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Everything posted by hank75

  1. One wonders however, how many of these boys are truly fond of their customers...and how many are simply skilled emotional manipulators!
  2. Don’t worry you are there to off a boy, not off a customer. LOL. The boys at DB can be very sweet though not as good looking as Jupiter boys. But with some careful filtering, there are gems to be discovered.
  3. I’ve always wondered how the boys at Dream Boy felt about their Chinese custom. Unlike the Chinese at Jupiter who tend to be well heeled rather attractive young and mature gay men, or women, Dream Boy seems to attract a different and far less appealing crowd from the mainland. They definitely have money not to balk at the crazy drink prices, but most seem to be unattractive (I am not commenting on actual looks but lack of personal grooming and hygiene), often obnoxiously loud; sometimes couples offing for threesome. Even for straight boys the prospect of screwing the female half most be daunting. I’m sure they would prefer a single male punter who is well turned out! Or maybe I have just been there on bad nights where the least attractive specimens showed up en masse.
  4. We pay their cover. They go in as customers.
  5. Jasper, I have brought in a boy from Dream Boy to Jupiter before. We were part of a larger group of 4-5 with one other boy from a different bar. I have also brought in a non-bar app boy, just two of us. No fuss from Jupiter staff. I’ve seen other customers bring barboys in late night but can’t identify where they’re from. Last time I was at Moonlight, a Japanese girl brought in a boy whom my friend thought he recognised from DB. They were seated in a good private corner. At first I thought the nice treatment meant he was one of the Moonlight boys in street clothes, but as none of the other boys came to say hello and they didn’t get their own mamasan I assume he was from elsewhere. Apart from being left alone by the mamasans (not a bad thing!) there was no sign they were unwelcome.
  6. My personal experience is that boys from other bars (especially the smaller ones) love being invited to Jupiter for late night sing song. It’s usually more fun than their own bars, particularly if they have friends working there, and earns them bragging rights too. Jupiter staff are fairly easygoing about other boys being brought in. It helps to oil the mamasan with 100 baht and invite one or two Jupiter boys to sit with you for a drink, so it’s clear you’re giving them more business. To avoid being labelled the cheap bastard who BYOBs - Brings Your Own Boys!
  7. hank75

    Next Trip

    I second what colmx has said, that’s too long for PP. Why not divide up between Siem Reap and PP? If the river is high enough, Mekong boat from SR to PP is my recommended transport. And yes to walking around Sisowath Quay in the late PM, to FCC for sundowners and then Heart of Darkness.
  8. The late night singers are actually my favourite part. They are really good, especially the male singer whose photo you posted above. Isn’t he a The Voice Thailand champion? There is a girl too who is almost as good. Moonlight has tried to start the same late night live music, but sadly their singers are subpar.
  9. I am glad to hear you enjoyed Jupiter. Your opinion is completely valid. It is about how you feel, not anyone else, no matter if it’s your first or hundredth visit. Most of us experience Jupiter early on and are probably a little jaded with its limitations especially post move to Soi 4. So Moonlight which is a similar set up and style of boys (sans crowds, tourist groups, boy attitude and non performing bedroom duds) was a breath of fresh air which led to the extensive chatter. Certainly I am the number one perpetrator. But nonetheless I am waiting with bated breath for paborn’s trip report especially his virgin encounter with Moonlight, LOL.
  10. Bit surprised no one here can tell me, considering how many muscle fans we have. In any case, I hear that some body building competitions were staged in the past month so hopefully now is the fit season. If all goes well I have two nights in Bangkok next week. Business trip so not staying near Silom. One night at least will be spent with straight colleagues appreciating the dubious joys of Cowboy and Nana Plaza (alas for me) but if I can free myself up for the other, will finally make a Tawan visit!
  11. Yes I believe so, though each time I’ve visited the bar stars were already taken, ie no number tags. I’ve offed a dancer and a regular boy and off fee for both was the same, around 500-600 (can’t remember exactly).
