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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. No apology needed if i was wrong then i should be apologizing but your style of direct statements is very similiar to his! Sarcastic is not a problem if called for, we all have our moments! :-)
  2. If anyone decides to visit Merida there is a Gay owned B&B that I highly recommend for several reasons! It is called Villa Verde and is a beautiful Boutique hotel that only has 5 suites but looks large enough to have 40 rooms.. Beautiful grounds, a small bar area overlooking the pool(with 2 hot bartenders/Waiters). I often go there for Happy hour, great cocktails, and Hor d'oeuvres! If you decide to get a room I suggest #5 The couple that own it close it from June 1st to August 31st and go back to Ohio each summer. here is a short video.
  3. Thinking with my big head! LOL. Do i really want to be with one guy? all the time? He is not a “let’s invite a 3rd guy over” type of guy! Saying that as everyone knows i have been with a lot of guys and this is the first one that i enjoy being with all the time , and since he was not a sauna guy, he doesn’t have the attitudes that sauna guys seem to develop after working there for awhile! He has never asked me for money(i got 6 requests just last week including one guy i have never met!)he has a close family and wants me to come to a family dinner to meet his parents and sisters and grandparents! i just don’t know if it is what i want to do...i may be to old to change my HOing ways!
  4. Walker did you use to post as KevinC on here before OZ banished him? just curious you both have a direct style of posting and oh yeah he stopped on 11/21/17... and you started posting that day!? just curious as to the name change if that was you? I definitely could be wrong but your styles are very similiar and the stop / start dates are such a coincidence!
  5. This past week my Brazilian BF from Sao Paulo called to say "let's get married in Mexico on the beach!" and he was serious! He was there for 10 days last month and is going back in September. I said "when do you want to get married and he says " in September!" I go "we can't get married that soon" and he says "why not?" All of my friends in Merida have met him and they all like him even FloridaRob! lol I don't think it will be September but who knows...
  6. it is good on Monday and Friday’s and on Sat from 11:00pm to 5:00 am when it reopens as a non sauna sex club
  7. Good points! Setting and Agreeing on their expectations is Key! Also knowing them well(and you)i think is important. I have been doing the Rio invitation to stay at the apartment for 5 years now, where i invite 3 or 4 guys to stay for the week and have not had one regret, in fact the opposite! i now don’t like being alone in the apt or the bed! but we all are different and i can appreciate others views! Going back to costs, $400R a day plus airfare, plus food(entertainment is on them i am too old to enjoy “The Week” or want to hang at the beach for 3 or 4 hours, and that gives them time away from me and for them to visit with friends.) runs about $125./US a day. All of them drink juice rather then alcohol expect on our last night dinner together so that also keeps the overall costs down! anyhow this arrangement works great for me!
  8. i never buy gifts, i figure if they want something they can buy it with the money i am paying them! i only remember one time paying for more “pricey” entertainment and that is when we went hang gliding, but it was with someone who i saw over 3 years every 3 or 4 months and we went together. and well worth it!
  9. i have brought guys from both Belo Horizonte and SP to Rio for a week multiple times and offer $350.R - 400./day plus their airfare(usually around $80.R) and meals.
  10. that’s a pretty low bar to get over! :-)
  11. i have been asked “what do you find is the best method for meeting guys in Mexico?” what really works well for me is Henri! My dog goes with me every time i go and he is way more popular then me!
  12. i never got areias outside Brazil but up until this year used the Citibank ATMs and is the main reason i maintained a Citibank gold account to use their ATM’s in Brazil. It was very convenient as in Ipanema, São Paulo and Porto Alegre they have ATM’s within a couple blocks of where i stay in each city. i got the going rate and no charges since i had a account with them, but that changed this year with Citibank leaving Brazil and its locations taken over by Itau bank! Now i use a cambio that gives a good rate. much better then getting Reais in the US!
  13. i should be in Rio when you are there. one of my friends owns 4 Muy Thai training cetersxin Rio and was a professional fighter so i can ask him if any professional fights are scheduled! I second FloridaRob’s suggestion of Hang gliding! Incredible time and views!! The 3-1/2 hour Tijunco Rainforest Jeep tour is worth, do morning tour from 9:00 to 12:30 rather then the Afternoon one which gets pretty hot, you are in a open air jeep!
  14. i am still dating the dentist! he worked at pointe202, i also know another guy who is now a lawyer who worked at 117 and of course Junior the owner of Pointe who flys to NYC about 5 X a year as just a few who are all smarter then i am!
  15. i am not sure i understand the distinction between “garotos de programa” and “working guys” described above? are they not interchangeable terms?
  16. i guess this is one of those times we have to agree to disagree! i have always had a great time at Lagoa and have not had a problem meeting the guys i want to meet! One thing is the guys who are sitting with the regulars, usually those “cliques” don’t get to the sauna until around 8:00 before the shows start at 9:00ish. I usually get there at 5:00 so that by 8:00 i have been up to a room several times and can relax! 3 of the regulars i have stay with me in Rio are Paulista's i met at Lagoa!
  17. Absolutely no difference in Mexico between paid and unpaid sex! Actually 2 started as paid encounters and went to free get togethers! The mexican guys seem much more appreciate to stay and party in my house, rather then go out to clubs! usually there are 6 + of us but we have had 15! i should add there is no rush on any guy i have been with here to leave after a hour! For the paid guys there is no difference in price whether they are there for a hour or all night! $500./pesos. Most stay overnight although for me it’s not great if it’s a week day as they always seem to have to leave around 6:00 am to get home and change before going to work. Interestingly i haven’t met anyone who is unemployed with the exception of the BF of the accountant who is trying to “Upgrade” to a new more successful BF! i am betting that it’s not going to happen!
