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Everything posted by Tomcal

  1. I originally planned on spending 12 days at my house in Mexico in mid January with my favorite guy from Sao Paulo who had been there last may. first a little recent history! I met him through a sauna guy i had known for 3 years, but he had never worked in a sauna. when I was in Sao Paulo a few weeks ago I asked him what he wanted to do and he said "could we go see lagoa?" I answered yes so fast I think I scared him! He is 25 and lived in SP his whole life but never been to the sauna! Since it was the weekend by the time we got there at 6:30 it was very busy We ran into a guy I knew from Rio and met two other guys I knew and I asked him if he was interested in going with any of them? He said Yes but only with you....so the 5 of us went up to a room and had a really great time, part of it was due to the fact we knew each other. the next night we repeated going to Lagoa again and met up with different guys. So when I was there I arranged for him to come to Mexico in January. it turns out he is good friends with the Brazilian who works in the travel agency in Cancun, who used to dance at the Boardwalk in Ft.Lauderdale and who I met 3 years ago! So he asked if he could come over for a week when we are there and given that he is gdlkg, and has a 9" thick dick, sealed the deal! So we figured the 3 of us would have a great time, then 4 days ago a Guy I met last year in Rio and was only with one night but we hit it off and have stayed in contact when he moved to Barcelona earlier this year! He called to say he was coming to Cancun but wanted to know if he could stay with us in Merida for a week when we are there? so I shared his photo with the two other guys and he got two thumbs up! and everyone said the 4 of us will all fit in a King size bed! Then tonight I got a call from a Mexican guy who lives in Mexico city and met at a party I had when I first got the house 2 years ago. He had a BF at the time but he was a pretty wild guy, he called to see when I was going to be in Merida and when I told him the date but said there were 3 Brazilians staying with me and he goes "great! are they hung?" lol I told him that while there are two master bedrooms everyone was staying in the one and there wouldn't be room for him this time. He goes "I can fit!" I said I would ask the 3 Brazilians and see what they thought...they all said "Its going to be 10 days of parties! we can put 4 more guys in the other bedroom!"
  2. When it comes to Mexico Rob is the expert! He lives there and has been to most of the places where you can find guys! Maybe even created a few new ones! :-)
  3. I talked to one of the sauna owners and he had heard the same story but no one I have talked to knew which guys were involved or who the client was, but assumed that they were trying to keep it quiet... 5 different sauna guys I know also heard the same story but unlike the incident that happened to the French guy 5 or 6 years ago, there has been no verification or names given
  4. Probably i have taken more guys back to my hotel and Apt. in the last 17 years , then most on this site. I have never had a issue, but a couple or steps i take to reduce a unpleasant issue from happening! 1) i never take a person back to my place alone the first couple times i am with him! I have usually 2 other to 4 guys staying with me all guys i know well! First rule never be with a person alone in your apt. the first time! Even if they are just friends not sex companions! why i always have a 2?’ bedroom apt!(aside from the fact that it is too difficult for 4 people to sleep in bed all night after the fun is done!) 2) Always make sure it is a sauna guy who ID is on record, and that several people know you are going back to your place together and he knows you have told them. 3) Almost all the guys i have met and stayed over who don’t work in the sauna i have met through sauna guys who are longer term friends of mine! 4) if it is someone you just have to go with that night because you are so obsessed then take him to one of the many sex motels! My current namorado i met through a sauna guy i have been seeing for almost 4 years! He brought this friend to Rio with him to spend 5 days with the 4 of us staying there together and it turns out we had a great connection and have been dating since!
  5. I just heard that a customer was murdered after going back to his place with 2 guys last Friday night...that's all I know so far.
  6. I got 12 messages from sauna guys today all of whom I know well and they all had heard about the incident!(they are bigger gossips then we are! lol) and to a person they said I was really dumb to resist!....I agree!
  7. I don’t believe they had any idea what type of phones we had! it was dark and there is no way he could have been able to determine has they all were in the grip of our hands! it was one Samsung and one iphone 7, mine is a 8+ but as i was just walking out of the building he would not have been able to tell what i had in my hand. also they were driving a newer model jeep!
  8. it was a Solid metal door...thank god!
  9. let me say I agree with the above comments 110%! i should have not been so dumb and just gave them what he wanted! i just didn’t have. time to think!
