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Everything posted by hank75

  1. Pretty sure it’s 9 pm onwards, and 3 shows. The boys were recently forced to take promotional photos in Santa themed outfits, but they are too embarrassed to send to customers LOL. They’re only using Babe’s photo at the moment so we shall have to wait and see if the rest see the light of day.
  2. 1000 baht per singer is generous indeed, they must have been delighted!
  3. LOL paborn given how highly the models esteem themselves, there should be actual stage tiering shouldn’t there? Why not throw in some golden thrones at the same time? No I picked up the “floor” phrase from the bar itself actually, the staff call them “models” and “floor boys”. Also I believe because the regular boys work the “floor”? ie they’re expected to hang around the audience and try to get called. No idea in Pattaya, but let me see if I can find out.
  4. I remember visiting Angkor 15 years ago, beautiful, charming, clean. Yes there were touts and beggars...little kids following you everywhere asking for “one dollah one dollah”. I went back 5 years ago and was horrified to see it had it turned into Little China due to the China-Cambodia relations. China has sponsored the building of roads and some of the temple repairs. The town, which used to be rustic as how the farang tourists liked it and boasted one single traffic light, is now filled with tour bus restaurants and massage places (fish foot spa!) catering to Chinese. Litter everywhere and some of the remote temple corridors smelled of piss. The kids now beg in Chinese.... If you have never seen Angkor before it is still 110% worth a visit but the wise will steer clear of Chinese holidays and high season.
  5. In any case, the boy’s name is Chalee. Cambodian, as Jasper said. If you search កូនប្រុស ត្រកូល ហេង on Facebook you will see what he looks like in person (vs styled photography, have attached one pic that does not violate photo guidelines!). Very sweet and unassuming. Fully clothed you can’t tell what a body and package he’s hiding under there. By the way, he’s got a great body but he’s not a “muscle” stud like the models, will bottom. He was in the floor rotation so I assume he’s 2000-2,500 tip and 500 off. But try to go soon as I believe he rotates between Bangkok and Pattaya.
  6. Sorry I had no idea we couldn’t post explicit pics! Will keep in mind.
  7. Second what Jason has said about Moonlight muscle, read the thread. Perhaps if you tell us what types of places you enjoy we can recommend bars etc.
  8. These are called “short time rooms”. LOL. To answer the question properly, I think it would be good to have booths/alcoves where you can still see the show. If I am still in the bar, it means I am enjoying the drinks and show otherwise I would off the boy and take him back to the hotel already. Also fully private areas don’t make sense for the bar because cheap customers will try to use them as short time rooms without properly offing and tipping.
  9. My friend was at Jupiter tonight, his flight landed late so he arrived after 12.30 and he confirmed they let him in with no cover! But he said the place was fairly empty, though the two male singers were excellent. Mamasan asked him to come back tomorrow when the The Voice Thailand singer would be performing.
  10. Just found this information- one show only from 10.20 PM but must be a long one. Funny how I’ve been to Jupiter multiple times and can’t remember basic details!
  11. I was just looking at the Jupiter FB page trying to find information on the showtimes for my friend (none- can someone remind me, and is there a second show?). Noticed they’ve posted many videos of the late night live music - seems to be something they’re trying to hype up now.
  12. Throwing bills on the stage is frankly obnoxious. Are they going to grab for them? They are already selling their asses for money. This doesn’t mean they have no self respect but that they’ve learned to block those feelings to survive. So sure, they will make a grab for a bill especially if rent is due - but it doesn’t make themselves feel any better about themselves. The least we can do is treat the boys with dignity so they can believe in the same about themselves and feel that even the world’s oldest professional is worthy of some respect and decency from their clientele. Or else, forcing them into repeated bill grabbing and you’ve put them on to the slippery slope of transforming into a shameless mamasan! Edit: I don’t know this ping pong game but assume the balls can be traded for cash? It doesn’t seem quite as repugnant to me (especially if it feels more like a kid’s game?) than actually throwing bills.
  13. Just on these models with cars....apparently most of them are financing monthly instalments of 20k baht. And this is before counting in their other expensive habits. Is it any surprise they ask for extra high off fees and at least where Nicky is concerned, try to pass on the petrol bill?
  14. What a pleasure to read a report of your joint night! Ps: something tells me asnstudent will learn quickly and after a while become more expert than any of us here!
  15. LOL I think you mean...went back to Jupiter. Moonlight has no cute singing boys only a very fat girl!
  16. Haha, this reminds me of my first meeting with Nicky. This was slightly before the show started. Trying to make conversation I asked “Are you performing tonight?” He looked at me in horror and said “No! I model!” Then promptly went and joined the model parade, which is precisely what I was enquiring about. Later he came back and announced “I do shower show”, and which act put me to sleep. This was when I discovered there was such distinction between the models and floor boys.
  17. You are very welcome, and it is not to my credit, the Tarntawan is a bit of an “old faithful”. But definitely a good landing spot for first timers to Silom. Re: hygiene, I suppose it is important that we keep our side of the bargain. All the Thai boys I’ve met seem to be scrupulously clean with no smell even after going to a club. Only after bedroom activity and a night’s sleep (if I let them stay over) do they start to have a few stale whiffs about them. Far less than any others I’ve been with.
  18. Enjoy your last day asnstudent and thank you for the entertaining reports.
  19. Either mamasan or one of the boys. But we had a female friend with us that day and she kept cringing, so they may have been trying to reassure her.
  20. That is exactly what I heard too, that the Jupiter owner was too cheap to put in hot water. So the boys would be trying to dance sexy while freezing their balls off. But Moonlight owner put in hot water when they decided to resurrect the shower show. You can see that the glass steams up during the act. Babe likes to draw little hearts in the steam haha:
  21. I was almost certain the mamasan told me it wasn’t real. Maybe I am dreaming? Or getting old. If you have time to go again, do update us LOL.
  22. Thanks Bobby. It sounds similar, based on the response here and what friends tell me. I’ll investigate and report back.
  23. Yes, most bars open around 8 pm but sometimes they’re not fully ready for customers. I think the Twilight bars usually have their boys ready to go by then, but Jupiter, Moonlight and DB may not have the full line up in house yet- some of the boys arrive closer to 9 pm but don’t get into rotation until 9.30 or so. I’m not fond of being the sole patron in an empty bar (bullseye target for mamasans) but it’s good for those who want to sit and observe in peace, before getting top pick for an early off.
  24. I’ve seen the SM act twice but was always under the impression it was simulated. However I usually sit in one of the back rows and am short sighted too, so I’ve never actually observed if there was real penetration. Were you able to see this? If it’s real fucking it’s indeed hardcore. I think they wanted the models to perform the shower shows to tease the audience. Babe’s shower show doesn’t show cock but is sexy as hell. Fluke has received good reviews too, and I can only imagine Sunny the star dancer must perform an excellent shower too. Tam used to do a 2 man shower show in old Jupiter but I don’t know why he doesn’t do this act any more. Nicky, sadly, showers like a maiden aunt.
  25. Just received my first “Don’t think too mutt” from a boy. Always thought that was an urban myth!
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