  12. Visiting bars like anything else is a matter of luck. In fact my own experience at Jupiter has been fairly mediocre. The best was on a Saturday night when they had special acts and a guest performer, but the show was very blah on other nights. Mainly I like the spaciousness of the bar and the wider range of hunks. Also whether you will see the best looking boys or their bar stars taking the stage depends on many variables- the night of the week, timing of your visit, whether they have been offed early. But there are reasons why Jupiter and Dream Boy are the most established show bars so it is worthwhile visiting and judging for yourself. And keep in mind some members hate a certain bar only to change their opinion upon second visit - much like offs, as another member here has mentioned before! Seating at Jupiter is usually tight but the mamasans will make sure you are seated somewhere to start with. You can change seats later as not all visitors stay for the full show. And if you see someone you want to off and need space for them to join you for a drink, tip a mamasan and he will arrange it. Edit: also if the bar is not to your taste, don’t suffer through. Keep moving- there are others to visit.
  13. I think it’s great your trip is going well. But don’t forget you can get massages at M2M places in the day time too! Which frees up your evenings for bars or clubs. To be honest, Saturday would have been the best night for Jupiter or any of the other show bars as they put on the best acts and all the top boys are at work. But better to go tonight than Monday. And clubs like DJ and Fake are busy even on Sunday nights. Try to go out tonight, even if just to people watch In Balcony or Telephone, because Monday will be a lot more quiet. I don’t mean to tell you how to plan your trip, if you’re having fun that’s the main thing. But it’s a good idea to get the full experience and not just limit yourself to Moonlight.
  14. Yes, apart from my two friends’ own experiences with Nicky, I definitely remembered this was word for word what vinapu reported! But vinapu also had a great room off which he felt balanced out the expense.
  15. Most of the boys, especially the senior ones, put a tip back into the box when being offed. Not really best behaviour I think to ask you to tip waiter more money. If you forgot to tip entirely perhaps he would have been justified to remind, but they usually do this elsewhere (eg if they’ve brought you somewhere their friends work and it’s matter of both their face and yours) and not in their own bars. All the models have their regular hangouts since they have been working in the industry for several years. Tam’s female customer said she was first amused, then annoyed when he brought her to one of his haunts and giggling waitresses followed him everywhere. Every other table had one dedicated wait staff, they had four dancing attendance on Tam not to mention the gay manager. Guess who had to tip them all? LOL.
  16. I am writing this in response to asnstudent’s experience in a separate thread. Firstly let me clarify this is not a “warning” or in any way trying to dissuade members from offing Nicky. He still is a stunner, an interesting personality, and as vinapu has reported, has the potential to be an excellent off. However I feel a guilty about not posting these remarks sooner, as asnstudent might have had a more fortunate encounter otherwise. So please take this in the spirit of sharing feedback rather than slagging off a particular boy. As already suggested here on the forum, I can confirm that there is a certain interest among several mamasans to get Nicky as many offs as possible. Of course he may just be the darling of the bar, but more likely he is offering them some incentives to get him as much business as possible. (Edit: we will never fully know a boy’s financial situation and the hustlers may have a real need for money- so like for any hard worker we should always offer benefit of doubt) If Nicky is your choice to begin with, do off him by all means. But don’t let yourself get strong-armed by one of the mamasans in his favour. A different, but equally trusted source who has already a regular Moonlight boy, was rather perturbed to have Nicky repeatedly offered to him by a mamasan in an attempt to cut out the other boy. My friend who has met and interacted with Nicky but did not see him for some time was rather shocked upon meeting him recently. His original impression was of a lively, healthy, image conscious boy; a little more forward in courting a customer, but not unattractively so. Typical money boy, very interested being treated by customers and collecting drink fees, but with some expectation management (which is why I mentioned he may not be the right fit for newbies) not overly greedy and good company. More sophisticated and presentable than some of the other lads, and good to bring to hi-so establishments because he is comfortable in those settings and genuinely enjoys himself rather than suffering in silence. This time he found Nicky very strange in mood and conversation, and seemed to have taken his recent facial work too far. He had lost a visible amount of weight, which my friend could see even from across the bar. Still hunky with a defined swimmer’s body, but not as robust as before. He couldn’t quite pinpoint it but something felt off to him. He told Nicky “oh you’ve lost weight” which was not exactly a compliment, to which Nicky delightedly replied “Yes yes thank you!” Later on he bluntly asked one of the other models “What’s wrong with Nicky?” The other model, loyal to his friend, gave a vague but assenting answer from which my friend deduced Nicky was on some sort of substance, either amphetamines or another upper to keep himself fit for bar work...and this was starting to take a toll. My apologies for the long winded story. To be brief, any members who may be thinking of offing Nicky should really take the time to chat with him in the bar first and make sure he is on-form that day and can provide satisfaction, and the financial terms and plans for off are 100% to your liking.
