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Everything posted by hank75

  1. I will investigate his bank account situation, like most of you suggest, perhaps just helping him open a proper savings account and setting him up with a ATM card could be the way to go.
  2. I have mixed feelings about gold. I never knew much about gold (and Thais’ love for it) until I accompanied a friend to buy sin sod for his girl. Frankly I was appalled at how much extra you had to pay for “workmanship”. Basically if you pawned the stuff you would get back far less than the actual sale price, seems like a raw deal to me. If this boy likes gold, it might be a good idea though, like a wearable bank account. But I’ve never seen him sporting any gold or suggesting he wants gold, even though he has plenty of wealthy admirers who have previously bought him 10-20k value gifts such as designer sneakers (which he gave to his brother, thereby greatly upsetting the customer LOL). And I know he’s been involved in bar brawls where I can easily see a nice gold chain being yanked off.
  3. Firstly thank you for all the great replies. Lots to mull over. Yes I was thinking in terms of a bank-backed debit card / cash card under Visa or MasterCard that could be topped up in cash value. I’ve heard of this in under countries but not so much in Thailand. Interestingly, Kasikorn Bank offers a virtual credit card (just a string of numbers, no card) for online purchases. Thaivisa forum has yielded some interesting information, I shall keep trawling. But increasingly it seems like my so-called bright idea may not pan out. For boys who travel, I believe the customer purchases the ticket following agreement with the boy and sends him flight details by email/Line. They are surprisingly vulnerable, no credit cards, data roaming, little cash, unable to read English and sometimes put on to China air carriers where flight attendants do not speak Thai or English - I was amazed at how trusting they were, boarding a plane with little more than faith they would be collected and looked after at the other end. Yes I agree, some boys are completely fearless and business savvy - within 15 minutes landing and they are advertising on Grindr. But not all of them are like that. Probably deep in the closet. LOL. While I am not old, I definitely came out later than most. But the truth of the matter is, I was very fortunate to be mentored in many ways by older boyfriends and even casual hook ups. They looked out for my safety when my curiosity took me into unsavory areas or situations. So I quite enjoy being able to fulfil this role for boys now, even just as a well meaning customer.
  4. I know this reads along the lines of “a fool and his money are soon parted”, but if I hadn’t personally witnessed this boy’s prudent money management, I would not think of offering him a birthday present like this. And my reasoning is more practical than it appears - he’s been talking about customers who are offering to bring him abroad, or saving up to join friends on a visit to a neighboring country. I think it would be good to have a credit card on hand that he could use to make bookings online or, in case of an emergency, get himself home. I don’t plan to keep topping the card up for him and I’m pretty sure once he learns how to do it himself, he’ll take over the card management. It’s just that I don’t think he’s even considered it was a possibility for him to have a card of his own, given his unstable income and lack of salary documents.
  5. Has anyone gotten one of these for a boy? I read somewhere it was possible. Would like to get a boy a card loaded up with 10-15k baht as a birthday present. He’s moving into late 20s and never had a credit card, even when he’s invited to travel by customers- it would be good for him to have one in case of emergencies.
  6. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Although a big supporter of staying in as nice a hotel as you can afford - a word of caution about staying in suite rooms (bedroom and separate living room). Just be very careful this does not expose you to theft - boy going through your belongings while you are busy or distracted in the other room, answering the door, etc. This has happened to a friend NOT in Thailand, I hasten to add. Generally unless I am staying with a regular whom I know very well (or planning an orgy???? Just kidding) having all that extra space might be more hassle than it’s worth. Thai boys are 99.9999% honest and we have discussed safety in other threads (consensus: most members feel perfectly safe). But why expose them to temptation?
  7. They’ve announced the Songkran special will be 11-16 April though? Possibly Drim is correct and it’s some kind of anniversary party. My friend’s regular Moonlight boy says they’re in the midst of learning new routines and the boys have been asked to try and not take holidays until after Songkran.
  8. A mystery...my friend asked a Moonlight mamasan exactly what the “Grand Opening” was all about, and his reply was that the owner was keeping it a secret. Maybe Moonlight and Jupiter really ARE merging. Or a merge with Hot Male?
  9. hank75

    BKK newbie

    A wonderful and informative post by CurtisD. I would add that, if offing a boy as company rather than just for bedroom action, it is important to consider a couple of things. How is his English, can he converse? More importantly is he a lively, outgoing sort who enjoys being taken out and is willing to be a good companion? I have made the mistake of assuming a boy who spoke good English would also be a good companion since we had a chance of sustaining a conversation...I have since learned that the two do not necessarily go hand in hand.
  10. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Is this in Bangkok or Pattaya?
  11. Let’s start with muscle session first, I think there is a high possibility he will agree for this very soon....the question is not “if” but “when” and “who” now...clock is ticking
  12. I believe this rumor/news came from me as I heard it from one of the staffers. Yes the two owners are friendly. But no I don’t think this will be a reality any time soon and definitely not by next month!
  13. hank75

    BKK newbie

    I didn’t mean the hotel Scooby. What I meant to say was, I have heard the muscle boys speak disparagingly about customers who try too hard to impress them, but are rude and overbearing despite flashing lots of cash and gifts. and the last part of your post confused me. If anything, they are very respectful and polite.
  14. Moonlight has just updated a Facebook photo to say “Grand Opening 7 April”. What opening? Haven’t they been opened for well over a year? Perhaps they are taking bids for Babe’s first gay off LOL
  15. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Very well said.
  16. hank75