  18. Pt. 2 Grindr is very popular in Mexico, the trip before last when I did not bring anyone with me from Brazil, I did 12 guys off of grindr while I was there and 9 of them were Free. They ranged in age from 19 to 27. In Brazil Grindr is also popular, but I do not get near the number of freebees but to be fair I spend little time on Grindr there, and spend my efforts aimed at the sure thing, the Saunas!! Non Sex Amenities! Both places have many restaurants but food is definitely cheaper in Mexico as well as Drinks! My home in Mexico is in the historic center of town and within 10 blocks are over 100 restaurants! Ipanema as a good selection but not as many as Mexico and dinner and drinks in Mexico is about 1/3 or less then Rio. Photo below is of a restaurant across the road from a "roundabout" with a copy of a Yucatan monument called Plaza de la Bandera that is lite up at night in Blue. #.url
  19. First a caveat, I am biased in Brazil's favor! I have been going there 4 or 5 times a year since 2001 and will keep visiting until... I bought a 2nd home in Mexico last year after visiting Florida Rob 3 times in 2016(he is one of my oldest friends having met in Rio in 2003) I wanted a place that was closer to SoCal then Brazil, which is a 13-1/2 hr flight vs a 4-1/2 hr flt. to Mexico! He knows my requirements better then I do! First Story, I visited him the first time in Fall 2016 and after I landed I got to his house 15 minutes later, and we immediately went to the bar owned by friend of his(and now one of my good friends and one of the nicest guys I know) on the way to the bar we walked thru the Main Square in front of the Cathedral and we start talking to a guy sitting on the park bench(there were a lot of them occupied by young guys) within 5 minutes he was walking to the bar with us and ended up sleeping with me that night until noon the next day! I immediately knew this was my kind of city! My type of guy encompasses a pretty broad range depending on my mood, but probably 75% of the time it skews to natural toned swimmers build with a leaning to worked out semi musculature...but if he's got a good face then short or tall, thin to muscular I have done them all. While I find that most guys no matter what ethnic type or what nationality have usually average size dicks, Brazil leans towards more larger then average and Mexico leans to smaller then average, although I have found a number of 7.5 - 8" there. but personally since I am a top average size dicks are fine as I find them easier to suck, where huge dicks are fun to look at and hold for a minute or two, but I can't do much with them. If you are more inclined to bottoming there are enough guys in Mexico to keep you happy just not as many as Brazil....IMHO! Looks! this is so dependent on individualism! what I find sexy my friends go Ehh! and vice versa. there are a lot of sexy Mexicans, so I would call that a draw, maybe 55/45 Brazil's favor! If you like Latin looking guys you will find them in Mexico, there are many Latins from other countries living in Mexico now due to problems in their own countries, Venezuela, Cuba, Honduras, etc, the first party I threw in Mexico my realtor brought over 3 guys, one from Cuba one from Venz. and one from Mexico City and I wanted all 3! the Mexican guy was the tallest, whitest and hottest so there are all types in Mexico. I do a lot of 3/4/5 ways in Brazil and there doesn't seem to be any hesitation on Mexican guys part to do the same so another Draw between the 2 countries. Body types! You will definitely not see the number of gym/muscled/steroid bodies in Mexico that you see in Rio or SP, more like Porto Alegre of Belo Horzonte type bodies in Mexico. thin with 6 pac from working construction all day is the most common type here. con't--
  20. Even Bar Mixx is only open Weds to Sunday nights. Monday’s and tuesday’s in Porto Alegre are deader then dead!! i have made over 40 trips to PA and only go on thurs to Sunday’s!
  21. Getting back to the posters question about Airbnb vs Hotel, i have been renting the same Apt for the last 7 years in Ipanema! except for my last trip when i waited until 4 weeks before arriving and it was booked but i ended up with a apt i liked just as well! Both of these places have great locations in relation to the beach, restaurants, ATM’s and are located in a safe area! These are my 4 personal “must have” requirements! also once you develop a relationship with the owner they are some unexpected benifits like having my own set of keys so no one has to check me in, no deposits for damage or prepayment or cleaning fees!(I end up leaving it cleaner then when i get there!). there is no 24 hr doorman at either place as both are relatively small buildings less then 20 apts each, but there are 2 separate locked doors before you get to the Apt door which is a heavy re-enforced door and have never had a issue in spite of the Heavy traffic to my apartment! :-)
  22. i always use Uber in Merida to send guys home. never had a problem...maybe because they are so tired they just want to go home to sleep! lol
  23. To compete Manhatten Rios the newest sauna as decided to Re-open after 10:00 pm on Saturday nights as a bar with rooms to rent but no sauna or locker rooms to use , kinda like a Rio Bar Mixx! - but a lot nicer then Bar Mixx(although i like Bar Mixx eclectic Decor-lol) i was told that since saturday nights is a slow night at all 3 saunas and for guys over 40 there really isn’t a gay venue to go to this might work and so far i was told the first two saturday nights business was good and busy until 5:00 am (hours are 10:00pm to 5:00 am). here is a video showing one of the two bars set up for tonight! 8F30B8A3-5D67-4B1E-929B-A00BAB062926.MP4
  24. i have friends that pay $300.R for sauna guys! Your Question is impossible to answer since everyone has varying tastes and some are willing to pay whatever it takes to get one of these guys in bed! Granted those guys are far fewer then the majority who are reading this but there is more then a few out there! some will tell you “oh yes he was so worth it”(these guys usually have limited experiences in this venue) But as they say “to each their own!”
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