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Everything posted by hank75

  1. In fact that was it exactly - I was on an expensed work trip and had him over to stay at a very nice 5 star in the Siam area! I was taken aback, but the bellhop took it in his stride....I suppose you do see it all working at a high end hotel.
  2. I’m sure this boy got it wrong (mixed messages on the go go boy grapevine?) but I was informed that Soi 4 too would be redeveloped. Has anyone heard of this?
  3. I wonder if this is true or perhaps just up to the individual boy? I am not questioning you but was also under the assumptions Thais were more reserved in public. And I was rather surprised when the boy gave me a big farewell hug and Thai sniff under the watchful eyes of the hotel bellhop....I was the uncomfortable one!
  4. Just Bangkok, and trust me the boys know exactly where to go to stay out until 4 am! I have been to all sorts of clubs but Fake and Thonglor clubs do blow a hole in one’s wallet.
  5. Funnily enough, my Moonlight regular friend was just telling me that two of the boys took his female friend to this host club, apparently it is quite the after-hours spot and they have friends working there. I’ll ask what she thought of it and report back.
  6. hank75


    Great recommendations paborn. I will look these all up and report back on findings. Bangkok People sounds right up my alley.
  7. hank75


    Just remember to have the photo viewing option available on your e-reader. These candid snaps of his trip bring the story to life. The author also embeds a few YouTube videos, link here for members who are curious but can’t purchase ebooks: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCn3ib1_z19dpkU4bvNkS0xA
  8. hank75


    I only read in English but can look for books in Bangkok on my next trip, or ask a friend to search for me. The funny experiences by farang teachers, anything humorous, or insightful about local customs sounds good to me. If you could recommend one of the better written accounts by a former bar girl that could be very interesting too. Naturally I am most interested in reading about the Bangkok gay or boybar scene, fact or fiction, but accept publications on this subject may be few.
  9. hank75


    As Amazon ebooks, they seem to be available now on the UK not US sites. Easy to change your country settings for a one time purchase. Edit: Private Dancer also available in paperback too, this is about the bargirl not barboy scene.
  10. hank75


    Had a feeling I was going to get trolled LOL. If Tolstoy wrote a compelling saga of love, murder, hatred and politics on the sois of Silom, bring it on.
  11. The question is, do these farang women off the boys? I know some of the Asian women do. Or are they just one-off giggly tourists? I read an interesting article (on Stickman I believe- will try to find the link) about farang women living the bohemian life on Pattaya beaches and getting pregnant by local boys.
  12. hank75


    I have just finished Bangkok Boy Bar by Richard Vohl and Private Dancer by Stephen Leather. Both great reads and highly recommended, though the former is slightly romanticised and ascribes a far greater conversational depth to young bar boys than I know they are capable of, particularly those newly from the countryside without much English. Any other recommendations to while away long weekends? Non-fiction guides also welcome - I was inspired to ask by paborn’s mention of guide books to Bangkok’s early 80s gay scene in another thread.
  13. I understand and fully agree, with the one caveat that the boy in question has been asking to visit my home country - in which case, most definitely he is the one on vacation not me. Yes of course I have the pleasure of his company, but I already have that in Bangkok which is the overall more enjoyable location for me.
  14. Fantastic report ggobkk, can’t wait for the next chapter! Particularly enjoyed your description of Soph, I am only surprised he wasn’t the first item on your Pattaya agenda with assets like these. Is it usual to have so many females in Pattaya bars? I was under the impression that only Bangkok bars like Jupiter, Moonlight, Dreamboy etc attracted the Asian female demographic.
  15. Apologies for the lapse, you are absolutely correct I meant Silom under the Sala Daeng BTS tracks. There were two separate occasions I nearly had a heart attack crossing the road near Twilight, one was by myself on Silom and the other was when the boy made me rush across Surawong for a taxi.
  16. paborn, you expressed it so much better than I could hope to! That is it, exactly.
  17. . I plugged his name into Google and did not turn up any wank photos, but noticed he seems to be a regular feature of this MAN OMG publication. While already very good looking on stage, you would not imagine just how well the camera takes to his face! Stunning. Apart from Babe, the other Moonlight models are not as photogenic especially Tam who would make a fortune if his in-person charisma translated in pictures.
  18. I know we have covered this extensively in another thread, which I shall look up too. What is the protocol for this? Do you tip boys daily or just operate on the understanding it is a holiday with expenses covered?
  19. Just crossing Surawong road alone can be nerve wracking, it is one of my least favourite parts of bar hopping. I have tried in vain to persuade boys that if we happen to be trying to flag a taxi willing to go in the other direction, we really do not need to charge across the road. We can pick up a taxi on the same side and make him do a U-turn. But this type of logic never appeals, it makes more sense to them to cross the busy Surawong with cars honking to save exactly zero baht. Edit: there is no traffic crossing as far as I can see, members will know which part I am talking about, under the BTS tracks. In Vietnam at least you know the traffic will slow for you and drivers are always looking out for pedestrians. But no such assurances in Bangkok!
  20. Just watched the FB video showing his debut. Not exactly my type but I can definitely see the appeal - I think my friend will love him and can see him rushing back to Moonlight to make his acquaintance. He did well for his first model catwalk though it must have been intimidating to have Tam show up right after to loud screams and tip. There was also another new model Mr “Khun”(??) who made less of an impression. I wonder what happened to “See” and a couple of forgettable others who appeared for 2-3 shows and then vanished. I wish they would bring back Tee with the long earring and the Cambodian who did those raunchy photshoots. Those boys have far more star quality. With our recent conversation in mind, I did notice Fluke was showing well and seems to have more confidence than in the early Moonlight days. Good for him.
  21. On Fluke’s time wasting habit....some boys prefer to take a shower at the bar which may account for delay. Did he shower again at the hotel?
  22. Ah but Moonlight does have this type of act. There is a femme boy who not only pole dances but also does aerial acrobatics - truly impressive. However he does not perform every night so I felt lucky to catch him on my last visit. Another piece of trivia I picked up from my friend, Moonlight has hired a new dance instructor so we will be seeing some fresh routines too. The model he heard this from was not one of their best dancers and was feeling rather defeated by these new acts LOL.
  23. Ah paborn, so I am I. One of my boys is a champion cuddled...which means I am putty when he gives me puppy dog eyes and says “I call my friend?”. And before you know it, I am being presented with the bill for Johnny Walker Black Label.
  24. Jasper, that scenario sounds VERY familiar. I have been in that position exactly. Time to nip this in the bud before it goes too far. I don’t mind giving the main boy “face” - I tip the mamasan and waiter well when he sits with me precisely because of this. But at the price of buying mediocre bottles in too noisy clubs (sometimes more than one), I could invite him somewhere really nice for dinner and feed him properly. I think I will point this out to him - and other boys- next time.
  25. That’s the spirit Jasper, you will land him next time. No need to feel humiliated, quite likely you were not rejected by Fluke at all but played out by mamasan. Who knows, maybe Nicky has tipped mamasan to secure him more customers? Or gives him a cut of off fee and Fluke does not? I do not recognise that mamasan, try the manager when you visit again. I am still amused you think Nicky looks like your aunt! I could only hope my aunt resembles a Moonlight model.
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