  10. you know it!! :-)
  11. there is no doubt that this was a crime of “opportunity”, the car came to a sudden halt when it saw 3 guys talking on their cellphones! one change i am making is not standing outside on the sidewalk staring at my Uber App! This was about 8:00 pm we were heading out to dinner. i’t is interesting to note that my one friend is 36 and the other is 47 and both are Cariocas and this is the first time it has ever happened to them! they both said after “now you understand why we voted for Bolsonario!”
  12. there is a first time for everything i guess! after coming here for 17 years, we were robbed at gunpoint Thursday night! it all happened so fast you just react w/o thinking! Three of us(2 Brasilerios and me)were waiting for a uber to pick us up and it is a busy street a car came down the bled fast and then saw us and came to a Quick stop and the passenger jumped out, cute cleancut about 20, and had a revolver and said he wanted our phones and our wallets! My friends started to give them theirs, but i just blurted out NO! He then repeated it and I said no as i put my phone into my jeans pocket and stepped back 2 feet into the Apartment doorway and slammed the door shut! He told my one friend to go get me and he said “i don’t know him” and they left quickly! this all took less then 20 seconds! i know everyone says your life is not worth a cell phone or your wallet but again you don’t have time to formulate a response it was just my immediate response! i wasn’t going to give in to his demands! ... more later
  13. 17 yrs of experience in Brazil here and i 110% agree with Likeohmygod! And yes to both your questions!
  14. all american politicians read from teleprompters, some do it so well you thing they are giving it extemporaneously like Reagan and Obama! and others are just a little(or lot) crazy and shoot their mouths off w/o thinking! which is why every advisor to politicians recommends not giving any answers longer then 1 or 2 sentences if they have to “off the cuff”!
  15. i only stayed in hotels for the first 3 years of going to Brazil! the last 11 years i have only done apartments and would never go back to hotels...but that’s me! Also if you stay at the same apt.(once you find one you really like)you develop a relationship with the owner, the apt i stay at in Ipanema usually i have a set of keys for so i do not have to meet anyone or give a deposit or security deposit! I have stayed in that apt since 2009 usually 3-4 times a year. I am not staying in it this next week as i am staying with a Carioca friend in his apt as we are throwing a couple of parties!
  16. There are states here where citizens can carry concealed weapons!
  17. I have not talked to a single sauna guy or local customer that isn't supporting Bolsonaro, well over 20, all for the fear of the escalating crime!
  18. I will be there next Friday for 12 days i will try and post if i find something interesting...
  19. it depends on you! your personality/ salesmanship/ and it coinciding with the night they need cash! It has been my experience...that until they know you a little they won’t! once they have seen you around or you have been introduced to them then expect double the price you have been paying the sauna guys as a general rule. Usually i don’t think they are worth it as they think they just have to lay there, but i did see one regularly for almost 2 years who was a exception to the rule!(he is still dancing/stripping)
  20. these were the strippers tonight at pointe along with Junior the owner!
  21. Actually it is Posto 9 that is and has always(at least the last 15 years) the gay "Barbie" beach. the cross street is Farme de Amoedo. the beach in Copacabana that Rob is talking about used to be primarily a gay beach across from Maxim's restaurant(which hustlers used to hang out around)but that was until about 2006 or 2007 and then started becoming less gay but still has a small area that has the TG/TS community there in smaller numbers. The main Gay beach in Rio is Posto 9 and on weekends it is Packed!!
  22. You did a lot of smart things but i tell everyone “Never Ever leave the guy to take a shower!!” Either have him shower with you or take your pants with you into the bathroom or better idea Wait until you get back to your place to shower! It is amazing how few seconds it takes them to get your wallet out of your pants get the cash out and get the wallet back in your pants!
  23. Two things really affect attendance at the saunas! Weather and Holidays...and Brazil has a Lot of official Holidays! I was told that both affected attendance the past week.
  24. no there is no problem bringing someone back! while i have not stayed there i have been there at least a 1/2 dozen times always with a Brazilian and or Mexican in tow and we are let in by the bartender or waiter as the door is always locked. While it is very secure the help is not visible most of the time but are very attentive. i have seen groups of 4 or 5 guys in the pool and older/younger couples as well each time i have been there.
  25. usually leave the sauna around 9:00 or 9:30 and head to a restaurant to eat
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