conservative estimate is he at least 40 by now.
  3. I got a WhatsApp message yesterday from a guy I had not seen since 2003! I assume me got my FB WhatsApp from one of the current guys I know because when I met him at Estacau sauna in 2002 no one had cell phones much less smart phones and I just had my 35mm camera! I saw him 2 or 3 times over the next year when I would run into him at the sauna. never saw him again after 2003. anyhow, I went back over my photos to find a original one from then and then one from what he looks like now!(the third one is from a now defunct xrated site) I told him I appreciated him contacting me but I am unavailable! I do feel sorry for the guys who were sauna boys in their early/mid 20s and now are in their mid 30's and never made the transistion to "regular" work or lost their jobs in the difficult economic times that Brazil is in....
  4. ithe first night or two will be a mix of close friends of Acir and guys checking out the new sauna in town! i am sure there will be some hiccups as with any business on the first couple of days(i think hotels idea of a soft opening is a smart idea!). that’s one reason i like not going until April by then all the kinks should be worked out!
  5. Gotti i willl be there in April but when i was there recently everything was still the same at Lagoa and Friday night was exceptionally good and Saturday night was not far behind! I found Bar Fama good on Saturday night after midnight.
  6. it isn’t open yet and will probably take several months before a pattern of which nights are the busiest as everyone will not be going there the first night, or week!! so as of now there are NO free cabin nights! setttle down a little Jeez!
  7. it will consist of selected readings of Yates poetry followed by discussions of his relationship with Percy Shelley!
  8. i tried it and got accepted immediately too,
  9. you have all the info i have! as she stated the party will be sometime in May!
  10. Google!!!!!!! google “Best time of the year to visit the Pantanal” When to go and weather. It's possible to visit the Pantanal year-round, but it's best to go during the dry season (May to September). The best time to watch birds is from July to September, when the waters have receded and the bright-green grasses pop up from the muck. Cuiaba, the capital of Mato Grosso State, is the most popular gateway to North Pantanal. Cuiaba is 1200 miles/2000Kms from Rio de Janeiro and 1000 miles/1600 Kms from Sao Paulo (land distances). Campo Grande is the other main air hub to Pantanal. Barao do Melgaco and Porto Jofre, in the North, and Corumba, Porto Manga, Passo da Lontra, in the South, are also key regional references
  11. Monik who owns 117 is planning a 20th anniversary party! here is what she posted on FB: Today 27/02/2018 Club 117 by monik turns 20!!! Celebration party will be in may 2018 God willing. He does. I thank all employees, artists, friends and collaborators in general for respect, love, professionalism and dedication. To friends customers, thank you so much for trust and respect. Together, they helped me create this simple, cheerful, cozy space that receives everyone with a mother's heart. Thank you all for believing in my dream of creating a gay club where respect to next, friendship, joy are present at every moment. Thank you for believing in me. After all, being the only woman in the world who owns a respectable gay club, makes me feel the love of being the mother of this dear son who today turns 20 Son that I had the privilege of choosing to have, along with father destiny
  12. as some one who has made at least a 100 business trips to Hawaii the last 20 years and been there when the female hookers where all over Waikiki blvd i never found the police ever targeting gays! the 3 main gay bars were very busy and visible as were the guys(picked up a number of service men from all branches) Why would Honolulu start this now?
  13. the paperwork signing was delayed until tomorrow so i think it will be next monday but i will post tomorrow when i find out! their FB page is Manhattan-Rios
  14. i am back mid April in Belo Horizonte for a weekend then 8 days in Rio and a night in SP
  15. not often! in my 17 years of going to Rio saunas there has been 4 sets of identical twins working. from about 2006 to 2011 there where 2 set working in Rio one set never worked in the same sauna at the same time! If one was at 117 the other would be at Pointe! the other set would both work at the same sauna on the same nights! they post 40 minutes but i think they only enforce it on busy nights like “free suite nights”! one of the benefits of being a regular is it isn’t enforced although i never stay longer then a hour and that is unusual.
