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Everything posted by hank75

  1. https://twitter.com/moonlight_bkk/status/1038865083525259264?s=20t Ok the link works now. Here you go Drim, something even better than a photo.
  2. sglad, which of these do you mean?
  3. . No idea where he’s from but he’s 22. Have you seen his Instagram with thousands of followers? Yes he is a fantastic dancer too. There is a good video on the Moonlight FB showing him shooting for a magazine. He can be pretty quiet in person, not sure if he’s aloof or simply shy.
  4. Drim, you managed to catch the photos in the < 60 seconds I had them up! Yes he does look quite different, he had monolids and it appears he’s had a little lip reduction. But he’s had the same charming smile since he was a kid.
  5. Agreed and deletedEdit: I thought I posted a photo of Babe as an adult, since he already had all his muscles in, but counting backwards I can’t be sure if he was 18 or 19- so deleted again!
  6. Good on you for being a realist, LOL. I think sglad has already accurately listed out the work Nicky has done to his face. In October, Nicky took a couple of weeks off to have a further revision done to his nose to improve the shape. I can even tell you the exact dates, it’s not evident if you’re not paying attention but in the FB videos from that period you can see the alteration. I think his old nose looked better! It’s not unusual for gogo boys to have a little improvement done, double eyelids and eye widening are the most common, also a nose job. But Nicky’s is somewhat more obvious. My friend has some old photos of Babe and Tam and we were trying to decide if they’d had any help too. Babe seems to have monolids in his student photos and Tam has changed since his body building days though it’s hard to place a finger on it. But both look similar enough that we concluded if any surgery, it was very minor. Or it could simply have been age related. And of course we all know Mekhin has improved his face and is public about his Botox!
  7. On my first off, I was still unsure if I planned to bring the boy back to my hotel room so instead invited him out for a drink. He was a young lad who had recently moved to Bangkok from a smaller city with a less established scene. I did not off him a second time but what I recall most clearly was his innocent earnestness- he had obviously been instructed by older boys how to behave with customers and was trying to follow this to the letter. I was slightly taken aback at how he fussed over me relentlessly, wrapping napkins around my drink, that I wasn’t cheated of my change by the bartender. When I tried to demur, he turned to me with an angelic smile and said “You my customer, I take care you” The take care phenomenon is very real among the boys I’ve interacted with. My friend recently found out the same when he invited his regular off and his other bar friends out for three nights in a row to entertain visitors. The main boy felt it was his responsibility to plan each night at a different club, to make sure his friends who worked at the venue held a table for them, and that the other boys were on form and ready to provide a good time. He would alternately stay sober to make sure no one was pickpocketed or drink himself into a stupor doing shots with everyone. After the third day Main Boy was a walking zombie- we felt so guilty everyone chipped in for a hefty tip. Also this concise paragraph on tipping is mentioned in this particular blog post, which answers many questions that have been asked here in recent days. “How much you tip will also depend on whether it is for short time or long time. Short time can be as little as an hour (or however quickly you can finish up) to several hours, but not over night. Short time bar boys sum it up with, “you cum, I go.” Long time usually means over night. Not all guys want to spend the night. Could be you, could be they have friends waiting, could be they have to get home to their wife. Longtime usually finishes with or at breakfast. Though if it also covers spending the day together, well, that’s really a different proposition and you then have to take into account whether you are offing him for another night. If not, he still needs time to go home, take a nap, clean up, eat his type of food, and get back to work.” Click to keep reading: “How Much Is That Puppy In The Window: The Cost of A Night With A Gogo Boy In Thailand” https://bangkokbois.sawatdeenetwork.com/2011/02/25/how-much-is-that-puppy-in-the-window-the-cost-of-a-night-with-a-gogo-boy-in-thailand/
  8. I mentioned in a previous post that I was having a good time reading the archive of Bangkokbois’ blog. I was not active on these forums when the author was still alive but am one of those who benefited from the kind souls over at Sawatdee Gay who continue to host the site. Apart from the advice on this forum, I recall being edified by his various instructional posts for newbies to Bangkok’s gogo bar scene. Given the number of recent threads here asking about tipping, long time, etc I thought I would post a few of my favourites here - to help those who don’t have as much time to sift through the backlog. Although written between 2011-2015 or thereabouts, much of the information is still incredibly relevant. Having a long term boyfriend from the bars (Noom- anyone know what ever happened to him?) he has a unique insight into some of the quirks and mental assumptions that Thai barboys have. Given that I particularly enjoy forming friendships with barboys that I have a certain amount of chemistry with, as do a couple of my friends, I have found some of these posts enlightening, humorous and outright “LOL so this really isn’t an urban myth!” after experiencing some amusing boy peccadillo first hand. A couple of things to note are that his cited prices (actual baht value) are slightly out of date, though tips have inflated less over 5 years than you would expect. And quoting a tip outright is no longer a sign of bad behaviour but almost standard practice now amongst boys if you ask. I notice it is mainly the older ones who have been working the scene for many years who still say “up to you” as they were taught as rookies - the rest state their expectations outright now.
