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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. 117 is only 6 stops on the metro from Pointe, about 10 - 12 mins.
  2. on Wednesday nights especially, you see a number of the 117 guys there!
  3. i have posted this awhile back, i always fly back to the US from GRU usually on Sunday evenings. I take my bags to Lagoa and the two valet guys put them inside their area, very safe i have done this at least 40 times! if my flight is at 10:00 pm on a sunday(non work day) i leave at 7:00 pm for GRU, if it is raining or a work day like Monday evening then i leave a 1/2hr to 3/4 hr earlier. never had a problem usually about 45min ride to GRU depending on how fast a driver you get! Fastest time i ever got there was 35 minutes! On Sundays i get to Lagoa about 3:30 - 4:00 and surprisingly there are usually about a dozen escorts and same number of clients there and it fills up over the next 2 hours!
  4. Brazilians do not need visas to go to portugal and once there have access to all of Europe with a great majority settling in Spain! not sure about dominicans...
  5. since pointe202 opened in 2002 it has seen a lot of changes and has gone from the top to the bottom to in between and back again as the best sauna in Rio IMHO! it is now busy 4 nights a week with Weds still being the best followed by Friday and monday and thursday! last night i had another full encounter with one of the Massgistas! Manhatten was also fairly busy! between these two i have not had the inclination or desire to visit 117, although if you are in to muscle guys it is the place to go especially Tues. nights
  6. i went to it last Saturday, it opens at 8:00pm and their is no sauna and everyone is a customer and functions as a hustler bar like Mixx Bar in Porto Alegre! but last night Acir the owner told me he is going back to sauna format on Saturday nights because his customers want to use the steam sauna! So the only change will be is that on Saturday nights it is open from 8:00pm to 3:00 am but everything else remains the same, he said that Rio does not have any late night weekend bars for older (40+)gays. so he wanted to provide a later night place for the guys that are too old or do not want to go to the week!
  7. unless you are as tall as me you exaggerated a bit, i am 6’5” and i had a 1/2” clearance in the upstairs bar! but you are right the public room’s are smaller but i kinda like the 2 bar concept, one for shows and music and the other more refinded and quieter when you want to talk or negotiate! tonight thursday is supposed to be bad but MR was packed! then i went to pointe and they had a free buffet and were also busy(and great massage by the Venezuelan). Competition is proving to be good for the clients in Rio! now if only another 2 saunas would open in São Paulo!
  8. i think you exaggerated a bit. i am 6’5” and i did not hit my head but i only head a 1” clearance in the upstairs bar! i like the 2 bar idea, one for music and shows and one(which is more like a english pub for talking in a more quiet refined area.
  9. MR is closed on Tuesday’s so the owner thought that would be a good night to have a private party. there was the owner myself and 8 sauna guys who were invited. plus one new guy who happened to stop by because he was new in town and needed to work and a friend had told him to try here, so we let him in and he eventually stayed the night at the apartment with 5 other guys! We supplied free drinks and food plus use of any suites they/we, wanted to use! it was a fun Tuesday night! Tonight at Pointe which was PACKED, several guys came up and wanted to know why they were not invited, i just said i didn’t make up the guest list!
  10. i don’t think the locals who are the support of the sauna would like 4 Foreigners showing up at the same time! it would raise havoc with their pricing, because no matter what they say, Americans in particular, just have to pay more then the going rate because they feel guilty(Axiom)and that really pisses the locals off! so imho no more then 2 americans should go there on a particular Sunday! but then again i have been wrong before...like when i thought FloridaRob was a top! LMAO
  11. yes the largest prison in the area! but i felt safe there we uber’d there and got there at 4:45 so we had to wait 15 minutes for it to open. Safety wasn’t a concern and i have several Brazilian friend that have been going there a long time with no problems
  12. I got here friday and have had a great time! but since i did not bring my laptop, no lengthy reports until i get back, because i am doing this on my cell phone! yesterday(Sunday) we decide to go to Bangu Sauna which takes about an hour to get to! It is only open as a gay sauna on Sundays! It is a large space with large rooms, older Building and a lot of it is open to the outside air so yesterday being cold here in Rio it was not very comfortable. It has a pool outside where the guys swim naked! The guys that go there to work i would describe as “neighborhood guys” 18 - 24 , no bodybuilders or muscle guys, but your average lean to slightly worked out bodies! There were only about 12 there but it was Father’s day in brazil and the weather was crappy! Average pay is $30-40.R they said they never have foreigners there so they told me don’t spoil it! lol My friends told me that a typical sunny Sunday they will have about 30-35 guys there. it opens at 5:99 it has been there for 25 yrs i was told.