    BKK newbie

    They do expect higher tips. Because they are aware they are good looking specimens and they have trained extraordinarily hard to achieve such muscle perfection. But in terms of being impressed by fancy hotels? Like everything else it comes down to the boy himself - and I have been pleasantly surprised to find that some of the older ones couldn’t care less. In fact they dislike/distrust overly flashy customers.
  17. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Perhaps my caveat would be, I usually do not disclose my hotel until AFTER the tip is agreed upon. And I repeat, I have never experienced a boy changing his expectations after discovering I stayed in a good hotel. As for those super star muscle boys, you might be surprised that they do not really care about where you stay. They’ve seen their fair share of good and bad hotels (ditto customers) and as long as you are reasonable and respectful, and fulfil their requested tip they do not tend to judge. In fact, being older (some are raising children), most of them are more skilled at thriftiness and money management than younger lads and are completely aware that a modest hotel does not always mean an empty bank account....and vice versa.
  18. Well if you make friends with him and persuade him, you could be his first! Now that’s a real thrill “de virginizing” Babe LOL
  19. hank75

    BKK newbie

    This is why I enjoy Stranger Bar, as mentioned by DivineMadman. I often encounter fellow punters with their boy special. Given how tiny the place is, quite often we have to share tables. Sometimes a conversation is struck, other times we merely eye up each other’s boys and trade winks/smiles when the boys are not looking. Great fun.
  20. hank75

    BKK newbie

    See you at breakfast then, vinapu.
  21. My friend has paid him 2000 for drinks and he was fine with it. Also very willing to pose for photos. Clothes on, sadly.
  22. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Baht. He was hired by a businessman to be a companion, but also to ‘entertain’ the businessman’s female clients. Edit: he is now at Moonlight but ex Jupiter. This happened when he worked at Jupiter.
  23. hank75

    BKK newbie

    By the way no one should be paying 8000 for W! That is inflated high season “fighting with Chinese tourists” pricing. W and Le Meridien can be had for around 5000 with some pre planning and use of booking sites. And for 4000 you can still get a lower tier 5 star or nice boutique. maybe one of the misconceptions is exactly how much people are paying to stay in 5 star- often less than you think!
  24. This could get ugly, very quickly!
  25. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Not to wade into this argument, but I’d like to point out that I’ve stayed in both price brackets and there is a difference, mainly to do with my own comfort, ease of mind and getting myself into a well deserved “holiday” mood. I didn’t take colmx’s post as judgmental and can fully see his perspective. But my preference has always been towards the nicer hotels. Why? I make a decent salary, really value my hard earned short visits to Bangkok (which give me a much needed mental and physical break) and don’t want to deal with the hassle of any hotel malfunctions which might put any of my 2 or 3 or 4 days out of kilter. These visits are usually sandwiched in between intense work periods and I NEED that little oasis of peace and enjoyment so as not to go stir crazy. If I was on a two or three week Bangkok trip where my only focus was boys, I would obviously opt for something more economical but I’ve simply never had the luxury of staying that long. I’ve often thought that I over spend on hotels. Also on food, on taking Grab instead of spending five minutes to negotiate a taxi meter, on drunkenly splashing out on drinks for myself and my boys. I admire those of you who have been prudent and are now enjoying a better retirement lifestyle for your savings. Am starting to consider how I can cut back in order to put more towards my retirement fund. But my point is- you will never understand others’ motivations nor where they penny pinch to give themselves some luxuries. So don’t shoot them down for it, please. For a first timer like BenG1000, I can absolutely see why he would want everything to go like clockwork and is willing to spend to make that happen. We already know nothing in Bangkok goes according to plan! So let the man have his comfort. To the main part of my post - boys and how they respond to expensive hotels. I have NEVER experienced a boy who sulked upon receiving an agreed upon tip (or a fair going rate) simply on the basis that I stay in a good hotel, and therefore should offer more. Boys know that tips are given based on service and chemistry. Instead I find they put their best foot forward if they believe I am a well-heeled customer (pun unintentional) as they hope for a second off, perhaps with a little extra the next time. The younger boys who are newer to the money boy business love taking selfies in a posh hotel - it boosts their status in the eyes of their mates. And they’re always delighted with the comfortable bed and roomy showers, it puts them in a good mood and sets the tone I find. Even helps me to persuade one or two to long time, with the temptation of trying an expensive hotel breakfast the following day. I find most of them posing for selfies next to the hot plates and juice station! It actually warms my heart that I can offer them this little pleasure (seeing a fancy hotel, being treated like a proper customer in the dining room) so they have racked up some experience for their future “careers”. At first shy and awkward on their initial visit, nothing delights me more than seeing a boy come back on my next trip and strut into breakfast like he owns the place. And, because I like older boys in general, these boys tend to be more experienced. They have been literally everywhere with wealthy Asian customers, even flown business class - a five star hotel means nothing to them. I was just told of a Moonlight model who was paid 100K to travel with a customer for 3 days. They gently put me off when I suggest ordering room service “room service no good, I bring you outside eat khao mun gai, my friend mother cooking”. So a 2 am jaunt for street food it is. Moral of my long ramble - if a boy is greedy, he will be greedy everywhere, hotel or no. Toss this one aside. If a boy is genuinely the lovely sort of boy you want to have with you, he will just try that much harder if he hopes to keep your business.
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