  9. Noticed Fluke and York are not in the line up. Hope they have not stopped working.
  10. Were the bars crowded in general? How is high season doing this year?
  11. Not only Botox....
  12. Nicky had some “help” with his face. Oh dear I am afraid of bursting DrimVoiz’s infatuation if I give more details!
  13. These are slightly closer to life
  14. Ha, I was trying hard to find a link to this video to share....Enjoy! https://twitter.com/Colorina433/status/1076279511933685761?s=20
  15. I recently made it a personal goal to try and read all entries on the now defunct Bangkokbois (RIP) blog, which has helped to make the many hours spent in airport transit far more entertaining. Appropriately for today, resurrecting a Christmas post from 2011. Enjoy! Twas the night before Christmas, when all down the soi, Sex tourists were creeping, in search of a boy. Neon lights were all strung – god only knows how, While barkers yelled loudly their call of, “Show Now!” The boys were all listless, but strutting their stuff, Each a vision of youth, lined up in the buff. Mamasan was in drag, the captain in a tux, The boys were all wistful of making some bucks. When out on the soi arose such a clatter, The bar emptied out to see what was the matter. The barkers were shouting, the soi all astir, While at Maxi’s and Dick’s they all downed more liqueur. The moon over Bangkok, red lights all aglow, Brewed a promise of sex in the scene down below. When, what to their wondering eyes should appear, But a rare sight these days: a live customer! Avoiding the touts, he made quite a mad dash, And they knew right away it just might mean some cash. Mamasan got busy, big profits her aim, She shrilled out her orders, calling each boy by name. “Hey Somwang! You Sompong! Little Lek boy, Aek too! Now Tui, Wit and Mongon! Come On! All of you! Get up on the stage now! Get out of your clothes! Hurry up and look lively! Get into your rows!” The music began as the lights went to dim, The boys eyed the doorway; an old man stepped in. With an insincere wai, then an order of beer, The boys began dancing now that payday was here. With candle wax dripping, hard cocks to enjoy, Mamasan saw dollars, and asked, “You want boy?” The old man was drooling, abandoned to fate, “Too many to choose from, but I’ll try number eight.” “Where you from? Where you stay?” the cute bar boy cried. “ I tink I love you,” the cute bar boy then lied. The old man was smitten in a blink of the eye, “How much will this cost me?” “Up to you,” the reply. The show wasn’t over, live sex acts still on tap, “Tip Me!” screeched the boy fucking on the falang’s lap. “Everyting,” was the promise of what he could do, So the check bin was tallied, the off fee paid too. They strolled down the sidewalk: a straight boy, an old queer, It wasn’t a long walk, the hotel was quite near. Suriwongse has rooms, for rent by the hour, A quick dash upstairs, then into the shower. With lights turned down low – this bar boy was sure modest! It took near forever, to get him undressed. The blue pill kicked in, the falang started to stroke, Then pointed at his cock, and gently asked, “Sa-moke?” The boy spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, He blew, then he sucked, and finished off with a jerk. Cleaning up with a tissue from head down to toes, And giving a nod, off the bed he then rose. His smile was heart melting, a quick kiss, just some lip, With a sweet gracious wai he accepted his tip. “Melly Clitmas to you,” he said at the door, “I tink I take taxi, please 500 baht more?” Wishing You, Yours – and the guy you paid to spend the night with – A Very Warm and Merry Christmas!
