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Everything posted by hank75

  1. Are masks still easily available in Bangkok? I was wondering if I should send some to friends (both friends and boys alike), also hand sanitizers if I can find a way to post them.
  2. If this isn’t stupidity I don’t know what is. Far too soon surely? https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/chinese-tourist-packing-their-bags-to-come-back-to-thailand
  3. Well, a partial answer to my question. https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/bangkok-closes-shopping-centres-and-markets-from-tomorrow
  4. I heard restaurants are subject to closures too? My expat friend is planning to head to Pattaya where these restrictions are not in place. Will street food vendors be affected?
  5. As the video is embedded I don’t know how to link to it directly, but click here for “Bangkok nightlife goes quiet” with very brief glimpses of some familiar spots. https://www.straitstimes.com/videos
  6. Rather, I think this has proven Anutin’s stupidity and lack of understanding of healthcare systems in other countries. Pity the Thai students having to explain to overloaded NHS clinics they are not unwell, only requiring a fit-to-fly letter. https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/returning-thais-face-being-turned-away-if-they-cant-show-fit-to-fly-health-certificate
  7. https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/army-disinfecting-bangkok-streets Rather a pointless move? But government has never been less popular so perhaps they are trying to prove their efficacy.
  8. One Moonlight boy is staying with a Korean customer in Bangkok for a full month.
  9. The ones I was told about are Jupiter and Moonlight customers. ps: I haven’t been following the travel regulations quite so closely and was surprised to hear Chinese customers could still apply for short and long stay visas, no quarantine. Is this really true? Only the completion of a health declaration form?
  10. I agree with you that definitely there are some wonderful hardworking boys, who strive hard to help out families back home. I have nothing but respect and good wishes for them during this difficult period. But I will also politely point out that equally, there are some boys who are working this job for the lifestyle, the easy money, the partying, and are fortunate enough to be in bars where they don’t have to bang cock against a metal pole.
  11. Not singling out. Didn’t mean it to come across in any other way apart from factual. Just quoting what boys and mamasans told me, that customers from China, Singapore etc are still arriving, as in entering Thailand this week and making bookings. They didn’t say customers from UK, USA or elsewhere. That could be the case too. I don’t know. At least two boys I know of have secured long term offs while their bars are shut, one customer is flying in to take the boy out of Bangkok since he didn’t have to work. I asked “customer have discount, no bar fee” and was replied to with smiley faces.
  12. I like to take a more optimistic point of view. If the closures are really only two weeks, the boys on enforced holiday will likely be out of cash by then and only too happy to return to work. However if longer than two weeks, many of them will have severe income difficulties. Some may return to work on the family farm but the economy is contracting everywhere. Finding alternative jobs on short notice especially when they have zero other skills will be close to impossible. They will weather the storm somehow but when bars reopen in a month or several months (some leeway expected of course for situation to stabilise and not immediately the day after opening) they will flock back in droves searching for customers, desperate to get back to their former easy lifestyles. And likely they will have friends in non-bar jobs who now find themselves jobless and come with them. We may well be spoiled for choice after this is all over. Right now some Chinese and Asian regulars are still landing in Bangkok to visit the bars or making external bookings, rather irresponsibly IMO as they may pass the virus on.
  13. This is compulsory correct, not voluntary? All bars will shutter for two weeks?
  14. I couldn’t load the video. Is this Spai or the other dark-skinned guy who recently moved to Jupiter at the same time?