  16. It would be the largest in Rio in terms of suites! i think 117 would be the largest in terms of Sq. Ft.(Lagoa being the largest in Brazil i think)
  17. Riobard your writing style reminds me a lot of your fellow Canadian “Bobbolino” you both are very knowleable about the Brazilian scene! Bottom line we need another sauna in Rio as we can see what can happen quickly and to reiterate, within 1-1/2 years Pointe will need to move or close as will Lagoa and i am betting the odds are favoring the owners closing rather then searching for a new venue! It is rather like NYC when the Gaeity lost their lease and there was no place they could go although it wasn’t just the rise in rents in the city but city codes at work to.
  18. Bar Fama is only good on Friday and Saturday nights/mornings, i have not heard of anyone going during the week. Lagoa is a 1/2 hour to 45 mins from Bar Fama! many hotels by both the new sauna’s location is not being given out yet
  19. :-) No MsGuy, your Brain is not more Addled! Every group in Rio, police, building inspectors, POLITICIANS, etc are all getting payoffs so when things get worse the Army is called in for a period of time until things simmer down! This is a continual cycle that has been going on here for decades! A good friend of mine is a Federal Attorney in Rio and he said to me “Brazil makes 1930’s Chicago/Capone look like Choir boys!”
  20. would you like to place a friendly bet on that? the distance from Zona sul is meaningless! MM was further away and they did well for 9 years! Remember the boys and most of the customers do NOT come from Zona Sul!! that is your built in bias! many of the guys come from across the bay in Niteroi and customers from all areas of Rio!
  21. would you like to place a friendly bet on that? the distance from Zona sul is meaningless! MM was further away and they did well for 9 years! Remember the boys and most of the customers do NOT come from Zona Sul!! that is your built in bias! many of the guys come from across the bay in Niteroi and customers from all areas of Rio!
  22. “Riobard”. “In contrast, the other clubs are more segregated structures. I doubt there was much acceptance of the whorehouse on the ground level. How are the well-heeled property owners going to take to the realization it is now a M4M brothel? And the folks living on the level above it are going to tolerate the ear-splitting volume of stage shows bleeding into their evening relaxation? I think not. It may be the last straw. I hope Accyr did not draw a short one. “ -______________________________________ i think you are making a number of incorrect assumptions here! 1) It has been a straight sauna for over 10 years so i would think the issues re: noise have already been felt with or resolved! and this isn’t Junior and pointe where loud music is the way the owner enjoys it! Neither you or i can say what the residents think about a whorehouse on the main floor, but the fact they have lived with it for 10+ years, and there are 8 years remaining on the lease i would think it would be a non issue. and don’t forget that 117 walls adjoin a catholic school not exactly a segregated structure you allluded to re: the other saunas!
  23. i think it is very safe to take the metro to and from Meo Mundo or Centro as long as a few obvious precautions are taken. 1) don’t look like a tourist! i have a friend who tucks his shirt in his pants and wears his loafers! NO wear jeans and a T-shirt and sneakers! blend in! 2)keep $50.R in your pocket if you get robbed that way you have something to give them! keep the rest of your money/credit card in your sock! 3)Walk with a purpose like you are late to meet the guy of your dreams! don’t pause and look befuddled as to where you are going even if you are! If you think someone is following you stop at one of the juice stands, restaurants or call a taxi! now saying all of the above i don’t do any of that(i am 6’4” it’s hard for me to blend in anywhere!)!and have never had a issue but i am usually with guys and seldom am alone at night! i never go to the atm at night anywhere! plan in advance what you need and go at noon to the atm!
  24. you are going to have to check it out when you go and let us know what you think! i have found that since there is such a range of preferences among the toyboy group, that what nights and saunas one may prefer it doesn’t apply to someone else! some are tops looking for bttms, many are bttms looking for tops, or for muscle guys or twins or whatever, that just hit the road and check each of them out on different nights! i went Many nights to all 3 saunas! to find what i was looking for! Luckily usually all 3 had my “type”! :-)
  25. yes i had mentioned it in another thread. 2 guys from Rio bought a building in São Paulo in a fairly nice neighborhood and are turning it into a gay/rentboy sauna. the building is going through renovation now.
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