  16. Merry Christmas to you sglad and all forum members!
  17. Bless you for this post bobsaigon, very timely for Christmas. I have similar thoughts on occasion with the two boys I consider my favourites. While I don’t plan to be a long term sugar daddy, had either of them indicated in the slightest they would like to exit the bar lifestyle, I would have done my level best to help. I’ve gently hinted I would be happy to sponsor language courses or other courses to allow them to retrain for a new career. Sadly I think the money boy lifestyle is pervasive - they earn good tips, enjoy the social aspect, partying and drinking on a customer’s tab, waking up late, wasting their afternoons before the bar opens. Their only job requirement is to keep themselves looking attractive, not hard when you are a vain Thai boy in your 20s. They not only enjoy the life, they are good at it. One boy has been a money boy for seven years and has no inclination to try any other pursuit. The most I can do for them is ensure they receive a level of respect and good treatment with me. Tip-wise, I try to be as generous as I can (within reason) to buy them a measure of financial security for that week/month. And I am not so deluded as to think if I do not give them my “business” all the evils will fade away and they will return to being happy farming lads. So I - as I am sure all our members do here - just try to be the best custom we can be, and leave it at that.
  18. Moonlight models in a conga line Christmas rehearsal. From right to left, Atom, Tae, Babe, Tam, Fluke, and two of the new models Smart and Mark. Well I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am having visions of this f*ck train coming down my chimney on Christmas morn!
  19. Deleted - I made a comment thinking he was a different boy. Had a look at the Twitter, he is delightful. Edit; and some very explicit fucking videos too!
  20. Paborn, there is no firm train of logic behind it. As far as bedroom matters go, acting on an emotional bias (one that may appear unfounded to you, but is very real to me) is good enough reason. This was a deeply unpleasant off experience, not just in the early AM greediness but boy’s very calculating attitude from start to finish (apart from in the bar where he initially seemed fine). I am definitely one of the wordier posters on this forum but I didn’t see it necessary to delve into extensive detail that my experience with Vietnamese boys in general, not in offs but during bar drinks, etc (and hearing other Vietnamese offs by friends too) have been less than stellar, compared to Thai and particularly Burmese lads. I could be totally wrong but multiple forum posts have also mentioned poor experiences with Vietnamese, and that they have rings of boys teaching the other how to get away with doing the bare minimum while taking customers for a ride. A sour taste is a sour taste and I don’t feel the need to force myself to disprove the incident by trying other Vietnamese boys. It is not my intention to be the United Nations here, only to enjoy each off experience and if I think being guided by my own rules will help, so be it. This means less competition for other Vietnamese boy lovers anyway so equilibrium continues to be maintained!
  21. Hi. This is not an easy question to answer as it varies so much by each individual and each boy. I think it is VERY important to establish a sense of the boy, if you trust him, if you have chemistry. I personally do not long time a boy if I haven’t had previous short time or “medium time” with him before. If you do not have the luxury of having repeated offs with one boy, then make sure you are 100% pleased with what you see in the bar before offing. 2 rounds is fair but not guaranteed to happen (boy is not a sex machine after all), 3 or more deserves a bonus in addition to the tip. Thai boys are very affectionate and cuddly so chances are you will get to spoon and hug him to sleep. Breakfast company is not a big deal to me. The boys I see more regularly did not not stay to eat at first. They wanted to go home and sleep more or get their day started, Now they are comfortable enough to join me for breakfast. They will check their Facebook and messages from the previous night over breakfast and share the more interesting news and videos with me. It is fun rather than an ordeal, and they know this is part of the service for a good repeat customer following long time. If you really want to protect yourself, stay in a hotel that keeps the boy’s ID card while they are in your room. But I have never had any issues with Thai or Burmese boys. Early on, a Vietnam boy was borderline dishonest (I had purchased some nice snacks and pricey whisky in case we wanted a late night tipple and he took the whole lot home with him by leaving early in the morning) so I have stayed away from Vietnamese ever since. Plus he was one of those who lie about doing everything. This is of course still very different from actual theft of money or valuables. But this made me decide never to long time a boy I was offing for the first time.
  22. It is a pleasure to read this detailed report. I am on an extended business trip and spending much time sitting around in airports. Fantastic to have great reading material.
  23. Does he look familiar to anyone? Cambodian.
  24. If the models are too expensive for you, try this guy “Kong”. His face is not as handsome as the models but his body is just as solidly muscular. He also takes part in the big cock show.
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