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Everything posted by hank75

  1. I thought this was in reference to body modification where the head of the cock is split into sections?
  2. I’ll take an obese live one over this any day https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/plane-passengers-forced-sit-dead-9027604
  3. Delighted to hear your trip is off to a good start in spite of last minute hotel anxieties. Keep us posted.
  4. I have never actually been questioned on my return flight in Thailand. I have bought my exit flights (or redeemed with miles) sometimes even the day before my departure. Sure, Thai immigration will ask how long you stay, but they don’t need to see a return ticket. Unlike the Philippines where upon checking in, if the airline desk does not observe a return flight, they ask you to prove you have an outbound booked with another airline before they will issue your ticket.
  5. Prince, along with Senso and V Club, is a favourite of the young mainland Chinese set, guys in their 20s and 30s.
  6. I agree with this. I made the newbie mistake of overtipping (to me) the best looking guy in the bar and continued doing so on future offs- my wallet hurts, but it has earned me the assurance that he will be available to give me priority over other customers on future trips. Of course he is smart enough to know that he’s hit pay dirt, but it also means I have the choice of butterflying if it takes my fancy or being able to call up a boy who suits my taste in looks and in bed exactly. A win-win. At least until someone who pays even more than me comes along and I am dumped. LOL.
  7. Jetlag is always worse for me on the return, and very likely due to post-Bangkok blues. I am grumpy, mopey and constantly think “Ah in Thailand, I would be doing this or that right about now”. A real downer!
  8. Being more of a model/hunk devotee, I have yet to foray into Tawan but promised a friend to bring him there on our next trip. He’s into older, bigger guys. I’ve heard the Tawan men run to fat during bodybuilding off season. During competition time they look great- but may be off work as they’re focused on training regimes. Can someone clarify the exact dates of these seasons for me? When would be the best time to see the boys at peak shape?
  9. Moonlight FB just uploaded a picture of the cute waiter I mentioned before. He is on the extreme right, very shy sweet guy and was overwhelmed to be tipped 200!
  10. colmx, I suspect the truth lies somewhere in between. It’s likely correct that the boys have been told to push harder for drinks and to bring their regular customers into the bar. My friend is generally known as being a soft touch as well, LOL. But he does know the boys well and they have a habjt of being exceptionally candid with him even on a personal level, as much as their “face” allows. That they are truly happy with their boss is probably not cooked up, additionally demonstrated by the fact that they are recruiting friends into the bar...that’s where some of the new models are coming from, including Atom whom we are currently admiring. But I am in no way suggesting the owner (who also owns Hot Male I believe) is a philanthropist, rather just a savvy businessman who sees the potential in Moonlight and trying to run things properly. Happy boys, happy punters and all that.
  11. Strangely enough I read something about HotelQuickly this week...the name was unique enough to stay with me. I can’t remember exactly what it said but the impression I have is that it’s not exactly a well regarded or legitimate booking site. Try the Tarntawan which is pretty much fail-safe. I’m sure others will reply too with more recommendations.
  12. My friend was in Moonlight recently and had a bottle of Black Label open. Two of the models came down to join him in between shows. Having drunk with them before, he was quite surprised when they asked for boy drinks of Coke. Firstly because they have a good enough rapport that they don’t try to make money off him and always drink whatever he has open, knowing that at some point a more generous tip will be handed out. Secondly he is aware that whisky or beer is their poison of choice. They are happier having a shot of Black Label with water than a sugary Coke which wreaks havoc on their proudly maintained bodies. Upon further questioning they told him the drinks were “for bar”. And explained that owner was a “good man” who looked after them well. Apart from the aggressive model recruitment campaign that Moonlight has on, the fair basic pay and good HR policy (such as not being penalised if they are sick and absent, which is what other employers do) is why floor boys are flocking over from other bars. They stressed several times that the Moonlight boss looked after them properly ans they were trying to play their part in keeping the bar in business, so my friend wouldn’t think he was being unnecessarily being ripped off for drink fees, which he could fully appreciate. Right now there are adequate customers but not always enough business to go around all the floor boys every single night of the week, “we still new bar”. The models are paid well and also have side incomes from other jobs or venues, which is why you do not see them every night. However the floor boys are required to be on rotation every evening and make their extra money from customer offs. Apparently the owner makes sure each boy is on an even financial keel and not short for rent or food money, gambling that happy boys stay on and a bigger stable of boys will eventually mean more customers as the bar’s reputation grows. The owner is also hoping to invest more money into new dance instructors and the guest performers to build up the acts. I wanted to share this anecdote with the Moonlight-goers among us. If you’ve happened to have one drink too many or bought a few extra boy drinks, be assured that it’s going back to look after the boys and grow the bar, not just lining the owner’s pockets!
  13. Yes full agreement. There are two boys I will take out for a meal (not just the eating before or after an off, which is whatever is most convenient or agreeable to both of us). One is very confident and has already been to hi-so dining establishments with other customers. Apart from nice restaurants he has accompanied me to a sky bar (his idea) and Maggie Choos on Sunday gay night (which he actually hated because the other patrons stared at him like a piece of meat). The other doesn’t like farang food and a treat to him is if we eat simple fare near his bar and he is allowed to invite a bar mate to join for dinner before show time, which wins him a lot of face.
  14. hank75