  13. shows you how we fooled each other! ....i thought you were independently wealthy!! lol
  14. Today one of the messuers sent me a nude photo and said “let’s meet Friday when you arrive?”. he beat me to it!! i am meeting him Friday afternoon! :-)
  15. i was lucky enough that before i started my own company(2010) i worked for a large multinational company that required i fly 1 to 3 flights a week! which got me exec. plat. status quickly on AA! in the 90’s airlines charged much less if you had a saturday layover vs returning home on Friday! enough so that the company would pick up my hotel and airfare to weekend destinations because they saved $500.+ if i did that rather then fly back to SoCal. on Friday! since our company was on the east coast i either spent the weekend in Miami or NYC!(sometimes Montreal) this was from 1994 to 2010. From 2001 to 2010 i also did Business European trips which introduced me to London’s/Paris’/Barcelona’s scene! Also i discovered Rio in 2001 on a trip with my BF at the time...
  16. You got it! that pretty much been my experience! First, imho, i would never invite someone for a overnight or even a hour at my apt., if i had not met them first at the sauna! e.g. i learned that lesson years ago in Prague when i had found a Czech porn star online and had him come to the hotel based only on what i saw in his films! Big Mistake!! but i digress.... 1) Never make a morning appt., the guys typically get up late morning with lunch being their first meal! so i would plan a 1:00pm lunch date if you want to or just meet at your hotel or apt.
  17. It is based on factors that vary depending on the garoto, the customer, and both parties motivation, how good a negotiator you are, etc. But a afternoon is non productive time for them so pay should not, imho, be over $200.R, about the same if you were ordering in off Netgay! I would not pick a “nice” restaurant unless you really want to go to it! the guys really don’t seem to care whether it is MacDonalds or Sequiera Grill, unless you are offering Fogo de Chao!
  18. Tomcal


  19. the is a video taken last Halloween at the Abbey Bar in West Hollywood! I first went to the abbey when it was a very small coffee house with one pool table and great bakery goods in 1994! then it got enlarged to the space next door then a year or two later it added the space of the Persian rug store across the courtyard and then again another space to become a large complex with 5 bars 3 of which are indoor outdoor areas! looking back i am a little embarrassed that i can say i had sex 3 or 4 times there (years ago like 10!) but it must be old age setting in because i used to drive up from the OC once a week or more to go to Weho and the Abbey and when i was there last week i realized it had been over a year since i had been there! https://youtu.be/j-VgdirCfbk
  20. there have been 4 Venezuelan massagistas working at Pointe over the last year. One worked at Lagoa in SP 2 years ago then moved to Rio last year, one recently moved to Europe(and was probably close to the best sex i have ever had!) To answer your question yes they are open to having sex but i think you have to approach them somewhat differently then you do with a sauna guy! i have had sex with all 4 of them including two at the same time twice!-4 handed massage but we quickly forgot about the massage! :-)
  21. i heard because of the rains today the sauna was not well attended. is that true?
  22. just to be clear, we have 2 separate places being discussed here! i am talking about Bar Fama in São Paulo, SolaceSoul/Caeron are talking about Rio/Copacabana!
  23. i will be there Saturday the 18th so i will give a detailed report!....unless i get sidetracked! lol
  24. Describe “way up”! i am still paying $100.R for sauna encounters as of May so just want you to clarify?
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