  15. I heard the same. Apparently this news isn’t fully confirmed yet. Behind this is again the same farang-hating idiot, Anutin, who caused a furore over his premature announcement of quarantine orders. So far he has only said that he will propose the closure of bars and clubs to Prayut on Monday. Somehow this has been interpreted by boys and mamasans as “all bars are definitely closing on Monday” and thrown them into a complete panic. The truth of the matter is, we have to await Monday to see how Prayut reacts and if they can in fact impose this across small bars and big super clubs alike or there will be exceptions. Note also they see this as being enforced on a zone-by-zone basis. https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/286064
  16. Moonlight’s latest “Bat” I hope he doesn’t cost too many “bat”
  17. I have had to travel extensively for work even during the virus escalation. While I had the same thoughts as you (relatively “young”...well at least not close to retirement! healthy etc..) with good hygiene I thought I would be fairly relaxed about it all. Let me tell you. Long haul travel is zero fun. Other people’s paranoia and tension starts to rub off especially in airports and places with crowds. I don’t doubt you could have a good time in Bangkok proper especially if you picked the right hotels and activities, but the actual commute through flights and airports is a complete pain in the a**. My friend just returned from Bangkok, he had an average time but said he felt leery everytime he got into a taxi because a number of known cases were via passenger-driver transmissions and he doubted the drivers were properly sanitizing their vehicles. Tuk tuk suddenly felt like a very attractive option. The situation changed significantly once the first death was recorded, far more panic, so it depends also if another death occurs or things remain stable. On SK2020, this is a tremendous financial loss for the organisers. I heard they are very appreciative if ticket holders opt for SK2021 instead of refunds as this helps to keep the event going for next year.
  18. #88 regularly does full nudity, he alternates with Arm for the only exposed cock in the whole Jupiter show.
  19. Very much so
  20. Is #31 JoJo?
  21. Mistaken identities at Moonlight: My friend had a look at the Chinese gay forum to see if they were still making trips to Bangkok bars. He translated some funny snippets from clueless Chinese customers who had problems telling the models apart. Nicky and Male’s great resemblance seems to cause the most confusion, with customers completely unable to figure out who is who. Finally some detective discovered this was because their forehead, nose and chins were courtesy of the same Bangkok clinic, Adonique where Male is a spokesperson. One Chinese customer with an interest in dark skinned lads fell for a photo of York, rushed to the bar and eagerly searched for the darkest skinned of the lot. Started cursing when he realised York was far less impressive than his picture. Not surprising, considering he was actually looking at Mark in the line up. Other funny mix ups include Nut and Nest, and Smart and Babe.
  22. I read this thread with interest and thank you for coming back to update us all. Delighted to hear that things worked out for you. I feel that you need to be brutally honest with yourself and your read of the situation. Take off those rose tinted glasses and assess if he is really with you for the long haul. If he is, as khaolakguy says, then nothing ventured nothing gained. This could possibly be something worth fighting for. Just don’t set yourself up for more than you have to lose. a few things to consider 1. Are you very sure he has never been a money boy or in any type of rental situation? This could very well be the defining factor that sets your relationship up for success. 2. A little caution about the Thai university setting. It’s a good suggestion but keep in mind many thai students abroad (even if they don’t appear so) are from hi-so and upper middle class families, they may very well look down on him if he is not as well educated / from a similar background / especially being in a relationship with a much older farang. Thai society is a complicated beast. It would be depressing for him to arrive in a foreign country and still be discriminated against by his fellow countrymen. 3. suggestion to locate Thai temple is a good one as I assume their community would be more inclusive. Also the Thais who arrive to work in service industries and run restaurants are far less discriminatory than millennials from good families. 4. When he first arrives, buy him a plane ticket for a home visit in two or three months. If he does not settle in immediately, it will help him to know that he will go home for a visit during a visible future date and he will focus instead on acquiring new skills and interests that he can show off to his family. 5. do you plan to have him work or enroll him in some courses to start off?
  23. Six more cases in Bangkok today. One case is very sad, a 70 year old driver who ferried a Chinese woman to Hua Hin and is now on a respirator, as he also has tuberculosis to complicate his illness. And a couple who only visited Japan not China, not a good sign they haven’t traced the source of infection yet. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1850434/six-more-infections-detected
  24. More likely they wanted to prevent any of the boys/ staff from being infected by customers! I heard some of the boys complained about being exposed to Wuhan customers and the virus. do you mean the very attractive ex Jupiter Spai? He used to work at Prince. But not aware he was in movies.
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