  17. Very interesting topic. I’m not sure how I feel about gogo boy musical chairs! But “if I owned a bar” is definitely one of my favourite fantasies and there are many ways I can think of for bars to up their game....a peep show bar for instance. It is no accident that Jupiter and Dream Boy have lots of Chinese custom and also attracts the younger set with lots of disposable income. Jupiter has active promotions and ads targeted towards this audience. Mamasans are not in your face pesky queens but groomed as strategic salespeople, who collect customers’ Line and WeChat IDs to promote the bar. They’ve also cleverly found their niche (hunks, models, slick shows) and are milking it as much as they can, with other bars like Moonlight attempting to muscle in. But don’t forget, investing money into bar promotion shaves profit from the bar owner’s pockets. Not many of them are far sighted enough to see beyond the immediate payday, which I think is an affliction the smaller bars suffer from. Maybe some of the owners think the bar has a finite lifespan and they just want to make as much as they possibly can before laying it to rest.
  18. Sorry I don’t understand what you mean? I do know that among the models (some of whom have girlfriends and children) Nicky is the only true bisexual.
  19. This forum was an invaluable resource for me when I was new to gogo bars and continues to be so. I cannot even imagine fumbling my way through on my own! Many of the members here are far more experienced than I am. I’m somewhat limited as I don’t like twinks and don’t go to Pattaya. When I find a boy I have chemistry with, I end up offing him multiple times. So as much as I like to “window shop” I cannot claim to be a butterfly. And I have one or two friends with similar tastes so we end up circling through the same bars far too often. But I have gotten the most out of my time there thanks to the broad ranging advice from this forum. But to clarify on my comment above, I only provide a “medium time” bonus when it is my idea to extend a short time for drinks/food. Very rarely does the boy suggest it. If they do (and they are not one of the boys I off more than once, where we are flexible in terms of give and take), I will cover the meal and any drinks but they only get the usual short time tip.
  20. You are absolutely right. All of us have experienced bad offs or duds. But when you meet the right boy who works for you on every level, that is an unbelievable feeling and the reason why we go back to Thailand time after time.
  21. One more question, did you ask for Nicky specifically? Or did you just ask for any model and mamasan suggested Nicky? I think this is why it is important to have a chat with boy in the bar, to see if there is any chemistry there. For Jupiter, a word of caution that the boys are infamous for being bedroom duds. Usually I would suggest to try and form your own opinion, but as you have already had one bad experience, maybe best to be prepared. I find Jupiter boys great fun to invite for bars or clubs after their show but you have to be very clear with them what is required - drinking only (counted as short time), or drinking and hotel after (short time tip and a bonus). And no guarantee of performance either. Dream Boy seems to have better sex offs based on mine and friend’s combined experience.
  22. Well that sounds like Nicky alright. I recently heard some comments about Nicky that in hindsight I should have shared with the forum, but given our member vinapu had two excellent though expensive offs with him, I didn’t want to be an unnecessary wet blanket. I will post more in the main Moonlight thread. But generally my feeling is if you are brand new to offing in gogo bars, a model may not be for you.
  23. I would be the last person on this forum to tell you off, being a chronic overtipper myself. If a boy brings you so much pleasure that you want to treat him well and give him some joy in return, it is completely worth it in my opinion. And I think while you were generous, you hardly overpaid- 5000 for 12 hours of enjoyment sounds very fair to me. I have tipped similarly flr boys I really like for “medium time” as I call it (5-6 hours, we bar hop, eat, before hitting the hotel. I prefer not to have them stay over so I can catch some quality sleep). And I know one of the models gets paid into five figures for long time. Though as you’ve just established, a regular boy may be better company!
  24. Which model was this? Three of them drive. Although I think I can guess...echoes of vinapu’s travel report, though with a different ending.
  25. What did you tip him? Don’t forget to check out the shows at Jupiter and Dream Boy too. And take a stroll down Twilight and try a couple of the other bars, like X Boys or Fresh Boys. You sound quite young so you might find it fun to venture into DJ Station or off a boy and have him take you out to GOD or Fake.
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