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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. he said there is only one way to get to Centro from here unless you want to wait until after 9:00pm! it was 5:00pm when i got in the cab. I didn't pay attention until we were in the favela
  2. Thanks for a very thorough report and the kind of report that is really useful for those considering a trip to Columbia!
  3. in 18 years of going to Rio i never had a desire to visit the favelas! i could see them on on the hillsides and that’s as close as i ever wanted to be. But one Friday afternoon during the Pope’s visit a couple years ago, they closed all the access roads in and out of Copa but since i stay in Ipanema it was also a problem. i was going to Meo Mundo so the Taxi driver took me up into the Favela above Ipanema to cross over to get to centro. Once you are in the heart of the favela, you are moving slower then people can walk mostly on 1 car width roads jammed with pedestrians! this was around 5:00 pm. the taxi driver actually told me to sit low in the back seat so i wouldn’t be so noticeable! that was my first and last favela tour and i saw nothing that i would want to see then or now! imho
  4. I can't find anything under $1,700. from now thru Aug on AA which is ridiculous , given that June thru August is low season. Typically i pay around $800. although it has been as low as $450. from SoCal
  5. all the saunas charge the guys to enter the place, between $10. - $20.R. As Mvan stated Rudolfo is not the big guy. when he is there is is usually sitting at a table visiting, he is a average size guy about late 50's
  6. 1)You would be surprised at how much money a sauna makes! i know i was! with 2 busy nights a week a sauna is definitely in the black!...way in the black! Now saying that, i don’t do disagree with Mva’s comments! i think whenever the economy come back to some reasonable stage, 3 - 4 years maybe i can see the death of the saunas! but as of 2 weeks ago the saunas scene was good in both Rio and SP! (on the days stated)
  7. Riobard, i did not understand your last paragraph?
  8. this is one of the new guys i met on this trip at Manhatten-Rios Sauna, he was there on Friday and Monday evenings and at Pointe on Wednesday night!
  9. Oz every night i had overnight visitors, 3 the first two nights then 5 the next 5 nights and then just 3 of us the last night! The first 3 were regulars that have been staying the past 3+ years with me! One of the regular guys who came up from SP and brought a friend who everyone really liked, and was a great addition to the group!
  10. We went to ToNeAi the gay bar on Farme de Amoedo just past the intersection of R. Visconde Piraja(across the street from Galitos Restaurant). While it is a fun bar to hang out with friends when you get the bill for drinks you will think you just left one of NYC’s trendy bars! this trip it was less then 1/2 full at 11:30 on several nights when we walked by and on Friday night at midnight it was less then 1/2 full! i have never seen it that empty on a Friday night before!
  11. Since the first thread varied far and away from the topic, i thought i would put the summary in a pt 2 separate thread here making it a little easier to find/. While this may be a broad over simplification, 1)Club 117 has the Muscled guys, 2)Manhatten-Rios has the Twinks and 3)Pointe202 has a broader mixture of both types as well as inbetween types! All have some of each type but the majority will fall into the above catagories. Although MR did have at least 4 or 5 muscled guys. Monday an Friday were packed there, 117 was busy on Sunday and Tuesday nights and Pointe was great on Weds and OK on Friday and Sunday Under the category of some things never change...in the last 4 days i have gotten 11 guys sending messages saying various themes all having to do with : their wallets were stolen, they do not have the rent for May, and the old standby, their Mother/Grandmother needs a heart operation. All of these messages have come from new guys i met this trip except for one. My standard reply which i now have saved is " I am sorry but i am neither the bank or a relative, and you do not give sex away for free and i do not give money away for free!" almost always they respond with "ok, thanks!" lol
  12. i was going to summarize the various activities each day at the saunas but this thread is not even close to the topic heading so i will just say i had a great time, spent much more time at MR and Pointe saunas and less at 117. great time and a lot of new faces! i realize a lot of posts get derailed! no hard feelings, it happens all the time! but when you are recounting specie events within a certain time frame, it confusing to those following or reading it!
  13. yes the water is warm and takes about 12 mins to fill 1/2 way but if four get in then it is almost over flowing! :-)
  14. WTF does this have to do with my report on my april trip Riobard/Bobbolino? This should be under its own subject whatever that may be...
  15. Friday is their 2nd best night Monday is their best! On Friday when i arrived Acir threw a party for me(we have been friends since 2002 when he lived in Miami and 4 years before he bought Meo Mundo) there were 48 “boys” and 47 Clients there but i think that was not typical for a Friday! and it was packed with that many people there! there were quite a few new guys there! Have a great time!!
  16. i just got back from 9 days in Rio and 2 days in São Paulo. I stayed in a different apartment then i have the last 7 years as the one i usually get was unavailable. That turned out to be very good for me! the new apt is across the street from the beach at Posto 8 about a block from the Fasano Hotel, it is on the main floor and has a very large deck with many large trees with families of Marmosets that come down to the deck looking for food in the late afternoon and provided a lot of fun watching their antics! The one downside i thought originally was that it is a one Bedroom and one Bathroom and their would be 4 to 6 of us staying there on any given day! My other place was a 2bedr/2bath and much roomier, but this place when the 2 large Slider doors are opened and becomes a large living room,bedroom,outdoor deck area ! this place will now become my first choice. the owner lives in the place next door but i never saw him from the time i got there until 5 minutes before i left! i was surprised how much i did like MR sauna , especially given that the upstairs bar has a low ceiling since i am 6’4” but i did have 1” clearance! i particularly liked that bar because it kind of reminds me of a English Pub! also it’s much quieter and easy to care on conversations in this room. All the suites are very clean! one suite has a jacuzzi tub that accomodated 4 of us!
  17. correction!! i did go in with 3 guys at pointe! i forgot i thought that happened at MR ! but never went in the steam room!
  18. Nope wasn’t me! i haven’t been to Pointe except for a 15 minute visit Sunday night(it was raining)and customers and boys together totaled about 8 people! Ricardo has been to the apartment but haven’t seen him in the saunas! And i never go in the steam rooms!
  19. i am in Belo Horizonte and am heading to Rio this morning and just read this! :-) first you should all know that I have never stolen one of Rob’s guys , but tends to drift off and they are still awake and wander down to my room because usually there is a party going on until 2:00 or 3:00 am and they are naturally curious! :-) just saying!
  20. somewhere in Illinois south of Chicago...way south!! :-)
  21. i will try to get this answered on friday when i am there!
  22. i will know on Friday when i go there! but he said wifi password is provided to clients!
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