    Fun for couples

    Vinapu, I am not disagreeing the tip “should” be double if the boy services two. Just to clarify that my earlier post however was to say that boys do not expect double when taking a couple-off. Certainly I have had boys offering to come with me and my friend for a regular short time tip (and obviously, hoping for a fat bonus). I think it really comes down to specifics of what they are expected to do. If they top or bottom for both partners then tip should be heftier. If it is some light bedroom fun for three and stays well within the limits of “short time”...then well, it is really discretionary isn’t it? The boys I have chatted to have often said they are offed by couples but only expected to do one, while the other watched and j-offed. The fair thing would be to clarify for boy exactly what he is expected to do and see if he is happy with tip amount. Ps: I agree with you that bedroom “surprises” for a boy are vile.
  15. This is actually quite famous so there is a proper address: Pad Thai Sala Daeng, 47 Sala Daeng Soi 2 (behind Silom Complex). Many other online reviews too.
  16. I completely understand your excitement paborn. Your trip is mid Jan? We look forward to the report after. Here is my contribution since I recall there was a post where you mentioned not being 100% comfortable with disreputable street food: http://www.artisantraveller.com/2017/05/24/pad-thai-saladang/ In response to PeterRS, I am not a huge fan of EatMe, found it overpriced and tables too close together for private conversation. It was both funny and embarrassing that my friend and I were having an enthusiastic discussion on our favourite Gogo bars while two adorable gay Thai boys were on a hi-so date night right next to us. They couldn’t help eavesdropping on us with surreptitiously appalled expressions, the audio equivalent of car wreck fascination. There is a new restaurant on Soi Suksa, Bunker, which seems similarly trendy and getting great reviews. I’ll give this a try and post a review on next visit, or if anyone is there before me, would be great to hear feedback. Looks like a nice place to treat a favourite boy. And I’ve always liked the classic Italian, Zanotti. They do a good lunch set.
  17. Surely after 11 pm is when the fun starts!
  18. hank75

    Fun for couples

    Yes, spell it out. My friend and I go bar hopping together and occasionally we forget to inform an off that we are not a couple. This has led to looks of relief or disappointment in turn. LOL. Some boys are up for couples, others not. It would be a polite gesture to increase the tip by at least 500 (or more, if really excellent service or asked to do extras) but generally short time is short time and there will be boys willing to accept the regular rate. However you may get a rep for being minimum tippers which may limit future off options. I think you are more likely to get a deal from the apps or the MBs in DJ Station than in a Bangkok bar. No idea about Pattaya.
  19. Great set of photos, thank you for sharing.
  20. Moonlight has recruited a lot of new floor boys, some are very manly and attractive. And more models than the recent videos are showing. They have also added on a big cock show performed by the more muscular floor boys.
  21. Yes, they keep a little bin in front of you where slips of paper are added with each new order/boy drink. The bar fine or off fee is added to this too, though likely you are ready to go by then. Just call for the check and a full bill will be brought to you with a total bill. It is a nice gesture to leave a small tip in the bill fold or hand to the waiter if the same one has served you all evening.
  22. If you stay longer than 30-40 minutes, you should order water or a soft drink. And if a boy comes and sits with you, you offer him a drink.
  23. I also wanted to add, don’t be afraid when approaching a bar. Many first timers get very nervous and spoil their fun, including me. My friend was terrified to visit Moonlight on his own because the barkers looked aggressive, and sometimes the models are sitting outside in their briefs staring at you. Now he walks in like he owns the place.
  24. Yes that’s Babe. He does a sexy shower show at Moonlight too!
  25. Hello, welcome to the forum. Moonlight mamasans are less pushy than some of the other bars and actually can be helpful if you are new. I would take some time to observe which boy you are interested in, then if you cannot get his attention yourself, call a mamasan over and tip him 100-200 to bring the boy over for a drink. If you are there on a Friday or Saturday, the bar may be busier so there is less chance of mamasan hanging around you. Otherwise if you cannot get rid of mamasan to talk to the boy privately just say firmly “I talk to him first”. If you need specifics eg who is a top or bottom, you can ask the short chubby mamasan “Em”. Bonus is that Em is one of the busier mamasans and won’t cling to you. The tips for short or long time are pretty standard but good to reconfirm in the bar - I have made the mistake of not clarifying exact tip amount beforehand. If everything is to your liking, ask the boy “You go with me?” To which they will confirm, have their off fee added to your bin and go get dressed. Back in the room, some boys will shower together. Just ask them. Otherwise let boy shower first while you make sure valuables are locked up, such as the wallet and ID you were carrying. I usually turn on the TV and let boy channel surf while I shower - this keeps him nice and distracted. Enjoy, and do report back!
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